コード例 #1
class DBSchema(object):

    connection = None
    thread = None
    event_map = None
    key_defaults = None
    snapshots = None  # <table_name>: <obj_weakref>

    spec = OrderedDict()
    # main tables
    spec['interfaces'] = OrderedDict(ifinfmsg.sql_schema())
    spec['addresses'] = OrderedDict(ifaddrmsg.sql_schema())
    spec['neighbours'] = OrderedDict(ndmsg.sql_schema())
    spec['routes'] = OrderedDict(rtmsg.sql_schema() + [(
        ('route_id', ), 'TEXT UNIQUE'), (('gc_mark', ), 'INTEGER')])
    spec['nh'] = OrderedDict(nh.sql_schema() + [(
        ('route_id', ), 'TEXT'), (('nh_id', ), 'INTEGER')])
    # additional tables
    spec['p2p'] = OrderedDict(p2pmsg.sql_schema())

    classes = {
        'interfaces': ifinfmsg,
        'addresses': ifaddrmsg,
        'neighbours': ndmsg,
        'routes': rtmsg,
        'nh': nh,
        'p2p': p2pmsg

    # OBS: field names MUST go in the same order as in the spec,
    # that's for the load_netlink() to work correctly -- it uses
    # one loop to fetch both index and row values
    indices = {
        'interfaces': ('index', ),
        'p2p': ('index', ),
        ('family', 'prefixlen', 'index', 'IFA_ADDRESS', 'IFA_LOCAL'),
        'neighbours': ('ifindex', 'NDA_LLADDR'),
        ('family', 'dst_len', 'tos', 'RTA_DST', 'RTA_PRIORITY', 'RTA_TABLE'),
        'nh': ('route_id', 'nh_id')

    foreign_keys = {
        'addresses': [{
            'fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent_fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        'neighbours': [{
            'fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_ifindex'),
            'parent_fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        'routes': [{
            'fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_RTA_OIF'),
            'parent_fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        }, {
            'fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_RTA_IIF'),
            'parent_fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        # man kan not use f_tflags together with f_route_id
        # 'cause it breaks ON UPDATE CASCADE for interfaces
        'nh': [{
            'fields': ('f_route_id', ),
            'parent_fields': ('f_route_id', ),
            'parent': 'routes'
        }, {
            'fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_oif'),
            'parent_fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        # additional tables
        'p2p': [{
            'fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent_fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'

    # load supported ifinfo
    for (name, data) in supported_ifinfo.items():
        name = 'ifinfo_%s' % name
        # classes
        classes[name] = data
        # indices
        indices[name] = ('index', )
        # spec
        spec[name] = \
            OrderedDict(data.sql_schema() + [(('index', ), 'BIGINT')])
        # foreign keys
        foreign_keys[name] = \
            [{'fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
              'parent_fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
              'parent': 'interfaces'}]

    def __init__(self, ndb, connection, mode, rtnl_log, tid):
        self.ndb = ndb
        # collect all the dispatched methods and publish them
        for name in dir(self):
            obj = getattr(self, name, None)
            if hasattr(obj, 'publish'):
                event, fbody = obj.publish
                self.ndb._event_map[event] = [partial(fbody, self)]

        self.mode = mode
        self.stats = {}
        self.thread = tid
        self.connection = connection
        self.rtnl_log = rtnl_log
        self.log = ndb.log.channel('schema')
        self.snapshots = {}
        self.key_defaults = {}
        self._cursor = None
        self._counter = 0
        self._allow_read = threading.Event()
        self._allow_write = threading.Event()
        if self.mode == 'sqlite3':
            # SQLite3
            self.connection.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')
            self.plch = '?'
        elif self.mode == 'psycopg2':
            # PostgreSQL
            self.plch = '%s'
            raise NotImplementedError('database provider not supported')
        self.gctime = self.ctime = time.time()
        # compile request lines
        self.compiled = {}
        for table in self.spec.keys():
            self.compiled[table] = (self.compile_spec(table, self.spec[table],

            if table.startswith('ifinfo_'):
                idx = ('index', )
                self.compiled[table[7:]] = self.merge_spec(
                    'interfaces', table, table[7:], idx)

        # specific SQL code
        if self.mode == 'sqlite3':
            template = '''
                       CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS {name}
                       BEFORE UPDATE OF {field} ON {table} FOR EACH ROW
        elif self.mode == 'psycopg2':
            template = '''
                       CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {name}()
                       RETURNS trigger AS ${name}$
                               RETURN NEW;
                       ${name}$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

                       DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {name} ON {table};

                       CREATE TRIGGER {name}
                       BEFORE UPDATE OF {field} ON {table} FOR EACH ROW
                       EXECUTE PROCEDURE {name}();

        for cls in (NextHop, Route, Address):
        # service tables
                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sources_options
                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sources
                     CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sources
                     (f_target TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
                      f_kind TEXT NOT NULL)
                     CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sources_options
                     (f_target TEXT NOT NULL,
                      f_name TEXT NOT NULL,
                      f_type TEXT NOT NULL,
                      f_value TEXT NOT NULL,
                      FOREIGN KEY (f_target)
                          REFERENCES sources(f_target)
                          ON UPDATE CASCADE
                          ON DELETE CASCADE)

    def merge_spec(self, table1, table2, table, schema_idx):
        spec1 = self.compiled[table1]
        spec2 = self.compiled[table2]
        names = spec1['names'] + spec2['names'][:-1]
        all_names = spec1['all_names'] + spec2['all_names'][2:-1]
        norm_names = spec1['norm_names'] + spec2['norm_names'][2:-1]
        idx = ('target', 'tflags') + schema_idx
        f_names = ['f_%s' % x for x in all_names]
        f_set = ['f_%s = %s' % (x, self.plch) for x in all_names]
        f_idx = ['f_%s' % x for x in idx]
        f_idx_match = ['%s.%s = %s' % (table2, x, self.plch) for x in f_idx]
        plchs = [self.plch] * len(f_names)
        return {
            'names': names,
            'all_names': all_names,
            'norm_names': norm_names,
            'idx': idx,
            'fnames': ','.join(f_names),
            'plchs': ','.join(plchs),
            'fset': ','.join(f_set),
            'knames': ','.join(f_idx),
            'fidx': ' AND '.join(f_idx_match)

    def compile_spec(self, table, schema_names, schema_idx):
        # e.g.: index, flags, IFLA_IFNAME
        names = []
        # same + two internal fields
        all_names = ['target', 'tflags']
        norm_names = ['target', 'tflags']

        bclass = self.classes.get(table)

        for name in schema_names:

            iclass = bclass
            if len(name) > 1:
                for step in name[:-1]:
                    imap = dict(iclass.nla_map)
                    iclass = getattr(iclass, imap[step])

