def awgsettingssquarewave(): global awgsess, seqhandl message = [] # Shaping parameters voltag = [] voltag.append(float(request.args.get('voltag1'))) voltag.append(float(request.args.get('voltag2'))) pointnum = [] pointnum.append(int(request.args.get('pointnum1'))) pointnum.append(int(request.args.get('pointnum2'))) wavefom = ([voltag[0]] * pointnum[0] + [voltag[1]] * pointnum[1]) stat = AWG.CreateArbWaveform(awgsess, wavefom) print(Fore.YELLOW + "Arb Waveform Created: %s" % stat[0]) message += ['Waveform created: %s <%s>' % (stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] stat = AWG.CreateArbSequence( awgsess, [stat[1]], [1]) # loop# canbe >1 if longer sequence is needed in the future! print(Fore.YELLOW + "Arb Sequence Created: %s" % stat[0]) seqhandl = stat[1] print("seq handle in set-waveform is %s" % seqhandl) message += [ 'Sequence assembled: %s <%s>' % (stat[1], status_code(stat[0])) ] return jsonify(message=message)
def Configure_Acquisition(session, PreselectorEnabled, Frequency, Power, Bandwidth, Time, TriggerSource): ''' Sets the most-often used measurement parameters. These settings have no effect on the hardware until Measurements.Initiate() is called. PreselectorEnabled Set to true to enable the Preselector. Set to false to select the "Bypass" path (changes the microwave downcoverter [M9361A] RF input range to 2.25 GHz to 26.5 GHz). Requires a Preselector (M9360A) module in the configuration. Frequency The nominal (sometimes called center) frequency, in hertz, of the signal to be measured. The allowable range of values depend on hardware configuration, absolute limits are 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz. This parameter sets Acquisition Frequency. Power Expected RMS power of the input signal, in dBm. Limits depend on hardware configuration. Absolute max is +30 dBm. This parameter sets Acquisition Power. Bandwidth The digital IF will be configured to provide at least the bandwidth specified. The allowable range of values depend on hardware configuration. The absolute maximum is 250 MHz. This parameter sets Acquisition Bandwidth. Time Approximate acquisition time of the measurement, in seconds. The allowable range of values depend on bandwidth, absolute maximum is 100 seconds. This parameter sets Acqusition Time. NOTE: The minimum settable acquisition time is the larger of the two quantities: 3/SampleRate and 1e-8 seconds (that is, 10ns). TriggerSource The trigger source. May be AgM9392TriggerSourceImmediate, AgM9392TriggerSourceVideo, AgM9392TriggerSourceExternal. This parameter sets Trigger Source. ''' AGM = dll.AgM9392_ConfigureAcquisition AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session), c_bool(PreselectorEnabled), c_double(Frequency), c_double(Power), c_double(Bandwidth), c_double(Time), c_long(TriggerSource)) if status == 0: set_status(mdlname, dict(Acquisition="Configured Successfully")) else: set_status(mdlname, dict(Acquisition="Error: " + str(status))) if eval(debugger): print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "%s's acquisition configured: %s" % (mdlname, status_code(status))) return status_code(status)
def awggenerate(): global awgsess message = [] gstatus = AWG.Init_Gen(awgsess) message += ['Generate Pulse: %s' % (status_code(gstatus))] sstatus = AWG.Send_Pulse(awgsess, 1) message += ['Send Pulse: %s' % (status_code(sstatus))] return jsonify(message=message, gstatus=gstatus, sstatus=sstatus)
def vsaabout(): global vsasess message = [] status = VSA.model(vsasess) # model message += ['Model: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = VSA.resource_descriptor(vsasess) # resource descriptor message += ['Resource Descriptor: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = VSA.acquisition_time(vsasess) # acquisition time message += ['Acquisition Time: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] return jsonify(message=message)
def Arm_Measure(session): """[Arm the Measurement] Arms the measurement started by Initiate(). """ AGM = dll.AgM9392_Arm AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session)) print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "%s's measurement Armed: %s" % (mdlname, status_code(status))) return status_code(status)
def Init_Measure(session): """[Initiate the Measurement] Initiates a measurement with the settings specified by the Acquisition and Trigger interfaces. """ AGM = dll.AgM9392_Initiate AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session)) print(Fore.GREEN + "%s's measurement Initiated: %s" % (mdlname, status_code(status))) return status_code(status)
