コード例 #1
 def pseudo_uebernehmen(self, name, zu_erfassen):
     pseudos = str(self.lineEditPseudo.text()).title().split(", ")
     pseudos = set(pseudos)
     for i in pseudos:
         if i and i.strip() != name.title().strip():
             res = []
             zu_lesen = "SELECT darsteller FROM pordb_darsteller WHERE darsteller = %s"
             self.lese_func = DBLesen(self, zu_lesen, i.strip().title())
             res = DBLesen.get_data(self.lese_func)
             if res:
                 messageBox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
                 messageBox.addButton(self.trUtf8("Yes"), QtGui.QMessageBox.AcceptRole)
                 messageBox.addButton(self.trUtf8("No"), QtGui.QMessageBox.RejectRole)
                 messageBox.setWindowTitle(i.strip().replace("'", "''").title() +self.trUtf8(": There is another actor in the database with this name."))
                 messageBox.setText(self.trUtf8("Do you want to add/change the actor anyway?"))
                 message = messageBox.exec_()
                 if message != 0:
                     return False
             checkpseudo = CheckPseudos(i.strip().title(), name.strip().title())
             check = CheckPseudos.check(checkpseudo)
             werte = []
             befehl = "INSERT INTO pordb_pseudo (pseudo, darsteller) VALUES (%s, %s)"
             if check and befehl not in zu_erfassen:
                 zu_erfassen.append([befehl, werte])
     return True