        # escaped names: f_index, f_flags, f_IFLA_IFNAME
        # the reason: words like "index" are keywords in SQL
        # and we can not use them; neither can we change the
        # C structure
        f_names = ['f_%s' % x for x in all_names]
        # set the fields
        # e.g.: f_flags = ?, f_IFLA_IFNAME = ?
        # there are different placeholders:
        # ? -- SQLite3
        # %s -- PostgreSQL
        # so use self.plch here
        f_set = ['f_%s = %s' % (x, self.plch) for x in all_names]
        # the set of the placeholders to use in the INSERT statements
        plchs = [self.plch] * len(f_names)
        # the index schema; use target and tflags in every index
        idx = ('target', 'tflags') + schema_idx
        # the same, escaped: f_target, f_tflags etc.
        f_idx = ['f_%s' % x for x in idx]
        # match the index fields, fully qualified
        # interfaces.f_index = ?, interfaces.f_IFLA_IFNAME = ?
        # the same issue with the placeholders
        f_idx_match = ['%s.%s = %s' % (table, x, self.plch) for x in f_idx]

        return {
            'names': names,
            'all_names': all_names,
            'norm_names': norm_names,
            'idx': idx,
            'fnames': ','.join(f_names),
            'plchs': ','.join(plchs),
            'fset': ','.join(f_set),
            'knames': ','.join(f_idx),
            'fidx': ' AND '.join(f_idx_match)

    def execute(self, *argv, **kwarg):
        if self._cursor:
            cursor = self._cursor
            cursor = self.connection.cursor()
            self._counter = config.db_transaction_limit + 1
            # FIXME: add logging
            for _ in range(MAX_ATTEMPTS):
                    cursor.execute(*argv, **kwarg)
                except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError):
                    # Retry on:
                    # -- InterfaceError: Error binding parameter ...
                    # -- OperationalError: SQL logic error
                raise Exception('DB execute error')
        except Exception:
            if self._cursor:
                self._cursor = self.connection.cursor()
            if self._counter > config.db_transaction_limit:
                self.connection.commit()  # no performance optimisation yet
                self._counter = 0
        return cursor

    def share_cursor(self):
        self._cursor = self.connection.cursor()
        self._counter = 0

    def unshare_cursor(self):
        self._cursor = None
        self._counter = 0

    def fetchone(self, *argv, **kwarg):
        for row in self.fetch(*argv, **kwarg):
            return row
        return None

    def wait_read(self, timeout=None):
        return self._allow_read.wait(timeout)

    def wait_write(self, timeout=None):
        return self._allow_write.wait(timeout)

    def allow_read(self, flag=True):
        if not flag:
            # block immediately...
        # ...then forward the request through the message bus
        # in the case of different threads, or simply run stage2

    def _r_allow_read(self, flag):
        if flag:

    def allow_write(self, flag=True):
        if not flag:

    def _r_allow_write(self, flag):
        if flag:

    def fetch(self, *argv, **kwarg):
        cursor = self.execute(*argv, **kwarg)
        while True:
            row_set = cursor.fetchmany()
            if not row_set:
            for row in row_set:
                yield row

    def export_debug(self, fname='pr2_debug'):
        if self.rtnl_log:
            with open(fname, 'w') as f:
                for table in self.spec.keys():
                    f.write('\ntable %s\n' % table)
                    for record in (self.execute('SELECT * FROM %s' % table)):
                        f.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in record]))
                    f.write('\ntable %s_log\n' % table)
                    for record in (self.execute('SELECT * FROM %s_log' %
                        f.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in record]))

    def close(self):

    def commit(self):

    def create_ifinfo_view(self, table, ctxid=None):
        iftable = 'interfaces'

        req = (('main.f_target', 'main.f_tflags') + tuple(
            ['main.f_%s' % x[-1] for x in self.spec['interfaces'].keys()]) +
               tuple(['data.f_%s' % x[-1]
                      for x in self.spec[table].keys()])[:-2])
        # -> ... main.f_index, main.f_IFLA_IFNAME, ..., data.f_IFLA_BR_GC_TIMER
        if ctxid is not None:
            iftable = '%s_%s' % (iftable, ctxid)
            table = '%s_%s' % (table, ctxid)
                     DROP VIEW IF EXISTS %s
                     ''' % table[7:])
                     CREATE VIEW %s AS
                     SELECT %s FROM %s AS main
                     INNER JOIN %s AS data ON
                         main.f_index = data.f_index
                         main.f_target = data.f_target
                     ''' % (table[7:], ','.join(req), iftable, table))

    def create_table(self, table):
        req = ['f_target TEXT NOT NULL', 'f_tflags BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0']
        fields = []
        self.key_defaults[table] = {}
        for field in self.spec[table].items():
            # Why f_?
            # 'Cause there are attributes like 'index' and such
            # names may not be used in SQL statements
            field = (field[0][-1], field[1])
            fields.append('f_%s %s' % field)
            req.append('f_%s %s' % field)
            if field[1].strip().startswith('TEXT'):
                self.key_defaults[table][field[0]] = ''
                self.key_defaults[table][field[0]] = 0
        if table in self.foreign_keys:
            for key in self.foreign_keys[table]:
                spec = ('(%s)' % ','.join(key['fields']), '%s(%s)' %
                        (key['parent'], ','.join(key['parent_fields'])))
                req.append('FOREIGN KEY %s REFERENCES %s '
                           'ON UPDATE CASCADE '
                           'ON DELETE CASCADE ' % spec)
                # make a unique index for compound keys on
                # the parent table
                # https://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html
                if len(key['fields']) > 1:
                    idxname = 'uidx_%s_%s' % (key['parent'], '_'.join(
                    self.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX '
                                 'IF NOT EXISTS %s ON %s' % (idxname, spec[1]))

        req = ','.join(req)
        req = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' '%s (%s)' % (table, req))
        # self.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s %s'
        #              % (table, 'CASCADE' if self.mode == 'psycopg2' else ''))

        index = ','.join(['f_target', 'f_tflags'] +
                         ['f_%s' % x for x in self.indices[table]])
               '%s_idx ON %s (%s)' % (table, table, index))

        # create table for the transaction buffer: there go the system
        # updates while the transaction is not committed.
        # w/o keys (yet)
        # req = ['f_target TEXT NOT NULL',
        #        'f_tflags INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0']
        # req = ','.join(req)
        # self.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '
        #              '%s_buffer (%s)' % (table, req))
        # create the log table, if required
        if self.rtnl_log:
            req = [
                'f_tstamp BIGINT NOT NULL', 'f_target TEXT NOT NULL',
                'f_event INTEGER NOT NULL'
            ] + fields
            req = ','.join(req)
            self.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '
                         '%s_log (%s)' % (table, req))

    def mark(self, target, mark):
        for table in self.spec:
                         UPDATE %s SET f_tflags = %s
                         WHERE f_target = %s
                         ''' % (table, self.plch, self.plch), (mark, target))

    def flush(self, target):
        for table in self.spec:
                         DELETE FROM %s WHERE f_target = %s
                         ''' % (table, self.plch), (target, ))

