コード例 #1
class SchemaHandler(object):
    This object aimes to custom a origin schema to a set of
    Schema Handler could iterate sub-schemas to answer a query.
    #def __init__(self, tables, links = None, owner = None):
    def __init__(self, tables, links = None):
        self._schema = OriginSchema(tables)
        self._simschemas = None
        if not self._schema.check_connective():
            _LOGGER.debug('Schema graph is not connective')
        self.attr_path = {}
        self.attr_path_tables = {}
        self.subconstructors = []
        self.subnodes = [] # calculate coverage
        self.attr_table = set([])
        self.left_joins = []

    def recognize_schema(self, mapper, dbmanager=None, db_alias=None):
        # Step 1. Recognize three types of tables and links.
        # Step 2. Detect recursive cases, and create Alias table to
        #         To resolve recursive cases.
        # Step 3. Generate lookup table for Entity -> Attribute link.
        #         This will resolve the issue such as Person table.
        #         generate simplified graph
        # Step 4. Calculate each links type, by default foreign key link
        #         other format of link are acceptable. Such as OUTER
        #         JOIN
        # Step 5. Detect dividings and accept input from administrator.
        #         Load split.yaml file
        # Step 6. Generate sub graphs from each sub sets.

        # Step 2. Detect recursive cases, and create Alias table to
        #         To resolve recursive cases.
        #   1. entity table link to itself
        #   2. rel table double link to entity table
        #   3. Error:
        #       . ent table double link to entity table ?
        #           . composite key has been handled by FKCons
        #   4. not sure:
        #       . rel table point to itself ? remove?
        #       . ent/rel table point to rel table with double link
        #       ---> pick one or both ?
        #   5. safe to egnore: 
        #     attr table will not involing in path generation
        #       . any table double link to attr table is fine
        #       . attr table point to itself

        config = {'alias_mapfile':None, 'split_file':None}
        if dbmanager != None and db_alias != None:
            self.load_statistics(dbmanager, db_alias)
            config = readconfig()
            self.further_map(mapper, config['alias_mapfile'])

        # Step 3. Generate lookup table for Entity -> Attribute link.
        #         This will resolve the issue such as person table.
        #         get simplified graph
        #         We need a function map(key.attribute) ==> table name
        #         on core schema
        self.attr_table = self._schema.v_attr
        self.attr_path, self.attr_path_tables = \
        for name, path in self.attr_path.items():
            for pat in path:
                _LOGGER.debug("path %s is %s.%s --> %s.%s" % (name, \
                pat.ltable, pat.lcolumn, pat.rtable, pat.rcolumn))

        if dbmanager != None and db_alias != None:
            self.left_joins = load_left_join(config['left_join'])
            for idx in range(len(self.left_joins)):
                key = self.left_joins[idx]
                if key != None and key.find('.') == -1:
                    table = mapper.get_table(key)
                    self.left_joins.insert(idx, table)
            _LOGGER.debug('left_joins is %s' % str(self.left_joins))
        simschemas = self._schema.gen_simschema()

        if dbmanager != None and db_alias != None:

        _LOGGER.debug("%d simschemas are generated" % len(simschemas))
        for simschema in simschemas:

        self._simschemas = simschemas

        # Step 4. Calculate each links type, by default foreign key link
        #         other format of link are acceptable. Such as OUTER
        #         JOIN

        # Step 5. Detect dividings and accept input from administrator.
        #         Load split.yaml file
        splition = False
        if dbmanager != None and db_alias != None:
            splition = load_split(config['split_file'])
        if splition:
            for simschema in simschemas:
                subgraphs, subnodes = simschema.gen_subgraph(splition)
        # Step 6. Generate sub graphs from each sub sets.
        #         self.sub_schema.add(tables)
        #         self.sub_graphs.add(self.graph_from_schema(tables,
        #           links))
        #         ? construct_query instance?
                for subgraph in subgraphs:
                      ConstructQuery(subgraph._graph, weighted=True))
                for nodes in subnodes:
            for simschema in simschemas:
                graph = simschema.get_wgraph_from_schema()
                self.subconstructors.append([ConstructQuery(graph, weighted=True)])
                nodes = set(range(len(simschema.ordered)))

    def load_statistics(self, dbmanager, db_alias):
        """load statistics"""
        return load_statistics(dbmanager, db_alias, self._schema)

    def further_map(self, mapper, filename="map2.yaml"):
        """further map after alias generated"""
        return mapper.load_mapfile(filename)

    def map_attribute(self, compkey):
        Get the links start from the end node on the core schema
        for this attribute
        _LOGGER.debug("finding attribute link %s" % compkey)
        if self.attr_path.has_key(compkey):
            return self.attr_path[compkey]
        _LOGGER.debug("no attribute link %s" % compkey)
        return None

    def build_query(self, whereclause, keylist, algo="MIS"):
        build query by root join
            check aggregation keywords if querying [key, aggregation, ...]

