コード例 #1
    def test_serialize_string(self, input_val, expected):
        serializer = Serializer()

        actual_serial = serializer._serialize_string(input_val)
        assert actual_serial == expected
        actual_deserial = serializer._deserialize_string(actual_serial)
        assert actual_deserial == (input_val or "")
コード例 #2
    def test_create_host_info(self):
        serializer = Serializer()

        foreground_color = Color(value=Color.CYAN)
        background_color = Color(value=Color.RED)
        cursor_position = Coordinates(x=1, y=2)
        window_position = Coordinates(x=3, y=4)
        cursor_size = 10
        buffer_size = Size(height=10, width=20)
        window_size = Size(height=30, width=40)
        max_window_size = Size(height=50, width=60)
        max_physical_window_size = Size(height=70, width=80)
        window_title = "Random Window Title"

        ps_raw_ui = PSHostRawUserInterface(
            window_title, cursor_size, foreground_color, background_color,
            cursor_position, window_position, buffer_size,
            max_physical_window_size, max_window_size, window_size
        ps_ui = PSHostUserInterface(raw_ui=ps_raw_ui)
        ps_host = PSHost(None, None, False, None, None, ps_ui, None)

        host_info = HostInfo(host=ps_host)
        expected_xml = normalise_xml(self.HOST_XML)

        actual = serializer.serialize(host_info)
        actual_xml = normalise_xml(ET.tostring(actual))
        assert_xml_diff(actual_xml, expected_xml)
コード例 #3
    def test_serialize_circualr_reference(self):
        serializer = Serializer()
        obj = GenericComplexObject()
        obj.types = [
            "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ObjectId", "System.Object"
        obj.to_string = "com"
        obj.adapted_properties = {
            "OrgHierarchyToIgnore": None,
            "IsDeleted": False,
            "Parent": None,
            "Depth": 0,
            "DistinguishedName": "DC=com",
            "IsRelativeDn": False,
            "DomainId": obj,
            "Name": "com",
            "SecurityIdentifierString": None

        expected = \
            '<Obj RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>Microsoft.Exchange.Data.' \
            'Directory.ADObjectId</T><T>Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ObjectId</T>' \
            '<T>System.Object</T></TN><ToString>com</ToString><S>abc</S>' \
            '<Ref RefId="0" /><Props><I32 N="Depth">0</I32>' \
            '<S N="DistinguishedName">DC=com</S>' \
            '<Ref N="DomainId" RefId="0" /><B N="IsDeleted">false</B>' \
            '<B N="IsRelativeDn">false</B><S N="Name">com</S>' \
            '<Nil N="OrgHierarchyToIgnore" /><Nil N="Parent" />' \
            '<Nil N="SecurityIdentifierString" /></Props></Obj>'
        actual = serializer.serialize(obj)
        actual_xml = to_string(ET.tostring(actual))
        assert actual_xml == expected
コード例 #4
    def test_deserialize_circular_reference(self):
        serializer = Serializer()
        xml = '''<Obj N="DomainId" RefId="44">
    <TN RefId="6">
        <Nil N="OrgHierarchyToIgnore"/>
        <B N="IsDeleted">false</B>
        <Nil N="Parent"/>
        <I32 N="Depth">0</I32>
        <S N="DistinguishedName">DC=com</S>
        <B N="IsRelativeDn">false</B>
        <Ref N="DomainId" RefId="44"/>
        <S N="Name">com</S>
        <Nil N="SecurityIdentifierString"/>
        actual = serializer.deserialize(xml)
        assert str(actual) == "com"
        assert str(actual.adapted_properties["DomainId"]) == "com"
        assert actual.adapted_properties["DomainId"].types == [
            "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ObjectId", "System.Object"
コード例 #5
 def test_parse_message(self):
     xml = """<Obj RefId="0">
             <I64 N="ci">1</I64>
             <Obj N="mi" RefId="1">
                 <TN RefId="0">
             <Obj N="mp" RefId="2">
                 <TN RefId="1">
     serializer = Serializer()
     meta = ObjectMeta("Obj", object=RunspacePoolHostCall)
     actual = serializer.deserialize(xml, meta)
     assert actual.ci == 1
     assert str(actual.mi) == "ReadLine"
     assert isinstance(actual.mi, HostMethodIdentifier)
     assert actual.mi.value == 11
     assert actual.mp == []
コード例 #6
 def test_serialize_byte_string_py3(self):
     serialzier = Serializer()
     expected = "<BA>YWJj</BA>"
     actual = serialzier.serialize(b"abc")
     actual_xml = to_unicode(ET.tostring(actual))
     expected_xml = to_unicode(expected)
     assert actual_xml == expected_xml
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_serializer.py プロジェクト: jborean93/pypsrp
 def test_serialize_secure_string_no_cipher(self):
     serializer = Serializer()
     with pytest.raises(SerializationError) as err:
     assert str(
     ) == "Cannot generate secure string as cipher is not initialised"
コード例 #8
 def test_parse_message(self):
     xml = """<Obj RefId="11">
             <S N="mr">Line read from the host</S>
             <I64 N="ci">1</I64>
             <Obj N="mi" RefId="12">
                 <TN RefId="4">
     serializer = Serializer()
     meta = ObjectMeta("Obj", object=RunspacePoolHostResponse)
     actual = serializer.deserialize(xml, meta)
     assert actual.ci == 1
     assert actual.me is None
     assert str(actual.mi) == "ReadLine"
     assert isinstance(actual.mi, HostMethodIdentifier)
     assert actual.mi.value == 11
     assert actual.mr == "Line read from the host"
コード例 #9
    def test_create_pipeline_multiple(self):
        serializer = Serializer()