    def save_deps(self, ctxid, weak_ref, iclass):
        uuid = uuid32()
        obj = weak_ref()
        idx = self.indices[obj.table]
        conditions = []
        values = []
        for key in idx:
            conditions.append('f_%s = %s' % (key, self.plch))
        # save the old f_tflags value
        tflags = (self.execute(
                           SELECT f_tflags FROM %s
                           WHERE %s
                           ''' % (obj.table, ' AND '.join(conditions)),
        # mark tflags for obj
                     UPDATE %s SET
                         f_tflags = %s
                     WHERE %s
                     ''' % (obj.utable, self.plch, ' AND '.join(conditions)),
            [uuid] + values)
        # t_flags is used in foreign keys ON UPDATE CASCADE, so all
        # related records will be marked, now just copy the marked data
        for table in self.spec:
            # create the snapshot table
                         CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s
                         AS SELECT * FROM %s
                             f_tflags IS NULL
                         ''' % (table, ctxid, table))
            # copy the data -- is it possible to do it in one step?
                         INSERT INTO %s_%s
                         SELECT * FROM %s
                             f_tflags = %s
                         ''' % (table, ctxid, table, self.plch), [uuid])

            if table.startswith('ifinfo_'):
                self.create_ifinfo_view(table, ctxid)
        # unmark all the data
                     UPDATE %s SET
                         f_tflags = %s
                     WHERE %s
                     ''' % (obj.utable, self.plch, ' AND '.join(conditions)),
            [tflags] + values)
        for table in self.spec:
                         UPDATE %s_%s SET f_tflags = %s
                         ''' % (table, ctxid, self.plch), [tflags])
            self.snapshots['%s_%s' % (table, ctxid)] = weak_ref

    def purge_snapshots(self):
        for table in tuple(self.snapshots):
            for _ in range(MAX_ATTEMPTS):
                    if table.startswith('ifinfo_'):
                            self.execute('DROP VIEW %s' % table[7:])
                        except Exception:
                            # GC collision?
                            self.log.warning('purge_snapshots: %s' %
                    if self.mode == 'sqlite3':
                        self.execute('DROP TABLE %s' % table)
                    elif self.mode == 'psycopg2':
                        self.execute('DROP TABLE %s CASCADE' % table)
                    del self.snapshots[table]
                except sqlite3.OperationalError:
                    # Retry on:
                    # -- OperationalError: database table is locked
                raise Exception('DB snapshot error')

    def get(self, table, spec):
        # Retrieve info from the DB
        # ndb.interfaces.get({'ifname': 'eth0'})
        conditions = []
        values = []
        cls = self.classes[table]
        cspec = self.compiled[table]
        for key, value in spec.items():
            if key not in cspec['all_names']:
                key = cls.name2nla(key)
            if key not in cspec['all_names']:
                raise KeyError('field name not found')
            conditions.append('f_%s = %s' % (key, self.plch))
        req = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s' % (table, ' AND '.join(conditions))
        for record in self.fetch(req, values):
            yield dict(zip(self.compiled[table]['all_names'], record))

    def rtmsg_gc_mark(self, target, event, gc_mark=None):
        if gc_mark is None:
            gc_clause = ' AND f_gc_mark IS NOT NULL'
            gc_clause = ''
        # select all routes for that OIF where f_gc_mark is not null
        key_fields = ','.join(['f_%s' % x for x in self.indices['routes']])
        key_query = ' AND '.join(
            ['f_%s = %s' % (x, self.plch) for x in self.indices['routes']])
        routes = (self.execute(
                           SELECT %s,f_RTA_GATEWAY FROM routes WHERE
                           f_target = %s AND f_RTA_OIF = %s AND
                           f_RTA_GATEWAY IS NOT NULL %s
                           ''' % (key_fields, self.plch, self.plch, gc_clause),
            (target, event.get_attr('RTA_OIF'))).fetchmany())
        # get the route's RTA_DST and calculate the network
        addr = event.get_attr('RTA_DST')
        net = struct.unpack('>I', inet_pton(AF_INET, addr))[0] &\
            (0xffffffff << (32 - event['dst_len']))
        # now iterate all the routes from the query above and
        # mark those with matching RTA_GATEWAY
        for route in routes:
            # get route GW
            gw = route[-1]
            gwnet = struct.unpack('>I', inet_pton(AF_INET, gw))[0] & net
            if gwnet == net:
                    'UPDATE routes SET f_gc_mark = %s '
                    'WHERE f_target = %s AND %s' %
                    (self.plch, self.plch, key_query),
                    (gc_mark, target) + route[:-1]))

    def load_ndmsg(self, target, event):
        # ignore events with ifindex == 0
        if event['ifindex'] == 0:

        self.load_netlink('neighbours', target, event)

    def load_ifinfmsg(self, target, event):
        # link goes down: flush all related routes
        if not event['flags'] & 1:
                'DELETE FROM routes WHERE '
                'f_target = %s AND '
                'f_RTA_OIF = %s OR f_RTA_IIF = %s' %
                (self.plch, self.plch, self.plch),
                (target, event['index'], event['index']))
        # ignore wireless updates
        if event.get_attr('IFLA_WIRELESS'):
        # AF_BRIDGE events
        if event['family'] == AF_BRIDGE:
            # bypass for now

        self.load_netlink('interfaces', target, event)
        # load ifinfo, if exists
        if not event['header'].get('type', 0) % 2:
            linkinfo = event.get_attr('IFLA_LINKINFO')
            if linkinfo is not None:
                iftype = linkinfo.get_attr('IFLA_INFO_KIND')
                table = 'ifinfo_%s' % iftype
                if iftype == 'gre':
                    ifdata = linkinfo.get_attr('IFLA_INFO_DATA')
                    local = ifdata.get_attr('IFLA_GRE_LOCAL')
                    remote = ifdata.get_attr('IFLA_GRE_REMOTE')
                    p2p = p2pmsg()
                    p2p['index'] = event['index']
                    p2p['family'] = 2
                    p2p['attrs'] = [('P2P_LOCAL', local),
                                    ('P2P_REMOTE', remote)]
                    self.load_netlink('p2p', target, p2p)

                if table in self.spec:
                    ifdata = linkinfo.get_attr('IFLA_INFO_DATA')
                    ifdata['header'] = {}
                    ifdata['index'] = event['index']
                    self.load_netlink(table, target, ifdata)

    def load_rtmsg(self, target, event):
        mp = event.get_attr('RTA_MULTIPATH')

        # create an mp route
        if (not event['header']['type'] % 2) and mp:
            # create key
            keys = ['f_target = %s' % self.plch]
            values = [target]
            for key in self.indices['routes']:
                keys.append('f_%s = %s' % (key, self.plch))
                values.append(event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key))
            spec = 'WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(keys)
            s_req = 'SELECT f_route_id FROM routes %s' % spec
            # get existing route_id
            for route_id in self.execute(s_req, values).fetchall():
                # if exists
                route_id = route_id[0][0]
                # flush all previous MP hops
                d_req = 'DELETE FROM nh WHERE f_route_id= %s' % self.plch
                self.execute(d_req, (route_id, ))
                # or create a new route_id
                route_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # set route_id on the route itself
            event['route_id'] = route_id
            self.load_netlink('routes', target, event)
            for idx in range(len(mp)):
                mp[idx]['header'] = {}  # for load_netlink()
                mp[idx]['route_id'] = route_id  # set route_id on NH
                mp[idx]['nh_id'] = idx  # add NH number
                self.load_netlink('nh', target, mp[idx], 'routes')
            # we're done with an MP-route, just exit
        # manage gc marks on related routes
        # only for automatic routes:
        #   - table 254 (main)
        #   - proto 2 (kernel)
        #   - scope 253 (link)
        elif (event.get_attr('RTA_TABLE') == 254) and \
                (event['proto'] == 2) and \
                (event['scope'] == 253) and \
                (event['family'] == AF_INET):
            evt = event['header']['type']
            # set f_gc_mark = timestamp for "del" events
            # and clean it for "new" events
            self.rtmsg_gc_mark(target, event,
                               int(time.time()) if (evt % 2) else None)
            # continue with load_netlink()
        # ... or work on a regular route
        self.load_netlink("routes", target, event)

