コード例 #1
def movemap(pose, PDB_out=False):
    Demonstrates the syntax necessary for basic usage of the MoveMap object
        performs these changes with a demonstrative backbone minimization
        using  <pose>  and writes structures to PDB files if  <PDB_out>  is True


    # MoveMap
    # a MoveMap encodes what data is allowed to change in a Pose, referred to as
    #    its degrees of freedom
    # a MoveMap is separate from a Pose and is usually required by a Mover so
    #    that the correct degrees of freedom are manipulated, in this way,
    #    MoveMap and Pose objects often work in parallel
    # several MoveMap's can correspond to the same Pose
    # a MoveMap stores information on a per-residue basis about the
    #    backbone ({phi, psi, omega}) and chi ({chi_i}) torsion angle sets
    #    the MoveMap can only set these sets of torsions to True or False, it
    #    cannot set freedom for the individual angles (such as phi free and psi
    #    fixed)
    # the MoveMap has no upper-limit on its residue information, it defaults to
    #    all residues (up to residue 99999999) backbone and chi False
    # you can view the MoveMap per-residue torsion settings by using the
    #    MoveMap.show( Pose.total_residue() ) method (the input argument is the
    #    highest residue to output, it does not support viewing a range)
    pose_move_map = MoveMap()
    # change all backbone torsion angles
    # change all chi angle torsion angles (False by default)
    # change a single backbone torsion angles
    #pose_move_map.set_bb(1, True)    # example syntax
    # change a single residue's chi torsion angles
    #pose_move_map.set_chi(1, True)    # example syntax

    # perform gradient based minimization on the "median" residues, this
    #    method (MinMover) determines the gradient of an input pose using a
    #    ScoreFunction for evaluation and a MoveMap to define the degrees of
    #    freedom
    # create a standard ScoreFunction
    scorefxn = get_fa_scorefxn(
    )  #  create_score_function_ws_patch('standard', 'score12')
    # redefine the MoveMap to include the median half of the residues
    # turn "off" all backbone torsion angles
    pose_move_map.set_bb(False)  # reset to backbone False
    # turn "on" a range of residue backbone torsion angles
    pose_move_map.set_bb_true_range(int(pose.total_residue() / 4),
                                    int(pose.total_residue() * 3 / 4))
    # create the MinMover
    minmover = protocols.minimization_packing.MinMover()

    # create a copy of the pose
    test_pose = Pose()
    # apply minimization
    scorefxn(test_pose)  # to prevent verbose output on the next line

    pymover = PyMOLMover()
    #### uncomment the line below and "comment-out" the two lines below to
    ####    export the structures into different PyMOL states of the same object
    #pymover.keep_history = True    # enables viewing across states

    #### comment-out the line below, changing PDBInfo names tells the
    ####    PyMOLMover to produce new objects
    print('\nPre minimization score:', scorefxn(test_pose))

    if PDB_out:

    print('Post minimization score:', scorefxn(test_pose))
    #### comment-out the line below
コード例 #2
print('Refinement ----------------------------------------------')

kT = 1.0
n_moves = 10

pose = core.import_pose.pose_from_file("../test/data/test_fragments.pdb")
pose_frag = core.import_pose.pose_from_file("../test/data/test_fragments.pdb")

print('setting up a move map')
movemap = MoveMap()
print('setting all backbone movement to true, and residue 10 to false')
movemap.set_bb(10, False)
print('outputting movemap')

fragset3mer = core.fragment.ConstantLengthFragSet(
    3, "../test/data/test3_fragments")  # "aatestA03_05.200_v1_3")
fragset9mer = core.fragment.ConstantLengthFragSet(
    9, "../test/data/test9_fragments")  # "aatestA09_05.200_v1_3")
print('mover: ClassicFragmentMover, 3mer')
mover_3mer = protocols.simple_moves.ClassicFragmentMover(fragset3mer, movemap)

print('Creating standard score function with patch and scoring')
scorefxn = get_score_function()

print('mover: SmallMover')