コード例 #1
ファイル: scf_simple.py プロジェクト: Konjkov/pyquante2
def uhf_simple(geo,basisname='sto3g',maxiter=25,verbose=False):
    if geo.nopen() == 0: return scf_simple(geo,basisname,maxiter,verbose)
    bfs = basisset(geo,basisname)
    i1 = onee_integrals(bfs,geo)
    i2 = twoe_integrals(bfs)
    h = i1.T + i1.V
    E,U = geigh(h,i1.S)
    Enuke = geo.nuclear_repulsion()
    Eold = Energy = 0
    ca = cb = U
    na,nb = geo.nup(),geo.ndown()

    for i in xrange(maxiter):
        Energy = Enuke
        Da = dmat(ca,na)
        Db = dmat(cb,nb)
        h = i1.T + i1.V
        Energy += trace2(Da+Db,h)/2
        Ja,Ka = i2.get_j(Da),i2.get_k(Da)
        Jb,Kb = i2.get_j(Db),i2.get_k(Db)
        Fa = h + Ja + Jb - Ka
        Fb = h + Ja + Jb - Kb
        orbea,ca = geigh(Fa,i1.S)
        orbeb,cb = geigh(Fb,i1.S)
        Energy += trace2(Fa,Da)/2 + trace2(Fb,Db)/2
        print ("UHF: %d   %10.4f : %10.4f" % ((i+1),Energy,Enuke))
        if np.isclose(Energy,Eold):
        Eold = Energy
        print ("Warning: Maxiter %d hit in scf_simple" % maxiter)
    return Energy,E,U
コード例 #2
def uhf_simple(geo,basisname='sto3g',maxiter=25,verbose=False):
    if geo.nopen() == 0: return scf_simple(geo,basisname,maxiter,verbose)
    bfs = basisset(geo,basisname)
    i1 = onee_integrals(bfs,geo)
    i2 = twoe_integrals(bfs)
    h = i1.T + i1.V
    E,U = geigh(h,i1.S)
    Enuke = geo.nuclear_repulsion()
    Eold = Energy = 0
    ca = cb = U
    na,nb = geo.nup(),geo.ndown()