    def log_netlink(self, table, target, event, ctable=None):
        # RTNL Logs
        fkeys = self.compiled[table]['names']
        fields = ','.join(['f_tstamp', 'f_target', 'f_event'] +
                          ['f_%s' % x for x in fkeys])
        pch = ','.join([self.plch] * (len(fkeys) + 3))
        values = [
            int(time.time() * 1000), target,
            event.get('header', {}).get('type', 0)
        for field in fkeys:
            value = event.get_attr(field) or event.get(field)
            if value is None and field in self.indices[ctable or table]:
                value = self.key_defaults[table][field]
            'INSERT INTO %s_log (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (table, fields, pch),

    def load_netlink(self, table, target, event, ctable=None):
        if self.rtnl_log:
            self.log_netlink(table, target, event, ctable)
        # Update metrics
        if 'stats' in event['header']:
            self.stats[target] = event['header']['stats']
        # Periodic jobs
        if time.time() - self.gctime > config.gc_timeout:
            self.gctime = time.time()

            # clean dead snapshots after GC timeout
            for name, wref in self.snapshots.items():
                if wref() is None:
                    del self.snapshots[name]
                    if name.startswith('ifinfo_'):
                        self.execute('DROP VIEW %s' % name[7:])
                    self.execute('DROP TABLE %s' % name)

            # clean marked routes
                'DELETE FROM routes WHERE '
                '(f_gc_mark + 5) < %s' % self.plch, (int(time.time()), ))
        # The event type
        if event['header'].get('type', 0) % 2:
            # Delete an object
            conditions = ['f_target = %s' % self.plch]
            values = [target]
            for key in self.indices[table]:
                conditions.append('f_%s = %s' % (key, self.plch))
                value = event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key)
                if value is None:
                    value = self.key_defaults[table][key]
                'DELETE FROM %s WHERE'
                ' %s' % (table, ' AND '.join(conditions)), values)
            # Create or set an object
            # field values
            values = [target, 0]
            # index values
            ivalues = [target, 0]
            compiled = self.compiled[table]
            # a map of sub-NLAs
            nodes = {}

            # fetch values (exc. the first two columns)
            for fname, ftype in self.spec[table].items():
                node = event

                # if the field is located in a sub-NLA
                if len(fname) > 1:
                    # see if we tried to get it already
                    if fname[:-1] not in nodes:
                        # descend
                        for steg in fname[:-1]:
                            node = node.get_attr(steg)
                            if node is None:
                        nodes[fname[:-1]] = node
                    # lookup the sub-NLA in the map
                    node = nodes[fname[:-1]]
                    # the event has no such sub-NLA
                    if node is None:

                # NLA have priority
                value = node.get_attr(fname[-1])
                if value is None:
                    value = node.get(fname[-1])
                if value is None and \
                        fname[-1] in self.compiled[ctable or table]['idx']:
                    value = self.key_defaults[table][fname[-1]]
                if fname[-1] in compiled['idx']:

                if self.mode == 'psycopg2':
                    # run UPSERT -- the DB provider must support it
                        'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s) '
                        'ON CONFLICT (%s) '
                        'DO UPDATE SET %s WHERE %s' %
                        (table, compiled['fnames'], compiled['plchs'],
                         compiled['knames'], compiled['fset'],
                         compiled['fidx']), (values + values + ivalues)))
                elif self.mode == 'sqlite3':
                    # SQLite3 >= 3.24 actually has UPSERT, but ...
                    # We can not use here INSERT OR REPLACE as well, since
                    # it drops (almost always) records with foreign key
                    # dependencies. Maybe a bug in SQLite3, who knows.
                    count = (self.execute(
                                      SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE %s
                                      ''' % (table, compiled['fidx']),
                    if count == 0:
                                     INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)
                                     ''' %
                            (table, compiled['fnames'], compiled['plchs']),
                                     UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s
                                     ''' %
                            (table, compiled['fset'], compiled['fidx']),
                            (values + ivalues))
                    raise NotImplementedError()
            except Exception:
                # A good question, what should we do here
                self.log.debug('load_netlink: %s %s %s' %
                               (table, target, event))
                self.log.error('load_netlink: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
コード例 #2
                        (target in schema.ndb.sources.keys()):
                    schema.log.debug('reload veth %s' % event['index'])
                    update = (schema.ndb.sources[target].api(
                        'link', 'get', index=event['index']))
                    update = tuple(update)[0]
                    return schema.load_netlink('interfaces', target, update)

            if table in schema.spec:
                ifdata = linkinfo.get_attr('IFLA_INFO_DATA')
                ifdata['header'] = {}
                ifdata['index'] = event['index']
                schema.load_netlink(table, target, ifdata)

init = {
    'specs': [['interfaces', OrderedDict(ifinfmsg.sql_schema())],
              ['p2p', OrderedDict(p2pmsg.sql_schema())]],
    'classes': [['interfaces', ifinfmsg], ['p2p', p2pmsg]],
    'indices': [['interfaces', ('index', )], ['p2p', ('index', )]],
    'foreign_keys': [[
            'fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent_fields': ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
    'event_map': {
        ifinfmsg: [load_ifinfmsg]
コード例 #3
ファイル: interface.py プロジェクト: smurfix/pyroute2
                if (not link) and \
                        (target in schema.ndb.sources.keys()):
                    schema.log.debug('reload veth %s' % event['index'])
                    update = (schema.ndb.sources[target].api(
                        'link', 'get', index=event['index']))
                    update = tuple(update)[0]
                    return schema.load_netlink('interfaces', target, update)

            if table in schema.spec:
                ifdata = linkinfo.get_attr('IFLA_INFO_DATA')
                ifdata['header'] = {}
                ifdata['index'] = event['index']
                schema.load_netlink(table, target, ifdata)

schema_ifinfmsg = (ifinfmsg.sql_schema().unique_index('index'))

schema_brinfmsg = (ifinfmsg.sql_schema().unique_index('index').foreign_key(
    'interface', ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
    ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index')))

schema_p2pmsg = (p2pmsg.sql_schema().unique_index('index').foreign_key(
    'interfaces', ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
    ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index')))

schema_af_bridge_vlans = (ifinfmsg.af_spec_bridge.vlan_info.sql_schema().push(
    'index', 'INTEGER').unique_index('vid', 'index').foreign_key(
        'af_bridge_ifs', ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index'),
        ('f_target', 'f_tflags', 'f_index')))

