def rotate_inv_rpy(item, roll, pitch, yaw): roll = np.deg2rad(roll) pitch = np.deg2rad(pitch) yaw = np.deg2rad(yaw) matrix = np.array([[np.cos(roll)*np.cos(pitch), np.cos(roll)*np.sin(pitch)*np.sin(yaw)-np.sin(roll)*np.cos(yaw), np.cos(roll)*np.sin(pitch)*np.cos(yaw)+np.sin(roll)*np.sin(yaw), 0], [np.sin(roll)*np.cos(pitch), np.sin(roll)*np.sin(pitch)*np.sin(yaw)+np.cos(roll)*np.cos(yaw), np.sin(roll)*np.sin(pitch)*np.cos(yaw)-np.cos(roll)*np.sin(yaw), 0], [-np.sin(pitch), np.cos(pitch)*np.sin(yaw), np.cos(pitch)*np.cos(yaw), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) inverse = np.linalg.inv(matrix) matrixList = inverse.flatten().tolist() transform = Transform3D(matrixList) item.applyTransform(transform, True)
def setTransform(self, tr): """Set the local transform for this object. Must be a :class:`Transform3D <pyqtgraph.Transform3D>` instance. This transform determines how the local coordinate system of the item is mapped to the coordinate system of its parent.""" self.__transform = Transform3D(tr) self.update()
def rotate_inv_ypr(item, roll, pitch, yaw): r = np.deg2rad(roll) p = np.deg2rad(pitch) y = np.deg2rad(yaw) matrix = [[cos(p) * cos(y), -cos(p) * sin(y), sin(p), 0], [cos(r) * sin(y) + sin(p) * sin(r) * cos(y), cos(r) * cos(y) - sin(p) * sin(r) * sin(y), -cos(p) * sin(r), 0], [sin(r) * sin(y) - sin(p) * cos(r) * cos(y), sin(p) * cos(r) * sin(y) + sin(r) * cos(y), cos(p) * cos(r), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]] inverse = np.linalg.inv(matrix) matrixList = inverse.flatten().tolist() transform = Transform3D(matrixList) item.applyTransform(transform, True)
def processFace(self, edgePair): """ Using ransac, calculates the normals for the currently selected edge pairs and displays a vectors corresponding the orientatoin of the face. """ self.currentEdgePair = edgePair # if self.grabberElement is not None: # self.removeItem(self.grabberElement) self.grabberElement = GrabberElement(self.context) self.addItem(self.grabberElement, group=RenderGroup.Variable) length = 10 position = edgePair.getCenterPoint3D() eigenVectors = edgePair.getOrientation() # make eigen vector into 4x4 matrix for transform3d eigenVectors = np.insert(eigenVectors, 3, 0, axis=0) eigenVectors = np.insert(eigenVectors, 3, 0, axis=1) eigenVectors = eigenVectors.T eigenVectors = eigenVectors.flatten() # set eigen[3][3] to 1 eigenVectors[15] = 1 transformation = Transform3D(eigenVectors) self.grabberElement.applyTransform(transformation, local=False) self.grabberElement.translate(position[0], position[1], position[2], local=False) self.grabberElement.applyTransform(self.pointCloudView.transform(), local=False) self.grabberElement.update() axisItem = gl.GLAxisItem(size=QVector3D(length, length, length)) axisItem.applyTransform(self.grabberElement.transform(), local=False) self.addItem(axisItem, RenderGroup.Variable) self.grabberElement.setOpenGrabber(edgePair.getDistanceBetweenEdgePair()) return
def translate(self, dx, dy, dz, local=False): """ Translate the object by (*dx*, *dy*, *dz*) in its parent's coordinate system. If *local* is True, then translation takes place in local coordinates. """ tr = Transform3D() tr.translate(dx, dy, dz) self.applyTransform(tr, local=local)
def scale(self, x, y, z, local=True): """ Scale the object by (*dx*, *dy*, *dz*) in its local coordinate system. If *local* is False, then scale takes place in the parent's coordinates. """ tr = Transform3D() tr.scale(x, y, z) self.applyTransform(tr, local=local)
def viewTransform(self): tr = self.__transform p = self while True: p = p.parentItem() if p is None: break tr = p.transform() * tr return Transform3D(tr)