def Arm_Measure(session): """[Arm the Measurement] Arms the measurement started by Initiate(). """ AGM = dll.AgM9392_Arm AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session)) if status != 0: print("Arm_Measure Error: " + str(status)) # Streaming somehow will crash with saving data at some point so we'll just make do with print only if eval(debugger): print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "%s's measurement Armed: %s" % (mdlname, status_code(status))) return status_code(status)
def Init_Measure(session): """[Initiate the Measurement] Initiates a measurement with the settings specified by the Acquisition and Trigger interfaces. """ AGM = dll.AgM9392_Initiate AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session)) if status != 0: print("Init_Measure Error: " + str(status)) # Streaming somehow will crash with saving data at some point so we'll just make do with print only if eval(debugger): print(Fore.GREEN + "%s's measurement Initiated: %s" % (mdlname, status_code(status))) return status_code(status)
def vsasettings(): global vsasess, vsasr, vsasn message = [] acquis = request.args.get('acquis') preselect = request.args.get('preselect') lofreq = request.args.get('lofreq') lopowa = request.args.get('lopowa') lobwd = request.args.get('lobwd') # Main settings: stat = VSA.acquisition_time(vsasess, action=['Set', float(acquis)]) message += ['acquisition time: ' + status_code(stat[0])] stat = VSA.preselector_enabled(vsasess, action=['Set', bool(int(preselect))]) message += ['Preselector: ' + status_code(stat[0])] stat = VSA.frequency(vsasess, action=['Set', float(lofreq) * 1e9]) message += ['LO frequency: ' + status_code(stat[0])] stat = VSA.power(vsasess, action=['Set', float(lopowa)]) message += ['LO power: ' + status_code(stat[0])] stat = VSA.bandwidth(vsasess, action=['Set', float(lobwd) * 1e6]) message += ['LO Bandwidth: ' + status_code(stat[0])] triggersource = request.args.get('triggersource') triggerdelay = request.args.get('triggerdelay') extlevel = request.args.get('extlevel') extslope = request.args.get('extslope') triggertimeout = request.args.get('triggertimeout') # Trigger settings: stat = VSA.trigger_source(vsasess, action=['Set', int(triggersource)]) message += ['Trigger Source: ' + status_code(stat[0])] stat = VSA.trigger_delay(vsasess, action=['Set', float(triggerdelay)]) message += ['trigger delay: ' + status_code(stat[0])] stat = VSA.external_trigger_level(vsasess, action=['Set', float(extlevel)]) message += ['External Trigger Level: ' + status_code(stat[0])] stat = VSA.external_trigger_slope(vsasess, action=['Set', int(extslope)]) message += ['External Trigger Slope: ' + status_code(stat[0])] stat = VSA.trigger_timeout(vsasess, action=['Set', int(triggertimeout)]) message += ['Trigger Timeout (ms): ' + status_code(stat[0])] # Initiate measurement: stat = VSA.Init_Measure(vsasess) message += ['Initiate Measurement: ' + stat] # For data plotting: vsasr = VSA.sample_rate(vsasess)[1] message += ['Sampling Rate: %sHz' % (vsasr)] vsasn = VSA.samples_number(vsasess)[1] message += ['Samples Number: %s' % (vsasn)] return jsonify(message=message)
def awgsettingsprepare(): global awgsess message = [] predist = request.args.get('predist') stat = AWG.predistortion_enabled(awgsess, action=['Set',int(predist)]) message += ['predistortion enabled: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] outpmode = request.args.get('outpmode') stat = AWG.output_mode_adv(awgsess, action=['Set',int(outpmode)]) message += ['advanced output mode: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] samprat = request.args.get('samprat') stat = AWG.arb_sample_rate(awgsess, action=['Set',float(samprat)]) message += ['sample rate: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] return jsonify(message=message)
def awgsettingsmain(): global awgsess message = [] refclk = request.args.get('refclk') stat = AWG.ref_clock_source(awgsess, action=['Set',int(refclk)]) message += ['Reference Clock Source: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] predist = request.args.get('predist') stat = AWG.predistortion_enabled(awgsess, action=['Set',int(predist)]) message += ['predistortion enabled: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] outpmode = request.args.get('outpmode') stat = AWG.output_mode_adv(awgsess, action=['Set',int(outpmode)]) message += ['advanced output mode: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] samprat = request.args.get('samprat') stat = AWG.arb_sample_rate(awgsess, action=['Set',float(samprat)]) message += ['sample rate: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] # Marker Settings: active = request.args.get('active') stat = AWG.active_marker(awgsess, action=['Set',active]) message += ['active marker: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] delay = request.args.get('delay') stat = AWG.marker_delay(awgsess, action=['Set',float(delay)]) message += ['marker delay: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] pulsew = request.args.get('pulsew') stat = AWG.marker_pulse_width(awgsess, action=['Set',float(pulsew)]) message += ['marker pulse width: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] source = request.args.get('source') stat = AWG.marker_source(awgsess, action=['Set',int(source)]) message += ['marker source: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] return jsonify(message=message)
def awgabout(): global awgsess message = [] status = AWG.model(awgsess) # model message += ['Model: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = AWG.active_marker(awgsess) # active marker message += ['Active Marker: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = AWG.marker_delay(awgsess) # marker delay message += ['Marker Delay: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = AWG.marker_pulse_width(awgsess) # marker pulse width message += [ 'Marker Pulse Width: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = AWG.marker_source(awgsess) # marker source message += ['Marker Source: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = AWG.predistortion_enabled(awgsess) # predistortion enabled message += [ 'Predistortion Enabled: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = AWG.output_mode_adv(awgsess) # advanced output mode message += [ 'Advanced Output Mode: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = AWG.arb_sample_rate(awgsess) # sample rate message += ['Sample Rate: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] return jsonify(message=message)
def awgsettingsmarker(): global awgsess message = [] active = request.args.get('active') stat = AWG.active_marker(awgsess, action=['Set',active]) message += ['active marker: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] delay = request.args.get('delay') stat = AWG.marker_delay(awgsess, action=['Set',float(delay)]) message += ['marker delay: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] pulsew = request.args.get('pulsew') stat = AWG.marker_pulse_width(awgsess, action=['Set',float(pulsew)]) message += ['marker pulse width: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] source = request.args.get('source') stat = AWG.marker_source(awgsess, action=['Set',int(source)]) message += ['marker source: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] return jsonify(message=message)
def vsasettings(): global vsasess message = [] acquis = request.args.get('acquis') stat = VSA.acquisition_time(vsasess, action=['Set',float(acquis)]) message += ['acquisition time: ' + status_code(stat[0])] return jsonify(message=message)
def Get_Data(session, ComplexDataBufferSize): """[Extracting Complex Data] Gets the I/Q measurement results. ComplexData: Array to hold the measurement data. Allocated by the caller (for performance). The array size should be >= 2 * Measurements.NumberOfSamples (2* since the array will hold interleaved complex data) """ AGM = dll.AgM9392_GetData AGM.restype = c_int ComplexData = (c_double * int(ComplexDataBufferSize))() ComplexDataActualSize = c_long() NumberCopied = c_long() status = AGM(c_long(session), c_long(ComplexDataBufferSize), byref(ComplexData), byref(ComplexDataActualSize), byref(NumberCopied)) answer = {} answer["ComplexData"] = [x for x in ComplexData] answer["ComplexDataActualSize"], answer[ "NumberCopied"] = ComplexDataActualSize.value, NumberCopied.value if status == 0: set_status(mdlname, {stack()[0][3]: answer }) #logging the name and value of the attribute else: set_status(mdlname, {stack()[0][3]: "Error: " + str(status)}) if eval(debugger): print(Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + "%s out of %s actual %s's Data extracted & copied: %s" % (NumberCopied.value, ComplexDataActualSize.value, mdlname, status_code(status))) return status, answer
def awgreset(): global awgsess awgsess = AWG.InitWithOptions() AWG.Abort_Gen(awgsess) status = AWG.model(awgsess) # model print('Model: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))) return jsonify(message=awgsess)
