def transform(self, srid_dest: int = None) -> BaseGeometry: crs_orig = pyproj.CRS(f'EPSG:{self.__class__.srid()}') crs_dest = pyproj.CRS(f'EPSG:{srid_dest}') project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(crs_orig, crs_dest, always_xy=True).transform return transform(project, self.get_base_geom())
def get_distance_to_closest_road(self, lat, lon): ''' Returns the distance in metres from the nearest road - 1km radius i.e. closest road type, closest distance, ''' try: G = ox.graph_from_point((lat, lon), dist=1000, network_type='drive') gdf = ox.graph_to_gdfs(G, nodes=False, fill_edge_geometry=True) gdf.to_crs(epsg=3310, inplace=True) gdf = gdf.reset_index( ) ## to ensure the values of u & v are in the columns # convert point to utm in order to get distance in metres wgs84_pt = Point(lon, lat) wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') utm = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:3310') project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, utm, always_xy=True).transform utm_point = transform(project, wgs84_pt) roads = gdf[['geometry', 'u', 'v', 'highway']].values.tolist() roads_with_distances = [(road, utm_point.distance(road[0])) for road in roads] roads_with_distances = sorted(roads_with_distances, key=lambda x: x[1]) closest_road = roads_with_distances[0] closest_distance = round(closest_road[1], 2) except Exception as ex: #closest_road_type = None closest_distance = None print(ex) return closest_distance
def convert_crs_point(point_x, point_y, in_proj, out_proj): """ Change the coordinate system of a lat, lon point. Parameters ---------- point_x : int Longitude coordinate. point_y : int Latitude coordinate. in_proj : str Coordinate system to transform from. out_proj : str Coordinate system to transform to. Returns ---------- AoI_point : shapely Point Lat, lon point in new coordinate system. """ in_pt = Point(point_x, point_y) in_proj = pyproj.CRS(in_proj) out_proj = pyproj.CRS(out_proj) project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(in_proj, out_proj, always_xy=True).transform AoI_point = transform(project, in_pt) return AoI_point
def count_bus_stops(mlon, mlat, bus_dict): ''' Делаем подсчет автобусных остановок в радиусе 500м от метро На вход берем координаты стани=ции метро и словарь с координатами автобусных остановок В функции сначала преобразовываем координаты (в градусах) из СК WGS84 (EPSG:4326) в СК World Mercator (EPSG:3395) в метрах Затем ищем расстояние между точками. Если расстояние <=500м, то увеличиваем счетчик станций Вывод - количество автобусных остановок около метро ''' count_bus = 0 # Точка метро, преобразовываем в геометрический объект wgs84_metro = Point(mlat, mlon) wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') # параметры СК WGS84 mercmetr = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:3395') # параметры СК World Mercator project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( wgs84, mercmetr, always_xy=True ).transform # параметры трансформации СК из WGS84 в World Mercator # Трансформируем координаты метро metro_merc_proj = transform(project, wgs84_metro) #Начинаме обход словаря со всеми остановками for bbuss in list(bus_dict.keys()): wgs84_bus = Point(bus_dict[bbuss]['lat'], bus_dict[bbuss]['lon']) # Трансформируем координаты автобусной остановки bus_merc_proj = transform(project, wgs84_bus) # Ищем расстояние между точками метро и автобусной остановкой, если <=500м, то мы увеличивает счетчик остановок на 1 if metro_merc_proj.distance(bus_merc_proj) <= 500.0: count_bus += 1 return count_bus
def edge_detection(tiffs, refgeoms): logger = logging.getLogger('root') wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') utm = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:32724') utm2wgs84 = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(utm, wgs84, always_xy=True).transform for abs_path in tiffs: tif_filename = os.path.split(abs_path)[-1] productName = '_'.join(tif_filename[:-4].split('_')[:9]) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(edgeOut, productName, tif_filename[:-4] + '_projected_edges.finished')) | os.path.exists( os.path.join( edgeOut, productName, tif_filename[:-4] + '_NA_SAR.finished')): continue id = edge_classification(tif_filename) if id == -1: open( os.path.join(edgeOut, productName, tif_filename[:-4] + '_NA_SAR.finished'), 'w').close() continue skeleton, out_transform = morphological_transformations( tif_filename, refgeoms[int(id)], utm2wgs84) geojson_file_name = save_edge_coordinates(skeleton, tif_filename, out_transform) open( os.path.join(edgeOut, productName, tif_filename[:-4] + '_projected_edges.finished'), 'w').close()
