コード例 #1
def indirect_residual_call_test(argtypes, restype, expectedkind):
    # an indirect call that is residual in all cases is very similar to
    # a residual direct call
    op = get_direct_call_op(argtypes, restype)
    op.opname = 'indirect_call'
    op.args[0] = varoftype(op.args[0].concretetype)
    op.args.append(Constant(['somegraph1', 'somegraph2'], lltype.Void))
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualIndirectCallControl())
    tr.graph = 'someinitialgraph'
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    op0, op1 = oplist
    reskind = getkind(restype)[0]
    assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_%s_%s' % (expectedkind, reskind)
    assert op0.result == op.result
    assert op0.args[0] == op.args[0]
    assert op0.args[1] == 'calldescr'
    assert len(op0.args) == 2 + len(expectedkind)
    for sublist, kind1 in zip(op0.args[2:], expectedkind):
        assert sublist.kind.startswith(kind1)
        assert list(sublist) == [
            v for v in op.args[1:] if getkind(v.concretetype) == sublist.kind
    for v in op.args[1:]:
        kind = getkind(v.concretetype)
        assert kind == 'void' or kind[0] in expectedkind
    assert op1.opname == '-live-'
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_list.py プロジェクト: Debug-Orz/Sypy
def builtin_test(oopspec_name, args, RESTYPE, expected):
    v_result = varoftype(RESTYPE)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeCallControl())
    tr.immutable_arrays = {}
    tr.vable_array_vars = {}
    if '/' in oopspec_name:
        oopspec_name, property = oopspec_name.split('/')
        def force_flags(op):
            if property == 'NONNEG':   return True
            if property == 'NEG':      return False
            raise ValueError(property)
        tr._get_list_nonneg_canraise_flags = force_flags
    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call',
                        [Constant("myfunc", lltype.Void)] + args,
        oplist = tr._handle_list_call(op, oopspec_name, args)
    except NotSupported:
        assert expected is NotSupported
        assert expected is not NotSupported
        assert oplist is not None
        flattener = GraphFlattener(None, fake_regallocs())
        if not isinstance(oplist, list):
            oplist = [oplist]
        for op1 in oplist:
        assert_format(flattener.ssarepr, expected)
コード例 #3
 def test_is_true(self):
     for opname, T in [('llong_is_true', lltype.SignedLongLong),
                       ('ullong_is_true', lltype.UnsignedLongLong)]:
         v = varoftype(T)
         v_result = varoftype(lltype.Bool)
         op = SpaceOperation(opname, [v], v_result)
         tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
         oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
         assert len(oplist) == 2
         assert oplist[0].opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
         assert oplist[0].args[0].value == opname.split(
             '_')[0] + '_from_int'
         assert oplist[0].args[1] == 'calldescr-84'
         assert list(oplist[0].args[2]) == [const(0)]
         assert list(oplist[0].args[3]) == []
         assert list(oplist[0].args[4]) == []
         v_x = oplist[0].result
         assert isinstance(v_x, Variable)
         assert v_x.concretetype is T
         assert oplist[1].opname == 'residual_call_irf_i'
         assert oplist[1].args[0].value == 'llong_ne'
         assert oplist[1].args[1] == 'calldescr-76'
         assert list(oplist[1].args[2]) == []
         assert list(oplist[1].args[3]) == []
         assert list(oplist[1].args[4]) == [v, v_x]
         assert oplist[1].result == v_result
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: Debug-Orz/Sypy
def test_unknown_operation():
    op = SpaceOperation('foobar', [], varoftype(lltype.Void))
    tr = Transformer()
    except Exception, e:
        assert 'foobar' in str(e)
コード例 #5
    def do_check(self, opname, oopspecindex, ARGS, RESULT):
        vlist = [varoftype(ARG) for ARG in ARGS]
        v_result = varoftype(RESULT)
        op = SpaceOperation(opname, vlist, v_result)
        tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
        op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
        if isinstance(op1, list):
            [op1] = op1
        def is_llf(TYPE):
            return (TYPE == lltype.SignedLongLong
                    or TYPE == lltype.UnsignedLongLong or TYPE == lltype.Float)

        if is_llf(RESULT):
            assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
            assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_irf_i'
        gotindex = getattr(EffectInfo,
                           'OS_' + op1.args[0].value.upper().lstrip('U'))
        assert gotindex == oopspecindex
        assert op1.args[1] == 'calldescr-%d' % oopspecindex
        assert list(
            op1.args[2]) == [v for v in vlist if not is_llf(v.concretetype)]
        assert list(op1.args[3]) == []
        assert list(
            op1.args[4]) == [v for v in vlist if is_llf(v.concretetype)]
        assert op1.result == v_result
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
def test_jit_merge_point_1():
    class FakeJitDriverSD:
        index = 42
        class jitdriver:
            active = True
            greens = ['green1', 'green2', 'voidgreen3']
            reds = ['red1', 'red2', 'voidred3']
    jd = FakeJitDriverSD()
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    vvoid1 = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    v3 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v4 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    vvoid2 = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    v5 = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation('jit_marker',
                        [Constant('jit_merge_point', lltype.Void),
                         Constant(jd.jitdriver, lltype.Void),
                         v1, v2, vvoid1, v3, v4, vvoid2], v5)
    tr = Transformer()
    tr.portal_jd = jd
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert len(oplist) == 7
    assert oplist[0].opname == '-live-'
    assert oplist[1].opname == 'int_guard_value'
    assert oplist[1].args   == [v1]
    assert oplist[2].opname == '-live-'
