def test_simple_pbv(self): stay = Candidate("Stay") soft = Candidate("Soft Brexit") hard = Candidate("Hard Brexit") candidates = [stay, soft, hard] ballots = [ Ballot(ranked_candidates=[soft, stay]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[stay, soft]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[stay, soft]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[hard, soft]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[hard, stay, soft]), ] election_result = pyrankvote.preferential_block_voting( candidates, ballots, number_of_seats=1) winners = election_result.get_winners() self.assertEqual(1, len(winners), "Function should return a list with one item") winner = winners[0] self.assertEqual(stay, winner, "Winner should be Soft")
def get_election_res(pred_df, id_orig, n_ans): df = pred_df[] candidates = [Candidate(el) for el in df.answers.unique()] ballots = [ Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ Candidate(vote) for vote in df[ == id_].answers ]) for id_ in ] if len(candidates) <= n_ans: return list(df.answers) if args['voting'] == 'pbv': election_result = pyrankvote.preferential_block_voting( candidates, ballots, min(n_ans, len(candidates))) else: election_result = pyrankvote.single_transferable_vote( candidates, ballots, min(n_ans, len(candidates))) return election_result
def test_simple_pbv_with_second_selection_if_equal(self): stay = Candidate("Stay") soft = Candidate("Soft Brexit") hard = Candidate("Hard Brexit") candidates = [stay, soft, hard] ballots = [ Ballot(ranked_candidates=[stay, soft, hard]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[hard, soft, stay]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[soft, stay, hard]), ] election_result = pyrankvote.preferential_block_voting( candidates, ballots, number_of_seats=2) winners = election_result.get_winners() self.assertEqual(2, len(winners), "Function should return a list with two items") self.assertIn(soft, winners, "Soft should be one of the winners") self.assertIn(stay, winners, "Stay should be one of the winners")
def test_simple_pbv2(self): per = Candidate("Per") paal = Candidate("Pål") askeladden = Candidate("Askeladden") candidates = [per, paal, askeladden] ballots = [ Ballot(ranked_candidates=[askeladden, per]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[per, paal]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[per, paal]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[paal, per]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[paal, per, askeladden]), ] election_result = pyrankvote.preferential_block_voting( candidates, ballots, number_of_seats=1) winners = election_result.get_winners() self.assertEqual(1, len(winners), "Function should return a list with one item") self.assertListEqual([per], winners, "Winners should be Per")
def test_simple_pbv(self): per = Candidate("Per") paal = Candidate("Pål") askeladden = Candidate("Askeladden") candidates = [per, paal, askeladden] ballots = [ Ballot(ranked_candidates=[askeladden, per]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[per, paal]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[per, paal]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[paal, per]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[paal, per, askeladden]), ] election_result = pyrankvote.preferential_block_voting( candidates, ballots, number_of_seats=2) winners = election_result.get_winners() self.assertEqual(2, len(winners), "Function should return a list with two items") self.assertIn(per, winners, "Per should be one of the winners") self.assertIn(paal, winners, "Pål should be one of the winners")
print(election_result) # Prints: """ FINAL RESULT Candidate Votes Status ------------------------- ------- -------- William, popular moderate 4 Elected Thomas, far-left 4 Elected John, moderate 2 Rejected Charles, moderate 0 Rejected """ # PREFERENTIAL BLOCK VOTING election_result = pyrankvote.preferential_block_voting(candidates, ballots, number_of_seats=2) # Elects: William, popular moderate; and John, moderate print(election_result) # Prints: """ FINAL RESULT Candidate Votes Status ------------------------- ------- -------- William, popular moderate 8 Elected John, moderate 6 Elected Thomas, far-left 4 Rejected Charles, moderate 2 Rejected """ # COMMENT
def test_example(self): popular_moderate = Candidate("William, popular moderate") moderate2 = Candidate("John, moderate") moderate3 = Candidate("Charles, moderate") far_left = Candidate("Thomas, far-left") candidates = [popular_moderate, moderate2, moderate3, far_left] ballots = [ Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ popular_moderate, moderate2, moderate3, far_left ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ popular_moderate, moderate2, moderate3, far_left ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ popular_moderate, moderate3, moderate2, far_left ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ popular_moderate, moderate3, moderate2, far_left ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ moderate2, popular_moderate, moderate3, far_left ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ moderate2, popular_moderate, moderate3, far_left ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ far_left, popular_moderate, moderate2, moderate3 ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ far_left, popular_moderate, moderate2, moderate3 ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ far_left, moderate2, popular_moderate, moderate3 ]), Ballot(ranked_candidates=[ far_left, moderate2, popular_moderate, moderate3 ]), ] election_result = pyrankvote.preferential_block_voting( candidates, ballots, number_of_seats=2) round_nr = 0 candidates_results_in_round = election_result.rounds[ round_nr].candidate_results ranking_in_round = [ candidate_result.candidate for candidate_result in candidates_results_in_round ] correct_ranking_in_round = [ popular_moderate, moderate2, far_left, moderate3 ] self.assertEqual(4, len(ranking_in_round), "All four candidates should be in the result list") self.assertListEqual(correct_ranking_in_round, ranking_in_round) votes_in_round = [ candidate_result.number_of_votes for candidate_result in candidates_results_in_round ] correct_votes_in_round = [8, 6, 4, 2] assert_list_almost_equal(self, correct_votes_in_round, votes_in_round) status_in_round = [ candidate_result.status for candidate_result in candidates_results_in_round ] correct_status_in_round = [ CandidateStatus.Elected, CandidateStatus.Elected, CandidateStatus.Rejected, CandidateStatus.Rejected ] self.assertListEqual(correct_status_in_round, status_in_round) winners = election_result.get_winners() self.assertEqual(2, len(winners), "Function should return a list with two items") self.assertIn(popular_moderate, winners, "William should be a winner") self.assertIn(moderate2, winners, "John should be a winner")