init = {
コード例 #4
ファイル: dbschema.py プロジェクト: Vic063/pyroute2
class DBSchema(object):

    connection = None
    thread = None
    event_map = None

    spec = {
        OrderedDict(rtmsg.sql_schema() +
                    [('route_id', 'TEXT UNIQUE'), ('gc_mark', 'INTEGER')]),
        OrderedDict(nh.sql_schema() +
                    [('route_id', 'TEXT'), ('nh_id', 'INTEGER')])
    key_defaults = {}

    snapshots = {}  # <table_name>: <obj_weakref>

    classes = {
        'interfaces': ifinfmsg,
        'addresses': ifaddrmsg,
        'neighbours': ndmsg,
        'routes': rtmsg

    indices = {
        'interfaces': ('index', 'IFLA_IFNAME'),
        'addresses': ('index', 'IFA_ADDRESS', 'IFA_LOCAL'),
        'neighbours': ('ifindex', 'NDA_LLADDR'),
        ('family', 'tos', 'dst_len', 'RTA_TABLE', 'RTA_DST', 'RTA_PRIORITY'),
        'nh': ('route_id', 'nh_id')

    foreign_keys = {
        'addresses': [{
            'cols': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'pcls': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        'neighbours': [{
            'cols': ('f_target', 'f_ifindex'),
            'pcls': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        'routes': [{
            'cols': ('f_target', 'f_RTA_OIF'),
            'pcls': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        }, {
            'cols': ('f_target', 'f_RTA_IIF'),
            'pcls': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        'nh': [{
            'cols': ('f_route_id', ),
            'pcls': ('f_route_id', ),
            'parent': 'routes'

    def __init__(self, connection, mode, rtnl_log, tid):
        self.mode = mode
        self.thread = tid
        self.connection = connection
        self.rtnl_log = rtnl_log
        if self.mode == 'sqlite3':
            # SQLite3
            self.connection.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')
            self.plch = '?'
        elif self.mode == 'psycopg2':
            # PostgreSQL
            self.plch = '%s'
            raise NotImplementedError('database provider not supported')
        self.gctime = self.ctime = time.time()
        for table in ('interfaces', 'addresses', 'neighbours', 'routes', 'nh'):

    def execute(self, *argv, **kwarg):
        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute(*argv, **kwarg)
            self.connection.commit()  # no performance optimisation yet
        return cursor

    def close(self):
        return self.connection.close()

    def commit(self):
        return self.connection.commit()

    def create_table(self, table):
        req = ['f_target TEXT NOT NULL']
        fields = []
        self.key_defaults[table] = {}
        for field in self.spec[table].items():
            # Why f_?
            # 'Cause there are attributes like 'index' and such
            # names may not be used in SQL statements
            fields.append('f_%s %s' % field)
            req.append('f_%s %s' % field)
            if field[1].strip().startswith('TEXT'):
                self.key_defaults[table][field[0]] = ''
                self.key_defaults[table][field[0]] = 0
        if table in self.foreign_keys:
            for key in self.foreign_keys[table]:
                spec = ('(%s)' % ','.join(key['cols']),
                        '%s(%s)' % (key['parent'], ','.join(key['pcls'])))
                req.append('FOREIGN KEY %s REFERENCES %s '
                           'ON UPDATE CASCADE '
                           'ON DELETE CASCADE ' % spec)
                # make a unique index for compound keys on
                # the parent table
                # https://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html
                if len(key['cols']) > 1:
                    idxname = 'uidx_%s_%s' % (key['parent'], '_'.join(
                    self.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX '
                                 'IF NOT EXISTS %s ON %s' % (idxname, spec[1]))

        req = ','.join(req)
        req = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' '%s (%s)' % (table, req))
        if self.rtnl_log:
            req = ['f_tstamp INTEGER NOT NULL', 'f_target TEXT NOT NULL'
                   ] + fields
            req = ','.join(req)
            self.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '
                         '%s_log (%s)' % (table, req))
        index = ','.join(['f_target'] +
                         ['f_%s' % x for x in self.indices[table]])
               '%s_idx ON %s (%s)' % (table, table, index))

    def save_deps(self, parent, objid, wref):
        # Stage 1 of saving deps.
        # Create tables for direct dependencies and copy there the data
        # matching the object.
        # E.g.::
        #   interfaces -> addresses
        #                 routes
        #                 neighbours
        obj = wref()
        for table, keys in self.foreign_keys.items():
            new_table = '%s_%s' % (table, objid)
            # There may be multiple foreign keys
            for key in keys:
                # Work on matching tables
                if key['parent'] == parent:
                    # Create the WHERE clause
                    reqs = []
                    for cols in key['cols']:
                        reqs.append('%s = %s' % (cols, self.plch))
                    values = [
                        for x in key['pcls']
                    # Create the tables as a copy of the related data...
                            'CREATE TABLE %s AS '
                            'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s' %
                            (new_table, table, ' AND '.join(reqs)), values)
                    # ... or append the data, if the table is created --
                    # happens when there are multiple foreign keys, as
                    # for routes
                    except sql_err[self.mode]['ProgrammingError']:
                            'INSERT INTO %s '
                            'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s' %
                            (new_table, table, ' AND '.join(reqs)), values)
                    # Save the reference into the registry.
                    # The registry should be cleaned up periodically.
                    # When the wref() call returns None, the record
                    # should be removed from the registry and the table
                    # should be dropped.
                    self.snapshots[new_table] = wref
                    self.save_deps_s2(table, new_table, objid, wref)

    def save_deps_s2(self, parent, snp_table, objid, wref):
        # Stage 2 of saving deps.
        # Create additional tables to track nested deps (recursively)
        # E.g.::
        #   routes -> nh
        for table, keys in self.foreign_keys.items():
            new_table = '%s_%s' % (table, objid)
            # There may be multiple foreign keys
            for key in keys:
                # Work on matching tables
                if key['parent'] == parent:
                        self.execute('CREATE TABLE %s AS '
                                     'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE '
                                     '(%s) IN (SELECT %s FROM %s)' %
                                     (new_table, table, ','.join(key['cols']),
                                      ','.join(key['pcls']), snp_table))
                    except sql_err[self.mode]['ProgrammingError']:
                        self.execute('INSERT INTO %s '
                                     'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE '
                                     '(%s) IN (SELECT %s FROM %s)' %
                                     (new_table, table, ','.join(key['cols']),
                                      ','.join(key['pcls']), snp_table))
                    self.snapshots[new_table] = wref
                    self.save_deps_s2(table, new_table, objid, wref)

    def get(self, table, spec):
        # Retrieve info from the DB
        # ndb.interfaces.get({'ifname': 'eth0'})
        conditions = []
        values = []
        ret = []
        cls = self.classes[table]
        for key, value in spec.items():
            if key not in [x[0] for x in cls.fields]:
                key = cls.name2nla(key)
            conditions.append('f_%s = %s' % (key, self.plch))
        req = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s' % (table, ' AND '.join(conditions))
        for record in self.execute(req, values).fetchall():
            ret.append(dict(zip(self.spec[table].keys(), record)))
        return ret