    assert oplist[3].opname == 'int_guard_value'
    assert oplist[3].args   == [v2]
    assert oplist[4].opname == '-live-'
    assert oplist[5].opname == 'jit_merge_point'
    assert oplist[5].args[0].value == 42
    assert list(oplist[5].args[1]) == [v1, v2]
    assert list(oplist[5].args[4]) == [v3, v4]
    assert oplist[6].opname == '-live-'
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
def indirect_residual_call_test(argtypes, restype, expectedkind):
    # an indirect call that is residual in all cases is very similar to
    # a residual direct call
    op = get_direct_call_op(argtypes, restype)
    op.opname = 'indirect_call'
    op.args[0] = varoftype(op.args[0].concretetype)
    op.args.append(Constant(['somegraph1', 'somegraph2'], lltype.Void))
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualIndirectCallControl())
    tr.graph = 'someinitialgraph'
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    op0, op1 = oplist
    reskind = getkind(restype)[0]
    assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_%s_%s' % (expectedkind, reskind)
    assert op0.result == op.result
    assert op0.args[0] == op.args[0]
    assert op0.args[1] == 'calldescr'
    assert len(op0.args) == 2 + len(expectedkind)
    for sublist, kind1 in zip(op0.args[2:], expectedkind):
        assert sublist.kind.startswith(kind1)
        assert list(sublist) == [v for v in op.args[1:]
                                 if getkind(v.concretetype)==sublist.kind]
    for v in op.args[1:]:
        kind = getkind(v.concretetype)
        assert kind == 'void' or kind[0] in expectedkind
    assert op1.opname == '-live-'
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_longlong.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
 def test_casts(self):
     self.do_check('cast_int_to_longlong', EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_FROM_INT,
                   [lltype.Signed], lltype.SignedLongLong)
     self.do_check('cast_uint_to_longlong', EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_FROM_UINT,
                   [lltype.Unsigned], lltype.SignedLongLong)
     self.do_check('truncate_longlong_to_int', EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_TO_INT,
                   [lltype.SignedLongLong], lltype.Signed)
     self.do_check('cast_float_to_longlong', EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_FROM_FLOAT,
                   [lltype.Float], lltype.SignedLongLong)
     self.do_check('cast_longlong_to_float', EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_TO_FLOAT,
                   [lltype.SignedLongLong], lltype.Float)
     for T1 in [lltype.SignedLongLong, lltype.UnsignedLongLong]:
         for T2 in [lltype.Signed, lltype.Unsigned]:
             self.do_check('cast_primitive', EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_TO_INT,
                           [T1], T2)
             self.do_check('force_cast', EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_TO_INT,
                           [T1], T2)
             if T2 == lltype.Signed:
                 expected = EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_FROM_INT
                 expected = EffectInfo.OS_LLONG_FROM_UINT
             self.do_check('cast_primitive', expected, [T2], T1)
             self.do_check('force_cast', expected, [T2], T1)
     for T1 in [lltype.SignedLongLong, lltype.UnsignedLongLong]:
         for T2 in [lltype.SignedLongLong, lltype.UnsignedLongLong]:
             vlist = [varoftype(T1)]
             v_result = varoftype(T2)
             op = SpaceOperation('force_cast', vlist, v_result)
             tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
             op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
             assert op1 is None
コード例 #9
def test_unicode_concat():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE)
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PSTR, PSTR], PSTR)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC,
    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v2 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v3 = varoftype(PSTR)
    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [const(func), v1, v2], v3)
    cc = FakeBuiltinCallControl()
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), cc)
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_r_r'
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == 'calldescr-%d' % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_UNI_CONCAT
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind('ref', [v1, v2])
    assert op1.result == v3
    # check the callinfo_for_oopspec
    got = cc.callinfocollection.seen[0]
    assert got[0] == effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_UNI_CONCAT
    assert got[1] == op1.args[1]  # the calldescr
    assert heaptracker.int2adr(got[2]) == llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(func)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_longlong.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
 def do_check(self, opname, oopspecindex, ARGS, RESULT):
     vlist = [varoftype(ARG) for ARG in ARGS]
     v_result = varoftype(RESULT)
     op = SpaceOperation(opname, vlist, v_result)
     tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
     op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
     if isinstance(op1, list):
         [op1] = op1
     def is_llf(TYPE):
         return (TYPE == lltype.SignedLongLong or
                 TYPE == lltype.UnsignedLongLong or
                 TYPE == lltype.Float)
     if is_llf(RESULT):
         assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
         assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_irf_i'
     gotindex = getattr(EffectInfo, 'OS_' + op1.args[0].value.upper())
     assert gotindex == oopspecindex
     assert op1.args[1] == 'calldescr-%d' % oopspecindex
     assert list(op1.args[2]) == [v for v in vlist
                                  if not is_llf(v.concretetype)]
     assert list(op1.args[3]) == []
     assert list(op1.args[4]) == [v for v in vlist
                                  if is_llf(v.concretetype)]
     assert op1.result == v_result
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_longlong.py プロジェクト: ieure/pypy