        start = time.time()
        froms = self.root_join(whereclause, keylist, algo)
        _LOGGER.debug("froms is %s" % str(froms))
        elapsed = (time.time() - start)
        _LOGGER.debug("root_join time %0.5f", elapsed)
        query = self.handle_aggregation(keylist, froms, whereclause)
        return query

    def unique_table_column(self, keylist, index):
        get unique table column at keylist
        index is keyword index at keylist
        tnames = keylist['keyset'][index]
        if tnames.count('.'):
            tname, attr = tnames.split('.')
        if keylist['keyset'].count(keylist['keyset'][index]) > 1\
            and (tname in self._schema.v_attr or tname.lower() in \
            compkey = keylist['keywords'][index]
            self.set_unique(compkey, tname)
            table = self.find_table(compkey)
            if table is not None:
                if table.columns.has_key(attr):
                    col = table.columns[attr]
                    col = table.columns[attr.lower()]
                raise Error("ERROR can't find table %s" % str(tname))
            col = self.get_table_column(keylist['mkeywords'][index][0])
        return col

    def single_table_query(self, keylist, froms, whereclause):
        deal with single table queries
        find entity.attr1, entity.attr2, ... [ where entity.attr1 op value ]

    def handle_aggregation(self, keylist, froms, whereclause):
        1. generate selects
            - if no aggregation contains, gen query
            - if aggregation exists, but not mixed, gen query
        3. handle mixed aggregation by
            -   taking current select as a subquery
            -   apply order_by with all non aggregation keywords
            -   naming this subquery and select all keywords from it
        keywords = keylist['mkeywords']
        # num of tables related in finds
        mtables = set([key.split('.')[0] for key in keylist['keyset']])
        if froms == None and len(mtables) > 1:
            return None
        selects = []
        columns = []
        mix_agg = False
#        for keyword in keywords:
        for index in range(len(keywords)):
            keyword = keywords[index]
            if len(keyword) == 1:
                    col = self.unique_table_column(keylist, index)
                    col = col.label('_'.join(\
                        (col.table.name[0], str(index), col.name)))
                    mix_agg = True
                    _LOGGER.error("can't find table %s" % keyword[0])
                    return None
            elif keyword[1] in ('count', 'max', 'min', 'sum'):
                    col = self.unique_table_column(keylist, index)
                    col = col.label('_'.join(\
                        (col.table.name[0], str(index), col.name, keyword[1][1])))
                    selects.append(getattr(func, keyword[1])(col))
                    _LOGGER.error("can't find table %s" % keyword[0])
                    return None
                _LOGGER.error("invalid keyword format %s" % str(keyword))
                return None
        if not self.contains_aggregation(keywords) or not mix_agg:
            query = select(selects, from_obj=froms, whereclause=whereclause)
            return query
        bquery = select(columns, from_obj=froms, whereclause=whereclause)
        keys = bquery.c.keys()
        if len(bquery.columns) != len(columns):
            _LOGGER.error("columns alias failed %s" % str(columns))
        columns = bquery.columns

        group_by = []
        new_select = []

        for idx in range(len(keywords)):
            keyword = keywords[idx]
            if len(keyword) == 1:
            elif keyword[1] in ('count', 'max', 'min', 'sum'):
                new_select.append(getattr(func, keyword[1])(\

        query = select(new_select, group_by=group_by)
        return query

    def contains_aggregation(self, keywords):
        check existence of an aggregation keywords coming with other
            [[key], [key, aggregation], ...]
        for keyword in keywords:
            if len(keyword) > 1:
                return True
        return False