def rotate(self, angle, x, y, z, local=False): """ Rotate the object around the axis specified by (x,y,z). *angle* is in degrees. """ tr = Transform3D() tr.rotate(angle, x, y, z) self.applyTransform(tr, local=local)
def __init__(self, parentItem=None): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.__parent = None self.__view = None self.__children = set() self.__transform = Transform3D() self.__visible = True self.setParentItem(parentItem) self.setDepthValue(0) self.__glOpts = {}
def viewTransform(self): """Return the transform mapping this item's local coordinate system to the view coordinate system.""" tr = self.__transform p = self while True: p = p.parentItem() if p is None: break tr = p.transform() * tr return Transform3D(tr)
def set_estimated_transform(self, orientation: Quaternion, position: np.ndarray): transform = Transform3D() transform.translate(*position) self.estimatedPositions.append(position) self.estimatedLine.setData(pos=np.array(self.estimatedPositions)) qx, qy, qz, qw = orientation q = QtGui.QQuaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz) transform.rotate(q) self.estimatedFrustum.setTransform(transform)
def triad(rows, cols, lx=1.0, ly=1.0, lz=1.0): mdX = MyMeshData.arrow(rows, cols, length=lx, radius=0.1 * lx) mdY = MyMeshData.arrow(rows, cols, length=ly, radius=0.1 * ly) mdZ = MyMeshData.arrow(rows, cols, length=lz, radius=0.1 * lz) # Orientation trX = Transform3D() trX.rotate(90., 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) vertX = fn.transformCoordinates(trX, mdX.vertexes(), transpose=True) nbrVerts = vertX.size / 3 trY = Transform3D() trY.rotate(90., 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) vertY = fn.transformCoordinates(trY, mdY.vertexes(), transpose=True) verts = np.vstack((vertX, vertY, mdZ.vertexes())) faces = np.vstack( (mdX.faces(), mdY.faces() + nbrVerts, mdZ.faces() + 2 * nbrVerts)) nbrFaces = faces.shape[0] #Colors x: red, y: green and z: blue colors = np.zeros((nbrFaces, 4)) colors[0:nbrFaces / 3] = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6]) colors[nbrFaces / 3:nbrFaces * 2 / 3] = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.6]) colors[nbrFaces * 2 / 3:nbrFaces] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.6]) return gl.MeshData(vertexes=verts, faces=faces, faceColors=colors)
def set_projected_points(self, points: np.ndarray, orientation: Quaternion, position: np.ndarray): if len(points) == 0: return transform = Transform3D() transform.translate(*position) qx, qy, qz, qw = orientation q = QtGui.QQuaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz) transform.rotate(q) points = self.points.setData(pos=points.T)
def updateview_object(sr): global fire if fire: xscale = sr.ui.scale_3d_x.value() yscale = sr.ui.scale_3d_y.value() zscale = sr.ui.scale_3d_z.value() sr.scratchReader.options.put("view", "3d", "scale", "x", value=xscale) sr.scratchReader.options.put("view", "3d", "scale", "y", value=yscale) sr.scratchReader.options.put("view", "3d", "scale", "z", value=zscale) for i in sr.ui.plot3d_pot_widget.items: t = i.viewTransform().copyDataTo() t[0] = xscale t[5] = yscale t[10] = zscale i.setTransform(Transform3D(t))
def rotate_ypr(item, roll, pitch, yaw): r = np.deg2rad(roll) p = np.deg2rad(pitch) y = np.deg2rad(yaw) matrix = [cos(p) * cos(y), -cos(p) * sin(y), sin(p), 0, cos(r) * sin(y) + sin(p) * sin(r) * cos(y), cos(r) * cos(y) - sin(p) * sin(r) * sin(y), -cos(p) * sin(r), 0, sin(r) * sin(y) - sin(p) * cos(r) * cos(y), sin(p) * cos(r) * sin(y) + sin(r) * cos(y), cos(p) * cos(r), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] transform = Transform3D(matrix) item.applyTransform(transform, True)