        command1 = Command(protocol_version="2.2")
        command1.cmd = "Set-Variable"
        command1.is_script = False
        command1.use_local_scope = False
        command1.end_of_statement = True
        command1.args = [
            CommandParameter(name="Name", value="var"),
            CommandParameter(name="Value", value="abc")

        command2 = Command(protocol_version="2.2")
        command2.cmd = "Get-Variable"
        command2.is_script = False
        command2.use_local_scope = False
        command2.args = [
            CommandParameter(name="Name", value="var"),
        command3 = Command(protocol_version="2.2")
        command3.cmd = "Write-Output"
        command3.is_script = False
        command3.use_local_scope = False

        pipeline = Pipeline()
        pipeline.is_nested = False
        pipeline.commands = [command1, command2, command3]
        pipeline.redirect_err_to_out = False

        expected_xml = normalise_xml(self.PIPE_MULTIPLE)

        actual = serializer.serialize(pipeline)
        actual_xml = normalise_xml(ET.tostring(actual))
        assert_xml_diff(actual_xml, expected_xml)
コード例 #10
 def test_parse_two_dimensional_array(self):
     serializer = Serializer()
     actual = serializer.deserialize(self.TWO_ARRAY,
                                     ObjectMeta("Obj", object=Array))
     array = actual.array
     assert array == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
     assert actual.mae == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
     assert actual.mal == [3, 3]
コード例 #11
 def test_serialize_dynamic_obj(self):
     serializer = Serializer()
     expected = '<Obj RefId="0"><MS><S N="key">value</S></MS></Obj>'
     obj = GenericComplexObject()
     obj.extended_properties['key'] = "value"
     actual = serializer.serialize(obj)
     actual_xml = to_string(ET.tostring(actual))
     assert actual_xml == expected
コード例 #12
 def test_parse_array(self):
     serializer = Serializer()
     actual = serializer.deserialize(self.SINGLE_ARRAY,
                                     ObjectMeta("Obj", object=Array))
     array = actual.array
     assert array == [1, 2, 3]
     assert actual.mae == [1, 2, 3]
     assert actual.mal == [3]
コード例 #13
    def test_parse_buffer_cell(self):
        serializer = Serializer()
        actual = serializer.deserialize(normalise_xml(self.BUFFER_CELL),
                                        ObjectMeta("Obj", object=BufferCell))

        assert actual.character == "A"
        assert actual.foreground_color.value == Color.CYAN
        assert actual.background_color.value == Color.GREEN
        assert actual.cell_type == BufferCellType.COMPLETE
コード例 #14
    def test_serialize_primitives(self, data, expected):
        serializer = Serializer()

        actual = serializer.serialize(data)
        actual_xml = to_unicode(ET.tostring(actual))
        expected_xml = to_unicode(expected)
        assert actual_xml == expected_xml

        deserial_actual = serializer.deserialize(actual)
        assert deserial_actual == data
コード例 #15
 def test_deserialize_obj_no_types(self):
     serializer = Serializer()
     xml = '<Obj RefId="0"><MS><S N="key">value</S></MS></Obj>'
     actual = serializer.deserialize(xml)
     assert isinstance(actual, GenericComplexObject)
     assert actual.adapted_properties == {}
     assert actual.extended_properties == {"key": "value"}
     assert actual.property_sets == []
     assert actual.to_string is None
     assert actual.types == []
コード例 #16
    def test_two_dimensional_create_array(self):
        serializer = Serializer()

        array = Array(array=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])