    def check_coverage(self, sim_idx, core_indices):
        check whether this subgraph covering all the tables or not
        to check it, we need the node indexes for each subschema
        if no one matches, return -1
        for idx in range(len(self.subnodes[sim_idx])):
            if core_indices.issubset(self.subnodes[sim_idx][idx]):
                return idx
        return -1

    def construct_query(self, sim_idx, core_indices, algo, lefts):
        generate the spanning tree for this table sets
        this function will perform the algorithm on the first matching subgraph
        and return the spanning tree as required
        match_subgraph = self.check_coverage(sim_idx, set(core_indices))
        if match_subgraph == -1:
            _LOGGER.error("no subgraph could answer this query")
            return None
        constructor = self.subconstructors[sim_idx][match_subgraph]
        if algo == 'LWS':
            subtree = constructor.get_leastw_subtree(core_indices)
        elif algo == 'MIS':
            subtree = constructor.get_mcst(core_indices, lefts)
        elif algo == 'MST':
            subtree = constructor.get_steiner(core_indices, lefts)
        return subtree

    def root_join(self, whereclause, keylist, algo):
        -   keylist including selects and keys in constraints
        -   whereclauses.
        This method:
            - looks through the elements and clauses to determine
                which tables need to be joined in order to support
                the query
            - froms
            - selects generation are suspended
            LWS, least weight spanning tree
            MIS, multiple iterator search
        How to deside whether we need extra join?
        tables_of_concern = set()
        # sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Alias or Table
        for keyword in keylist['keyset']:
                col = self.get_table_column(keyword)
                _LOGGER.error("can't find table %s" % keyword[0])
                return None
        # no need to take a join if there is only one table involved
        if len(keylist['keyset']) == 1:
            return None

        lens = len(tables_of_concern)
        # find the best candidate spanning tree
        # table_indices is the index list of tables_of_concern
        # referencing self.ordered

        # attribute table should be filter out in table join
        # append attribute table afterwards
        tnames_of_concern = [table.name for table in tables_of_concern]
        _LOGGER.debug("tables_of_concern is %s" % str(tnames_of_concern))
        core_tables = set(tnames_of_concern).difference(self.attr_table)
        _LOGGER.debug("tables on core schema are %s" % str(core_tables))

        #subtree missing the attr_path
        # we could get map_attribute from compkey, which is in query object
        # we take compkey as index for distinguishing the links, such as
        # createdby and modby
        return_jtables = {}
        cons_jtables = {}
        return_jtables, cons_jtables = self.gen_join_table(keylist)
        _LOGGER.debug("return joint table on core schema %s" % \
        _LOGGER.debug("cons joint table on core schema %s" % \
        core_tables = core_tables.union(set(return_jtables.keys()))
        core_tables = core_tables.union(set(cons_jtables.keys()))
        _LOGGER.debug("merged core tables are %s " % str(core_tables))
        if len(core_tables) == 1 and lens == 1 and \
            return None
        chosen_simschema = self._simschemas[0]
        sim_idx = 0
        if len(self._simschemas) != 1:
            sim_idx = -1
            for idx in range(len(self._simschemas)):
                if core_tables.issubset(self._simschemas[idx].nodelist.keys()):
                    sim_idx = idx
            if sim_idx == -1:
                _LOGGER.error("could not answer this query, please " + \
                "check the relationship between entities")
                return None
        chosen_simschema = self._simschemas[sim_idx]
        core_indices = []
        left_indices = []
        for tname in core_tables:
            idx = chosen_simschema.ordered.index(
            if tname in self.left_joins:

#        core_indices = [chosen_simschema.ordered.index(\
#                chosen_simschema.nodelist[tname]) \
#                for tname in core_tables]
        subtree = self.construct_query(sim_idx, core_indices, algo, left_indices)
        _LOGGER.debug("core spanning tree are %s " % str(subtree))
#        print subtree

#        appendix = set(tnames_of_concern).intersection(self.attr_table)

#        print appendix

        if subtree is None:
            _LOGGER.error("Failed to generate a core subtree")
            return None

        # the subtree indicate the order of tables involving the join.
        # but it lose the information on which table is the foreign key,
        # so we need to search through tables to find which had the
        # foreign key and which the primary key
        # root_join is a table.join().join()...