def InitWithOptions(IdQuery=False, Reset=False, OptionsString='Simulate=false, DriverSetup=DDS=false'): '''[Initialize the connection] status = InitWithOptions(IdQuery, Reset, OptionsString) ''' # rs = address(mdlname, reset=eval(debugger)) # Instrument's Address ad = address() rs = ad.lookup(mdlname, 2) # Instrument's Address Resource = bytes(rs, 'ascii') Option = bytes(OptionsString, 'ascii') # utf-8 Session = c_long() AGM = dll.AgM933x_InitWithOptions # from AgM933x.chm AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_char_p(Resource), c_bool(IdQuery), c_bool(Reset), c_char_p(Option), byref(Session)) msession = Session.value if status == 0: set_status(mdlname, dict(state="Initialized Successfully", session=msession)) else: set_status(mdlname, dict(state="Error: " + str(status))) msession = get_status(mdlname)["session"] print(Fore.GREEN + "%s's connection Initialized at session %s: %s" % (mdlname, msession, status_code(status))) return msession
def Abort_Gen(session): """[Abort Waveform Generation] """ AGM = dll.KtMAwg_AbortGeneration AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session)) print(Back.WHITE + Fore.BLACK + "%s's generation Aborted: %s" %(mdlname, status_code(status))) return status
def Send_Pulse(session, triggernum=1): """[Sending Software Trigger to generate single/burst pulse] """ AGM = dll.KtMAwg_TriggerSendNumberedSoftwareTrigger AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session), c_long(triggernum)) if eval(debugger): print(Back.YELLOW + Fore.MAGENTA + "%s: %s" %(stack()[0][3], status_code(status))) return status
def Init_Gen(session): """[Initiate Waveform Generation] """ AGM = dll.AgM933x_InitiateGeneration AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session)) print(Fore.GREEN + "%s's generation Initiated: %s" % (mdlname, status_code(status))) return status
def Clear_ArbMemory(session): """Removes all previously created arbitrary waveforms and sequences from the instrument's memory and invalidates all waveform and sequence handles. If either a waveform or sequence is currently being generated, an error will be reported. """ AGM = dll.AgM933x_ClearArbMemory AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session)) print(Fore.GREEN + "%s's arbitrary memory ALL Cleared: %s" % (mdlname, status_code(status))) return status
def close(session): '''[Close the connection] ''' AGM = dll.AgM9392_close AGM.restype = c_int status = AGM(c_long(session)) if status == 0: set_status(mdlname, dict(state="Closed Successfully")) else: set_status(mdlname, dict(state="Error: " + str(status))) print(Back.WHITE + Fore.BLACK + "%s's connection Closed: %s" %(mdlname, status_code(status))) return status
def awgsettingschannel(): global awgsess, seqhandl print("seq handle in set-channel is %s"%seqhandl) message = [] channel = request.args.get('channel') stat = AWG.arb_sequence_handle(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", seqhandl]) message += ['Sequence embeded: %s <%s>' %(stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))] outputch = request.args.get('outputch') stat = AWG.output_enabled(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", int(outputch)]) message += ['output channel %s: %s <%s>' %(channel, output_code(stat[1]), status_code(stat[0]))] oupfiltr = request.args.get('oupfiltr') stat = AWG.output_filter_enabled(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", int(oupfiltr)]) message += ['output filter channel %s: %s <%s>' %(channel, output_code(stat[1]), status_code(stat[0]))] # temporary: AWG.output_filter_bandwidth(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) AWG.output_config(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) AWG.arb_gain(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0.25]) AWG.output_impedance(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 50]) AWG.operation_mode(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) AWG.trigger_source_adv(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) AWG.burst_count(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 1000001]) return jsonify(message=message)
def vsaabout(): global vsasess message = [] status = VSA.model(vsasess) # model message += ['Model: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = VSA.resource_descriptor(vsasess) # resource descriptor message += [ 'Resource Descriptor: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = VSA.acquisition_time(vsasess) # acquisition time message += [ 'Acquisition Time: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = VSA.trigger_source(vsasess) message += [ 'Trigger Source: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = VSA.trigger_delay(vsasess) message += ['Trigger Delay: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = VSA.external_trigger_level(vsasess) message += [ 'External Trigger Level: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = VSA.external_trigger_slope(vsasess) message += [ 'External Trigger Slope: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = VSA.trigger_timeout(vsasess) message += [ 'Trigger Timeout: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0])) ] status = VSA.frequency(vsasess) message += ['LO Frequency: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] status = VSA.power(vsasess) message += ['LO Power: %s (%s)' % (status[1], status_code(status[0]))] return jsonify(message=message)