    for i in xrange(maxiter):
        Energy = Enuke
        Da = dmat(ca,na)
        Db = dmat(cb,nb)
        h = i1.T + i1.V
        Energy += trace2(Da+Db,h)/2
        Ja,Ka = i2.get_j(Da),i2.get_k(Da)
        Jb,Kb = i2.get_j(Db),i2.get_k(Db)
        Fa = h + Ja + Jb - Ka
        Fb = h + Ja + Jb - Kb
        orbea,ca = geigh(Fa,i1.S)
        orbeb,cb = geigh(Fb,i1.S)
        Energy += trace2(Fa,Da)/2 + trace2(Fb,Db)/2
        print ("UHF: %d   %10.4f : %10.4f" % ((i+1),Energy,Enuke))
        if np.isclose(Energy,Eold):
        Eold = Energy
        print ("Warning: Maxiter %d hit in scf_simple" % maxiter)
    return Energy,E,U
コード例 #3
ファイル: scf_simple.py プロジェクト: Konjkov/pyquante2
def scf_simple(geo,basisname='sto-3g',maxiter=25,verbose=False):
    bfs = basisset(geo,basisname)
    i1 = onee_integrals(bfs,geo)
    i2 = twoe_integrals(bfs)
    if verbose: print ("S=\n%s" % i1.S)
    h = i1.T + i1.V
    if verbose: print ("h=\n%s" % h)
    if verbose: print ("T=\n%s" % i1.T)
    if verbose: print ("V=\n%s" % i1.V)
    E,U = geigh(h,i1.S)
    if verbose: print ("E=\n%s" % E)
    if verbose: print ("U=\n%s" % U)
    Enuke = geo.nuclear_repulsion()
    nocc = geo.nocc()
    Eold = Energy = 0
    if verbose: print ("2e ints\n%s" % i2)
    for i in xrange(maxiter):
        D = dmat(U,nocc)
        if verbose: print ("D=\n%s" % D)
        Eone = trace2(h,D)
        G = i2.get_2jk(D)
        H = h+G
        Etwo = trace2(H,D)
        E,U = geigh(H,i1.S)
        Energy = Enuke+Eone+Etwo
        print ("HF: %d   %10.4f : %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" % ((i+1),Energy,Enuke,Eone,Etwo))
        if np.isclose(Energy,Eold):
        Eold = Energy
        print ("Warning: Maxiter %d hit in scf_simple" % maxiter)
    return Energy,E,U
コード例 #4
def rhf_simple(geo,basisname='sto3g',maxiter=25,verbose=False):
    bfs = basisset(geo,basisname)
    i1 = onee_integrals(bfs,geo)
    i2 = twoe_integrals(bfs)
    if verbose: print ("S=\n%s" % i1.S)
    h = i1.T + i1.V
    if verbose: print ("h=\n%s" % h)
    if verbose: print ("T=\n%s" % i1.T)
    if verbose: print ("V=\n%s" % i1.V)
    E,U = geigh(h,i1.S)
    if verbose: print ("E=\n%s" % E)
    if verbose: print ("U=\n%s" % U)
    Enuke = geo.nuclear_repulsion()
    nocc = geo.nocc()
    Eold = Energy = 0
    if verbose: print ("2e ints\n%s" % i2)
    for i in xrange(maxiter):
        D = dmat(U,nocc)
        if verbose: print ("D=\n%s" % D)
        Eone = trace2(h,D)
        G = i2.get_2jk(D)
        H = h+G
        Etwo = trace2(H,D)
        E,U = geigh(H,i1.S)
        Energy = Enuke+Eone+Etwo
        print ("HF: %d   %10.4f : %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" % ((i+1),Energy,Enuke,Eone,Etwo))
        if np.isclose(Energy,Eold):
        Eold = Energy
        print ("Warning: Maxiter %d hit in scf_simple" % maxiter)
    return Energy,E,U
コード例 #5
ファイル: hamiltonians.py プロジェクト: jvtrudel/pyquante2
 def __init__(self,geo,bfs):
     self.geo = geo
     self.bfs = bfs
     self.i1 = onee_integrals(bfs,geo)
     self.i2 = twoe_integrals(bfs)
     self.energies = []
     self.energy = 0
     self.converged = False
コード例 #6
ファイル: hamiltonians.py プロジェクト: xmujiali/pyquante2
 def __init__(self,geo,bfs):
     self.geo = geo
     self.bfs = bfs
     self.i1 = onee_integrals(bfs,geo)
     self.i2 = twoe_integrals(bfs)
     self.energies = []
     self.energy = 0
     self.converged = False
コード例 #7
ファイル: mcscf.py プロジェクト: padamson/pyquante2
def gvb(geo,npair=0,basisname='sto3g',maxiter=25,verbose=False,
        return_orbs=False, input_orbs=None):
    This is a trivial test for the gvb module, because other
    pyquante modules are simpler if you're doing closed shell rhf,
    and should give the same results.

    # -0.46658184546856041 from uhf/sto3g
    >>> gvb(h)     # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    #  -1.117099582955609 from rhf/sto3g
    >>> gvb(h2)    # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> gvb(lih,maxiter=5)   # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> gvb(li,maxiter=5)    # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> gvb(h2,npair=1)      # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    # Get the basis set and the integrals
    bfs = basisset(geo,basisname)
    i1 = onee_integrals(bfs,geo)
    i2 = twoe_integrals(bfs)
    h = i1.T + i1.V

    # Get a guess for the orbitals
    if input_orbs is not None:
        U = input_orbs
        E,U = geigh(h,i1.S)

    # Set the parameters based on the molecule
    nopen = geo.nopen()
    ncore = geo.nclosed() - npair
    nocc = ncore + nopen + 2*npair
    norb = len(bfs)
    virt = range(nocc,norb)
    orbs_per_shell = get_orbs_per_shell(ncore,nopen,npair)
    nsh = len(orbs_per_shell)
    shell = orbital_to_shell_mapping(ncore,nopen,npair)
    Enuke = geo.nuclear_repulsion()

    f,a,b = fab(ncore,nopen,npair)

    if verbose:
        print("**** PyQuante GVB ****")
        print("Nuclear repulsion energy: %.3f" % Enuke)
        print("Basis set: %s" % basisname)
        print("  ncore/open/pair: %d,%d,%d" % (ncore,nopen,npair))
        print("  occ/bf/orb: %d,%d,%d" % (nocc,len(bfs),norb))
        for i in range(nsh):
            print("Shell %d" % i)
            print("  occupation = %.2f" % f[i])
            print("  orbitals in shell %s" % orbs_per_shell[i])
            print("  couplings to other shells %s" % zip(a[i,:],b[i,:]))
        print("Starting guess at orbitals:\n%s"%U)
        print("Shell array: %s" % shell)

    Eold = 0
    for it in range(maxiter):
        # Make all of the density matrices:
        Ds = [dmat_gen(U,orbs) for orbs in orbs_per_shell]
        # Compute the required Hamiltonian matrices:
        Js = [i2.get_j(D) for D in Ds]
        Ks = [i2.get_k(D) for D in Ds]