 def test_is_true(self):
     for opname, T in [('llong_is_true', lltype.SignedLongLong),
                       ('ullong_is_true', lltype.UnsignedLongLong)]:
         v = varoftype(T)
         v_result = varoftype(lltype.Bool)
         op = SpaceOperation(opname, [v], v_result)
         tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
         oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
         assert len(oplist) == 2
         assert oplist[0].opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
         assert oplist[0].args[0].value == 'llong_from_int'
         assert oplist[0].args[1] == 'calldescr-84'
         assert list(oplist[0].args[2]) == [const(0)]
         assert list(oplist[0].args[3]) == []
         assert list(oplist[0].args[4]) == []
         v_x = oplist[0].result
         assert isinstance(v_x, Variable)
         assert v_x.concretetype is T
         assert oplist[1].opname == 'residual_call_irf_i'
         assert oplist[1].args[0].value == 'llong_ne'
         assert oplist[1].args[1] == 'calldescr-76'
         assert list(oplist[1].args[2]) == []
         assert list(oplist[1].args[3]) == []
         assert list(oplist[1].args[4]) == [v, v_x]
         assert oplist[1].result == v_result
コード例 #12
def test_nongc_ptr_eq():
    v1 = varoftype(rclass.NONGCOBJECTPTR)
    v2 = varoftype(rclass.NONGCOBJECTPTR)
    v3 = varoftype(lltype.Bool)
    c0 = const(lltype.nullptr(rclass.NONGCOBJECT))
    for opname, reducedname in [('ptr_eq', 'int_is_zero'),
                                ('ptr_ne', 'int_is_true')]:
        op = SpaceOperation(opname, [v1, v2], v3)
        op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
        assert op1.opname == opname.replace('ptr_', 'int_')
        assert op1.args == [v1, v2]
        op = SpaceOperation(opname, [v1, c0], v3)
        op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
        assert op1.opname == reducedname
        assert op1.args == [v1]
        op = SpaceOperation(opname, [c0, v2], v3)
        op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
        assert op1.opname == reducedname
        assert op1.args == [v2]
    op = SpaceOperation('ptr_iszero', [v1], v3)
    op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'int_is_zero'
    assert op1.args == [v1]
    op = SpaceOperation('ptr_nonzero', [v1], v3)
    op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'int_is_true'
    assert op1.args == [v1]
コード例 #13
def test_unknown_operation():
    op = SpaceOperation('foobar', [], varoftype(lltype.Void))
    tr = Transformer()
    except Exception, e:
        assert 'foobar' in str(e)
コード例 #14
def test_int_abs():
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    op = SpaceOperation('int_abs', [v1], v2)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeRegularCallControl())
    tr.graph = "somemaingraph"
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert oplist[0].opname == 'inline_call_ir_i'
    assert oplist[0].args[0] == 'somejitcode'
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
def test_int_abs():
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    op = SpaceOperation('int_abs', [v1], v2)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeRegularCallControl())
    tr.graph = "somemaingraph"
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert oplist[0].opname == 'inline_call_ir_i'
    assert oplist[0].args[0] == 'somejitcode'
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: Debug-Orz/Sypy
def test_raw_malloc_fixedsize():
    S = lltype.Struct('dummy', ('x', lltype.Signed))
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    flags = Constant({'flavor': 'raw', 'zero': True}, lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation('malloc', [Constant(S, lltype.Void), flags], v)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
    op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_r_i'
    assert op0.args[0].value == 'raw_malloc_fixedsize_zero' #pseudo-fn as a str
    assert op1.opname == '-live-'
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #17
def test_raw_malloc_fixedsize():
    S = lltype.Struct('dummy', ('x', lltype.Signed))
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    flags = Constant({'flavor': 'raw', 'zero': True}, lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation('malloc', [Constant(S, lltype.Void), flags], v)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
    op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_r_i'
    assert op0.args[0].value == 'raw_malloc_fixedsize_zero'  #pseudo-fn as a str
    assert op1.opname == '-live-'
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #18
def test_cast_opaque_ptr():
    S = lltype.GcStruct("S", ("x", lltype.Signed))
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(rclass.OBJECT))

    op = SpaceOperation('cast_opaque_ptr', [v1], v2)
    tr = Transformer()
    [op1, op2] = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'mark_opaque_ptr'
    assert op1.args == [v1]
    assert op1.result is None
    assert op2 is None
コード例 #19
def test_cast_opaque_ptr():
    S = lltype.GcStruct("S", ("x", lltype.Signed))
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(rclass.OBJECT))

    op = SpaceOperation("cast_opaque_ptr", [v1], v2)
    tr = Transformer()
    [op1, op2] = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == "mark_opaque_ptr"
    assert op1.args == [v1]
    assert op1.result is None
    assert op2 is None
コード例 #20
def test_str_promote():
    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)
    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v2 = varoftype(PSTR)
    op = SpaceOperation("hint", [v1, Constant({"promote_string": True}, lltype.Void)], v2)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op0, op1, _ = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == "str_guard_value"
    assert op1.args[0] == v1
    assert op1.args[2] == "calldescr"
    assert op1.result == v2
    assert op0.opname == "-live-"
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: Debug-Orz/Sypy
def test_raw_malloc_zero():
    S = rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed)
