コード例 #1
ファイル: _main.py プロジェクト: supergravity/pyquil
def _remove_reset_from_program(program: Program) -> Program:
    Trim the RESET from a program because in measure_observables it is re-added.

    :param program: Program to remove RESET(s) from.
    :return: Trimmed Program.
    p = program.copy_everything_except_instructions()

    for inst in program:
        if not isinstance(inst, (Reset, ResetQubit)):

    return p
コード例 #2
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: arsh991/Test
def add_dd(program: Program):
    new_program = program.copy_everything_except_instructions()

    counts = [0, 0]
    for gate in program:
            if len(gate.qubits) > 1:
                if abs(counts[0] - counts[1]) >= 2:
                    min_ind = int(counts[0] > counts[1])
                    times = max(int(abs(counts[0] - counts[1]) / 4), 1)

                    p = add_decoherence_noise(
                        Program(get_dd_sec(min_ind) * times))

                counts = [0, 0]
                counts[gate.qubits[0].index] += 1
        except AttributeError:

    return new_program
コード例 #3
def rewrite_arithmetic(prog: Program) -> RewriteArithmeticResponse:
    """Rewrite compound arithmetic expressions.

    The basic motivation is that a parametric program may have gates with
    compound arguments which cannot be evaluated natively on the underlying
    control hardware. The solution provided here is to translate a program like

      DECLARE theta REAL
      DECLARE beta REAL
      RZ(3 * theta) 0
      RZ(beta+theta) 0

    into something like

      DECLARE theta REAL
      DECLARE beta REAL
      DECLARE __P REAL[2]
      RZ(__P[0]) 0
      RZ(__P[1]) 0

    along with a "recalculation table" mapping new memory references to their
    corresponding arithmetic expressions,

        ParameterAref('__P', 0): "((3.0)*theta[0])",
        ParameterAref('__P', 1): "(beta[0]+theta[0])"

    When executing the parametric program with specific values for `theta` and
    `beta`, the PyQuil client will patch in values for `__P` by evaluating the
    expressions in the recalculation table.

    :param prog: A program.
    :returns: A RewriteArithmeticResponse, containing the updated program along
      with its memory descriptors and a recalculation table.


    def spec(inst: Declare) -> ParameterSpec:
        return ParameterSpec(type=inst.memory_type, length=inst.memory_size)

    def aref(ref: MemoryReference) -> ParameterAref:
        return ParameterAref(name=ref.name, index=ref.offset)

    updated = prog.copy_everything_except_instructions()
    old_descriptors = {inst.name: spec(inst) for inst in prog if isinstance(inst, Declare)}
    recalculation_table = {}
    seen_exprs: Dict[str, MemoryReference] = {}

    # generate a unique name. it's nice to do this in a deterministic fashion
    # rather than globbing in a UUID
    suffix = len(old_descriptors)
    while f"__P{suffix}" in old_descriptors:
        suffix += 1
    mref_name = f"__P{suffix}"
    mref_idx = 0

    for inst in prog:
        if isinstance(inst, Gate):
            new_params = []
            for param in inst.params:
                if isinstance(param, (Real, MemoryReference)):
                elif isinstance(param, Expression):
                    expr = str(param)
                    if expr in seen_exprs:
                        new_mref = MemoryReference(mref_name, mref_idx)
                        seen_exprs[expr] = new_mref
                        mref_idx += 1
                        recalculation_table[aref(new_mref)] = expr
                    raise ValueError(f"Unknown parameter type {type(param)} in {inst}.")
            updated.inst(Gate(inst.name, new_params, inst.qubits))

    if mref_idx > 0:
        updated._instructions.insert(0, Declare(mref_name, "REAL", mref_idx))

    return RewriteArithmeticResponse(
コード例 #4
def rewrite_arithmetic(prog: Program) -> RewriteArithmeticResponse:
    """Rewrite compound arithmetic expressions.