def CreateArbSequence(session, sequence, counts): '''[Create Arbitrary Sequence] sequence = < waveform (handle.value from "CreateArbWaveform") > counts = loop# (>0) ''' AGM = dll.AgM933x_CreateArbSequence AGM.restype = c_int handle = c_long() Size = len(sequence) wfmhandles = (c_long * Size)(*sequence) loopcounts = (c_long * Size)(*counts) status = AGM(c_long(session), c_long(Size), wfmhandles, loopcounts, byref(handle)) if eval(debugger): print("Sequence's size: %s" % Size) print("Sequence: %s" % sequence) print("Sequence's counts: %s" % counts) print(Back.YELLOW + Fore.MAGENTA + "%s: %s (%s)" % (stack()[0][3], handle.value, status_code(status))) return status, handle.value
def CreateArbWaveform(session, Data): '''[Create Arbitrary Waveform] *Data: minimum: 1000 points maximum: 15000 points minimum per change: 200 for constant, 120 for linear? Amplitude between -1 and 1 *2 Channel length must match to avoid truncation to the smaller length? *Error usually occur when the points is too few! ''' AGM = dll.AgM933x_CreateArbWaveform AGM.restype = c_int handle = c_long() Size = len(Data) carray = (c_double * Size)(*Data) status = AGM(c_long(session), c_int(Size), carray, byref(handle)) if eval(debugger): # print("Data: %s" %Data) print(Back.YELLOW + Fore.MAGENTA + "%s: %s (%s)" % (stack()[0][3], handle.value, status_code(status))) return status, handle.value
def CreateArbWaveform(session, Data): '''[Create Arbitrary Waveform] *Data: => minimum: 1000 points => maximum: 7.3M points (~8MS per channel) -> ~5.8ms playtime max => number of points must be multiples of 8 => Amplitude between -1 and 1 => The length of both channels must match up *Error usually occur when the points is too few! ''' AGM = dll.AgM933x_CreateArbWaveform AGM.restype = c_int handle = c_long() Size = len(Data) carray = (c_double * Size)(*Data) status = AGM(c_long(session), c_int(Size), carray, byref(handle)) if eval(debugger): # print("Data: %s" %Data) print(Back.YELLOW + Fore.MAGENTA + "%s: %s (%s)" % (stack()[0][3], handle.value, status_code(status))) return status, handle.value
def wrapper(*a, **b): session, Type, RepCap, AttrID, buffsize, action = Name(*a, **b) RepCap = bytes(RepCap, "ascii") AGM = getattr(dll, 'AgM933x_' + action[0] + 'AttributeVi' + Type) AGM.restype = c_int # return status (error) if action[0] == "Get": if Type == 'String': action[1] = ( c_char * 888)() # char array: answer value format (use byref) status = AGM(c_long(session), c_char_p(RepCap), c_int(AttrID), c_long(buffsize), byref(action[1])) ans = [x.decode("ascii") for x in action[1] ] # decoding binary # if x is not b'\x00' while '\x00' in ans: ans.remove('\x00') ans = "".join(ans) # join char array into string elif Type == 'Int32': action[1] = c_long() status = AGM(c_long(session), c_char_p(RepCap), c_int(AttrID), byref(action[1])) ans = action[1].value elif Type == 'Real64': action[1] = c_double() status = AGM(c_long(session), c_char_p(RepCap), c_int(AttrID), byref(action[1])) ans = action[1].value elif Type == 'Boolean': action[1] = c_bool() status = AGM(c_long(session), c_char_p(RepCap), c_int(AttrID), byref(action[1])) ans = action[1].value elif action[0] == "Set": if Type == 'String': ans = action[1] action[1] = bytes(action[1], 'ascii') status = AGM(c_long(session), c_char_p(RepCap), c_int(AttrID), c_char_p(action[1])) elif Type == 'Int32': ans = action[1] status = AGM(c_long(session), c_char_p(RepCap), c_int(AttrID), c_long(action[1])) elif Type == 'Real64': ans = action[1] status = AGM(c_long(session), c_char_p(RepCap), c_int(AttrID), c_double(action[1])) elif Type == 'Boolean': ans = action[1] status = AGM(c_long(session), c_char_p(RepCap), c_int(AttrID), c_bool(action[1])) # Reformatting Answer if RepCap has something: RepCap = RepCap.decode('ascii') if RepCap != "": hashtag = " #Channel %s" % (RepCap) else: hashtag = "" # Logging Answer: if action[0] == "Get": # No logging for "Set" if status == 0: set_status(mdlname, {Name.__name__ + hashtag: ans }) #logging the name and value of the attribute else: set_status(mdlname, {Name.__name__ + hashtag: "Error: " + str(status)}) # Debugging if eval(debugger): if action[0] == "Get": print(Fore.YELLOW + "%s %s's %s: %s, %s" % (action[0], mdlname, Name.__name__ + hashtag, ans, status_code(status))) if action[0] == "Set": print(Back.YELLOW + Fore.MAGENTA + "%s %s's %s: %s, %s" % (action[0], mdlname, Name.__name__ + hashtag, ans, status_code(status))) return status, ans
