コード例 #1
 def test_literal_set(self):
     inp = "{true false 1.0 \"quote\"}"
     lexer = parser.get_lexer()
     p = parser.get_parser()
     res = p.parse(inp, lexer=lexer)
     assert isinstance(res, ast.LiteralSet)
     assert res.value == set([
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_branch_true_dead(self):
        "Test branch with the false branch being dead"
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)
        n = ast.Branch(f, t, cmp)

        # Should reduce to to the compare
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert r is cmp
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_ast.py プロジェクト: dungba88/pypred
    def test_branch(self):
        l = ast.Literal('a')
        r = ast.Literal('b')
        check = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, r)
        true = ast.Constant(True)
        false = ast.Constant(False)
        b = ast.Branch(check, true, false)

        assert b.evaluate(MockPred(), {'a': 2, 'b':1})

        res, ctx = b.analyze(MockPred(), {'a': 1, 'b':2})
        assert not res
        assert ctx.literals["a"] == 1
        assert ctx.literals["b"] == 2
        assert ctx.failed[-1].startswith("Right hand side")
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_both_dead(self):
        "Test removing a both node when one side is dead"
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        f = ast.Constant(False)

        # Should reduce to left
        n = ast.Both(t, f)
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert r is t

        # Should reduce to right
        n = ast.Both(f, t)
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert r is t
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_tiler.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
 def test_simple_pattern_value(self):
     l = ast.Literal('foo')
     r = ast.Constant(True)
     n = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, r)
     p = tiler.SimplePattern('types:CompareOperator AND ops:=',
             'types:Literal', 'types:Constant AND value:True')
     assert p.matches(n)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_min_change(self):
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        left = ast.LogicalOperator('or', t, f)
        right = ast.LogicalOperator('and', t, f)
        r = ast.LogicalOperator('or', left, right)

        # First pass will only replace the left and right
        # with constants, but will not cause 3 changes.
        r = optimizer.optimize(r, max_pass=10, min_change=3)

        assert isinstance(r, ast.LogicalOperator)
        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == True
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == False
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_ast.py プロジェクト: dungba88/pypred
 def test_litset_eval(self):
     s = ast.LiteralSet([ast.Constant(True), ast.Literal('a'), ast.Literal('b')])
     ctx = ast.EvalContext(MockPred(), {'a': 2, 'b': False})
     res = s.eval(ctx)
     assert isinstance(res, frozenset)
     assert True in res
     assert False in res
     assert 2 in res
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_ast.py プロジェクト: dungba88/pypred
    def test_cached_node_sets_cache(self):
        c = ast.Constant(False)
        n = ast.CachedNode(c, 0)

        ctx = ast.EvalContext(MockPred(), {})

        assert not n.eval(ctx)
        assert not ctx.cached_res[0]
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_and_replace(self):
        "Test AND -> False"
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('and', t, f)

        # Should reduce to False
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert isinstance(r, ast.Constant)
        assert r.value == False

        # Should reduce to False
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('and', f, t)
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert isinstance(r, ast.Constant)
        assert r.value == False
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_negate(self):
        "Test negation static analysis"
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        n = ast.NegateOperator(t)

        # Should reduce to False
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert isinstance(r, ast.Constant)
        assert r.value == False

        # Should reduce to True
        n = ast.NegateOperator(f)
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert isinstance(r, ast.Constant)
        assert r.value == True
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_or_replace(self):
        "Test OR -> True"
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('or', t, f)

        # Should reduce to True
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert isinstance(r, ast.Constant)
        assert r.value == True

        # Should reduce to True
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('or', f, t)
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert isinstance(r, ast.Constant)
        assert r.value == True
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_both_all_false(self):
        "Test removing a both node when both sides are false"
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        n = ast.Both(f, f)

        # Should reduce to False
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert isinstance(r, ast.Constant)
        assert r.value == False
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_push_result(self):
        "Test false push result"
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        n = ast.PushResult(None, f)

        # Should reduce to False
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert isinstance(r, ast.Constant)
        assert r.value == False
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_ast.py プロジェクト: dungba88/pypred
 def test_litset_static(self):
     s = ast.LiteralSet([ast.Constant(True), ast.Literal('\"a\"')])
     pred = MockPred()
     ctx = ast.EvalContext(pred, {'a': 2, 'b': False})
     res = s.eval(ctx)
     assert s.static
     assert isinstance(res, set)
     assert True in res
     assert "a" in res
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_ast.py プロジェクト: dungba88/pypred
    def test_push(self):
        p = ast.PushResult(True, ast.Constant(True))
        class TestSet(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.res = []
            def push_match(self, m):

        testset = TestSet()
        assert p.evaluate(testset, {})
        assert testset.res == [True]
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_or_dead(self):
        "Tests removing OR with dead branch"
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('or', f, cmp)