    def rtmsg_gc_mark(self, target, event, gc_mark=None):
        if gc_mark is None:
            gc_clause = ' AND f_gc_mark IS NOT NULL'
            gc_clause = ''
        # select all routes for that OIF where f_gc_mark is not null
        key_fields = ','.join(['f_%s' % x for x in self.indices['routes']])
        key_query = ' AND '.join(
            ['f_%s = %s' % (x, self.plch) for x in self.indices['routes']])
        routes = (self.execute(
            'SELECT %s,f_RTA_GATEWAY FROM routes WHERE '
            'f_target = %s AND f_RTA_OIF = %s AND '
            'f_RTA_GATEWAY IS NOT NULL %s' %
            (key_fields, self.plch, self.plch, gc_clause),
            (target, event.get_attr('RTA_OIF'))).fetchall())
        # get the route's RTA_DST and calculate the network
        addr = event.get_attr('RTA_DST')
        net = struct.unpack('>I', inet_pton(AF_INET, addr))[0] &\
            (0xffffffff << (32 - event['dst_len']))
        # now iterate all the routes from the query above and
        # mark those with matching RTA_GATEWAY
        for route in routes:
            # get route GW
            gw = route[-1]
            gwnet = struct.unpack('>I', inet_pton(AF_INET, gw))[0] & net
            if gwnet == net:
                    'UPDATE routes SET f_gc_mark = %s '
                    'WHERE f_target = %s AND %s' %
                    (self.plch, self.plch, key_query),
                    (gc_mark, target) + route[:-1]))

    def load_ifinfmsg(self, target, event):
        # link goes down: flush all related routes
        if not event['flags'] & 1:
                'DELETE FROM routes WHERE '
                'f_RTA_OIF = %s OR f_RTA_IIF = %s' % (self.plch, self.plch),
                (event['index'], event['index']))
        # ignore wireless updates
        if event.get_attr('IFLA_WIRELESS'):
        # continue with load_netlink()
        self.load_netlink('interfaces', target, event)

    def load_rtmsg(self, target, event):
        mp = event.get_attr('RTA_MULTIPATH')

        # create an mp route
        if (not event['header']['type'] % 2) and mp:
            # create key
            keys = ['f_target = %s' % self.plch]
            values = [target]
            for key in self.indices['routes']:
                keys.append('f_%s = %s' % (key, self.plch))
                values.append(event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key))
            spec = 'WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(keys)
            s_req = 'SELECT f_route_id FROM routes %s' % spec
            # get existing route_id
            route_id = self.execute(s_req, values).fetchall()
            if route_id:
                # if exists
                route_id = route_id[0][0]
                # flush all previous MP hops
                d_req = 'DELETE FROM nh WHERE f_route_id= %s' % self.plch
                self.execute(d_req, (route_id, ))
                # or create a new route_id
                route_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # set route_id on the route itself
            event['route_id'] = route_id
            self.load_netlink('routes', target, event)
            for idx in range(len(mp)):
                mp[idx]['header'] = {}  # for load_netlink()
                mp[idx]['route_id'] = route_id  # set route_id on NH
                mp[idx]['nh_id'] = idx  # add NH number
                self.load_netlink('nh', target, mp[idx], 'routes')
            # we're done with an MP-route, just exit
        # manage gc marks on related routes
        # only for automatic routes:
        #   - table 254 (main)
        #   - proto 2 (kernel)
        #   - scope 253 (link)
        elif (event.get_attr('RTA_TABLE') == 254) and \
                (event['proto'] == 2) and \
                (event['scope'] == 253) and \
                (event['family'] == AF_INET):
            evt = event['header']['type']
            # set f_gc_mark = timestamp for "del" events
            # and clean it for "new" events
            self.rtmsg_gc_mark(target, event,
                               int(time.time()) if (evt % 2) else None)
            # continue with load_netlink()
        # ... or work on a regular route
        self.load_netlink("routes", target, event)

    def log_netlink(self, table, target, event, ctable=None):
        # RTNL Logs
        fkeys = tuple(self.spec[table].keys())
        fields = ','.join(['f_tstamp', 'f_target'] +
                          ['f_%s' % x for x in fkeys])
        pch = ','.join([self.plch] * (len(fkeys) + 2))
        values = [int(time.time() * 1000), target]
        for field in fkeys:
            value = event.get_attr(field) or event.get(field)
            if value is None and field in self.indices[ctable or table]:
                value = self.key_defaults[table][field]
            'INSERT INTO %s_log (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (table, fields, pch),

    def load_netlink(self, table, target, event, ctable=None):
        # Simple barrier to work with the DB only from
        # one thread
        # ? make a decorator ?
        if self.thread != id(threading.current_thread()):
        # Periodic jobs
        if time.time() - self.gctime > config.gc_timeout:
            self.gctime = time.time()

            # clean dead snapshots after GC timeout
            for name, wref in self.snapshots.items():
                if wref() is None:
                    del self.snapshots[name]
                    self.execute('DROP TABLE %s' % name)

            # clean marked routes
                'DELETE FROM routes WHERE '
                '(f_gc_mark + 5) < %s' % self.plch, (int(time.time()), ))
        # The event type
        if event['header'].get('type', 0) % 2:
            # Delete an object
            conditions = ['f_target = %s' % self.plch]
            values = [target]
            for key in self.indices[table]:
                conditions.append('f_%s = %s' % (key, self.plch))
                value = event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key)
                if value is None:
                    value = self.key_defaults[table][key]
                'DELETE FROM %s WHERE'
                ' %s' % (table, ' AND '.join(conditions)), values)
            # Create or set an object
            fkeys = tuple(self.spec[table].keys())
            fields = ','.join(['f_target'] + ['f_%s' % x for x in fkeys])
            pch = ','.join([self.plch] * (len(fkeys) + 1))
            values = [target]
            for field in fkeys:
                value = event.get_attr(field) or event.get(field)
                if value is None and field in self.indices[ctable or table]:
                    value = self.key_defaults[table][field]
                    'INSERT INTO %s (%s)'
                    ' VALUES (%s)' % (table, fields, pch), values)
            except sql_err[self.mode]['IntegrityError']:
                    cs = ['f_target = %s' % self.plch]
                    for key in self.indices[table]:
                        cs.append('f_%s = %s' % (key, self.plch))
                        value = event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key)
                        if value is None:
                            value = self.key_defaults[table][key]
                        'UPDATE %s SET (%s) = (%s) WHERE %s' %
                        (table, fields, pch, ' AND '.join(cs)), values)
            except Exception:
                # A good question, what should we do here
コード例 #5
class DBSchema(object):

    db = None
    thread = None
    event_map = None
    schema = {
        'interfaces': OrderedDict(ifinfmsg.sql_schema()),
        'addresses': OrderedDict(ifaddrmsg.sql_schema()),
        'neighbours': OrderedDict(ndmsg.sql_schema()),
        'routes': OrderedDict(rtmsg.sql_schema()),
        'nh': OrderedDict(nh.sql_schema())
    key_defaults = {}
    classes = {
        'interfaces': ifinfmsg,
        'addresses': ifaddrmsg,
        'neighbours': ndmsg,
        'routes': rtmsg
    index = {
        'interfaces': ('index', 'IFLA_IFNAME'),
        'addresses': ('index', 'IFA_ADDRESS', 'IFA_LOCAL'),
        'neighbours': ('ifindex', 'NDA_LLADDR'),
        ('family', 'tos', 'dst_len', 'RTA_TABLE', 'RTA_DST', 'RTA_PRIORITY'),
        'nh': ('route_id', 'nh_id')