def Get_Data(session, ComplexDataBufferSize): """[Extracting Complex Data] Gets the I/Q measurement results. ComplexData: Array to hold the measurement data. Allocated by the caller (for performance). The array size should be >= 2 * Measurements.NumberOfSamples (2* since the array will hold interleaved complex data) """ AGM = dll.AgM9392_GetData AGM.restype = c_int # ComplexData = (c_double*int(ComplexDataBufferSize))() # 64bit per point ComplexData = (c_float*int(ComplexDataBufferSize))() # 32bit per point ComplexDataActualSize = c_long() NumberCopied = c_long() status = AGM(c_long(session), c_long(ComplexDataBufferSize), byref(ComplexData), byref(ComplexDataActualSize), byref(NumberCopied)) answer = {} answer["ComplexData"] = [x for x in ComplexData] answer["ComplexDataActualSize"], answer["NumberCopied"] = ComplexDataActualSize.value, NumberCopied.value if status != 0: print("Get_Data Error: " + str(status)) # Streaming somehow will crash with saving data at some point so we'll just make do with print only if eval(debugger): print(Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + "%s out of %s actual %s's Data extracted & copied: %s" % (NumberCopied.value, ComplexDataActualSize.value, mdlname, status_code(status))) return status, answer
def SQE_Pulse(user, tag="", corder={}, comment='', dayindex='', taskentry=0, resumepoint=0, instr=['YOKO', 'PSGV', 'PSGA', 'AWG', 'VSA'], testeach=False): '''Time-domain Square-wave measurement: C-Structure: ['Flux-Bias', 'Average', 'Pulse-Period', 'ADC-delay', 'LO-Frequency', 'LO-Power', 'RO-Frequency', 'RO-Power', 'RO-ifLevel', 'RO-Pulse-Delay', 'RO-Pulse-Width', 'XY-Frequency', 'XY-Power', 'XY-ifLevel', 'XY-Pulse-Delay', 'XY-Pulse-Width', 'Sampling-Time'] (IQ-Bandwidth (250MHz or its HALFlings) + Acquisition-Time (dt must be multiples of 2ns)) ''' # Loading sample: sample = get_status("MSSN")[session['user_name']]['sample'] # sample = get_status("MSSN")['abc']['sample'] # by-pass HTTP-request before interface is ready # pushing pre-measurement parameters to settings: yield user, sample, tag, instr, corder, comment, dayindex, taskentry, testeach # ***USER_DEFINED*** Controlling-PARAMETER(s) ====================================================================================== structure = corder['C-Structure'] fluxbias = waveform(corder['Flux-Bias']) averaging = waveform(corder['Average']) pperiod = waveform(corder['Pulse-Period']) adcdelay = waveform(corder['ADC-delay']) lofreq = waveform(corder['LO-Frequency']) lopowa = waveform(corder['LO-Power']) rofreq = waveform(corder['RO-Frequency']) ropowa = waveform(corder['RO-Power']) roiflevel = waveform(corder['RO-ifLevel']) ropdelay = waveform(corder['RO-Pulse-Delay']) ropwidth = waveform(corder['RO-Pulse-Width']) xyfreq = waveform(corder['XY-Frequency']) xypowa = waveform(corder['XY-Power']) xyiflevel = waveform(corder['XY-ifLevel']) xypdelay = waveform(corder['XY-Pulse-Delay']) xypwidth = waveform(corder['XY-Pulse-Width']) samptime = waveform(corder['Sampling-Time']) # Total data points: datasize = int( prod([waveform(corder[param]).count for param in structure], dtype='uint64')) * 2 #data density of 2 due to IQ print("data size: %s" % datasize) # Pre-loop settings: # Optionals: # YOKO: if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state / serious-state yokog = YOKO.Initiate(current=True) # pending option YOKO.output(yokog, 1) # PSGV: if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state / serious-state sogo = PSG0.Initiate() # pending option PSG0.rfoutput(sogo, action=['Set', 1]) # Basics: # PSGA for LO: saga = PSG1.Initiate() # pending option PSG1.rfoutput(saga, action=['Set', 1]) # AWG for Control: awgsess = AWG.InitWithOptions() AWG.Abort_Gen(awgsess) AWG.ref_clock_source(awgsess, action=['Set', int(1)]) # External 10MHz clock-reference AWG.predistortion_enabled(awgsess, action=['Set', True]) AWG.output_mode_adv(awgsess, action=['Set', int(2)]) # Sequence output mode AWG.arb_sample_rate(awgsess, action=['Set', float(1250000000)]) # maximum sampling rate AWG.active_marker(awgsess, action=['Set', '1']) # master AWG.marker_delay(awgsess, action=['Set', float(0)]) AWG.marker_pulse_width(awgsess, action=['Set', float(1e-7)]) AWG.marker_source(awgsess, action=['Set', int(7)]) # PRESET Output: for ch in range(2): channel = str(ch + 1) AWG.output_config(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) # Single-ended