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    flags = Constant({'flavor': 'raw', 'zero': True}, lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation('malloc_varsize', [Constant(S, lltype.Void), flags,
                                           v1], v)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
    op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_ir_i'
    assert op0.args[0].value == 'raw_malloc_varsize_zero'  # pseudo-fn as a str
    assert op1.opname == '-live-'
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #22
def test_str_promote():
    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)
    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v2 = varoftype(PSTR)
    op = SpaceOperation(
        'hint', [v1, Constant({'promote_string': True}, lltype.Void)], v2)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op0, op1, _ = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'str_guard_value'
    assert op1.args[0] == v1
    assert op1.args[2] == 'calldescr'
    assert op1.result == v2
    assert op0.opname == '-live-'
コード例 #23
def test_raw_malloc_zero():
    S = rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed)
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    flags = Constant({'flavor': 'raw', 'zero': True}, lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation('malloc_varsize',
                        [Constant(S, lltype.Void), flags, v1], v)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
    op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_ir_i'
    assert op0.args[0].value == 'raw_malloc_varsize_zero'  # pseudo-fn as a str
    assert op1.opname == '-live-'
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_longlong.py プロジェクト: ieure/pypy
 def test_constants(self):
     for TYPE in [lltype.SignedLongLong, lltype.UnsignedLongLong]:
         v_x = varoftype(TYPE)
         vlist = [v_x, const(rffi.cast(TYPE, 7))]
         v_result = varoftype(TYPE)
         op = SpaceOperation('llong_add', vlist, v_result)
         tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
         op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
         assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
         assert list(op1.args[2]) == []
         assert list(op1.args[3]) == []
         assert list(op1.args[4]) == vlist
         assert op1.result == v_result
コード例 #25
 def test_constants(self):
     for TYPE in [lltype.SignedLongLong, lltype.UnsignedLongLong]:
         v_x = varoftype(TYPE)
         vlist = [v_x, const(rffi.cast(TYPE, 7))]
         v_result = varoftype(TYPE)
         op = SpaceOperation('llong_add', vlist, v_result)
         tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
         op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
         assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
         assert list(op1.args[2]) == []
         assert list(op1.args[3]) == []
         assert list(op1.args[4]) == vlist
         assert op1.result == v_result
コード例 #26
def test_dict_setinteriorfield():
    DICT = lltype.GcArray(
        lltype.Struct('ENTRY', ('v', lltype.Signed), ('k', lltype.Signed)))
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(DICT))
    i = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v_void = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation('setinteriorfield',
                        [v, i, Constant('v', lltype.Void), i], v_void)
    op1 = Transformer(FakeCPU()).rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'setinteriorfield_gc_i'
    assert op1.args == [v, i, i, ('interiorfielddescr', DICT, 'v')]
    op = SpaceOperation('setinteriorfield',
                        [v, i, Constant('v', lltype.Void), v_void], v_void)
    op1 = Transformer(FakeCPU()).rewrite_operation(op)
    assert not op1
コード例 #27
def test_symmetric():
    ops = {
        'int_add': 'int_add',
        'int_or': 'int_or',
        'int_gt': ('int_gt', 'int_lt'),
        'uint_eq': 'int_eq',
        'uint_le': ('uint_le', 'uint_ge'),
        'char_ne': 'int_ne',
        'char_lt': ('int_lt', 'int_gt'),
        'uint_xor': 'int_xor',
        'float_mul': 'float_mul',
        'float_gt': ('float_gt', 'float_lt'),
    v3 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    for v1 in [varoftype(lltype.Signed), const(42)]:
        for v2 in [varoftype(lltype.Signed), const(43)]:
            for name1, name2 in ops.items():
                op = SpaceOperation(name1, [v1, v2], v3)
                op1 = Transformer(FakeCPU()).rewrite_operation(op)
                if isinstance(name2, str):
                    name2 = name2, name2
                if isinstance(v1, Constant) and isinstance(v2, Variable):
                    assert op1.args == [v2, v1]
                    assert op1.result == v3
                    assert op1.opname == name2[1]
                    assert op1.args == [v1, v2]
                    assert op1.result == v3
                    assert op1.opname == name2[0]
コード例 #28
def test_str_concat():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PSTR, PSTR], PSTR)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, "ll_strconcat", _callable=rstr.LLHelpers.ll_strconcat)
    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v2 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v3 = varoftype(PSTR)
    op = SpaceOperation("direct_call", [const(func), v1, v2], v3)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == "residual_call_r_r"
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == "calldescr-%d" % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_STR_CONCAT
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind("ref", [v1, v2])
    assert op1.result == v3
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: Debug-Orz/Sypy
def test_raw_free():
    S = lltype.Struct('dummy', ('x', lltype.Signed))
    for flag in [True, False]:
        flags = Constant({'flavor': 'raw', 'track_allocation': flag},
        op = SpaceOperation('free', [varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S)), flags],
        tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
        op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
        assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_ir_v'
        if flag:
            pseudo_op_name = 'raw_free'
            pseudo_op_name = 'raw_free_no_track_allocation'