        expected_xml = normalise_xml(self.TWO_ARRAY)
        actual = serializer.serialize(array)
        actual_xml = normalise_xml(ET.tostring(actual))

        assert_xml_diff(actual_xml, expected_xml)
コード例 #17
 def test_parse_three_dimensional_array(self):
     serializer = Serializer()
     actual = serializer.deserialize(self.THREE_ARRAY,
                                     ObjectMeta("Obj", object=Array))
     array = actual.array
     assert array == [
         [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]],
         [[13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24]]
     assert actual.mae == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
                           13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]
     assert actual.mal == [2, 3, 4]
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_serializer.py プロジェクト: jborean93/pypsrp
    def test_serialize_primitives(self, data, expected):
        serializer = Serializer()

        actual = serializer.serialize(data)
        actual_xml = to_unicode(ET.tostring(actual))
        expected_xml = to_unicode(expected)
        assert actual_xml == expected_xml

        deserial_actual = serializer.deserialize(actual)
        if isinstance(data, TaggedValue):
            data = data.value
        assert deserial_actual == data
コード例 #19
    def test_three_dimensional_create_array(self):
        serializer = Serializer()

        array = Array(
            array=[[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]],
                   [[13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24]]])

        expected_xml = normalise_xml(self.THREE_ARRAY)
        actual = serializer.serialize(array)
        actual_xml = normalise_xml(ET.tostring(actual))

        assert expected_xml == actual_xml
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_serializer.py プロジェクト: jborean93/pypsrp
    def test_serialize_list_as_ie(self):
        serializer = Serializer()
        data = []
        expected = ('<Obj RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Object[]</T>'

        actual = serializer.serialize(data, ListMeta("IE"))
        actual_xml = to_string(ET.tostring(actual))
        assert actual_xml == expected
コード例 #21
    def test_create_buffer_cell(self):
        serializer = Serializer()

        buffer_cell = BufferCell(character="A",

        expected_xml = normalise_xml(self.BUFFER_CELL)
        actual = serializer.serialize(buffer_cell)
        actual_xml = normalise_xml(ET.tostring(actual))

        assert expected_xml == actual_xml
コード例 #22
    def test_parse_pipeline_multiple(self):
        serializer = Serializer()
        actual = serializer.deserialize(normalise_xml(self.PIPE_MULTIPLE),
                                        ObjectMeta("Obj", object=Pipeline))
        assert actual.history is None
        assert actual.is_nested is False
        assert actual.redirect_err_to_out is False
        assert len(actual.commands) == 3
        assert len(actual.commands[0].args) == 2
        assert actual.commands[0].args[0].name == "Name"
        assert actual.commands[0].args[0].value == "var"
        assert actual.commands[0].args[1].name == "Value"
        assert actual.commands[0].args[1].value == "abc"
        assert actual.commands[0].cmd == "Set-Variable"
        assert actual.commands[0].end_of_statement is True
        assert actual.commands[0].is_script is False
        assert str(actual.commands[0].merge_debug) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[0].merge_error) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[0].merge_my_result) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[0].merge_previous) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[0].merge_verbose) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[0].merge_warning) == "None"
        assert actual.commands[0].use_local_scope is False

        assert len(actual.commands[1].args) == 1
        assert actual.commands[1].args[0].name == "Name"
        assert actual.commands[1].args[0].value == "var"
        assert actual.commands[1].cmd == "Get-Variable"
        assert actual.commands[1].end_of_statement is False
        assert actual.commands[1].is_script is False
        assert str(actual.commands[1].merge_debug) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[1].merge_error) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[1].merge_my_result) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[1].merge_previous) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[1].merge_verbose) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[1].merge_warning) == "None"
        assert actual.commands[1].use_local_scope is False

        assert len(actual.commands[2].args) == 0
        assert actual.commands[2].cmd == "Write-Output"
        assert actual.commands[2].end_of_statement is True
        assert actual.commands[2].is_script is False
        assert str(actual.commands[2].merge_debug) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[2].merge_error) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[2].merge_my_result) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[2].merge_previous) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[2].merge_verbose) == "None"
        assert str(actual.commands[2].merge_warning) == "None"
        assert actual.commands[2].use_local_scope is False
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_serializer.py プロジェクト: jborean93/pypsrp
    def test_serialize_list(self):
        serializer = Serializer()
        data = []
        expected = ('<Obj RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Object[]</T>'

        actual = serializer.serialize(data)
        actual_xml = to_string(ET.tostring(actual))
        assert actual_xml == expected

        deserial_actual = serializer.deserialize(actual)
        assert deserial_actual == ["0", "1", "2"]
コード例 #24
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/pypsrp
    def sanitise_clixml(clixml):
        When running a powershell script in execute_cmd (WinRS), the stderr
        stream may contain some clixml. This method will clear it up and
        replace it with the error string it would represent. This isn't done
        by default on execute_cmd for various reasons but people can call it
        manually here if they like.