        # the attribute join path could overlap with existing join path
        # dataset.app_exec vs procds.app_exec
        # so re calculation is needed to get the right join position
        # set joined_tables recording the tables in current root_join
        joined_tables = core_tables.union(set([])) # initialize with core_tables
        root_join = None
        root_table = self.find_table(\

        unexplored = [(subtree.root_index, None)]
        visited = [False] * len(subtree)
            node_idx, _ = unexplored[0]
            visited[node_idx] = True
            table = self.find_table(\
            if table.name == root_table.name:
                root_join = root_table
#           constraints attribute links
            if table.name in cons_jtables:
                for links, compkey, tname, left in cons_jtables[table.name]:
                    current = table.name
                    for link in links:
                        if link.ltable in joined_tables and \
                           link.rtable in joined_tables:
                            if current == link.ltable:
                                current = link.rtable
                            current = link.ltable
                        if current != link.ltable:
                            root_join = self.join_link(root_join, \
                                    link, False, compkey, tname, left)
                            current = link.ltable
                            if left: left = False
                            root_join = self.join_link(root_join, \
                                    link, True, compkey, tname, left)
                            current = link.rtable
                            if left: left = False
#           inner nodes
            for adjacent in subtree._graph[node_idx]:
                if not visited[adjacent[0]]:
                    unexplored.append((adjacent[0], node_idx))
                    visited[adjacent[0]] = True
                    parent = chosen_simschema.ordered[node_idx]
                    node = chosen_simschema.ordered[adjacent[0]]
                    jlink = None
                    follow_pn = True
                    left = False
                    for link in node.outlinks.values():
                        if link.rtable == parent.name:
                            jlink = link
                            follow_pn = False
                    # attribute link any special?
                    if jlink == None:
                        for link in parent.outlinks.values():
                            if link.rtable == node.name:
                                jlink = link
                    if jlink == None:
                        _LOGGER.error("jlink is None")
                        return None
                    if jlink.rtable in self.left_joins and \
                        len(core_tables) > 0:
                        left = True
                    root_join = self.join_link(root_join, jlink, follow_pn, \
                                                            None, None, left)

#           retrive attribute links
            if table.name in return_jtables:
#                print "attribute links"
                for links, compkey, tname, left in return_jtables[table.name]:
                    current = table.name
                    for link in links:
                        if link.ltable in joined_tables and \
                           link.rtable in joined_tables:
                            if current == link.ltable:
                                current = link.rtable
                            current = link.ltable
                        if current != link.ltable:
                            root_join = self.join_link(root_join, \
                                    link, False, compkey, tname, left)
                            current = link.ltable
                            if left: left = False
                            root_join = self.join_link(root_join, \
                                    link, True, compkey, tname, left)
                            current = link.rtable
                            if left: left = False
            del unexplored[0]
        return root_join

    def join_link(self, root_join, link, direction, compkey=None, tname=None, left=False):
        root_join join a link
        direction left to right : True
                  right to left : False
        define a LEFT JOIN dictionary
        _LOGGER.debug("join link %s" % str(link))
        if tname != None and link.ltable.lower() == tname.lower():
            ltable = self.find_table(compkey)
            ltable = self.find_table(link.ltable)
        if tname != None and link.rtable.lower() == tname.lower():
            rtable = self.find_table(compkey)
            rtable = self.find_table(link.rtable)
        lcol = ltable.c._data[link.lcolumn[0]]
        rcol = rtable.c._data[link.rcolumn[0]]
        if direction:
            if left:
                root_join = root_join.outerjoin(rtable, lcol == rcol)
                _LOGGER.debug("left out join %s on %s == %s" % \
                (rtable.name, lcol, rcol))
                root_join = root_join.join(rtable, lcol == rcol)
                _LOGGER.debug("join %s on %s == %s" % \
                (rtable.name, lcol, rcol))
            if left:
                root_join = root_join.outerjoin(ltable, rcol == lcol)
                _LOGGER.debug("left out join %s on %s == %s" % \
                (rtable.name, lcol, rcol))
                root_join = root_join.join(ltable, rcol == lcol)
                _LOGGER.debug("join %s on %s == %s" % \
                (ltable.name, rcol, lcol))
        return root_join