        assert op0.args[0].value == pseudo_op_name   # pseudo-function as a str
        assert op1.opname == '-live-'
コード例 #30
def test_optimize_goto_if_not__incoming():
    v1 = Variable()
    v1.concretetype = lltype.Bool
    block = Block([v1])
    block.exitswitch = v1
    block.exits = [FakeLink(False), FakeLink(True)]
    assert not Transformer().optimize_goto_if_not(block)
コード例 #31
def test_optimize_goto_if_not__unknownop():
    v3 = Variable()
    v3.concretetype = lltype.Bool
    block = Block([])
    block.operations = [SpaceOperation('foobar', [], v3)]
    block.exitswitch = v3
    block.exits = [FakeLink(False), FakeLink(True)]
    assert not Transformer().optimize_goto_if_not(block)
コード例 #32
def test_math_sqrt():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    FLOAT = lltype.Float
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([FLOAT], FLOAT)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, 'll_math', _callable=ll_math.sqrt_nonneg)
    v1 = varoftype(FLOAT)
    v2 = varoftype(FLOAT)
    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [const(func), v1], v2)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == 'calldescr-%d' % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_MATH_SQRT
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind("int", [])
    assert op1.args[3] == ListOfKind("ref", [])
    assert op1.args[4] == ListOfKind('float', [v1])
    assert op1.result == v2
コード例 #33
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
def test_str2unicode():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)
    PUNICODE = lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE)
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PSTR], PUNICODE)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, 'll_str2unicode',
    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v2 = varoftype(PUNICODE)
    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [const(func), v1], v2)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_r_r'
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == 'calldescr-%d' % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_STR2UNICODE
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind('ref', [v1])
    assert op1.result == v2
コード例 #34
def test_malloc_new_with_destructor():
    vtable = lltype.malloc(rclass.OBJECT_VTABLE, immortal=True)
    S = lltype.GcStruct("S", ("parent", rclass.OBJECT), rtti=True)
    DESTRUCTOR = lltype.FuncType([lltype.Ptr(S)], lltype.Void)
    destructor = lltype.functionptr(DESTRUCTOR, "destructor")
    lltype.attachRuntimeTypeInfo(S, destrptr=destructor)
    heaptracker.set_testing_vtable_for_gcstruct(S, vtable, "S")
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    op = SpaceOperation("malloc", [Constant(S, lltype.Void), Constant({"flavor": "gc"}, lltype.Void)], v)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    op0, op1 = oplist
    assert op0.opname == "residual_call_r_r"
    assert op0.args[0].value == "alloc_with_del"  # pseudo-function as a str
    assert list(op0.args[2]) == []
    assert op1.opname == "-live-"
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #35
def test_math_sqrt():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    FLOAT = lltype.Float
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([FLOAT], FLOAT)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, "ll_math", _callable=ll_math.sqrt_nonneg)
    v1 = varoftype(FLOAT)
    v2 = varoftype(FLOAT)
    op = SpaceOperation("direct_call", [const(func), v1], v2)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == "residual_call_irf_f"
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == "calldescr-%d" % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_MATH_SQRT
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind("int", [])
    assert op1.args[3] == ListOfKind("ref", [])
    assert op1.args[4] == ListOfKind("float", [v1])
    assert op1.result == v2
コード例 #36
def test_raw_malloc_unsupported_flag():
    S = rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed)
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    flags = Constant({'flavor': 'raw', 'unsupported_flag': True}, lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation('malloc_varsize',
                        [Constant(S, lltype.Void), flags, v1], v)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
    py.test.raises(UnsupportedMallocFlags, tr.rewrite_operation, op)
コード例 #37
def test_raw_free():
    S = lltype.Struct('dummy', ('x', lltype.Signed))
    for flag in [True, False]:
        flags = Constant({
            'flavor': 'raw',
            'track_allocation': flag
        }, lltype.Void)
        op = SpaceOperation('free', [varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S)), flags],
        tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
        op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
        assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_ir_v'
        if flag:
            pseudo_op_name = 'raw_free'
            pseudo_op_name = 'raw_free_no_track_allocation'
        assert op0.args[0].value == pseudo_op_name  # pseudo-function as a str
        assert op1.opname == '-live-'
コード例 #38
def test_str2unicode():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)
    PUNICODE = lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE)
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PSTR], PUNICODE)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC,
    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v2 = varoftype(PUNICODE)
    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [const(func), v1], v2)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_r_r'
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == 'calldescr-%d' % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_STR2UNICODE
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind('ref', [v1])
    assert op1.result == v2
コード例 #39
def test_unicode_getinteriorarraysize():
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE))
    v_result = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    op = SpaceOperation('getinteriorarraysize',
                        [v, Constant('chars', lltype.Void)], v_result)
