コード例 #1
ファイル: complexobject.py プロジェクト: xx312022850/pypy
def hash__Complex(space, w_value):
    #this is straight out of CPython complex implementation

    hashreal = _hash_float(space, w_value.realval)
    if hashreal == -1:
        return space.newint(-1)
    hashimg = _hash_float(space, w_value.imagval)
    if hashimg == -1:
        return space.newint(-1)
    combined = hashreal + 1000003 * hashimg
    if (combined == -1):
        combined = -2
    return space.newint(combined)
コード例 #2
        def descr_hash(self, space):
            mult = 1000003
            x = 0x345678
            z = typelen
            for i in iter_n:
                value = getattr(self, 'value%s' % i)
                if typetuple[i] == object:
                    y = space.int_w(space.hash(value))
                elif typetuple[i] == float:
                    # get the correct hash for float which is an
                    # integer & other less frequent cases
                    from pypy.objspace.std.floatobject import _hash_float
                    y = _hash_float(space, value)
                elif typetuple[i] == int:
                    # hash for int which is different from the hash
                    # given by rpython
                    from pypy.objspace.std.intobject import _hash_int
                    y = _hash_int(value)
                    raise NotImplementedError

                x = (x ^ y) * mult
                z -= 1
                mult += 82520 + z + z
            x += 97531
            return space.newint(intmask(x))
コード例 #3
 def descr_hash(self, space):
     mult = 1000003
     x = 0x345678
     z = typelen
     for i in iter_n:
         value = getattr(self, 'value%s' % i)
         if typetuple[i] == object:
             y = space.int_w(space.hash(value))
         elif typetuple[i] == int:
             # mimic cpythons behavior of a hash value of -2 for -1
             y = value
             if y == -1:
                 y = -2
         elif typetuple[i] == float:
             # get the correct hash for float which is an
             # integer & other less frequent cases
             from pypy.objspace.std.floatobject import _hash_float
             y = _hash_float(space, value)
             y = compute_hash(value)
         x = (x ^ y) * mult
         z -= 1
         mult += 82520 + z + z
     x += 97531
     return space.newint(intmask(x))
コード例 #4
 def descr_hash(self, space):
     mult = 1000003
     x = 0x345678
     z = typelen
     for i in iter_n:
         value = getattr(self, 'value%s' % i)
         if typetuple[i] == object:
             y = space.int_w(space.hash(value))
         elif typetuple[i] == int:
             # mimic cpythons behavior of a hash value of -2 for -1
             y = value
             y -= (y == -1
                   )  # No explicit condition, to avoid JIT bridges
         elif typetuple[i] == float:
             # get the correct hash for float which is an
             # integer & other less frequent cases
             from pypy.objspace.std.floatobject import _hash_float
             y = _hash_float(space, value)
             y -= (y == -1)
             assert 0, "unreachable"
         x = (x ^ y) * mult
         z -= 1
         mult += 82520 + z + z
     x += 97531
     return space.newint(intmask(x))
コード例 #5
ファイル: specialisedtupleobject.py プロジェクト: njues/Sypy
 def hash(self, space):
     # XXX duplicate logic from tupleobject.py
     mult = 1000003
     x = 0x345678
     z = nValues
     for i in iter_n:
         value = getattr(self, 'value%s' % i)
         if typetuple[i] == object:
             y = space.int_w(space.hash(value))
         elif typetuple[i] == float:
             # get the correct hash for float which is an
             # integer & other less frequent cases
             from pypy.objspace.std.floatobject import _hash_float
             y = _hash_float(space, value)
             y = compute_hash(value)
         x = (x ^ y) * mult
         z -= 1
         mult += 82520 + z + z
     x += 97531
     return space.wrap(intmask(x))
コード例 #6
ファイル: complexobject.py プロジェクト: Mu-L/pypy
 def descr_hash(self, space):
     hashreal = _hash_float(space, self.realval)
     hashimg = _hash_float(space, self.imagval)  # 0 if self.imagval == 0
     h = intmask(hashreal + 1000003 * hashimg)
     h -= (h == -1)
     return space.newint(h)
コード例 #7
ファイル: complexobject.py プロジェクト: sota/pypy-old
 def descr_hash(self, space):
     hashreal = _hash_float(space, self.realval)
     hashimg = _hash_float(space, self.imagval)
     combined = intmask(hashreal + 1000003 * hashimg)
     return space.newint(combined)
コード例 #8
ファイル: complexobject.py プロジェクト: Qointum/pypy
 def descr_hash(self, space):
     hashreal = _hash_float(space, self.realval)
     hashimg = _hash_float(space, self.imagval)
     combined = intmask(hashreal + HASH_IMAG * hashimg)
     return space.newint(-2 if combined == -1 else combined)
コード例 #9
def hash__Complex(space, w_value):
    hashreal = _hash_float(space, w_value.realval)
    hashimg = _hash_float(space, w_value.imagval)
    combined = hashreal + 1000003 * hashimg
    return space.newint(combined)