    def gen_join_table(self, keylist):
        get join table (the entity node starts a attribute link out)
        indexed by jointable name
        also record the join type of each jointable
        keywords or constaints
        return_jtables = {}
        cons_jtables = {}
        keylen = len(keylist['keywords'])
        for index in range(len(keylist['constraints'])):
            compkey = keylist['constraints'][index]
            _LOGGER.debug("trying gen join table for %s" % str(compkey))
            links = self.map_attribute(compkey)
            if links == None:
            left = False
            ent = compkey.split('.')[0]
            if compkey in self.left_joins or ent in self.left_joins:
                left = True
                _LOGGER.debug("%s left_join candidate" % str(compkey))
            # TODO composite fkkeys
            jointable = None
            found = -1 #found jointable?
            for idx in range(len(links)):
                #print links[idx],links[idx].ltable,links[idx].rtable
                if links[idx].ltable in self._schema.v_ent:
                    if links[idx].rtable in self._schema.v_ent:
                        if found == -1:
                            jointable = links[idx].ltable
                            found = idx
                elif links[idx].rtable in self._schema.v_ent:
                    if links[idx].ltable in self._schema.v_ent:
                        if found == -1:
                            jointable = links[idx].rtable
                            found = idx
            links = links[found:]
            _LOGGER.debug("gen join table 4 %s " % str(links))
            if jointable == None:
                _LOGGER.debug("failed to find a jointable")
            tname = keylist['keyset'][keylen + index]
            if tname.count('.') > 0:
                tname = tname.split('.')[0]
            if keylist['keyset'].count(keylist['keyset'][keylen + index]) > 1:
                self.set_unique(compkey, tname)
                if not cons_jtables.has_key(jointable):
                    cons_jtables[jointable] = [(links, compkey, tname, left)]
                    cons_jtables[jointable].append((links, compkey, tname, left))
                if not cons_jtables.has_key(jointable):
                    cons_jtables[jointable] = [(links, None, None, left)]
                    cons_jtables[jointable].append((links, None, None, left))

        for index in range(keylen):
            compkey = keylist['keywords'][index]
            _LOGGER.debug("trying gen join table for %s" % str(compkey))
            links = self.map_attribute(compkey)
            if links == None:
            left = False
            ent = compkey.split('.')[0]
            if compkey in self.left_joins or ent in self.left_joins:
                left = True
                _LOGGER.debug("%s left_join candidate" % str(compkey))
            #TODO composite fkkeys
            jointable = None
            found = -1 #found jointable?
            for idx in range(len(links)):
                #print links[idx],links[idx].ltable,links[idx].rtable
                if links[idx].ltable in self._schema.v_ent:
                    if links[idx].rtable in self._schema.v_ent:
                        if found == -1:
                            jointable = links[idx].ltable
                            found = idx
                elif links[idx].rtable in self._schema.v_ent:
                    if links[idx].ltable in self._schema.v_ent:
                        if found == -1:
                            jointable = links[idx].rtable
                            found = idx
            links = links[found:]
            _LOGGER.debug("gen join table 4 %s " % str(links))
            if jointable == None:
                _LOGGER.debug("failed to find a jointable")
            tname = keylist['keyset'][index]
            if tname.count('.') > 0:
                tname = tname.split('.')[0]
            # set unique alias
            # only set end nodes, which means if double composite on
            # path further handler is needed
            if keylist['keyset'].count(keylist['keyset'][index]) > 1:
                self.set_unique(compkey, tname)
                if not return_jtables.has_key(jointable):
                    if not contain_link(cons_jtables, jointable, links):
                        return_jtables[jointable] = [(links, compkey, tname, left)]
                    if not contain_link(cons_jtables, jointable, links):
                        return_jtables[jointable].append((links, compkey, tname, left))
                if not return_jtables.has_key(jointable):
                    if not contain_link(cons_jtables, jointable, links):
                        return_jtables[jointable] = [(links, None, None, left)]
                    if not contain_link(cons_jtables, jointable, links):
                        return_jtables[jointable].append((links, None, None, left))
        return return_jtables, cons_jtables

    def set_unique(self, compkey, tname):
        """set unique sqlalchemy alias for table"""
        self._schema.set_unique(compkey, tname)

    def find_table(self, tname):
        """return sqlalchemy table by table name"""
#        print "get table", tname
        return self._schema.get_table(tname)