        # Should reduce to to the compare
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert r is cmp
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_optimizer.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_and_dead_right(self):
        "Tests removing AND with dead branch, right side"
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('and', cmp, t)

        # Should reduce to to the compare
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert r is cmp
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_merge.py プロジェクト: moaazsidat/pypred
    def test_names(self):
        n1 = ast.Literal("foo")
        assert ("Literal", "foo") == merge.node_name(n1)
        n2 = ast.Number(12)
        assert ("Number", 12) == merge.node_name(n2)
        n3 = ast.Constant(True)
        assert ("Constant", True) == merge.node_name(n3)
        n4 = ast.Regex("^tubez$")
        assert ("Regex", "^tubez$") == merge.node_name(n4)
        n5 = ast.Undefined()
        assert "Undefined" == merge.node_name(n5)
        n6 = ast.Empty()
        assert "Empty" == merge.node_name(n6)

        # Negate does not emit the operator!
        n7 = ast.NegateOperator(n3)
        assert ("Constant", True) == merge.node_name(n7)

        n8 = ast.CompareOperator('=', n1, n2)
        n8_name = merge.node_name(n8)
        assert ("CompareOperator", "=", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Number",
                                                             12)) == n8_name
        n8_static = merge.node_name(n8, True)
        assert ("CompareOperator", "equality", ("Literal", "foo"),
                ("Number", "static")) == n8_static

        n9 = ast.MatchOperator(n1, n4)
        n9_name = merge.node_name(n9)
        assert ("MatchOperator", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Regex",
                                                      "^tubez$")) == n9_name
        n10 = ast.ContainsOperator(n1, n2)
        n10_name = merge.node_name(n10)
        assert ("ContainsOperator", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Number",
                                                         12.0)) == n10_name

        # Logical operator returns literal!
        n11 = ast.LogicalOperator('and', n1, n3)
        n11_name = merge.node_name(n11)
        assert ("Literal", "foo") == n11_name

        # Literal set just uses name
        n12 = ast.LiteralSet([n1, n2])
        n12_name = merge.node_name(n12)
        assert "LiteralSet" == n12_name
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_compact.py プロジェクト: stuntgoat/pypred
    def test_names(self):
        n1 = ast.Literal("foo")
        assert ("Literal", "foo") == compact.node_name(n1)

        n2 = ast.Number(12)
        assert ("Number", 12) == compact.node_name(n2)

        n3 = ast.Constant(True)
        assert ("Constant", True) == compact.node_name(n3)

        n4 = ast.Regex("^tubez$")
        assert ("Regex", "^tubez$") == compact.node_name(n4)

        n5 = ast.Undefined()
        assert "Undefined" == compact.node_name(n5)

        n6 = ast.Empty()
        assert "Empty" == compact.node_name(n6)

        n7 = ast.NegateOperator(n3)
        assert ("NegateOperator", ("Constant", True)) == compact.node_name(n7)

        n8 = ast.CompareOperator('=', n1, n2)
        n8_name = compact.node_name(n8)
        assert ("CompareOperator", "=", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Number",
                                                             12)) == n8_name

        n9 = ast.MatchOperator(n1, n4)
        n9_name = compact.node_name(n9)
        assert ("MatchOperator", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Regex",
                                                      "^tubez$")) == n9_name

        n10 = ast.ContainsOperator(n1, n2)
        n10_name = compact.node_name(n10)
        assert ("ContainsOperator", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Number",
                                                         12.0)) == n10_name

        n11 = ast.LogicalOperator('and', n1, n3)
        n11_name = compact.node_name(n11)
        assert ("LogicalOperator", "and", ("Literal", "foo"),
                ("Constant", True)) == n11_name
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_ast.py プロジェクト: dungba88/pypred
 def test_iterall_true(self):
     c1 = ast.Constant(False)
     c2 = ast.Constant(True)
     n = ast.Both(c1, c2)
     assert n.evaluate(MockPred(), {}) == True
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_ast.py プロジェクト: dungba88/pypred
 def test_both_false(self):
     c1 = ast.Constant(False)
     c2 = ast.Constant(False)
     n = ast.Both(c1, c2)
     assert n.evaluate(MockPred(), {}) == False
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_ast.py プロジェクト: dungba88/pypred
 def test_bad_constant(self):
     a = ast.Constant(42)
     valid, info = a.validate()
     assert not valid
     assert "Invalid Constant" in info["errors"][0]