    op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'unicodelen'
    assert op1.args == [v]
    assert op1.result == v_result
コード例 #40
def test_no_gcstruct_nesting_outside_of_OBJECT():
    PARENT = lltype.GcStruct('parent')
    STRUCT = lltype.GcStruct('struct', ('parent', PARENT),
                             ('x', lltype.Signed))
    v_x = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(STRUCT))
    op = SpaceOperation('getfield', [v_x, Constant('x', lltype.Void)],
    tr = Transformer(None, None)
    raises(NotImplementedError, tr.rewrite_operation, op)
コード例 #41
def test_getfield_gc_pure():
    S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Char), hints={'immutable': True})
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Char)
    op = SpaceOperation('getfield', [v1, Constant('x', lltype.Void)], v2)
    op1 = Transformer(FakeCPU()).rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'getfield_gc_i_pure'
    assert op1.args == [v1, ('fielddescr', S, 'x')]
    assert op1.result == v2
コード例 #42
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
def test_quasi_immutable_setfield():
    from pypy.rpython.rclass import FieldListAccessor, IR_QUASIIMMUTABLE
    accessor = FieldListAccessor()
    accessor.initialize(None, {'inst_x': IR_QUASIIMMUTABLE})
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    STRUCT = lltype.GcStruct('struct', ('inst_x', lltype.Signed),
                             ('mutate_x', rclass.OBJECTPTR),
                             hints={'immutable_fields': accessor})
    for v_x in [const(lltype.malloc(STRUCT)), varoftype(lltype.Ptr(STRUCT))]:
        op = SpaceOperation('jit_force_quasi_immutable',
                            [v_x, Constant('mutate_x', lltype.Void)],
        tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeRegularCallControl())
        tr.graph = 'currentgraph'
        op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
        assert op0.opname == '-live-'
        assert op1.opname == 'jit_force_quasi_immutable'
        assert op1.args[0] == v_x
        assert op1.args[1] == ('fielddescr', STRUCT, 'mutate_x')
コード例 #43
def residual_call_test(argtypes, restype, expectedkind):
    op = get_direct_call_op(argtypes, restype)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    op0, op1 = oplist
    reskind = getkind(restype)[0]
    assert op0.opname == "residual_call_%s_%s" % (expectedkind, reskind)
    assert op0.result == op.result
    assert op0.args[0] == op.args[0]
    assert op0.args[1] == "calldescr"
    assert len(op0.args) == 2 + len(expectedkind)
    for sublist, kind1 in zip(op0.args[2:], expectedkind):
        assert sublist.kind.startswith(kind1)
        assert list(sublist) == [v for v in op.args[1:] if getkind(v.concretetype) == sublist.kind]
    for v in op.args[1:]:
        kind = getkind(v.concretetype)
        assert kind == "void" or kind[0] in expectedkind
    assert op1.opname == "-live-"
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #44
def test_malloc_new():
    S = lltype.GcStruct('S')
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    op = SpaceOperation(
        [Constant(S, lltype.Void),
         Constant({'flavor': 'gc'}, lltype.Void)], v)
    op1 = Transformer(FakeCPU()).rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'new'
    assert op1.args == [('sizedescr', S)]
コード例 #45
def test_unicode_getinteriorfield():
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE))
    v_index = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v_result = varoftype(lltype.UniChar)
    op = SpaceOperation('getinteriorfield',
                        [v, Constant('chars', lltype.Void), v_index], v_result)
    op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'unicodegetitem'
    assert op1.args == [v, v_index]
    assert op1.result == v_result
コード例 #46
def test_unicode_slice():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    PUNICODE = lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE)
    INT = lltype.Signed
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PUNICODE, INT, INT], PUNICODE)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, "_ll_stringslice", _callable=rstr.LLHelpers._ll_stringslice)
    v1 = varoftype(PUNICODE)
    v2 = varoftype(INT)
    v3 = varoftype(INT)
    v4 = varoftype(PUNICODE)
    op = SpaceOperation("direct_call", [const(func), v1, v2, v3], v4)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == "residual_call_ir_r"
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == "calldescr-%d" % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_UNI_SLICE
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind("int", [v2, v3])
    assert op1.args[3] == ListOfKind("ref", [v1])
    assert op1.result == v4
コード例 #47
def test_str_newstr():
    c_STR = Constant(rstr.STR, lltype.Void)
    c_flavor = Constant({'flavor': 'gc'}, lltype.Void)
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR))
    op = SpaceOperation('malloc_varsize', [c_STR, c_flavor, v1], v2)
    op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'newstr'
    assert op1.args == [v1]
    assert op1.result == v2
コード例 #48
def direct_call_test(argtypes, restype, expectedkind):
    op = get_direct_call_op(argtypes, restype)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeRegularCallControl())
    tr.graph = "someinitialgraph"
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    op0, op1 = oplist
    reskind = getkind(restype)[0]
    assert op0.opname == "inline_call_%s_%s" % (expectedkind, reskind)
    assert op0.result == op.result
    assert op0.args[0] == "somejitcode"
    assert len(op0.args) == 1 + len(expectedkind)
    for sublist, kind1 in zip(op0.args[1:], expectedkind):
        assert sublist.kind.startswith(kind1)
        assert list(sublist) == [v for v in op.args[1:] if getkind(v.concretetype) == sublist.kind]
    for v in op.args[1:]:
        kind = getkind(v.concretetype)
        assert kind == "void" or kind[0] in expectedkind
    assert op1.opname == "-live-"
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #49
def test_quasi_immutable_setfield():
    from pypy.rpython.rclass import FieldListAccessor, IR_QUASIIMMUTABLE
    accessor = FieldListAccessor()
    accessor.initialize(None, {'inst_x': IR_QUASIIMMUTABLE})