    def get_table_column(self, keyword):
        get table or column object from schema
        if the table is in alias table, the real table is return with
            sqlalchemy alias
        if keyword.count('.'):
            (entity, attr) = keyword.split('.')
            table = self.find_table(entity)
            if table is not None:
                if table.columns.has_key(attr):
                    return table.columns[attr]
                attr = attr.lower()
                if table.columns.has_key(attr):
                    return table.columns[attr]
                raise Error("ERROR can't find attribute %s" % str(attr))
                raise Error("ERROR can't find table %s" % str(entity))
            entity = keyword
            table = self.find_table(entity)
            if table is not None:
                return table
                raise Error("ERROR can't find table %s" % str(entity))

    def gen_clauses(self, query, keylist):
        query is a parser result
        correctly analysis the parser result and generate:
            -   select keylist :
                suspending of gen sqla table/column obj
                for handling aggregations
            -   where clause : sqla column.op() obj
        by figure out the required sqlalchemy table/column
        whereclause = None
        stack = []
        queue = deque([])
        constraint = None
        if query.has_key('constraints'):
            constraint = stack.pop()
            return whereclause
        # sort out the sequence by usin a stack and a queue
        while constraint:
            if type(constraint) is type([]):
                if len(constraint) == 1:
                    # operate miss
                    constraint = constraint[0]
                    multiple = False
                    for index in range(0, len(constraint)):
                        cons = constraint[index]
                        if type(cons) is type ('str'):
                            if multiple == True:
                            multiple = True
            elif type(constraint) is type({}):
            elif type(constraint) is type('str'):
            if len(stack) == 0:
            constraint = stack.pop()
        # now we get correct sequence in queue
        constraint = queue.popleft()
        if len(queue) == 0:
#                column = self.get_table_column(constraint['keyword'][0])
                column = self.unique_table_col(keylist, constraint['keyword'])
                _LOGGER.error("can't find table %s" % \
                return None
            whereclause = column.op(constraint['sign'])(constraint['value'])
            return whereclause
        # right use as right hand to hold constraint
        right = None
        # left use as left hand to hold constraint
        left = None
        # extra use as A B C or and in queue
        extra = None
        while constraint:
            if type(constraint) is type({}):
                if right is None:
                    right = constraint
                elif left is None:
                    left = constraint
                elif extra is None:
                    extra = right
                    right = left
                    left = constraint
                    _LOGGER.error("consecutive constraint > 3 in queue")
                    return None
            elif type(constraint) is type('str'):
                if right is not None and left is not None:
                    # construct whereclause
                    if type(right) == type({}):
#                            column = self.get_table_column(right['keyword'][0])
                            column = self.unique_table_col(keylist, right['keyword'])
                            _LOGGER.error("can't find table %s" % \
                            return None
                        right = column.op(right['sign'])(right['value'])
                    if type(left) == type({}):
#                            column = self.get_table_column(left['keyword'][0])
                            column = self.unique_table_col(keylist, left['keyword'])
                            _LOGGER.error("can't find table %s" % \
                            return None
                        left = column.op(left['sign'])(left['value'])
                    if constraint == 'and':
                        whereclause = (left & right)
                    elif constraint == 'or':
                        whereclause = (left | right)
                    left = None
                    right = whereclause
                    if extra:
                        left = right
                        right = extra
                        extra = None
            if len(queue) == 0:
            constraint = queue.popleft()
        return whereclause

    def unique_table_col(self, keylist, keyword):
        get unique table column at keylist
        tnames  = keyword[0]
        compkey = keyword[1]
        if tnames.count('.'):
            tname, attr = tnames.split('.')
        if keylist['keyset'].count(tnames) > 1\
            and tname in self._schema.v_attr:
            self.set_unique(compkey, tname)
            table = self.find_table(compkey)
            if table is not None:
                col = table.columns[attr]
                raise Error("ERROR can't find table %s" % str(tname))
            col = self.get_table_column(tnames)
        return col

