class SingleLearnerRandom(object): def __init__(self, dqn, tasks, **kwargs): self.dqn = dqn self.tasks = tasks self.num_tasks = len(self.tasks) self.deepQlearn = DeepQlearn(tasks[0], dqn, **kwargs) self.last_task_ti = 0 def run(self, num_epochs=1, num_episodes=1): for ei in range(num_epochs): ti = npr.choice(range(self.num_tasks), 1)[0] self.last_task_ti = ti task = self.tasks[ti] # (TODO) this breaks away the abstraction. self.deepQlearn.task = task self.dqn.task = task # run training., task)
class SingleLearnerSequential(object): def __init__(self, dqn, tasks, **kwargs): self.dqn = dqn self.tasks = tasks self.num_tasks = len(self.tasks) self.deepQlearn = DeepQlearn(tasks[0], dqn, **kwargs) self.t = 0 def run(self, num_epochs=1, budget=100): for ei in range(num_epochs): ti = self.t % self.num_tasks task = self.tasks[ti] # (TODO) this breaks away the abstraction. self.deepQlearn.task = task self.dqn.task = task # run training., task) self.t += 1 for it in range(budget): self.deepQlearn._update_net()
class SingleLearnerCommunist(object): def __init__(self, dqn, tasks, **kwargs): self.dqn = dqn self.tasks = tasks self.num_tasks = len(self.tasks) self.deepQlearn = DeepQlearn(tasks[0], dqn, **kwargs) self.last_task_ti = 0 def run(self, num_epochs=1, num_episodes=1): for ei in range(num_epochs): task_performance = np.zeros(self.num_tasks) for ti in range(self.num_tasks): task_performance[ti] = expected_reward_tabular_normalized(self.dqn, self.tasks[ti], tol=1e-4) ti = np.argmin(task_performance) task = self.tasks[ti] self.last_task_ti = ti # (TODO) this breaks away the abstraction. self.deepQlearn.task = task self.dqn.task = task # run training., task)
class SingleLearnerMAB(object): def __init__(self, dqn, tasks, mab_gamma, mab_scale, mab_batch_size, **kwargs): self.dqn = dqn self.tasks = tasks self.log_weights = [0. for task in tasks] self.mab_gamma = mab_gamma self.mab_batch_size = mab_batch_size self.mab_scale = mab_scale self.deepQlearn = DeepQlearn(tasks[0], dqn, **kwargs) self.cumulative_epochs = 0 def run(self, num_epochs=1, num_episodes=1): num_tasks = len(self.tasks) for epoch in range(num_epochs): # choose task based on weights. ti = -1 if npr.rand() < self.mab_gamma: ti = npr.choice(range(num_tasks), 1)[0] else: p = np.exp(prob.normalize_log(self.log_weights)) ti = npr.choice(range(num_tasks), 1, replace=True, p=p)[0] task = self.tasks[ti] # (TODO) this breaks away the abstraction. self.deepQlearn.task = task self.dqn.task = task # run training. # update weights. self.cumulative_epochs += 1 if self.cumulative_epochs >= self.mab_batch_size: self.log_weights[:] = 0. else: for ti, task in enumerate(self.tasks): performance_gain = eval_policy_reward(self.dqn, task, num_episodes=10000) self.log_weights[ti] += self.mab_gamma * self.mab_scale * performance_gain / num_tasks
class SingleLearnerGPt(object): def __init__(self, dqn, tasks, dist, gpt_eta, gpt_r, gpt_v, gpt_sigma, gpt_kappa, **kwargs): ''' init GP-t algorithms based multi-task single learner. GP-t uses a Gaussian Process regression to infer progress in task space at a given time t. The covariance is defined as The function is defined as $$p(f \mid X) = \mathcal{N}(0, K)$$ Hyper-Parameters ========== dist: distance metric between two tasks. gpt_eta: time-decaying factor, controlling decaying weight of out-dated progress examples. gpt_r: task correlation hyper-parameter. gpt_sigma: noise level. gpt_kappa: tradeoff hyper-parameter for exploration-exploitation tradeoff. ''' self.gpt_eta = gpt_eta self.gpt_r = gpt_r self.gpt_sigma = gpt_sigma self.gpt_v = gpt_v self.gpt_kappa = gpt_kappa self.dist = dist # q-learning. self.dqn = dqn self.tasks = tasks self.num_tasks = len(tasks) self.deepQlearn = DeepQlearn(tasks[0], dqn, **kwargs) # GP. self.examples = [] # collect examples that measure progress. self.K = np.array([]) self.y = np.array([]) self.last_performance = eval_dataset(self.dqn, self.tasks) self.t = 0 # some diagnostic information. self.ucb = None = None self.sigma = None self.last_task = tasks[0] self.last_task_ti = 0 self.last_task_performance = None self.last_progress = None def _run_task(self, task, num_episodes=1): self.deepQlearn.task = task self.dqn.task = task # run training., task) def run(self, num_epochs=1, num_episodes=1): cov_func = lambda task1, task2, t1, t2: self.gpt_v * np.exp(- (self.dist(task1, task2) ** 2 * self.gpt_r + self.gpt_eta * (t1 - t2) ** 2)) for ei in range(num_epochs): # task selection. # complexity max(#task * history, history ** 2.3) if len(self.examples) == 0: # no prior experience, choose randomly. task = prob.choice(self.tasks, 1)[0] else: # GP-t. mu = np.zeros(self.num_tasks) sigma = np.zeros(self.num_tasks) ucb = np.zeros(self.num_tasks) # Kinv = npla.inv(self.K + self.gpt_sigma ** 2) # Kinv_y =, self.y) Kinv_y = npla.solve(self.K + np.eye(self.t) * self.gpt_sigma ** 2, self.y) for ti, task in enumerate(self.tasks): vec = np.zeros(self.t) for ei in range(self.t): (t_ei, task_ei, _) = self.examples[ei] vec[ei] = cov_func(task, task_ei, self.t, t_ei) mu[ti] =, Kinv_y) Kinv_vec = npla.solve(self.K + np.eye(self.t) * self.gpt_sigma ** 2, vec) sigma[ti] = self.gpt_v + self.gpt_sigma ** 2 -, Kinv_vec) ucb[ti] = mu[ti] + self.gpt_kappa * sigma[ti] best_ti = np.argmax(ucb) task = self.tasks[best_ti] # store information for diagnosis. = mu self.sigma = sigma self.ucb = ucb # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # run training. self._run_task(task, num_episodes=num_episodes) # evaluate performance. self.last_task_performance = np.zeros(self.num_tasks) for ti in range(self.num_tasks): self.last_task_performance[ti] = expected_reward_tabular_normalized(self.dqn, self.tasks[ti], tol=1e-4) performance = np.mean(self.last_task_performance) progress = performance - self.last_performance # update statistics. self.examples.append((self.t, task, progress)) self.t += 1 t = self.t new_K = np.zeros((t, t)) new_y = np.zeros(t) if t > 1: new_K[:t - 1, :t - 1] = self.K new_y[:t - 1] = self.y new_K[t - 1, t - 1] = self.gpt_v new_y[t - 1] = progress for ei in range(t - 1): (t_ei, task_ei, _) = self.examples[ei] new_K[t - 1, ei] = cov_func(task_ei, task, t_ei, t - 1) new_K[ei, t - 1] = new_K[t - 1, ei] # symmetric. self.K = new_K self.y = new_y self.last_performance = performance self.last_progress = progress self.last_task = task self.last_task_ti = self.tasks.index(task)