コード例 #1
ファイル: enemy.py プロジェクト: ackwell/PyPunk
class Alien(Entity):
	spr_alien = 'assets/alien.png'
	snd_alien_die = 'assets/explosion-alien.wav'

	def __init__(self, x, y):
		super().__init__(x, y)

	def added(self):
		# Slightly slower than the player
		self.speed = 200

		self.width = 36
		self.height = 32
		self.graphic = Image(Alien.spr_alien)
		self.type = 'alien'

		self.alien_die = Sfx(Alien.snd_alien_die)

	def update(self):
		# Constantly move to the left
		self.x -= self.speed * PP.elapsed
		# Just a bit of math to make them do pretty waves as
		# they come across the screen
		self.y += (math.cos(self.x / 50) * 50) * PP.elapsed
		# Destoy it if it does offscreen.
		if self.x < -40:

		# If it's collided with a bullet, remove both, and increase the score.
		bullet = self.collide('bullet', self.x, self.y)
		if bullet:
			self.world.hud.score += 1

	def destroy(self):
コード例 #2
ファイル: player.py プロジェクト: ackwell/PyPunk
class Ship(Entity):
	# Paths to resources.
	spr_ship = 'assets/ship.png'
	snd_ship_die = 'assets/explosion-ship.wav'
	snd_bullet_shoot = 'assets/bullet.wav'

	def added(self):
		# Keeping track of how fast it should be able to move, in this case,
		# 250 units (pixels per second)
		self.speed = 250

		# Set the initial location of the sprite
		self.x = self.y = 50
		# Set the graphic to render onto screen to a new Image instance.
		self.graphic = Image(Ship.spr_ship)
		# Width and Height are primarily used for collision detection.
		# should be indicative of the size of the sprite (in most cases.)
		self.width = 40
		self.height = 16
		# The type of an entity is an arbitrary string that categorises what it is
		# Types are used for several things, most predominantly collision checking,
		# where you can specify a type, which then will restrict collisions detected
		# to Entities of that type.
		self.type = 'ship'

		# Some sound resources to sound cool with
		self.ship_die = Sfx(Ship.snd_ship_die)
		self.bullet_shoot = Sfx(Ship.snd_bullet_shoot)

	# I've delegated the update code into a few smaller functions to make
	# it more readable.
	def update(self):

	# Check if the keys are being pressed, and if they are, move in the appropriate
	# direction. The self.speed * PP.elapsed is used to make sure the object moves at
	# a steady rate, rather than something that will change depending on the FPS
	def move(self):
		if Input.check(Key.RIGHT):
			self.x += self.speed * PP.elapsed
		if Input.check(Key.LEFT):
			self.x -= self.speed * PP.elapsed
		if Input.check(Key.DOWN):
			self.y += self.speed * PP.elapsed
		if Input.check(Key.UP):
			self.y -= self.speed * PP.elapsed 

	# Make sure the ship doesn't go off-screen.
	def constrain(self):
		self.clamp_horizontal(16, PP.screen.width - 16)
		self.clamp_vertical(16, PP.screen.height - 16)

	# If the user pressed space, create a new bullet instance, add it to the world,
	# and play a cool sound effect
	def shoot(self):
		if Input.pressed(Key.SPACE):
			self.world.add(Bullet(self.x + 36, self.y + 12))

	# Check to see if we have collided with an alien (notice usage of type to
	# filter collision check). If we have collided, it's game over, play the
	# appropriated SFX to imply as such.
	def collision(self):
		alien = self.collide('alien', self.x, self.y)
		if alien:

	# Removes the entity from the world.
	def destroy(self):