    def get_attr_path(self):
        """get attribute path"""
        return self.attr_path
コード例 #2
def main():
        view original schema graph
        view simulate schema graph
        specify indirect map, such as dataset.parent
        view basic cycles in simulate schema graph
        view core ambiguous graph generate from simulate schema graph
        specify split file
        view the splition result based on the split file
    usage = "usage: %prog -u <database link> -m <mapfile> \n"
    usage += "      --view_origin \n"
    usage += "      --view_simulate \n"
    usage += "      --alias_mapfile=<mapfile with alias tables> \n"
    usage += "      --view_basic_cycles \n"
    usage += "      --view_core_graph \n"
    usage += "      --divide_by=<file specify the splition of core graph> \n"
    usage += "      --view_splition \n"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog 1.0")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--url", action="store", type="string",
          dest="url", help="input database connect url")
    parser.add_option("-m", "--mapfile", action="store", type="string",
          dest="mapfile", help="input registration yaml map file")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--view_origin", action="store_true",
          dest="view_origin", help="view origin schema graph")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--view_simulate", action="store_true",
          dest="view_simulate", help="view simulate schema graph")
    parser.add_option("-a", "--alias_mapfile", action="store", type="string",
          dest="alias_mapfile", help="input mapfile based on aliased table")
    parser.add_option("-b", "--view_basic_cycles", action="store_true",
          dest="view_basics", help="view basic cycles on simulate schema graph")
    parser.add_option("-c", "--view_core_graph", action="store_true",
          dest="view_core", help="view core ambiguous graph on simulate graph")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--divide_by", action="store", type="string",
          dest="split_file", help="input split file and do dividing")
    parser.add_option("-r", "--view_splition", action="store_true",
          dest="view_splition", help="view splition graph")

    url = ""
    mapper = Mapper()
#    mapfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'map.yaml')
    mapfile = ""
    splition_file = None

    (options, _) = parser.parse_args()

    if not options.url:
        parser.error("database url is needed to do schema review")
    url = options.url
    dbmanager = DBManager()
    dbalias = dbmanager.get_alias(url)
    tables = dbmanager.load_tables(dbalias)
    originschema = None
    simschema = None
    originschema = OriginSchema(dbmanager.db_tables[dbalias])

    if not originschema.check_connective():
        print "schema graph is not connective"
#        raise Exception('Schema graph is not connective')

    if options.view_origin:
        write_original_schema_graph(originschema, "original_schema")
        check_call(['dot', '-Tpng', 'original_schema.dot', '-o', \

    if not options.mapfile:
        print "further review need mapfile"

    mapfile = options.mapfile
    if dbmanager.db_type[dbalias] == 'mysql':# for mysql case sensitive

    if not mapper.validate_map(tables):
        raise Exception("conflicts between map file and schema")


    load_statistics(dbmanager, dbalias, originschema)

    if options.alias_mapfile:

    simschemas = originschema.gen_simschema()
    for simschema in simschemas:


    if options.view_simulate:
        write_original_schema_graph(originschema, "simschema0")
        check_call(['dot', '-Tpng', 'simschema0.dot', '-o', \
        for idx in range(len(simschemas)):
            simschema = simschemas[idx]
            fname = 'simschema%d.png' % idx
            if len(simschema.nodelist) > 1:
                write_simulate_schema_graph(simschema, 'simschema1')
                check_call(['dot', '-Tpng', 'simschema1.dot', '-o', fname])

    if options.view_basics:
        for idx in range(len(simschemas)):
            simschema = simschemas[idx]
            if len(simschema.nodelist) < 2:
            if not write_basics_cycles(simschema, "basic_cycle%d" % idx):
            fname = 'basic_cycle%d_pack.png' % idx
            p1 = Popen(["dot"] + glob.glob('basic_cycle%d_*.dot' % idx), \
            p2 = Popen(["gvpack"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
            p3 = Popen(['dot', '-Tpng', '-o', fname], \
                stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
            p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
            output = p3.communicate()[0]

    if options.view_core:
        for idx in range(len(simschemas)):
            simschema = simschemas[idx]
            if len(simschema.nodelist) < 2:
            fname = 'coreschema%d.png' % idx
            check_call(['dot', '-Tpng', 'coreschema.dot', '-o', fname])

    if options.split_file:
        splition_file = options.split_file

    if options.view_splition:
        for idx in range(len(simschemas)):
            simschema = simschemas[idx]
            if len(simschema.nodelist) < 2:
            write_splition(simschema, splition_file, "Subgraph%d" % idx)
            fname = 'subgraph%d_pack.png' % idx
            p1 = Popen(["dot"] + glob.glob('Subgraph%d_*.dot' % idx), \
            p2 = Popen(["gvpack"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
            p3 = Popen(['dot', '-Tpng', '-o', fname], \
                stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
            p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
            output = p3.communicate()[0]