def transform_coordinates(x, y, epsg_in, epsg_out): """ Transform between any coordinate system. **Requires `pyproj`** - install using pip. Args: x : float / 1D array x coordinates (may be in degrees or metres/eastings) y : float / 1D array y coordinates (may be in degrees or metres/northings) epsg_in : int CRS of x and y coordinates epsg_out : int CRS of output Returns: x_out : float / list of floats x coordinates projected in `epsg_out` y_out : float / list of floats y coordinates projected in `epsg_out` """ import pyproj proj_in = pyproj.CRS("EPSG:" + str(epsg_in)) proj_out = pyproj.CRS("EPSG:" + str(epsg_out)) transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(proj_in, proj_out, always_xy=True) return transformer.transform(x, y)
def get_distance_to_closest_trunk(self, lat, lon): ''' Returns the distance in metres from the nearest trunk road - 10km radius ''' try: G = ox.graph_from_point((lat, lon), dist=30000, network_type='drive') gdf = ox.graph_to_gdfs(G, nodes=False, fill_edge_geometry=True) gdf.to_crs(epsg=3310, inplace=True) new_gdf = gdf[gdf['highway'] == 'trunk'] if new_gdf.shape[0] == 0: closest_distance = None else: wgs84_pt = Point(lon, lat) wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') utm = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:3310') project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, utm, always_xy=True).transform utm_point = transform(project, wgs84_pt) roads = new_gdf[['geometry', 'u', 'v']].values.tolist() roads_with_distances = [(road, utm_point.distance(road[0])) for road in roads] roads_with_distances = sorted(roads_with_distances, key=lambda x: x[1]) closest_road = roads_with_distances[0] closest_distance = round(closest_road[1], 2) except: closest_distance = None return closest_distance
def post(self): """ Return the area of a polygon in m² """ try: # projection = partial( # pyproj.transform, # pyproj.Proj('epsg:4269'), # pyproj.Proj('epsg:5070') # ) projection = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(pyproj.CRS("epsg:4326"), pyproj.CRS("epsg:5070"), always_xy=True).transform return transform(projection, Polygon( request.json["geometry"]["coordinates"])).area except Exception as err: abort( HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, message="The GeoJSON polygon couldn't be processed.", error=err, )
def calib_params_closest_point(multipoint, selected_rows, lat_lon_file, calib_file, outfile): """ calib_params_closest_point finds the closest calibration points to the lat,lon test points in the area of interest. :param multipoint: shapely multipoint object of the calibrated points :param selected_rows: row numbers of calibrated points (based on input csv file) :param lat_lon_file: csv file with the point geometry objects of the test points in the area of interest :param calib_file: csv file with the parameters for each calibrated point :param outfile: name of csv file with the parameters of the closest calibration points to the test points """ points_df = pd.read_csv(lat_lon_file, index_col=None) full_calibration_df = pd.read_csv(calib_file, index_col=None) closest_points_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=full_calibration_df.columns[1:]) # add extra lat lon columns closest_points_df['lat_test'] = "" closest_points_df['lon_test'] = "" closest_points_df['lat_calib'] = "" closest_points_df['lon_calib'] = "" points_df['geometry'] = points_df['geometry'].apply(wkt.loads) points_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(points_df, crs='epsg:4326') for i in range(len(points_df)): #point = Point(515854, 4.551284e+06) wgs84_pt = points_gdf['geometry'][i] # reproject point AoI_proj = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:32633') wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, AoI_proj, always_xy=True).transform AoI_point = transform(project, wgs84_pt) # this prints out the point closest to our list of points closest_cal_point = nearest_points(multipoint, AoI_point)[0] # note that Z is not the altitude but the row number in the initial dataframe... need to figure out a better way to factor this in. calibration_params_index = list(selected_rows[ selected_rows['X'] == closest_cal_point.x].index.values) calibration_parameters_selection = int( selected_rows['Z'][calibration_params_index]) calibration_parameters = full_calibration_df.iloc[[ calibration_parameters_selection ]] # save the parameters to a new file with only the point we want calibration_parameters = calibration_parameters.drop( calibration_parameters.columns[[0]], axis=1) closest_points_df.loc[i] = calibration_parameters.iloc[0] closest_points_df['lat_test'].loc[i] = AoI_point.y closest_points_df['lon_test'].loc[i] = AoI_point.x closest_points_df['lat_calib'].loc[i] = closest_cal_point.y closest_points_df['lon_calib'].loc[i] = closest_cal_point.x closest_points_df.to_csv(outfile, index=False)
def wgs2laea(p): wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') rd = pyproj.CRS( '+proj=laea +lat_0=51 +lon_0=9.5 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs' ) project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, rd, always_xy=True) p = transform(project.transform, p) return (p)
def convert_coordinates(lon, lat): # Define the Rijksdriehoek projection system (EPSG 28992) wgs84=pyproj.CRS(source_epsg) # LatLon with WGS84 datum used by GPS units and Google Earth utm_12N=pyproj.CRS(dest_epsg) # UK Ordnance Survey, 1936 datum lon, lat = pyproj.transform(wgs84, utm_12N, lat, lon) return lon, lat
def handleNearestOSMWays(lat, lon, type): """ @param lat: @param lon: @param type: @return: """ # see: # Doc: # Create overpass API connection, with a timeout time api = overpass.API(timeout=15) # see: # Set GCS and projection to be applied: EPSG:3310 NAD83 / California Albers, units are meters wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') calAlb = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:3310') # Create transformation object project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, calAlb, always_xy=True).transform # transform input coord to PCS, shapely takes coords in X,Y inputCoord = transform(project, Point(float(lon), float(lat))) # Dict that holds results resDict = {} # radius list, meters radList = (10, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000) for rad in radList: # print(f"trying search radius: {rad}") # around query # req expression : # Get nearest road, result will always be used: roadQ = api.get(f'way["tiger:cfcc"]["name"][!"cycleway"](around:{rad},{lat},{lon})', verbosity='geom') # print(f"Len is: {len(roadQ.features)}") # Check if a road was found, if not go to the next radius, always want a road result if len(roadQ.features) > 0: # print("Populating Dict!") resDict = {} nearestRoad = getNearestWay(roadQ, project, inputCoord) resDict["Road"] = nearestRoad # print(nearestRoad) if type == "Road_Cycling": # Same as road query but can include cycling ways, bike paths, etc cycleQ = api.get(f'way["highway"]["name"](around:{rad},{lat},{lon})', verbosity='geom') nearestRoute = getNearestWay(cycleQ, project, inputCoord) resDict["Route"] = nearestRoute # elif type in ("MTB", "Walk", "Hike", "Trail"): elif type in ['Toro Park','Fort Ord', 'UCSC Trails', 'Soquel Demo','Kern Canyon']: # same as road query but can catch all types of named ways trailQ = api.get(f'way["name"](around:{rad},{lat},{lon})', verbosity='geom') nearestTrail = getNearestWay(trailQ, project, inputCoord) resDict["Route"] = nearestTrail else: resDict["Route"] = [None,None] return resDict return ["No Nearby Road!", "999999"]
