def getAdmins(self): self.admins = {} for group in self.supergroupIDs: print("Getting admins for: " + str(group)) groupAdmins = [] limit = 200 offset = 0 filter = types.ChannelParticipantsAdmins() while True: try: participants = self.client.send( functions.channels.GetParticipants( channel=self.client.resolve_peer(group), filter=filter, offset=offset, limit=limit, hash=0)) except FloodWait as e: time.sleep(e.x) continue if isinstance(participants, types.channels.ChannelParticipantsNotModified): print("No admin changes") pass if not participants.participants: break groupAdmins.extend(participants.participants) offset += limit self.admins[group] = [admin.user_id for admin in groupAdmins] for group in self.admins: print(" - " + str(group) + " - ") for admin in self.admins[group]: print(admin) print() return self.admins
def get_chat_members(self, chat_id: int or str, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 200, query: str = "", filter: str = Filters.ALL): """Use this method to get the members list of a chat. A chat can be either a basic group, a supergroup or a channel. You must be admin to retrieve the members list of a channel (also known as "subscribers"). Args: chat_id (``int`` | ``str``): Unique identifier (int) or username (str) of the target chat. offset (``int``, *optional*): Sequential number of the first member to be returned. Defaults to 0 [1]_. limit (``int``, *optional*): Limits the number of members to be retrieved. Defaults to 200, which is also the maximum server limit allowed per method call. query (``str``, *optional*): Query string to filter members based on their display names and usernames. Defaults to "" (empty string) [2]_. filter (``str``, *optional*): Filter used to select the kind of members you want to retrieve. Only applicable for supergroups and channels. It can be any of the followings: *"all"* - all kind of members, *"kicked"* - kicked (banned) members only, *"restricted"* - restricted members only, *"bots"* - bots only, *"recent"* - recent members only, *"administrators"* - chat administrators only. Defaults to *"all"*. .. [1] Server limit: on supergroups, you can get up to 10,000 members for a single query and up to 200 members on channels. .. [2] A query string is applicable only for *"all"*, *"kicked"* and *"restricted"* filters only. Returns: On success, a :obj:`ChatMembers` object is returned. Raises: :class:`Error <pyrogram.Error>` in case of a Telegram RPC error. ``ValueError`` if you used an invalid filter or a chat_id that belongs to a user. """ peer = self.resolve_peer(chat_id) if isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChat): return utils.parse_chat_members( self.send(functions.messages.GetFullChat(peer.chat_id))) elif isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChannel): filter = filter.lower() if filter == Filters.ALL: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsSearch(q=query) elif filter == Filters.KICKED: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsKicked(q=query) elif filter == Filters.RESTRICTED: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsBanned(q=query) elif filter == Filters.BOTS: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsBots() elif filter == Filters.RECENT: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsRecent() elif filter == Filters.ADMINISTRATORS: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsAdmins() else: raise ValueError("Invalid filter \"{}\"".format(filter)) return utils.parse_chat_members( self.send( functions.channels.GetParticipants(channel=peer, filter=filter, offset=offset, limit=limit, hash=0))) else: raise ValueError( "The chat_id \"{}\" belongs to a user".format(chat_id))
def get_chat_members( self, chat_id: Union[int, str], offset: int = 0, limit: int = 200, query: str = "", filter: str = Filters.ALL) -> List["pyrogram.ChatMember"]: """Get a chunk of the members list of a chat. You can get up to 200 chat members at once. A chat can be either a basic group, a supergroup or a channel. You must be admin to retrieve the members list of a channel (also known as "subscribers"). For a more convenient way of getting chat members see :meth:`~Client.iter_chat_members`. Parameters: chat_id (``int`` | ``str``): Unique identifier (int) or username (str) of the target chat. offset (``int``, *optional*): Sequential number of the first member to be returned. Only applicable to supergroups and channels. Defaults to 0 [1]_. limit (``int``, *optional*): Limits the number of members to be retrieved. Only applicable to supergroups and channels. Defaults to 200, which is also the maximum server limit allowed per method call. query (``str``, *optional*): Query string to filter members based on their display names and usernames. Only applicable to supergroups and channels. Defaults to "" (empty string) [2]_. filter (``str``, *optional*): Filter used to select the kind of members you want to retrieve. Only applicable for supergroups and channels. It can be any of the followings: *"all"* - all kind of members, *"kicked"* - kicked (banned) members only, *"restricted"* - restricted members only, *"bots"* - bots only, *"recent"* - recent members only, *"administrators"* - chat administrators only. Only applicable to supergroups and channels. Defaults to *"all"*. .. [1] Server limit: on supergroups, you can get up to 10,000 members for a single query and up to 200 members on channels. .. [2] A query string is applicable only for *"all"*, *"kicked"* and *"restricted"* filters only. Returns: List of :obj:`ChatMember`: On success, a list of chat members is returned. Raises: ValueError: In case you used an invalid filter or a chat id that belongs to a user. Example: .. code-block:: python # Get first 200 recent members app.get_chat_members("pyrogramchat") # Get all administrators app.get_chat_members("pyrogramchat", filter="administrators") # Get all bots app.get_chat_members("pyrogramchat", filter="bots") """ peer = self.resolve_peer(chat_id) if isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChat): r = self.send(functions.messages.GetFullChat(chat_id=peer.chat_id)) members = r.full_chat.participants.participants users = { i for i in r.users} return pyrogram.List( pyrogram.ChatMember._parse(self, member, users) for member in members) elif isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChannel): filter = filter.lower() if filter == Filters.ALL: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsSearch(q=query) elif filter == Filters.KICKED: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsKicked(q=query) elif filter == Filters.RESTRICTED: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsBanned(q=query) elif filter == Filters.BOTS: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsBots() elif filter == Filters.RECENT: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsRecent() elif filter == Filters.ADMINISTRATORS: filter = types.ChannelParticipantsAdmins() else: raise ValueError("Invalid filter \"{}\"".format(filter)) while True: try: r = self.send( functions.channels.GetParticipants(channel=peer, filter=filter, offset=offset, limit=limit, hash=0)) members = r.participants users = { i for i in r.users} return pyrogram.List( pyrogram.ChatMember._parse(self, member, users) for member in members) except FloodWait as e: log.warning("Sleeping for {}s".format(e.x)) time.sleep(e.x) else: raise ValueError( "The chat_id \"{}\" belongs to a user".format(chat_id))