    The basic motivation is that a parametric program may have gates with
    compound arguments which cannot be evaluated natively on the underlying
    control hardware. The solution provided here is to translate a program like

      DECLARE theta REAL
      DECLARE beta REAL
      RZ(3 * theta) 0
      RZ(beta+theta) 0

    into something like

      DECLARE theta REAL
      DECLARE beta REAL
      DECLARE __P REAL[2]
      RZ(__P[0]) 0
      RZ(__P[1]) 0

    along with a "recalculation table" mapping new memory references to their
    corresponding arithmetic expressions,

        ParameterAref('__P', 0): "((3.0)*theta[0])",
        ParameterAref('__P', 1): "(beta[0]+theta[0])"

    When executing the parametric program with specific values for `theta` and
    `beta`, the PyQuil client will patch in values for `__P` by evaluating the
    expressions in the recalculation table.

    :param prog: A program.
    :returns: A RewriteArithmeticResponse, containing the updated program along
      with its memory descriptors and a recalculation table.

    def spec(inst: Declare) -> ParameterSpec:
        return ParameterSpec(type=inst.memory_type, length=inst.memory_size)

    def aref(ref: MemoryReference) -> ParameterAref:
        return ParameterAref(name=ref.name, index=ref.offset)

    updated = prog.copy_everything_except_instructions()
    old_descriptors = {
        inst.name: spec(inst)
        for inst in prog if isinstance(inst, Declare)
    recalculation_table: Dict[ParameterAref, str] = {}
    seen_exprs: Dict[str, MemoryReference] = {}

    # generate a unique name. it's nice to do this in a deterministic fashion
    # rather than globbing in a UUID
    suffix = len(old_descriptors)
    while f"__P{suffix}" in old_descriptors:
        suffix += 1
    mref_name = f"__P{suffix}"
    mref_idx = 0

    def expr_mref(expr: object) -> MemoryReference:
        """ Get a suitable MemoryReference for a given expression. """
        nonlocal mref_idx
        expr = str(expr)
        if expr in seen_exprs:
            return seen_exprs[expr]
        new_mref = MemoryReference(mref_name, mref_idx)
        seen_exprs[expr] = new_mref
        mref_idx += 1
        recalculation_table[aref(new_mref)] = expr
        return new_mref

    for inst in prog:
        if isinstance(inst, Gate):
            new_params: List[Union[Real, MemoryReference]] = []
            for param in inst.params:
                if isinstance(param, Real):
                elif isinstance(param, Expression):
                    # Quil gate angles are in radians,
                    # but downstream processing expects revolutions
                    expr = str(Div(param, 2 * np.pi))
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Unknown parameter type {type(param)} in {inst}.")
            updated.inst(Gate(inst.name, new_params, inst.qubits))
        elif isinstance(inst, (SetFrequency, ShiftFrequency)):
            if isinstance(inst.freq, Real):
                fdefn = prog.frames[inst.frame]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Unable to rewrite {inst} without DEFFRAME {inst.frame}.")
            if fdefn.sample_rate is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Unable to rewrite {inst} on frame with undefined SAMPLE-RATE."
            if fdefn.center_frequency:
                expr = Sub(inst.freq, fdefn.center_frequency)
                expr = inst.freq
            expr = Div(expr, fdefn.sample_rate)
            expr = str(expr)
            updated.inst(inst.__class__(inst.frame, expr_mref(expr)))
        elif isinstance(inst, (SetPhase, ShiftPhase)):
            if isinstance(inst.phase, Real):
                # Quil phases are in radians
                # but downstream processing expects revolutions
                expr = str(Div(inst.phase, 2 * np.pi))
                updated.inst(inst.__class__(inst.frame, expr_mref(expr)))
        elif isinstance(inst, SetScale):
            if isinstance(inst.scale, Real):
                # scale is in [-4,4)
                # binary patching assumes periodic with period 1
                # so we divide by 8...
                expr = str(Div(inst.scale, 8))
                updated.inst(SetScale(inst.frame, expr_mref(expr)))

    if mref_idx > 0:
        updated._instructions.insert(0, Declare(mref_name, "REAL", mref_idx))

    return RewriteArithmeticResponse(