def mp2pm(boxs, m1, prj1, prj2, m2, t1=lambda x: x, t2=lambda x: x): p1 = osr.SpatialReference() p1.ImportFromProj4(pyproj.CRS(prj1).to_proj4()) p2 = osr.SpatialReference() p2.ImportFromProj4(pyproj.CRS(prj2).to_proj4()) box = t1([:, 1:], np.array(boxs).T) + m1[:, :1]) ct = osr.CoordinateTransformation(p1, p2) box = t2(np.array(ct.TransformPoints(box.T)).T) return[:, 1:]), box[:2] - m2[:, :1]).T '''
def setup_method(self): self.osgb = pyproj.CRS(27700) self.wgs = pyproj.CRS(4326) self.geoms = [Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)] self.polys = [ Polygon([(random.random(), random.random()) for i in range(3)]) for _ in range(10) ] self.arr = from_shapely(self.polys, crs=27700)
def draw_ruler(raster, left, top, right, bot, step, crs, font, color, w, dh): img = Image.fromarray(raster) d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) def f(x, dir=0): v = raster.shape[1-dir] if x<0: return v+x if isinstance(x, int): return x if isinstance(x, float): return int(v*x) left, top, right, bot = f(left), f(top,1), f(right), f(bot,1) d.rectangle([left, top, right, bot], outline=color, width=w) pts = np.array([(left,top),(right,top),(right,bot),(left,bot)]) prj1, prj2 = pyproj.CRS(, pyproj.CRS(crs) ct = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(prj1, prj2, always_xy=True) pts =[:,1:], pts.T) + raster.mat[:,:1] xs, ys = ct.transform(*pts) a, b = int(xs[0]//step), int(xs[1]//step) tab = [i*step for i in range(a+1, b+1)] nps = ct.transform(tab, np.linspace(ys[0], ys[1], len(tab)), direction='INVERSE') nps =[:,1:]), nps - raster.mat[:,:1]) font = ImageFont.truetype(*font) for x,e in zip(nps[0],tab): d.line([int(x), top, int(x), top-dh], color, w) tw, th = d.textsize('%d°E'%e, font) d.text((int(x-tw//2), top-dh-th*1.2), '%d°E'%e, font=font, fill=color) a, b = int(xs[3]//step), int(xs[2]//step) tab = [i*step for i in range(a+1, b+1)] nps = ct.transform(tab, np.linspace(ys[3], ys[2], len(tab)), direction='INVERSE') nps =[:,1:]), nps - raster.mat[:,:1]) for x,e in zip(nps[0],tab): d.line([int(x), bot, int(x), bot+dh], color, w) tw, th = d.textsize('%d°E'%e, font) d.text((int(x-tw//2), bot+dh+th*0.0), '%d°E'%e, font=font, fill=color) a, b = int(ys[3]//step), int(ys[0]//step) tab = [i*step for i in range(a+1, b+1)] nps = ct.transform(np.linspace(xs[3], xs[0], len(tab)), tab, direction='INVERSE') nps =[:,1:]), nps - raster.mat[:,:1]) for y,n in zip(nps[1],tab): d.line([left, int(y), left-dh, int(y)], color, w) tw, th = d.textsize('%d°N'%n, font) d.text((left-dh-tw-th*0.2, int(y-th*3/5)), '%d°N'%n, font=font, fill=color) a, b = int(ys[2]//step), int(ys[1]//step) tab = [i*step for i in range(a+1, b+1)] nps = ct.transform(np.linspace(xs[2], xs[1], len(tab)), tab, direction='INVERSE') nps =[:,1:]), nps - raster.mat[:,:1]) for y,n in zip(nps[1],tab): d.line([right, int(y), right+dh, int(y)], color, w) tw, th = d.textsize('%d°N'%n, font) d.text((right+dh+th*0.2, int(y-th*3/5)), '%d°N'%n, font=font, fill=color) raster[:] = np.array(img)
def _read_geojson_crs(geojson: Dict) -> pyproj.CRS: #so actually geojson has no crs, it's always lat lon, need to check what gdal does... crs = geojson.get('crs', {}).get("properties", {}).get("name") # TODO: what's the deal with this deprecated "init"? if crs == None: return pyproj.CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) elif crs.startswith("urn:ogc:"): return pyproj.CRS(crs) else: return pyproj.CRS({'init': crs})
def set_crs(gdf, crs='epsg:28992'): if == None: = crs else: if hasattr(pyproj, 'CRS'): update_crs = not pyproj.CRS( else: update_crs = pyproj.Proj( != pyproj.Proj(crs).srs if update_crs: gdf = gdf.to_crs(crs) return gdf
def set_crs(gdf, crs=sources['default_crs']): if == None: = crs else: if hasattr(pyproj, 'CRS'): update_crs = not pyproj.CRS( else: update_crs = pyproj.Proj( != pyproj.Proj(init=crs).srs if update_crs: gdf = gdf.to_crs(crs) return gdf
def tile_generator(self, polygon, zoom=14): wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') webMarcator = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:3857') project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, webMarcator, always_xy=True).transform polygon = transform(project, polygon) tiler = tileschemes.WebMercator() for t in tilecover.cover_geometry(tiler, polygon, zoom): # Keep tiles between Noth of Iceland and South of Americas if t.y > 4085 and t.y < 11200: yield [t.z, t.x, t.y]
