コード例 #1
P = df[1]
Y = df[2]

# Create and train NN

# create recurrent neural network with 1 input, 2 hidden layers with
# 2 neurons each and 1 output
# the NN has a recurrent connection with delay of 1 timestep in the hidden
# layers and a recurrent connection with delay of 1 and 2 timesteps from the output
# to the first layer
net = prn.CreateNN([1, 2, 2, 1], dIn=[0], dIntern=[1], dOut=[1, 2])

# Prepare input Data for gradient calculation
data, net = prn.prepare_data(P, Y, net)

# Calculate derivative vector (gradient vector)

# Real Time Recurrent Learning
t0_rtrl = time.time()
J, E, e = prn.RTRL(net, data)
g_rtrl = 2 * np.dot(J.transpose(),
                    e)  # calculate g from Jacobian and error vector
t1_rtrl = time.time()

# Back Propagation Through Time
t0_bptt = time.time()
g_bptt, E = prn.BPTT(net, data)
t1_bptt = time.time()
コード例 #2
P = df['P'].values
Y = df['Y'].values

#Create and train NN

#create recurrent neural network with 1 input, 2 hidden layers with 
#2 neurons each and 1 output
#the NN has a recurrent connection with delay of 1 timestep in the hidden
# layers and a recurrent connection with delay of 1 and 2 timesteps from the output
# to the first layer
net = prn.CreateNN([1,2,2,1],dIn=[0],dIntern=[1],dOut=[1,2])

#Prepare input Data for gradient calculation
data,net = prn.prepare_data(P,Y,net)

#Calculate derivative vector (gradient vector)

#Real Time Recurrent Learning
t0_rtrl = time.time()
J,E,e = prn.RTRL(net,data)
g_rtrl = 2 * np.dot(J.transpose(),e) #calculate g from Jacobian and error vector
t1_rtrl = time.time()

#Back Propagation Through Time
t0_bptt = time.time()
g_bptt,E = prn.BPTT(net,data)
t1_bptt = time.time()