AWG.output_filter_bandwidth(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) AWG.arb_gain(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0.5]) AWG.output_impedance(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 50]) # output settings: for ch in range(2): channel = str(ch + 1) AWG.output_enabled(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", int(1)]) # ON AWG.output_filter_enabled(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", True]) AWG.output_config(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", int(2)]) # Amplified 1:2 AWG.output_filter_bandwidth(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) AWG.arb_gain(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0.5]) AWG.output_impedance(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 50]) # VSA for Readout vsasess = VSA.InitWithOptions() # Buffer-size for lowest-bound data-collecting instrument: buffersize_1 = samptime.count * 2 #data density of 2 due to IQ print("Buffer-size: %s" % buffersize_1) # User-defined Measurement-FLOW ============================================================================================== if testeach: # measure-time contribution from each measure-loop loopcount, loop_dur = [], [] stage, prev = clocker(0) # Marking starting point of time # Registerring parameter(s)-structure cstructure = [waveform(corder[param]).count for param in structure ][:-1] # The last one will become a buffer print('cstructure: %s' % cstructure) measure_loop_1 = range( resumepoint // buffersize_1, datasize // buffersize_1) # saving chunck by chunck improves speed a lot! while True: for i in measure_loop_1: print(Back.BLUE + Fore.WHITE + 'measure %s/%s' % (i, datasize // buffersize_1)) # determining the index-locations for each parameters, i.e. the address at any instance caddress = cdatasearch(i, cstructure) # setting each c-order (From High to Low level of execution): # *************************************************************** for j in range( len(cstructure) - 1): # the last one will be run for every i (common sense!) if ( not i % prod(cstructure[j + 1::]) ) or i == resumepoint // buffersize_1: # virtual for-loop using exact-multiples condition # print("entering %s-stage" %j) # Optionals: # YOKO if structure[j] == 'Flux-Bias': if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state if testeach: # adding instrument transition-time between set-values: loopcount += [fluxbias.count] if fluxbias.count > 1: loop_dur += [ abs([0] -[1]) / 0.2 + 35 * 1e-3 ] # manually calculating time without really setting parameter on the instrument else: loop_dur += [0] stage, prev = clocker(stage, prev) # Marking time else: YOKO.sweep( yokog, str([caddress[structure.index( 'Flux-Bias')]]), pulsewidth=77 * 1e-3, sweeprate=0.0007 ) # A-mode: sweeprate=0.0007 A/s ; V-mode: sweeprate=0.07 V/s # PSG if structure[j] == 'XY-Frequency': if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state PSG0.frequency( sogo, action=[ 'Set', str([caddress[structure.index( 'XY-Frequency')]]) + "GHz" ]) if structure[j] == 'XY-Power': if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state PSG0.power(sogo, action=[ 'Set', str([caddress[ structure.index('XY-Power')]]) + "dBm" ]) if structure[j] == 'RO-Frequency': if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state PSG1.frequency( saga, action=[ 'Set', str([caddress[structure.index( 'RO-Frequency')]]) + "GHz" ]) if structure[j] == 'RO-Power': if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state PSG1.power(saga, action=[ 'Set', str([caddress[ structure.index('RO-Power')]]) + "dBm" ]) # AWG (Every-loop) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state AWG.Clear_ArbMemory(awgsess) WAVE = [] # construct waveform: ifperiod =[caddress[structure.index( 'Pulse-Period')]] ifscale = float([caddress[structure.index('XY-ifLevel')]] ), float([caddress[structure.index('RO-ifLevel')]]) if "lockxypwd" in str([0]): if '+' in str([0]): rooffset = float([0].split('+')[1]) else: rooffset = 0 # default value ifdelay = float([caddress[structure.index( 'XY-Pulse-Delay')]]), float([caddress[ structure.index('XY-Pulse-Width')]]) + rooffset print("RO-Pulse Delays behind XY-Pulse for %sns" % (ifdelay[1] - ifdelay[0])) else: ifdelay = float([caddress[structure.index( 'XY-Pulse-Delay')]]), float([caddress[ structure.index('RO-Pulse-Delay')]]) ifontime = float([caddress[structure.index('XY-Pulse-Width')]] ), float([caddress[structure.index('RO-Pulse-Width')]]) for ch in range(2): channel = str(ch + 1) wavefom = squarewave(ifperiod, ifontime[ch], ifdelay[ch], ifscale[ch]) # in