コード例 #1
def load_timing(path="./timing/20190914_timing.h5"):
    Loads results of timing computed in Matlab

    with h5.File(path, "r") as f:
        tc = Time(f["tc"][0, ...], format="unix").datetime64

        # Period of the oscillations
        tau, dtau = [f["T"][0, ...], f["dT"][0, ...]]

        # Velocity of the structure
        v, dv = [f["v"][0, ...], f["dv"][0, ...]]

            # Normal to the current sheet
            n, dn = [f["n"][...], f["dn"][...]]

            # Thickness estimation
            h, dh = [np.zeros(tau.shape[0]), np.zeros(tau.shape[0])]

        except KeyError:
            n, dn = [np.zeros((tau.shape[0], 3)), np.zeros((tau.shape[0], 3))]

            # Thickness estimation
            h, dh = [f["h"][0, ...], f["dh"][0, ...]]

    # To time series
    # Period (semi-period ??), error on estimation of the period
    tau, dtau = [ts_scalar(tc, var) for var in [tau, dtau]]

    # Velocity of the structure at the crossing, error on estimation of the velocity
    v, dv = [ts_scalar(tc, var) for var in [v, dv]]

    # Normal direction to the CS at the crossing (direction of Vtm), error on the estimation of the
    # normal direction
    n, dn = [ts_vec_xyz(tc, var) for var in [n, dn]]

    # Current sheet thickness, error on the estimation of the current sheet thickness
    h, dh = [ts_scalar(tc, var) for var in [h, dh]]

    # Slowness vector
    m_xyz = v * n

    # Propagation of the error on the slowness vector
    dm_xyz = (v + dv) * (n + dn) - m_xyz

    out_dict = {"tau": tau, "dtau": dtau, "v": v, "dv": dv, "n": n, "dN": dn, "m": m_xyz,
                "dm": dm_xyz, "h": h, "dh": dh}

    out = xr.Dataset(out_dict)

    return out
コード例 #2
ファイル: cs-velocity.py プロジェクト: louis-richard/flapping
def _downsample(b_xyz, dt):
    delta_t = (b_xyz.time.data[-1] - b_xyz.time.data[0]).view("i8") * 1e-9
    n_t = int(delta_t / dt)
    timeline = b_xyz.time.data[0].copy()
    timeline += (np.linspace(0, delta_t, n_t) * 1e9).astype(int)
    timeline = ts_scalar(timeline, np.zeros(len(timeline)))
    return resample(b_xyz, timeline)
コード例 #3
def st_derivative(r, b, mva, crossing_times):
    Computes velocity of the structure using spatio-temporal derivative method

    b_xyz = avg_4sc(b)

    # Gradient of the magnetic field
    grad_b = c_4_grad(r, b)
    db_dt = gradient(b_xyz)

    # Transform gradient to LMN frame
    l_grad_b = np.matmul(grad_b.data, mva[:, 0])
    m_grad_b = np.matmul(grad_b.data, mva[:, 1])
    n_grad_b = np.matmul(grad_b.data, mva[:, 2])

    # Compute velocity of the structure using MDD
    v_str = np.zeros(db_dt.shape)
    v_str[:, 0] = np.sum(db_dt * l_grad_b, axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(l_grad_b,
    v_str[:, 1] = np.sum(db_dt * m_grad_b, axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(m_grad_b,
    v_str[:, 2] = np.sum(db_dt * n_grad_b, axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(n_grad_b,

    dt = calc_dt(b_xyz)
    y_m = np.abs(np.cumsum(-v_str[:, 1]) * dt)
    z_n = np.cumsum(-v_str[:, 2]) * dt

    v_str = ts_vec_xyz(b_xyz.time.data, -v_str)
    y_m = ts_scalar(b_xyz.time.data, y_m)
    z_n = ts_scalar(b_xyz.time.data, z_n)

    z_off = resample(t_eval(z_n, crossing_times), y_m)
    z_n -= z_off

    return v_str, y_m, z_n
コード例 #4
ファイル: cs-velocity.py プロジェクト: louis-richard/flapping
def main(args):
    """main function
    with open(args.config) as f:
        cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

    tint = cfg["tints"]["flapping"]

    # Spacecraft indices
    mms_ids = np.arange(1, 5)

    # Load spacecraft position and background magnetic field
    r_mms = [get_data("R_gse", tint, i,
                      data_path=cfg["data_path"]) for i in mms_ids]
    # Load background magnetic field
    suf_b = "fgm_{}_{}".format(cfg["fgm"]["data_rate"], cfg["fgm"]["level"])
    b_mms = [get_data("B_gse_{}".format(suf_b), tint, i, args.verbose,
                      data_path=cfg["data_path"]) for i in mms_ids]