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    STRUCT = lltype.GcStruct('struct', ('inst_x', lltype.Signed),
                             ('mutate_x', rclass.OBJECTPTR),
                             hints={'immutable_fields': accessor})
    for v_x in [const(lltype.malloc(STRUCT)), varoftype(lltype.Ptr(STRUCT))]:
        op = SpaceOperation('jit_force_quasi_immutable',
                            [v_x, Constant('mutate_x', lltype.Void)],
        tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeRegularCallControl())
        tr.graph = 'currentgraph'
        op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
        assert op0.opname == '-live-'
        assert op1.opname == 'jit_force_quasi_immutable'
        assert op1.args[0] == v_x
        assert op1.args[1] == ('fielddescr', STRUCT, 'mutate_x')
コード例 #50
def test_quasi_immutable_setfield():
    from pypy.rpython.rclass import FieldListAccessor, IR_QUASIIMMUTABLE

    accessor = FieldListAccessor()
    accessor.initialize(None, {"inst_x": IR_QUASIIMMUTABLE})
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    STRUCT = lltype.GcStruct(
        "struct", ("inst_x", lltype.Signed), ("mutate_x", rclass.OBJECTPTR), hints={"immutable_fields": accessor}
    for v_x in [const(lltype.malloc(STRUCT)), varoftype(lltype.Ptr(STRUCT))]:
        op = SpaceOperation(
            "jit_force_quasi_immutable", [v_x, Constant("mutate_x", lltype.Void)], varoftype(lltype.Void)
        tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeRegularCallControl())
        tr.graph = "currentgraph"
        op0, op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
        assert op0.opname == "-live-"
        assert op1.opname == "jit_force_quasi_immutable"
        assert op1.args[0] == v_x
        assert op1.args[1] == ("fielddescr", STRUCT, "mutate_x")
コード例 #51
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
def test_str_slice():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)
    INT = lltype.Signed
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PSTR, INT, INT], PSTR)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, '_ll_stringslice',
    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v2 = varoftype(INT)
    v3 = varoftype(INT)
    v4 = varoftype(PSTR)
    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [const(func), v1, v2, v3], v4)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_ir_r'
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == 'calldescr-%d' % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_STR_SLICE
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind('int', [v2, v3])
    assert op1.args[3] == ListOfKind('ref', [v1])
    assert op1.result == v4
コード例 #52
def test_malloc_new_with_destructor():
    vtable = lltype.malloc(rclass.OBJECT_VTABLE, immortal=True)
    S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('parent', rclass.OBJECT), rtti=True)
    DESTRUCTOR = lltype.FuncType([lltype.Ptr(S)], lltype.Void)
    destructor = lltype.functionptr(DESTRUCTOR, 'destructor')
    lltype.attachRuntimeTypeInfo(S, destrptr=destructor)
    heaptracker.set_testing_vtable_for_gcstruct(S, vtable, 'S')
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(S))
    op = SpaceOperation(
        [Constant(S, lltype.Void),
         Constant({'flavor': 'gc'}, lltype.Void)], v)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeResidualCallControl())
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    op0, op1 = oplist
    assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_r_r'
    assert op0.args[0].value == 'alloc_with_del'  # pseudo-function as a str
    assert list(op0.args[2]) == []
    assert op1.opname == '-live-'
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #53
def test_getfield_typeptr():
    v_parent = varoftype(rclass.OBJECTPTR)
    c_name = Constant('typeptr', lltype.Void)
    v_result = varoftype(rclass.OBJECT.typeptr)
    op = SpaceOperation('getfield', [v_parent, c_name], v_result)
    oplist = Transformer(FakeCPU()).rewrite_operation(op)
    op0, op1 = oplist
    assert op0.opname == '-live-'
    assert op0.args == []
    assert op1.opname == 'guard_class'
    assert op1.args == [v_parent]
    assert op1.result == v_result
コード例 #54
def test_str_setinteriorfield():
    v = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR))
    v_index = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v_newchr = varoftype(lltype.Char)
    v_void = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation(
        [v, Constant('chars', lltype.Void), v_index, v_newchr], v_void)
    op1 = Transformer().rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'strsetitem'
    assert op1.args == [v, v_index, v_newchr]
    assert op1.result == v_void
コード例 #55
def test_unicode_eq_checknull_char():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    PUNICODE = lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE)
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PUNICODE, PUNICODE], lltype.Bool)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, "ll_streq", _callable=rstr.LLHelpers.ll_streq)
    v1 = varoftype(PUNICODE)
    v2 = varoftype(PUNICODE)
    v3 = varoftype(lltype.Bool)
    op = SpaceOperation("direct_call", [const(func), v1, v2], v3)
    cc = FakeBuiltinCallControl()
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), cc)
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == "residual_call_r_i"
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == "calldescr-%d" % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_UNI_EQUAL
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind("ref", [v1, v2])
    assert op1.result == v3
    # test that the OS_UNIEQ_* functions are registered
    cic = cc.callinfocollection
    assert cic.has_oopspec(effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_UNIEQ_SLICE_NONNULL)
    assert cic.has_oopspec(effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_UNIEQ_CHECKNULL_CHAR)
コード例 #56
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
def test_list_ll_arraycopy():
    from pypy.rlib.rgc import ll_arraycopy
    LIST = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed)
    PLIST = lltype.Ptr(LIST)
    INT = lltype.Signed
