class DataInspectorTool(Qt.QWidgetAction, BaseConfigurableClass): """ This tool inserts an action in the menu of the :class:`pyqtgraph.PlotItem` to which it is attached. When activated, the data inspection mode is entered (a :class:`DataInspectorLine` is added and it follows the mouse, allowing the user to inspect the coordinates of existing curves). It is implemented as an Action, and provides a method to attach it to a PlotItem. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): BaseConfigurableClass.__init__(self) Qt.QWidgetAction.__init__(self, parent) self._cb = Qt.QCheckBox() self._cb.setText("Data Inspector") self._cb.toggled.connect(self._onToggled) self.setDefaultWidget(self._cb) self.plot_item = None self.enable = False self.data_inspector = DataInspectorLine() self.registerConfigProperty(self.isChecked, self.setChecked, "checked") def attachToPlotItem(self, plot_item): """ Use this method to add this tool to a plot :param plot_item: (PlotItem) :param y2: (Y2ViewBox) instance of the Y2Viewbox attached to plot_item if the axis change controls are to be used """ self.plot_item = plot_item menu = plot_item.getViewBox().menu menu.addAction(self) def _onToggled(self): if not self.enable: self.data_inspector.attachToPlotItem(self.plot_item) # Signal Proxy which connect the movement of the mouse with # the onMoved method in the data inspector object self.proxy = SignalProxy( self.plot_item.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=self._followMouse, ) self.enable = True # auto-close the menu so that the user can start inspecting self.plot_item.getViewBox().menu.close() else: self.proxy.disconnect() self.data_inspector.dettach() self.enable = False def _followMouse(self, evt): mouse_pos = evt[0] inspector_x = self.plot_item.vb.mapSceneToView(mouse_pos).x() self.data_inspector.setPos(inspector_x)
def test_signal_proxy_disconnect_slot(qapp): """Test the disconnect of SignalProxy with `signal` and `slot`""" sender = Sender(parent=qapp) receiver = Receiver(parent=qapp) proxy = SignalProxy(sender.signalSend, delay=0.0, rateLimit=0.6, slot=receiver.slotReceive) assert proxy.blockSignal is False assert proxy is not None assert sender is not None assert receiver is not None assert proxy.slot is not None proxy.disconnect() assert proxy.slot is None assert proxy.blockSignal is True sender.signalSend.emit() proxy.flush() qapp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag.AllEvents, 10) assert receiver.counter == 0
class BasePlot(PlotWidget, PyDMPrimitiveWidget): crosshair_position_updated = Signal(float, float) def __init__(self, parent=None, background='default', axisItems=None): PlotWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent, background=background, axisItems=axisItems) PyDMPrimitiveWidget.__init__(self) self.plotItem = self.getPlotItem() self.plotItem.hideButtons() self._auto_range_x = None self.setAutoRangeX(True) self._auto_range_y = None self.setAutoRangeY(True) self._min_x = 0.0 self._max_x = 1.0 self._min_y = 0.0 self._max_y = 1.0 self._show_x_grid = None self.setShowXGrid(False) self._show_y_grid = None self.setShowYGrid(False) self._show_right_axis = False self.redraw_timer = QTimer(self) self.redraw_timer.timeout.connect(self.redrawPlot) self._redraw_rate = 30 # Redraw at 30 Hz by default. self.maxRedrawRate = self._redraw_rate self._curves = [] self._title = None self._show_legend = False self._legend = self.addLegend() self._legend.hide() # Drawing crosshair on the ViewBox self.vertical_crosshair_line = None self.horizontal_crosshair_line = None self.crosshair_movement_proxy = None def addCurve(self, plot_item, curve_color=None): if curve_color is None: curve_color = utilities.colors.default_colors[ len(self._curves) % len(utilities.colors.default_colors)] plot_item.color_string = curve_color self._curves.append(plot_item) self.addItem(plot_item) self.redraw_timer.start() # Connect channels for chan in plot_item.channels(): if chan: chan.connect() # self._legend.addItem(plot_item, plot_item.curve_name) def removeCurve(self, plot_item): self.removeItem(plot_item) self._curves.remove(plot_item) if len(self._curves) < 1: self.redraw_timer.stop() # Disconnect channels for chan in plot_item.channels(): if chan: chan.disconnect() def removeCurveWithName(self, name): for curve in self._curves: if == name: self.removeCurve(curve) def removeCurveAtIndex(self, index): curve_to_remove = self._curves[index] self.removeCurve(curve_to_remove) def setCurveAtIndex(self, index, new_curve): old_curve = self._curves[index] self._curves[index] = new_curve # self._legend.addItem(new_curve, self.removeCurve(old_curve) def curveAtIndex(self, index): return self._curves[index] def curves(self): return self._curves def clear(self): legend_items = [label.text for (sample, label) in self._legend.items] for item in legend_items: self._legend.removeItem(item) self.plotItem.clear() self._curves = [] @Slot() def redrawPlot(self): pass def getShowXGrid(self): return self._show_x_grid def setShowXGrid(self, value, alpha=None): self._show_x_grid = value self.showGrid(x=self._show_x_grid, alpha=alpha) def resetShowXGrid(self): self.setShowXGrid(False) showXGrid = Property("bool", getShowXGrid, setShowXGrid, resetShowXGrid) def getShowYGrid(self): return self._show_y_grid def setShowYGrid(self, value, alpha=None): self._show_y_grid = value self.showGrid(y=self._show_y_grid, alpha=alpha) def resetShowYGrid(self): self.setShowYGrid(False) showYGrid = Property("bool", getShowYGrid, setShowYGrid, resetShowYGrid) def getBackgroundColor(self): return self.backgroundBrush().color() def setBackgroundColor(self, color): if self.backgroundBrush().color() != color: self.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(color)) backgroundColor = Property(QColor, getBackgroundColor, setBackgroundColor) def getAxisColor(self): return self.getAxis('bottom')._pen.color() def setAxisColor(self, color): if self.getAxis('bottom')._pen.color() != color: self.getAxis('bottom').setPen(color) self.getAxis('left').setPen(color) self.getAxis('top').setPen(color) self.getAxis('right').setPen(color) axisColor = Property(QColor, getAxisColor, setAxisColor) def getBottomAxisLabel(self): return self.getAxis('bottom').labelText def getShowRightAxis(self): """ Provide whether the right y-axis is being shown. Returns : bool ------- True if the graph shows the right y-axis. False if not. """ return self._show_right_axis def setShowRightAxis(self, show): """ Set whether the graph should show the right y-axis. Parameters ---------- show : bool True for showing the right axis; False is for not showing. """ if show: self.showAxis("right") else: self.hideAxis("right") self._show_right_axis = show showRightAxis = Property("bool", getShowRightAxis, setShowRightAxis) def getPlotTitle(self): if self._title is None: return "" return str(self._title) def setPlotTitle(self, value): self._title = str(value) if len(self._title) < 1: self._title = None self.setTitle(self._title) def resetPlotTitle(self): self._title = None self.setTitle(self._title) title = Property(str, getPlotTitle, setPlotTitle, resetPlotTitle) def getShowLegend(self): """ Check if the legend is being shown. Returns : bool ------- True if the legend is displayed on the graph; False if not. """ return self._show_legend def setShowLegend(self, value): """ Set to display the legend on the graph. Parameters ---------- value : bool True to display the legend; False is not. """ self._show_legend = value if self._show_legend: if self._legend is None: self._legend = self.addLegend() else: else: if self._legend is not None: self._legend.hide() def resetShowLegend(self): """ Reset the legend display status to hidden. """ self.setShowLegend(False) showLegend = Property(bool, getShowLegend, setShowLegend, resetShowLegend) def getAutoRangeX(self): return self._auto_range_x def setAutoRangeX(self, value): self._auto_range_x = value if self._auto_range_x: self.plotItem.enableAutoRange(ViewBox.XAxis, enable=self._auto_range_x) def resetAutoRangeX(self): self.setAutoRangeX(True) def getAutoRangeY(self): return self._auto_range_y def setAutoRangeY(self, value): self._auto_range_y = value if self._auto_range_y: self.plotItem.enableAutoRange(ViewBox.YAxis, enable=self._auto_range_y) def resetAutoRangeY(self): self.setAutoRangeY(True) def getMinXRange(self): """ Minimum X-axis value visible on the plot. Returns ------- float """ return self.plotItem.viewRange()[0][0] def setMinXRange(self, new_min_x_range): """ Set the minimum X-axis value visible on the plot. Parameters ------- new_min_x_range : float """ if self._auto_range_x: return self._min_x = new_min_x_range self.plotItem.setXRange(self._min_x, self._max_x, padding=0) def getMaxXRange(self): """ Maximum X-axis value visible on the plot. Returns ------- float """ return self.plotItem.viewRange()[0][1] def setMaxXRange(self, new_max_x_range): """ Set the Maximum X-axis value visible on the plot. Parameters ------- new_max_x_range : float """ if self._auto_range_x: return self._max_x = new_max_x_range self.plotItem.setXRange(self._min_x, self._max_x, padding=0) def getMinYRange(self): """ Minimum