ns stat, wave = AWG.CreateArbWaveform(awgsess, wavefom) print('Waveform channel %s: %s <%s>' % (channel, wave, status_code(stat))) WAVE.append(wave) # Building Sequences: for ch in range(2): channel = str(ch + 1) status, seqhandl = AWG.CreateArbSequence( awgsess, [WAVE[ch]], [1] ) # loop# canbe >1 if longer sequence is needed in the future! # print('Sequence channel %s: %s <%s>' %(channel, seqhandl, status_code(status))) # Channel Assignment: stat = AWG.arb_sequence_handle(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", seqhandl]) # print('Sequence channel %s embeded: %s <%s>' %(channel, stat[1], status_code(stat[0]))) # Trigger Settings: for ch in range(2): channel = str(ch + 1) AWG.operation_mode(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) AWG.trigger_source_adv(awgsess, RepCap=channel, action=["Set", 0]) AWG.Init_Gen(awgsess) AWG.Send_Pulse(awgsess, 1) # Basic / Buffer: # VSA (Every-loop) VSA.acquisition_time(vsasess, action=['Set', float(samptime.count * 2e-9) ]) # minimum time resolution VSA.preselector_enabled(vsasess, action=[ 'Set', False ]) # disable preselector to allow the highest bandwidth of 250MHz if "lockro" in str([0]): if '+' in str([0]): lof_offset = float([0].split('+')[1]) elif '-' in str([0]): lof_offset = -float([0].split('-')[1]) else: lof_offset = 0 # default value VSA.frequency(vsasess, action=[ 'Set', float([caddress[structure.index( 'RO-Frequency')]]) * 1e9 + lof_offset ]) # freq offset / correction in Hz print("Locking on RO at %sGHz" % (VSA.frequency(vsasess)[1] / 1e9)) else: VSA.frequency(vsasess, action=[ 'Set', float([caddress[structure.index( 'LO-Frequency')]]) * 1e9 ]) VSA.power( vsasess, action=[ 'Set', float([caddress[structure.index('LO-Power')]]) ]) VSA.bandwidth( vsasess, action=['Set', 250e6] ) # maximum LO bandwidth of 250MHz (500MHz Sampling-rate gives 2ns of time resolution) VSA.trigger_source(vsasess, action=['Set', int(1)]) # External Trigger (slave) # Delay for Readout if "lockxypwd" in str([0]): # trigger-delay sync with xy-pulse-width for Rabi measurement: VSA.trigger_delay(vsasess, action=['Set', float([caddress[structure.index('ADC-delay')]]) + \ float([caddress[structure.index('XY-Pulse-Width')]])*1e-9 + rooffset*1e-9]) print("ACQ delays with XY-Pulse for %sns" % int(VSA.trigger_delay(vsasess)[1] / 1e-9)) elif "lockropdelay" in str([0]): # trigger-delay sync with ro-pulse-delay for T1 measurement: VSA.trigger_delay( vsasess, action=[ 'Set', float([caddress[structure.index( 'RO-Pulse-Delay')]]) * 1e-9 ]) print("ACQ delays with RO-Pulse for %sns" % int(VSA.trigger_delay(vsasess)[1] / 1e-9)) else: VSA.trigger_delay(vsasess, action=[ 'Set', float([caddress[ structure.index('ADC-delay')]]) ]) VSA.external_trigger_level(vsasess, action=['Set', float(0.3)]) VSA.external_trigger_slope(vsasess, action=['Set', int(1)]) # Positive slope VSA.trigger_timeout(vsasess, action=['Set', int(1000)]) # 1s of timeout stat = VSA.Init_Measure(vsasess) # Initiate Measurement # Start Quantum machine: # Start Averaging Loop: avenum = int([caddress[structure.index('Average')]]) vsasn = VSA.samples_number(vsasess)[1] iqdata = zeros((avenum, 2 * vsasn)) for ave in range(avenum): VSA.Arm_Measure(vsasess) gd = VSA.Get_Data(vsasess, 2 * vsasn) iqdata[ave, :] = array(gd[1]['ComplexData']) iqdata = mean(iqdata, axis=0) print("Operation Complete") print(Fore.YELLOW + "\rProgress: %.3f%%" % ((i + 1) / datasize * buffersize_1 * 100), end='\r', flush=True) # test for the last loop if there is if testeach: # test each measure-loop: loopcount += [len(measure_loop_1)] loop_dur += [time() - prev] stage, prev = clocker(stage, prev) # Marking time VSA.close(vsasess) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state AWG.close(awgsess) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state PSG0.close(sogo, False) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state PSG1.close(saga, False) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state YOKO.close(yokog, False) yield loopcount, loop_dur else: if get_status("SQE_Pulse")['pause']: break else: yield list(iqdata) if not get_status("SQE_Pulse")['repeat']: set_status("SQE_Pulse", dict(pause=True)) VSA.close(vsasess) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state AWG.Abort_Gen(awgsess) AWG.close(awgsess) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state PSG0.rfoutput(sogo, action=['Set', 0]) PSG0.close(sogo, False) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state PSG1.rfoutput(saga, action=['Set', 0]) PSG1.close(saga, False) if "opt" not in # check if it is in optional-state YOKO.output(yokog, 0) YOKO.close(yokog, False) return