    foreign_key = {
        'addresses': [
            ('(f_target, f_index)', 'interfaces(f_target, f_index)'),
        'neighbours': [
            ('(f_target, f_ifindex)', 'interfaces(f_target, f_index)'),
        'routes': [('(f_target, f_RTA_OIF)', 'interfaces(f_target, f_index)'),
                   ('(f_target, f_RTA_IIF)', 'interfaces(f_target, f_index)')],
        'nh': [
            ('(f_route_id)', 'routes(f_route_id)'),

    def __init__(self, db, tid):
        self.thread = tid
        self.db = db
        self.db.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')
        for table in ('interfaces', 'addresses', 'neighbours', 'routes', 'nh'):

    def execute(self, *argv, **kwarg):
        return self.db.execute(*argv, **kwarg)

    def close(self):
        return self.db.close()

    def commit(self):
        return self.db.commit()

    def create_table(self, table):
        req = ['f_target TEXT NOT NULL']
        self.key_defaults[table] = {}
        for field in self.schema[table].items():
            # Why f_?
            # 'Cause there are attributes like 'index' and such
            # names may not be used in SQL statements
            req.append('f_%s %s' % field)
            if field[1].strip().startswith('TEXT'):
                self.key_defaults[table][field[0]] = ''
                self.key_defaults[table][field[0]] = 0
        if table in self.foreign_key:
            for key in self.foreign_key[table]:
                req.append('FOREIGN KEY %s REFERENCES %s '
                           'ON UPDATE CASCADE '
                           'ON DELETE CASCADE ' % key)
                # make a unique index for compound keys on
                # the parent table
                # https://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html
                if len(key[0].split(',')) > 1:
                    idxname = _RPL.sub('_', key[1])
                    self.db.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX '
                                    'IF NOT EXISTS %s ON %s' %
                                    (idxname, key[1]))

        req = ','.join(req)
        req = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' '%s (%s)' % (table, req))
        index = ','.join(['f_target'] +
                         ['f_%s' % x for x in self.index[table]])
               '%s_idx ON %s (%s)' % (table, table, index))

    def get(self, table, spec):
        # Retrieve info from the DB
        # ndb.interfaces.get({'ifname': 'eth0'})
        conditions = []
        values = []
        ret = []
        cls = self.classes[table]
        for key, value in spec.items():
            if key not in [x[0] for x in cls.fields]:
                key = cls.name2nla(key)
            conditions.append('f_%s = ?' % key)
        req = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s' % (table, ' AND '.join(conditions))
        for record in self.db.execute(req, values).fetchall():
            ret.append(dict(zip(self.schema[table].keys(), record)))
        return ret

    def load_rtmsg(self, target, event):
        mp = event.get_attr('RTA_MULTIPATH')

        if (not event['header']['type'] % 2) and mp:
            # create & mp route
            # create key
            keys = ['f_target = ?']
            values = [target]
            for key in self.index['routes']:
                keys.append('f_%s = ?' % key)
                values.append(event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key))
            spec = 'WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(keys)
            s_req = 'SELECT f_route_id FROM routes %s' % spec
            # get existing route_id
            route_id = self.db.execute(s_req, values).fetchall()
            if route_id:
                # if exists
                route_id = route_id[0][0]
                # flush all previous MP hops
                d_req = 'DELETE FROM nh WHERE f_route_id= ?'
                self.db.execute(d_req, (route_id, ))
                # or create a new route_id
                route_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # set route_id on the route itself
            event['route_id'] = route_id
            self.load_netlink('routes', target, event)
            for idx in range(len(mp)):
                mp[idx]['header'] = {}  # for load_netlink()
                mp[idx]['route_id'] = route_id  # set route_id on NH
                mp[idx]['nh_id'] = idx  # add NH number
                self.load_netlink('nh', target, mp[idx])
            # we're done with an MP-route, just exit
        # ... or work on a regular route
        self.load_netlink("routes", target, event)

    def load_netlink(self, table, target, event):
        # Simple barrier to work with the DB only from
        # one thread
        # ? make a decorator ?
        if self.thread != id(threading.current_thread()):
        # The event type
        if event['header'].get('type', 0) % 2:
            # Delete an object
            conditions = ['f_target = ?']
            values = [target]
            for key in self.index[table]:
                conditions.append('f_%s = ?' % key)
                value = event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key)
                if value is None:
                    value = self.key_defaults[table][key]
                'DELETE FROM %s WHERE'
                ' %s' % (table, ' AND '.join(conditions)), values)
            # Create or set an object
            fkeys = tuple(self.schema[table].keys())
            fields = ','.join(['f_target'] + ['f_%s' % x for x in fkeys])
            pch = ','.join('?' * (len(fkeys) + 1))
            values = [target]
            for field in fkeys:
                value = event.get_attr(field) or event.get(field)
                    'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s (%s)'
                    ' VALUES (%s)' % (table, fields, pch), values)
            except Exception:
                # A good question, what should we do here
                import traceback
コード例 #6
class DBSchema(object):

    db = None
    thread = None
    event_map = None

    schema = {
        'interfaces': OrderedDict(ifinfmsg.sql_schema()),
        'addresses': OrderedDict(ifaddrmsg.sql_schema()),
        'neighbours': OrderedDict(ndmsg.sql_schema()),
        'routes': OrderedDict(rtmsg.sql_schema()),
        'nh': OrderedDict(nh.sql_schema())
    key_defaults = {}

    snapshots = {}  # <table_name>: <obj_weakref>

    classes = {
        'interfaces': ifinfmsg,
        'addresses': ifaddrmsg,
        'neighbours': ndmsg,
        'routes': rtmsg

    indices = {
        'interfaces': ('index', 'IFLA_IFNAME'),
        'addresses': ('index', 'IFA_ADDRESS', 'IFA_LOCAL'),
        'neighbours': ('ifindex', 'NDA_LLADDR'),
        ('family', 'tos', 'dst_len', 'RTA_TABLE', 'RTA_DST', 'RTA_PRIORITY'),
        'nh': ('route_id', 'nh_id')

    foreign_keys = {
        'addresses': [{
            'cols': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'pcls': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        'neighbours': [{
            'cols': ('f_target', 'f_ifindex'),
            'pcls': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        'routes': [{
            'cols': ('f_target', 'f_RTA_OIF'),
            'pcls': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        }, {
            'cols': ('f_target', 'f_RTA_IIF'),
            'pcls': ('f_target', 'f_index'),
            'parent': 'interfaces'
        'nh': [{
            'cols': ('f_route_id', ),
            'pcls': ('f_route_id', ),
            'parent': 'routes'

    def __init__(self, db, tid):
        self.thread = tid
        self.db = db
        self.db.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')
        self.mtime = self.ctime = time.time()
        for table in ('interfaces', 'addresses', 'neighbours', 'routes', 'nh'):