    # Remove offset on z component of the background magnetic field
    b_mms = remove_bz_offset(b_mms)

    # Load moments
    moments_i, moments_e = load_moments(tint, cfg["fpi"], args,

    # Compute current density
    j_xyz, div_b, b_xyz, _, _, _ = c_4_j(r_mms, b_mms)
    j_xyz *= 1e9

    # Compute MVA frame
    _, _, lmn = mva(b_xyz)

    # Resample moments to magnetic field sampling
    moments_i = [resample(mom, b_xyz) for mom in moments_i]
    moments_e = [resample(mom, b_xyz) for mom in moments_e]

    # lmn = np.vstack([lmn[:, 0], -lmn[:, 2], lmn[:, 1]]).T
    l = lmn[:, 0]
    m = np.mean(moments_i[1].data, axis=0)
    m /= np.linalg.norm(m, axis=0)
    n = np.cross(l, m) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(l, m))
    m = np.cross(n, l)
    lmn = np.transpose(np.vstack([l, m, n]))

    # transform magnetic field and current density to LMN coordinates system
    b_lmn, j_lmn = [new_xyz(field, lmn) for field in [b_xyz, j_xyz]]

    # Load data from timing
    timing_lr = load_timing(args.timing)

    # Transform slowness vector to LMN frame
    m_lmn, dm_lmn = [new_xyz(vec, lmn) for vec in [timing_lr.m, timing_lr.dm]]

    # Transform normal from timing to LMN coordinates system
    n_lmn = new_xyz(timing_lr.n, lmn)

    slowness = xr.Dataset({"m": m_lmn, "dm": dm_lmn})

    # Get crossing times
    crossing_times = m_lmn.time.data

    # Unpack ion/electron temperature
    _, _, t_i = dec_temperature(b_xyz, moments_i)
    _, _, t_e = dec_temperature(b_xyz, moments_i)

    v_xyz_i = moments_i[1]
    v_xyz_e = moments_e[1]

    v_lmn_i, v_lmn_e = [new_xyz(v_xyz, lmn) for v_xyz in [v_xyz_i, v_xyz_e]]

    # Compute velocity and geometry of the CS using spatio-temporal derivative
    b_mms_ds = [_downsample(b_xyz, 2.5) for b_xyz in b_mms]
    #v_str_lmn, y_m, z_n = st_derivative(r_mms, b_mms, lmn, crossing_times)
    v_str_lmn, y_m, z_n = st_derivative(r_mms, b_mms_ds, lmn, crossing_times)

    # filter velocity of the CS
    # change 257 to physical value
    #v_str_lmn_filtered = medfilt(v_str_lmn, 100)
    grad_b = c_4_grad(r_mms, b_mms_ds)
    grad_b_dete = ts_scalar(grad_b.time.data,
    res_dete = grad_b_dete.data - medfilt(grad_b_dete, 5).data
    idx_ = np.abs(res_dete) > np.std(res_dete)

    v_str_lmn_filtered = v_str_lmn.copy()
    v_str_lmn_filtered.data[idx_, 1] = np.nan
    v_str_lmn_filtered.data[idx_, 2] = np.nan

    # Plot
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, **cfg["figure"]["main"])

    plot_line(axs[0], b_lmn)
    axs[0].legend(["$B_L$", "$B_M$", "$B_N$"], **cfg["figure"]["legend"])
    axs[0].set_ylabel("$B$ [nT]")
    axs[0].grid(True, which="both")

    axs[1].quiver(timing_lr.tau.time.data, np.zeros(len(n_lmn)),
                  n_lmn[:, 1], n_lmn[:, 2],
                  color="tab:green", angles="uv")
    axs[1].grid(True, which="both")

    plot_line(axs[2], v_lmn_i[:, 1], color="tab:blue", label="Ions")
    plot_line(axs[2], v_str_lmn_filtered[:, 1], color="k", label="STD")
    axs[2].errorbar(slowness.time.data, slowness.m.data[:, 1],
                    slowness.dm.data[:, 1],
                    color="tab:green", label="Timing")
    axs[2].set_ylim([-650, 650])
    axs[2].set_ylabel("$V_M$ [km s$^{-1}$]")
    axs[2].grid(True, which="both")

    plot_line(axs[3], v_lmn_e[:, 2], color="tab:red", label="Electrons")
    plot_line(axs[3], v_str_lmn_filtered[:, 2], color="k", label="STD")
    axs[3].errorbar(slowness.time.data, slowness.m.data[:, 2],
                    slowness.dm.data[:, 2],
                    color="tab:green", label="Tining")
    axs[3].set_ylim([-650, 650])
    axs[3].set_ylabel("$V_N$ [km s$^{-1}$]")
    axs[3].grid(True, which="both")

    labels_pos = [0.02, 0.92]
    _ = make_labels(axs, labels_pos)

    if args.figname:
        fig.savefig(args.figname, **cfg["figure"]["save"])