        # Perform the ROTION step and compute the energy
        Eel,Eone,Uocc = ROTION(U[:,:nocc],h,Js,Ks,f,a,b,nocc,shell,
        if nsh > 1:
            U[:,:nocc] = Uocc

        # Perform the OCBSE step
        U = OCBSE(U,h,Js,Ks,f,a,b,orbs_per_shell,virt)

        #E = Enuke+Eone+Etwo
        E = Enuke+Eel
        Etwo = Eel-2*Eone

        # Update CI coefs
        coeffs = update_gvb_ci_coeffs(Uocc,h,Js,Ks,f,a,b,ncore,nopen,npair,
        f,a,b = fab(ncore,nopen,npair,coeffs)

        if verbose:
            print ("---- %d :  %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" % ((it+1),E,Enuke,Eone,Etwo))
        if np.isclose(E,Eold):
            if verbose:
                print("Energy converged")
        Eold = E
        print("Maximum iterations (%d) reached without convergence" % (maxiter))
    if return_orbs:
        return E,U
    return E
コード例 #8
ファイル: mcscf.py プロジェクト: spearous0001/pyquante2
def gvb(geo,
    This is a trivial test for the gvb module, because other
    pyquante modules are simpler if you're doing closed shell rhf,
    and should give the same results.

    # -0.46658184546856041 from uhf/sto3g
    >>> gvb(h)     # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    #  -1.117099582955609 from rhf/sto3g
    >>> gvb(h2)    # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> gvb(lih,maxiter=5)   # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> gvb(li,maxiter=5)    # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> gvb(h2,npair=1)      # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    # Get the basis set and the integrals
    bfs = basisset(geo, basisname)
    i1 = onee_integrals(bfs, geo)
    i2 = twoe_integrals(bfs)
    h = i1.T + i1.V

    # Get a guess for the orbitals
    if input_orbs is not None:
        U = input_orbs
        E, U = geigh(h, i1.S)

    # Set the parameters based on the molecule
    nopen = geo.nopen()
    ncore = geo.nclosed() - npair
    nocc = ncore + nopen + 2 * npair
    norb = len(bfs)
    virt = range(nocc, norb)
    orbs_per_shell = get_orbs_per_shell(ncore, nopen, npair)
    nsh = len(orbs_per_shell)
    shell = orbital_to_shell_mapping(ncore, nopen, npair)
    Enuke = geo.nuclear_repulsion()

    f, a, b = fab(ncore, nopen, npair)

    if verbose:
        print("**** PyQuante GVB ****")
        print("Nuclear repulsion energy: %.3f" % Enuke)
        print("Basis set: %s" % basisname)
        print("  ncore/open/pair: %d,%d,%d" % (ncore, nopen, npair))
        print("  occ/bf/orb: %d,%d,%d" % (nocc, len(bfs), norb))
        for i in range(nsh):
            print("Shell %d" % i)
            print("  occupation = %.2f" % f[i])
            print("  orbitals in shell %s" % orbs_per_shell[i])
            print("  couplings to other shells %s" % zip(a[i, :], b[i, :]))
        print("Starting guess at orbitals:\n%s" % U)
        print("Shell array: %s" % shell)

    Eold = 0
    for it in range(maxiter):
        # Make all of the density matrices:
        Ds = [dmat_gen(U, orbs) for orbs in orbs_per_shell]
        # Compute the required Hamiltonian matrices:
        Js = [i2.get_j(D) for D in Ds]
        Ks = [i2.get_k(D) for D in Ds]

        # Perform the ROTION step and compute the energy
        Eel, Eone, Uocc = ROTION(U[:, :nocc],
        if nsh > 1:
            U[:, :nocc] = Uocc

        # Perform the OCBSE step
        U = OCBSE(U, h, Js, Ks, f, a, b, orbs_per_shell, virt)

        #E = Enuke+Eone+Etwo
        E = Enuke + Eel
        Etwo = Eel - 2 * Eone

        # Update CI coefs
        coeffs = update_gvb_ci_coeffs(Uocc, h, Js, Ks, f, a, b, ncore, nopen,
                                      npair, orbs_per_shell, verbose)
        f, a, b = fab(ncore, nopen, npair, coeffs)

        if verbose:
            print("---- %d :  %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" %
                  ((it + 1), E, Enuke, Eone, Etwo))
        if np.isclose(E, Eold):
            if verbose:
                print("Energy converged")
        Eold = E
        print("Maximum iterations (%d) reached without convergence" %
    if return_orbs:
        return E, U
    return E