def test_to_bng(): crs_4326 = pyproj.CRS("epsg:4326") bng = pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:27700") wgs84 = pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:4326") def project(lon, lat): return pyproj.transform(wgs84, bng, lon, lat) bng_new = pyproj.CRS("epsg:27700") project2 = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(crs_4326, bng_new).transform assert( project(-1.55532, 53.80474) == project2(53.80474, -1.55532) ) assert( project(-5.71808, 50.06942) == project2(50.06942, -5.71808) ) assert( project(-3.02516, 58.64389) == project2(58.64389, -3.02516) )
def set_crs(gdf, crs=sources['default_crs']): '''sets the coordinate reference system to a gdf if not specified''' if == None: = crs else: if hasattr(pyproj, 'CRS'): update_crs = not pyproj.CRS( else: update_crs = pyproj.Proj( != pyproj.Proj(crs).srs if update_crs: gdf = gdf.to_crs(crs) return gdf
def transform_crs(shp, from_crs): if from_crs == "WGS84" or from_crs == "" or from_crs is None: from_crs = "EPSG:4326" if from_crs != "EPSG:4326": wgs84 = pyproj.CRS("EPSG:4326") original_crs = pyproj.CRS(from_crs) project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(original_crs, wgs84, always_xy=True).transform return transform(project, shp) else: return shp
async def test_calculate_isochrone_single_scenario( client: AsyncClient, superuser_token_headers: Dict[str, str], db: AsyncSession ) -> None: superuser = await crud.user.get_by_key(db, key="email", value=settings.FIRST_SUPERUSER_EMAIL) obj_scenario = models.Scenario( scenario_name=random_lower_string(), user_id=superuser[0].id, study_area_id=superuser[0].active_study_area_id, ) scenario = await crud.scenario.create(db=db, obj_in=obj_scenario) scenario_ways_modified_features = [] for feature in isochrone_scenario_new_bridge["features"]: scenario_ways_modified_features.append(ScenarioWaysModifiedCreate(**feature)) await crud.scenario.create_scenario_features( db, superuser[0],, ScenarioLayerFeatureEnum.way_modified, ScenarioFeatureCreate( features=scenario_ways_modified_features, ), ) isochrone_scenario_comparision["scenario_id"] = r = await f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/isochrones/single", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=isochrone_scenario_comparision, ) response = r.json() assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300 assert len(response["features"]) > 0 assert len(response["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][0][0]) > 3 # Scenario geometry area should be greater than default geometry area when new feature is added project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( pyproj.CRS("EPSG:4326"), pyproj.CRS("EPSG:3857"), always_xy=True ).transform groups = defaultdict(list) for obj in response["features"]: obj["properties"]["area"] = transform(project, shape(obj["geometry"])).area groups[obj["properties"]["step"]].append(obj) for group, features in groups.items(): default_area = 0 scenario_area = 0 for feature in features: if feature["properties"]["modus"] == "default": default_area = feature["properties"]["area"] else: scenario_area = feature["properties"]["area"] assert scenario_area > default_area
def _transform_crs(crs_src: str, crs_dest: str, geom: BaseGeometry) -> BaseGeometry: """Reproject geometry Args: crs_src (str): Actual geometry CRS crs_dest (str): Destiny geometry CRS geom (shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): Shapely Geometry Returns: shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry: Shapely Geometry reprojected """ crs_src = pyproj.CRS(crs_src) crs_dest = pyproj.CRS(crs_dest) transform_fnc = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(crs_src, crs_dest).transform return transform(transform_fnc, geom)
def get_proj(prj_code): """ Helper method for handling projection codes that are unknown to pyproj Args: prj_code (str): an epsg proj code Returns: projection: a pyproj projection """ if prj_code in CUSTOM_PRJ: proj = pyproj.CRS(CUSTOM_PRJ[prj_code]) else: proj = pyproj.CRS(prj_code) return proj
