(modname, errcls)) return validator else: return None pypy_optiondescription = OptionDescription( "objspace", "Object Space Options", [ ChoiceOption("name", "Object Space name", ["std", "flow", "thunk", "dump", "taint", "reflective"], "std", requires={ "reflective": [("objspace.disable_call_speedhacks", True)] }, cmdline='--objspace -o'), ChoiceOption("parser", "which parser to use for app-level code", ["pypy", "cpython"], "pypy", cmdline='--parser'), ChoiceOption("compiler", "which compiler to use for app-level code", ["cpython", "ast"], "ast", cmdline='--compiler'), ChoiceOption("pyversion",
"translation", "Translation Options", [ BoolOption("continuation", "enable single-shot continuations", default=False, cmdline="--continuation", requires=[("translation.type_system", "lltype")]), ChoiceOption( "type_system", "Type system to use when RTyping", ["lltype", "ootype"], cmdline=None, default="lltype", requires={ "ootype": [ ("translation.backendopt.constfold", False), ("translation.backendopt.clever_malloc_removal", False), ( "translation.gc", "boehm" ), # it's not really used, but some jit code expects a value here ] }), ChoiceOption("backend", "Backend to use for code generation", ["c", "cli", "jvm"], default="c", requires={ "c": [("translation.type_system", "lltype")], "cli": [("translation.type_system", "ootype")], "jvm": [("translation.type_system", "ootype")], },
(name, errcls) + str(e)) raise ConflictConfigError("--withmod-%s: %s" % (modname, errcls)) return validator else: return None pypy_optiondescription = OptionDescription( "objspace", "Object Space Options", [ ChoiceOption("name", "Object Space name", ["std", "flow", "thunk", "dump", "taint"], "std", cmdline='--objspace -o'), ChoiceOption("parser", "which parser to use for app-level code", ["pypy", "cpython"], "pypy", cmdline='--parser'), ChoiceOption("compiler", "which compiler to use for app-level code", ["cpython", "ast"], "ast", cmdline='--compiler'), OptionDescription("opcodes", "opcodes to enable in the interpreter", [ BoolOption( "CALL_LIKELY_BUILTIN",
translation_optiondescription = OptionDescription( "translation", "Translation Options", [ BoolOption("stackless", "enable stackless features during compilation", default=False, cmdline="--stackless", requires=[("translation.type_system", "lltype")]), ChoiceOption( "type_system", "Type system to use when RTyping", ["lltype", "ootype"], cmdline=None, requires={ "ootype": [ ("translation.backendopt.constfold", False), ("translation.backendopt.heap2stack", False), ("translation.backendopt.clever_malloc_removal", False), ] }), ChoiceOption( "backend", "Backend to use for code generation", ["c", "llvm", "cli", "jvm", "js"], requires={ "c": [("translation.type_system", "lltype")], "llvm": [ ("translation.type_system", "lltype"), ("translation.backendopt.raisingop2direct_call", True), ],
"Don't " + doc, default=False, cmdline="--no-" + name, negation=False)) return result translate_optiondescr = OptionDescription( "translate", "XXX", [ StrOption( "targetspec", "XXX", default='targetpypystandalone', cmdline=None), ChoiceOption("opt", "optimization level", OPT_LEVELS, default=DEFAULT_OPT_LEVEL, cmdline="--opt -O"), BoolOption("profile", "cProfile (to debug the speed of the translation process)", default=False, cmdline="--profile"), BoolOption("pdb", "Always run pdb even if the translation succeeds", default=False, cmdline="--pdb"), BoolOption("batch", "Don't run interactive helpers", default=False, cmdline="--batch", negation=False),
if name.startswith('?'): optional = True name = name[1:] yesdoc = doc[0].upper()+doc[1:]+extra result.append(BoolOption(name, yesdoc, default=False, cmdline=cmdline, negation=False)) if not optional: result.append(BoolOption("no_%s" % name, "Don't "+doc, default=False, cmdline="--no-"+name, negation=False)) return result translate_optiondescr = OptionDescription("translate", "XXX", [ StrOption("targetspec", "XXX", default='targetpypystandalone', cmdline=None), ChoiceOption("opt", "optimization level", OPT_LEVELS, default=DEFAULT_OPT_LEVEL, cmdline="--opt -O"), ChoiceOption("platform", "target platform", ['host'] + PLATFORMS, default='host', cmdline='--platform'), BoolOption("profile", "cProfile (to debug the speed of the translation process)", default=False, cmdline="--profile"), BoolOption("batch", "Don't run interactive helpers", default=False, cmdline="--batch", negation=False), IntOption("huge", "Threshold in the number of functions after which " "a local call graph and not a full one is displayed", default=100, cmdline="--huge"), BoolOption("view", "Start the pygame viewer", default=False, cmdline="--view", negation=False),
"because importing %s raised %s\n" % (name, errcls) + str(e)) raise ConflictConfigError("--withmod-%s: %s" % (modname, errcls)) return validator else: return None pypy_optiondescription = OptionDescription( "objspace", "Object Space Options", [ ChoiceOption("name", "Object Space name", ["std", "flow", "thunk", "dump"], "std", cmdline='--objspace -o'), OptionDescription("opcodes", "opcodes to enable in the interpreter", [ BoolOption("CALL_METHOD", "emit a special bytecode for expr.name()", default=False), ]), BoolOption("nofaking", "disallow faking in the object space", default=False, requires=[("objspace.usemodules.posix", True), ("objspace.usemodules.time", True), ("objspace.usemodules.errno", True)], cmdline='--nofaking'), OptionDescription("usemodules", "Which Modules should be used", [ BoolOption(modname,