    def execute(self, *argv, **kwarg):
        return self.db.execute(*argv, **kwarg)

    def close(self):
        return self.db.close()

    def commit(self):
        return self.db.commit()

    def create_table(self, table):
        req = ['f_target TEXT NOT NULL']
        self.key_defaults[table] = {}
        for field in self.schema[table].items():
            # Why f_?
            # 'Cause there are attributes like 'index' and such
            # names may not be used in SQL statements
            req.append('f_%s %s' % field)
            if field[1].strip().startswith('TEXT'):
                self.key_defaults[table][field[0]] = ''
                self.key_defaults[table][field[0]] = 0
        if table in self.foreign_keys:
            for key in self.foreign_keys[table]:
                spec = ('(%s)' % ','.join(key['cols']),
                        '%s(%s)' % (key['parent'], ','.join(key['pcls'])))
                req.append('FOREIGN KEY %s REFERENCES %s '
                           'ON UPDATE CASCADE '
                           'ON DELETE CASCADE ' % spec)
                # make a unique index for compound keys on
                # the parent table
                # https://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html
                if len(key['cols']) > 1:
                    idxname = 'uidx_%s_%s' % (key['parent'], '_'.join(
                    self.db.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX '
                                    'IF NOT EXISTS %s ON %s' %
                                    (idxname, spec[1]))

        req = ','.join(req)
        req = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' '%s (%s)' % (table, req))
        index = ','.join(['f_target'] +
                         ['f_%s' % x for x in self.indices[table]])
               '%s_idx ON %s (%s)' % (table, table, index))

    def save_deps(self, parent, objid, wref):
        # Stage 1 of saving deps.
        # Create tables for direct dependencies and copy there the data
        # matching the object.
        # E.g.::
        #   interfaces -> addresses
        #                 routes
        #                 neighbours
        obj = wref()
        for table, keys in self.foreign_keys.items():
            new_table = '%s_%s' % (table, objid)
            # There may be multiple foreign keys
            for key in keys:
                # Work on matching tables
                if key['parent'] == parent:
                    # Create the WHERE clause
                    reqs = []
                    for cols in key['cols']:
                        reqs.append('%s = ?' % cols)
                    values = [
                        for x in key['pcls']
                    # Create the tables as a copy of the related data...
                            'CREATE TABLE %s AS '
                            'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s' %
                            (new_table, table, ' AND '.join(reqs)), values)
                    # ... or append the data, if the table is created --
                    # happens when there are multiple foreign keys, as
                    # for routes
                    except sqlite3.OperationalError:
                            'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s '
                            'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s' %
                            (new_table, table, ' AND '.join(reqs)), values)
                    # Save the reference into the registry.
                    # The registry should be cleaned up periodically.
                    # When the wref() call returns None, the record
                    # should be removed from the registry and the table
                    # should be dropped.
                    self.snapshots[new_table] = wref
                    self.save_deps_s2(table, new_table, objid, wref)

    def save_deps_s2(self, parent, snp_table, objid, wref):
        # Stage 2 of saving deps.
        # Create additional tables to track nested deps (recursively)
        # E.g.::
        #   routes -> nh
        for table, keys in self.foreign_keys.items():
            new_table = '%s_%s' % (table, objid)
            # There may be multiple foreign keys
            for key in keys:
                # Work on matching tables
                if key['parent'] == parent:
                            'CREATE TABLE %s AS '
                            'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE '
                            '(%s) IN (SELECT %s FROM %s)' %
                            (new_table, table, ','.join(key['cols']), ','.join(
                                key['pcls']), snp_table))
                    except sqlite3.OperationalError:
                            'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s '
                            'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE '
                            '(%s) IN (SELECT %s FROM %s)' %
                            (new_table, table, ','.join(key['cols']), ','.join(
                                key['pcls']), snp_table))
                    self.snapshots[new_table] = wref
                    self.save_deps_s2(table, new_table, objid, wref)

    def get(self, table, spec):
        # Retrieve info from the DB
        # ndb.interfaces.get({'ifname': 'eth0'})
        conditions = []
        values = []
        ret = []
        cls = self.classes[table]
        for key, value in spec.items():
            if key not in [x[0] for x in cls.fields]:
                key = cls.name2nla(key)
            conditions.append('f_%s = ?' % key)
        req = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s' % (table, ' AND '.join(conditions))
        for record in self.db.execute(req, values).fetchall():
            ret.append(dict(zip(self.schema[table].keys(), record)))
        return ret

    def load_rtmsg(self, target, event):
        mp = event.get_attr('RTA_MULTIPATH')

        if (not event['header']['type'] % 2) and mp:
            # create & mp route
            # create key
            keys = ['f_target = ?']
            values = [target]
            for key in self.indices['routes']:
                keys.append('f_%s = ?' % key)
                values.append(event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key))
            spec = 'WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(keys)
            s_req = 'SELECT f_route_id FROM routes %s' % spec
            # get existing route_id
            route_id = self.db.execute(s_req, values).fetchall()
            if route_id:
                # if exists
                route_id = route_id[0][0]
                # flush all previous MP hops
                d_req = 'DELETE FROM nh WHERE f_route_id= ?'
                self.db.execute(d_req, (route_id, ))
                # or create a new route_id
                route_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # set route_id on the route itself
            event['route_id'] = route_id
            self.load_netlink('routes', target, event)
            for idx in range(len(mp)):
                mp[idx]['header'] = {}  # for load_netlink()
                mp[idx]['route_id'] = route_id  # set route_id on NH
                mp[idx]['nh_id'] = idx  # add NH number
                self.load_netlink('nh', target, mp[idx])
            # we're done with an MP-route, just exit
        # ... or work on a regular route
        self.load_netlink("routes", target, event)

    def load_netlink(self, table, target, event):
        # Simple barrier to work with the DB only from
        # one thread
        # ? make a decorator ?
        if self.thread != id(threading.current_thread()):
        # Periodic jobs
        if time.time() - self.mtime > config.gc_timeout:
            self.mtime = time.time()
            # clean dead snapshots after GC timeout
            for name, wref in self.snapshots.items():
                if wref() is None:
                    del self.snapshots[name]
                    self.db.execute('DROP TABLE %s' % name)
        # The event type
        if event['header'].get('type', 0) % 2:
            # Delete an object
            conditions = ['f_target = ?']
            values = [target]
            for key in self.indices[table]:
                conditions.append('f_%s = ?' % key)
                value = event.get(key) or event.get_attr(key)
                if value is None:
                    value = self.key_defaults[table][key]
                'DELETE FROM %s WHERE'
                ' %s' % (table, ' AND '.join(conditions)), values)
            # Create or set an object
            fkeys = tuple(self.schema[table].keys())
            fields = ','.join(['f_target'] + ['f_%s' % x for x in fkeys])
            pch = ','.join('?' * (len(fkeys) + 1))
            values = [target]
            for field in fkeys:
                value = event.get_attr(field) or event.get(field)
                    'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s (%s)'
                    ' VALUES (%s)' % (table, fields, pch), values)
            except Exception:
                # A good question, what should we do here
                import traceback