def shp_to_vtk( shp_fn, vtk_fn, final_epsg, model_center, model_depth=0, x="latitude", y="longitude" ): model_east, model_north = project_points( model_center[0], model_center[1], pyproj.CRS("EPSG:4326"), pyproj.CRS(f"EPSG:{final_epsg}"), ) x, y, z = shape_to_points( shp_fn, final_epsg, model_east, model_north, model_depth=model_depth, x=x, y=y ) pointsToVTK(vtk_fn, y, x, z)
def get_flowgrid(catchment_geom, transformToRaster, transformToWGS84): """Use a 90 meter buffer of the local catchment to clip NHD Plus v2 flow direction raster""" print('start clip raster') with, 'r') as ds: # get raster crs dest_crs = # create wgs84 crs wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326') # check to see if raster is already wgs84 latlon = dest_crs == wgs84 # transform catchment geometry to use for clip projected_catchment_geom = transform_geom(transformToRaster, catchment_geom) # buffer catchment geometry by 90m before clipping flow direction raster buffer_projected_catchment_geom = GeometryCollection( [projected_catchment_geom.buffer(90)]) # clip input fd flwdir, flwdir_transform = rasterio.mask.mask( ds, buffer_projected_catchment_geom, crop=True) print('finish clip raster') # import clipped fdr into pyflwdir flw = pyflwdir.from_array(flwdir[0], ftype='d8', transform=flwdir_transform, latlon=latlon) return flw, flwdir_transform
def write_crs_cf(ds, crs=None, grid_mapping_name="crs"): crs = pyproj.CRS(crs if crs is not None else crs_cf = crs.to_cf() with suppress(KeyError): del ds.coords["spatial_ref"], grid_mapping_name=grid_mapping_name, inplace=True) ds[grid_mapping_name].attrs = crs_cf if crs.is_geographic: if "x" in ds: ds = ds.rename({"x": "longitude"}) if "y" in ds: ds = ds.rename({"y": "latitude"}) ds["longitude"].attrs.update(standard_name="longitude", units="degree_east") ds["latitude"].attrs.update(standard_name="latitude", units="degree_north") elif crs.is_projected: ds["x"].attrs.update(standard_name="projection_x_coordinate", long_name="Easting", units="m") ds["y"].attrs.update(standard_name="projection_x_coordinate", long_name="Northing", units="m") else: logger.warning( "CRS not geographic nor geocentric. Cannot set dim info") return ds
def get_coordinates(self): """{get_coordinates} The default implementation tries to find the lat/lon coordinates based on dataset.affine. It cannot determine the alt or time dimensions, so child classes may have to overload this method. """ # check to see if the coordinates are rotated used affine affine = self.dataset.transform if is not None: crs = elif isinstance(, and "init" in crs =["init"].upper() elif isinstance(, dict) and "init" in crs =["init"].upper() else: try: crs = pyproj.CRS( except pyproj.exceptions.CRSError: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected rasterio crs '%s'" % return Coordinates.from_geotransform(affine.to_gdal(), self.dataset.shape, crs)
def __init__(self, polygon_file,proj4_str = '+proj=lonlat +ellps=WGS84'): self.proj4 = proj4_str = pyproj.CRS(self.proj4) super(Reader, self).__init__() shore = np.loadtxt( polygon_file) # nan-delimited closed polygons for land and islands # Depth self.z = None self.xmin, self.ymin = np.nanmin(shore[:, 0]), np.nanmin(shore[:, 1]) self.xmax, self.ymax = np.nanmax(shore[:, 0]), np.nanmax(shore[:, 1]) # convert to xy self.xmin, self.ymin = self.lonlat2xy(self.xmin, self.ymin) self.xmax, self.ymax = self.lonlat2xy(self.xmax, self.ymax) # Loop through polygon to build MultiPolygon object # # make sure that start and end lines are [nan,nan] as well if not np.isnan(shore[0, 0]): shore = np.vstack(([np.nan, np.nan], shore)) if not np.isnan(shore[-1, 0]): shore = np.vstack((shore, [np.nan, np.nan])) id_nans = np.where(np.isnan(shore[:, 0]))[0] poly = [] for cnt, _id_i in enumerate(id_nans[:-1]): # The shapely.geometry.asShape() family of functions can be used to wrap Numpy coordinate arrays # poly.append( asPolygon(shore[id_nans[cnt] + 1:id_nans[cnt + 1] - 1, :])) # We can pass multiple Polygon -objects into our MultiPolygon as a list self.mask = MultiPolygon(poly) self.mask = shapely.prepared.prep(self.mask)