def rotate_rpy(item, roll, pitch, yaw): roll = np.deg2rad(roll) pitch = np.deg2rad(pitch) yaw = np.deg2rad(yaw) matrix = [np.cos(roll) * np.cos(pitch), np.cos(roll) * np.sin(pitch) * np.sin(yaw) - np.sin(roll) * np.cos(yaw), np.cos(roll) * np.sin(pitch) * np.cos(yaw) + np.sin(roll) * np.sin(yaw), 0, np.sin(roll) * np.cos(pitch), np.sin(roll) * np.sin(pitch) * np.sin(yaw) + np.cos(roll) * np.cos(yaw), np.sin(roll) * np.sin(pitch) * np.cos(yaw) - np.cos(roll) * np.sin(yaw), 0, -np.sin(pitch), np.cos(pitch) * np.sin(yaw), np.cos(pitch) * np.cos(yaw), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] transform = Transform3D(matrix) item.applyTransform(transform, True)
def mrotate(self, angle, x, y, z): tr = Transform3D() tr.rotate(angle, x, y, z) return tr
def initGrabberModel(self, grabberMeshName, arrowName, baseMeshName): # initialize grabber Element grabberRMeshData = self.context.loadModel(grabberMeshName.format("_r")) grabberLMeshData = self.context.loadModel(grabberMeshName.format("_l")) forwardArrowMeshData = self.context.loadModel(arrowName.format("_up")) upArrowMeshData = self.context.loadModel(arrowName.format("_forward")) grabberBaseMeshData = self.context.loadModel(baseMeshName) grabberRMeshArguments = { "meshdata": grabberRMeshData, "color": (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.85), "edgeColor": (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0), "drawEdge": True, "drawFace": True, "shader": 'shaded', "glOptions": 'opaque' } grabberLMeshArguments = { "meshdata": grabberLMeshData, "color": (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.85), "edgeColor": (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0), "drawEdge": True, "drawFace": True, "shader": 'shaded', "glOptions": 'opaque' } baseArguments = { "meshdata": grabberBaseMeshData, "color": (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.85), "edgeColor": (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0), "drawEdge": True, "drawFace": True, "shader": 'shaded', "glOptions": 'opaque' } forwardArrowArguments = { "meshdata": forwardArrowMeshData, "color": (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.3), "edgeColor": (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0), "drawEdge": True, "drawFace": True, "shader": 'balloon', "glOptions": 'additive' } backwardArrowArguments = { "meshdata": forwardArrowMeshData, "color": (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.3), "edgeColor": (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0), "drawEdge": True, "drawFace": True, "shader": 'balloon', "glOptions": 'additive' } upArrowArguments = { "meshdata": upArrowMeshData, "color": (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.3), "edgeColor": (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0), "drawEdge": True, "drawFace": True, "shader": 'balloon', "glOptions": 'additive' } mirrorTrans = np.identity(4) mirrorTrans[1][1] = -1 self.rightGrabber = gl.GLMeshItem(**grabberRMeshArguments) self.leftGrabber = gl.GLMeshItem(**grabberLMeshArguments) self.leftGrabber.applyTransform(Transform3D(mirrorTrans.flatten()), local=True) self.rightGrabber.applyTransform(Transform3D(mirrorTrans.flatten()), local=True) self.forwardArrow = gl.GLMeshItem(**forwardArrowArguments) self.backwardArrow = gl.GLMeshItem(**backwardArrowArguments) mirrorTrans[1][1] = 1 mirrorTrans[0][0] = -1 self.backwardArrow.applyTransform(Transform3D(mirrorTrans.flatten()), local=True) self.upArrow = gl.GLMeshItem(**upArrowArguments) self.grabberBase = gl.GLMeshItem(**baseArguments) self.rightGrabber.setParentItem(self) self.leftGrabber.setParentItem(self) self.forwardArrow.setParentItem(self) self.backwardArrow.setParentItem(self) self.upArrow.setParentItem(self) self.grabberBase.setParentItem(self)
def setTransform(self, tr): self.__transform = Transform3D(tr) self.update()