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PLIST]*2+[INT]*3, lltype.Void)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, 'll_arraycopy', _callable=ll_arraycopy)
    v1 = varoftype(PLIST)
    v2 = varoftype(PLIST)
    v3 = varoftype(INT)
    v4 = varoftype(INT)
    v5 = varoftype(INT)
    v6 = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [const(func), v1, v2, v3, v4, v5], v6)
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == 'residual_call_ir_v'
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == 'calldescr-%d' % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_ARRAYCOPY
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind('int', [v3, v4, v5])
    assert op1.args[3] == ListOfKind('ref', [v1, v2])
コード例 #57
def test_jit_merge_point_1():
    class FakeJitDriverSD:
        index = 42

        class jitdriver:
            active = True
            greens = ["green1", "green2", "voidgreen3"]
            reds = ["red1", "red2", "voidred3"]

    jd = FakeJitDriverSD()
    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    vvoid1 = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    v3 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    v4 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    vvoid2 = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    v5 = varoftype(lltype.Void)
    op = SpaceOperation(
        [Constant("jit_merge_point", lltype.Void), Constant(jd.jitdriver, lltype.Void), v1, v2, vvoid1, v3, v4, vvoid2],
    tr = Transformer()
    tr.portal_jd = jd
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert len(oplist) == 7
    assert oplist[0].opname == "-live-"
    assert oplist[1].opname == "int_guard_value"
    assert oplist[1].args == [v1]
    assert oplist[2].opname == "-live-"
    assert oplist[3].opname == "int_guard_value"
    assert oplist[3].args == [v2]
    assert oplist[4].opname == "-live-"
    assert oplist[5].opname == "jit_merge_point"
    assert oplist[5].args[0].value == 42
    assert list(oplist[5].args[1]) == [v1, v2]
    assert list(oplist[5].args[4]) == [v3, v4]
    assert oplist[6].opname == "-live-"
コード例 #58
ファイル: test_jtransform.py プロジェクト: gorakhargosh/pypy
def indirect_regular_call_test(argtypes, restype, expectedkind):
    # a regular indirect call is preceded by a guard_value on the
    # function address, so that pyjitpl can know which jitcode to follow
    from pypy.jit.codewriter.flatten import IndirectCallTargets
    op = get_direct_call_op(argtypes, restype)
    op.opname = 'indirect_call'
    op.args[0] = varoftype(op.args[0].concretetype)
    op.args.append(Constant(['somegraph1', 'somegraph2'], lltype.Void))
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeRegularIndirectCallControl())
    tr.graph = 'someinitialgraph'
    oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    op0gv, op1gv, op0, op1 = oplist
    assert op0gv.opname == '-live-'
    assert op0gv.args == []
    assert op1gv.opname == 'int_guard_value'
    assert op1gv.args == [op.args[0]]
    assert op1gv.result is None
    reskind = getkind(restype)[0]
    assert op0.opname == 'residual_call_%s_%s' % (expectedkind, reskind)
    assert op0.result == op.result
    assert op0.args[0] == op.args[0]
    assert op0.args[1] == 'calldescr'
    assert isinstance(op0.args[2], IndirectCallTargets)
    assert op0.args[2].lst == ['somejitcode1', 'somejitcode2']
    assert len(op0.args) == 3 + len(expectedkind)
    for sublist, kind1 in zip(op0.args[3:], expectedkind):
        assert sublist.kind.startswith(kind1)
        assert list(sublist) == [v for v in op.args[1:]
                                 if getkind(v.concretetype)==sublist.kind]
    for v in op.args[1:]:
        kind = getkind(v.concretetype)
        assert kind == 'void' or kind[0] in expectedkind
    # Note: we still expect a -live- here, even though canraise() returns
    # False, because this 'residual_call' will likely call further jitcodes
    # which can do e.g. guard_class or other stuff requiring anyway a -live-.
    assert op1.opname == '-live-'
    assert op1.args == []
コード例 #59
ファイル: test_longlong.py プロジェクト: ieure/pypy
 def test_llong_neg(self):
     T = lltype.SignedLongLong
     v = varoftype(T)
     v_result = varoftype(T)
     op = SpaceOperation('llong_neg', [v], v_result)
     tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
     oplist = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
     assert len(oplist) == 2
     assert oplist[0].opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
     assert oplist[0].args[0].value == 'llong_from_int'
     assert oplist[0].args[1] == 'calldescr-84'
     assert list(oplist[0].args[2]) == [const(0)]
     assert list(oplist[0].args[3]) == []
     assert list(oplist[0].args[4]) == []
     v_x = oplist[0].result
     assert isinstance(v_x, Variable)
     assert oplist[1].opname == 'residual_call_irf_f'
     assert oplist[1].args[0].value == 'llong_sub'
     assert oplist[1].args[1] == 'calldescr-71'
     assert list(oplist[1].args[2]) == []
     assert list(oplist[1].args[3]) == []
     assert list(oplist[1].args[4]) == [v_x, v]
     assert oplist[1].result == v_result
コード例 #60
def test_unicode_concat():
    # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE)
    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([PSTR, PSTR], PSTR)
    func = lltype.functionptr(FUNC, "ll_strconcat", _callable=rstr.LLHelpers.ll_strconcat)
    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v2 = varoftype(PSTR)
    v3 = varoftype(PSTR)
    op = SpaceOperation("direct_call", [const(func), v1, v2], v3)
    cc = FakeBuiltinCallControl()
    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), cc)
    op1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op)
    assert op1.opname == "residual_call_r_r"
    assert op1.args[0].value == func
    assert op1.args[1] == "calldescr-%d" % effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_UNI_CONCAT
    assert op1.args[2] == ListOfKind("ref", [v1, v2])
    assert op1.result == v3
    # check the callinfo_for_oopspec
    got = cc.callinfocollection.seen[0]
    assert got[0] == effectinfo.EffectInfo.OS_UNI_CONCAT
    assert got[1] == op1.args[1]  # the calldescr
    assert heaptracker.int2adr(got[2]) == llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(func)