        :param clixml: The clixml to parse
        :return: A unicode code string of the decoded output
        output = to_unicode(clixml)
        if output.startswith("#< CLIXML"):
            # Strip off the '#< CLIXML\r\n' by finding the 2nd index of '<'
            output = output[clixml.index('<', 2):]
            element = ET.fromstring(output)
            namespace = element.tag.replace("Objs", "")[1:-1]

            errors = []
            for error in element.findall("{%s}S[@S='Error']" % namespace):

            output = Serializer()._deserialize_string("".join(errors))

        return output
コード例 #25
    def test_deserialize_unknown_tag(self):
        serializer = Serializer()
        xml = '''<Obj N="Value" RefId="14">
        <S N="T">System.Management.Automation.Host.Size</S>
        <Obj N="V" RefId="15">
                <I32 N="height">50</I32>
                <I32 N="width">60</I32>
        actual = serializer.deserialize(
            xml, ObjectMeta("fake", object=GenericComplexObject))
        assert actual == xml
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_serializer.py プロジェクト: jborean93/pypsrp
    def test_deserialize_obj_missing_prop(self):
        class SerialObject(ComplexObject):
            def __init__(self, **kwargs):
                super(SerialObject, self).__init__()
                self._types = ["System.Test", "System.Object"]
                self._extended_properties = (("man_prop",
                                                         optional=False)), )
                self.man_prop = kwargs.get("man_prop")

        serializer = Serializer()
        xml = '<Obj RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Test</T>' "<T>System.Object</T></TN><MS /></Obj>"
        with pytest.raises(SerializationError) as err:
            serializer.deserialize(xml, ObjectMeta("Obj", object=SerialObject))
        assert str(
        ) == "Mandatory return value for 'Unknown' was not found on object Unknown"
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_serializer.py プロジェクト: jborean93/pypsrp
 def test_deserialize_dynamic_obj_type_ref(self):
     serializer = Serializer()
     xml1 = ('<Obj RefId="0"><TN RefId="0">'
             "<T>System.Object</T></TN><ToString>to string value</ToString>"
             '<I32>1</I32><S>2</S><MS><S N="extended_key">extended</S></MS>'
             '<Props><S N="adapted_key">adapted</S></Props></Obj>')
     xml2 = ('<Obj RefId="2"><TNRef RefId="0" />'
             "<ToString>to string value 2</ToString>"
             '<I32>1</I32><S>2</S><MS><S N="extended_key">extended</S></MS>'
             '<Props><S N="adapted_key">adapted</S></Props></Obj>')
     actual = serializer.deserialize(xml2, clear=False)
     assert str(actual) == "to string value 2"
     assert actual.types == [
         "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject", "System.Object"
コード例 #28
    def test_create_array(self):
        serializer = Serializer()

        array = Array(array=[1, 2, 3])

        expected_xml = normalise_xml(self.SINGLE_ARRAY)
        actual = serializer.serialize(array)
        actual_xml = normalise_xml(ET.tostring(actual))

        assert_xml_diff(actual_xml, expected_xml)

        array.array = [4, 5, 6]
        expected_xml = normalise_xml(self.SINGLE_ARRAY2)
        actual = serializer.serialize(array)
        actual_xml = normalise_xml(ET.tostring(actual))

        assert_xml_diff(actual_xml, expected_xml)
コード例 #29
 def test_parse_public_key_request(self):
     data = (b"\x02\x00\x00\x00"
             b"<S />")
     actual = Message.unpack(data, Serializer())
     assert actual.message_type == MessageType.PUBLIC_KEY_REQUEST
     assert isinstance(actual.data, PublicKeyRequest)
コード例 #30
    def test_serialize_stack(self):
        # Python doesn't have a native type so serializing a list will reverse
        # the entries as a stack is last in first out. When deserializing we
        # don't reverse the entries as .pop(0) should return the last entry
        serializer = Serializer()
        data = []
        expected = \
            '<Obj RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Collections.Stack</T>' \
            '<T>System.Object</T></TN>' \

        actual = serializer.serialize(data, StackMeta())
        actual_xml = to_string(ET.tostring(actual))
        assert actual_xml == expected

        deserial_actual = serializer.deserialize(actual)
        assert deserial_actual == ["2", "1", "0"]