Y-axis value visible on the plot. Returns ------- float """ return self.plotItem.viewRange()[1][0] def setMinYRange(self, new_min_y_range): """ Set the minimum Y-axis value visible on the plot. Parameters ------- new_min_y_range : float """ if self._auto_range_y: return self._min_y = new_min_y_range self.plotItem.setYRange(self._min_y, self._max_y, padding=0) def getMaxYRange(self): """ Maximum Y-axis value visible on the plot. Returns ------- float """ return self.plotItem.viewRange()[1][1] def setMaxYRange(self, new_max_y_range): """ Set the maximum Y-axis value visible on the plot. Parameters ------- new_max_y_range : float """ if self._auto_range_y: return self._max_y = new_max_y_range self.plotItem.setYRange(self._min_y, self._max_y, padding=0) @Property(bool) def mouseEnabledX(self): """ Whether or not mouse interactions are enabled for the X-axis. Returns ------- bool """ return self.plotItem.getViewBox().state['mouseEnabled'][0] @mouseEnabledX.setter def mouseEnabledX(self, x_enabled): """ Whether or not mouse interactions are enabled for the X-axis. Parameters ------- x_enabled : bool """ self.plotItem.setMouseEnabled(x=x_enabled) @Property(bool) def mouseEnabledY(self): """ Whether or not mouse interactions are enabled for the Y-axis. Returns ------- bool """ return self.plotItem.getViewBox().state['mouseEnabled'][1] @mouseEnabledY.setter def mouseEnabledY(self, y_enabled): """ Whether or not mouse interactions are enabled for the Y-axis. Parameters ------- y_enabled : bool """ self.plotItem.setMouseEnabled(y=y_enabled) @Property(int) def maxRedrawRate(self): """ The maximum rate (in Hz) at which the plot will be redrawn. The plot will not be redrawn if there is not new data to draw. Returns ------- int """ return self._redraw_rate @maxRedrawRate.setter def maxRedrawRate(self, redraw_rate): """ The maximum rate (in Hz) at which the plot will be redrawn. The plot will not be redrawn if there is not new data to draw. Parameters ------- redraw_rate : int """ self._redraw_rate = redraw_rate self.redraw_timer.setInterval(int((1.0/self._redraw_rate)*1000)) def pausePlotting(self): self.redraw_timer.stop() if self.redraw_timer.isActive() else self.redraw_timer.start() return self.redraw_timer.isActive() def mouseMoved(self, evt): """ A handler for the crosshair feature. Every time the mouse move, the mouse coordinates are updated, and the horizontal and vertical hairlines will be redrawn at the new coordinate. If a PyDMDisplay object is available, that display will also have the x- and y- values to update on the UI. Parameters ------- evt: MouseEvent The mouse event type, from which the mouse coordinates are obtained. """ pos = evt[0] if self.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos): mouse_point = self.getViewBox().mapSceneToView(pos) self.vertical_crosshair_line.setPos(mouse_point.x()) self.horizontal_crosshair_line.setPos(mouse_point.y()) self.crosshair_position_updated.emit(mouse_point.x(), mouse_point.y()) def enableCrosshair(self, is_enabled, starting_x_pos, starting_y_pos, vertical_angle=90, horizontal_angle=0, vertical_movable=False, horizontal_movable=False): """ Enable the crosshair to be drawn on the ViewBox. Parameters ---------- is_enabled : bool True is to draw the crosshair, False is to not draw. starting_x_pos : float The x coordinate where to start the vertical crosshair line. starting_y_pos : float The y coordinate where to start the horizontal crosshair line. vertical_angle : float The angle to tilt the vertical crosshair line. Default at 90 degrees. horizontal_angle The angle to tilt the horizontal crosshair line. Default at 0 degrees. vertical_movable : bool True if the vertical line can be moved by the user; False is not. horizontal_movable False if the horizontal line can be moved by the user; False is not. """ if is_enabled: self.vertical_crosshair_line = InfiniteLine(pos=starting_x_pos, angle=vertical_angle, movable=vertical_movable) self.horizontal_crosshair_line = InfiniteLine(pos=starting_y_pos, angle=horizontal_angle, movable=horizontal_movable) self.plotItem.addItem(self.vertical_crosshair_line) self.plotItem.addItem(self.horizontal_crosshair_line) self.crosshair_movement_proxy = SignalProxy(self.plotItem.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=self.mouseMoved) else: if self.vertical_crosshair_line: self.plotItem.removeItem(self.vertical_crosshair_line) if self.horizontal_crosshair_line: self.plotItem.removeItem(self.horizontal_crosshair_line) if self.crosshair_movement_proxy: self.crosshair_movement_proxy.disconnect()