def find_route(start_lat, start_long, end_lat, end_long, transport_type='car'): ''' This function converts the lat/long distance into a meters distance. Parameters ---------- start_lat: float The start latitude start_long: float The end latitude end_lat: float The start longitude end_long: float The end longitude transport_type: string The type of transport (default is car) Returns ------- route_latlongs: arraylike array of Points representing the vertices of the route. ''' router = Router(transport_type) start = router.findNode(start_lat, start_long) end = router.findNode(end_lat, end_long) try: status, route = router.doRoute(start, end) except: return None if status == 'success': route_latlongs = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) # Get actual route coordinates return route_latlongs
def find_route(names: list, pos: (float, float), file_name: str = 'names.csv') -> dict: ''' creates a file with distance matrix among chosen places :param names: names of the places you want to visit :param pos: your position at the moment (starting point) ((yet has no use)) :param file_name: name of a file with name,lat,lon lines :return: return a dictionary {1: 'first place', 2: 'second place', ...} (for later in code) ''' places_number_name = dict() places_name_coor = dict() name_in = 'SampleIn_1.txt' name_out = 'SampleOut.txt' for i in range(len(names)): places_number_name[i + 1] = names[i] file = open(file_name, 'r') for line in file.readlines(): if line.split(sep=',')[0] in names: places_name_coor[line.split(sep=',')[0]] = (float( line.split(sep=',')[1]), float(line.split(sep=',')[2])) file.close() file_m = open(name_in, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') file_m.write(str(len(names)) + '\n') router = Router('car') for name_start in places_name_coor.keys(): start = router.findNode(places_name_coor[name_start][0], places_name_coor[name_start][1]) for name_end in places_name_coor.keys(): end = router.findNode(places_name_coor[name_end][0], places_name_coor[name_end][1]) if name_start == name_end: file_m.write('-1 ') continue status, route = router.doRoute(start, end) print(status) if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) sum_ = 0 for i in range(len(routeLatLons) - 1): sum_ += router.distance(routeLatLons[i], routeLatLons[i + 1]) file_m.write(' ' + str(sum_)[:5] + ' ') file_m.write('\n') file_m.close() return places_number_name
def Itinéraire(loc1,loc2,iti): router = Router("car") print(router) depart=router.findNode(loc1[0],loc1[1]) arrivee=router.findNode(loc2[0],loc2[1]) status, route = router.doRoute(depart, arrivee) if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) f.PolyLine(routeLatLons, color="blue", weight=7.5, opacity=8).add_to(iti)
def Itinéraire_Supérette_la_plus_proche(loc1,loc2,iti_sup): router = Router("car") print(router) depart=router.findNode(loc1[0],loc1[1]) arrivee=router.findNode(loc2[0],loc2[1]) status, route = router.doRoute(depart, arrivee) if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) f.PolyLine(routeLatLons, color="orange", weight=7.5, opacity=8).add_to(iti_sup) return iti_sup
def locateUserRests(request,restname): customer = Customer.objects.get(email=request.session['id']) print( restaurant =Restaurant.objects.get(name=restname) print( add1=Locuser.objects.get(custid=request.session['id']) add_user=eval(add1.address_user) add2=Locrest.objects.get( add_rest=eval(add2.address_rest) distance=geodesic(add_user,add_rest).kilometers print(distance) router = Router("car") # Initialise it start = router.findNode(add_user[0], add_user[1]) # Find start and end nodes end = router.findNode(add_rest[0], add_rest[1]) status, route = router.doRoute(start, end) # Find the route - a list of OSM nodes if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) # Get actual route coordinates latitude_list = [] longitude_list = [] for i in range(len(routeLatLons)): latitude_list.append(routeLatLons[i][0]) longitude_list.append(routeLatLons[i][1]) gmap3 = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(23.0, 72.53, 13) # scatter method of map object # scatter points on the google map #gmap3.scatter( latitude_list, longitude_list, '# FF0000', size = 40, marker = False ) # Plot method Draw a line in # between given coordinates gmap3.plot(latitude_list, longitude_list, 'blue', edge_width = 5) gmap3.draw( "map13.html" ) webbrowser.open_new_tab('') return render(request,"foodspark/restview.html")
def find_route(start_lat,start_lon,end_lat,end_lon): router = Router("car") # Initialise it start = router.findNode(start_lat, start_lon) # Find start and end nodes end = router.findNode(end_lat, end_lon) status, route = router.doRoute(start, end) # Find the route - a list of OSM nodes if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) # Get actual route coordinates # print(routeLatLons) Y = np.array([i[0] for i in routeLatLons]) X = np.array([i[1] for i in routeLatLons]) start_Y = Y[0] start_X = X[0] Y -= Y[0] Y *= 111392.84 Y = np.dstack((Y[:-1],Y[:-1] + np.diff(Y)/2.0)).ravel() Y = np.dstack((Y[:-1],Y[:-1] + np.diff(Y)/2.0)).ravel() Y = gaussian_filter(Y,sigma=2) X -= X[0] X *= 111392.84 X = np.dstack((X[:-1],X[:-1] + np.diff(X)/2.0)).ravel() X = np.dstack((X[:-1],X[:-1] + np.diff(X)/2.0)).ravel() X = gaussian_filter(X,sigma=2) set_track_width(10) slope = generate_slopes(X,Y) bx,by = get_bezier_track(X,Y,slope) # doing the following because working directly with GPS coordinates is not a great idea tbh. Also, these equations will only work near the equator (great for us as we live in india :P) bx /= 111392.84 by /= 111392.84 bx += start_X by += start_Y print(len(bx)) plt.scatter(bx,by) # plt.scatter(X,Y) plt.axis('equal')
def route(mode, osm_file, in_start_end, out_json): try: print('s', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) router = Router(mode, osm_file) # Initialise it with open(out_json, 'w') as w: f = open(in_start_end, 'r') features = loads( x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0, 0, 0, 0 for feat in features['features']: # print(feat['geometry']['coordinates']) if feat['properties']['s_e'] == 's': x1, y1 = feat['geometry']['coordinates'] if feat['properties']['s_e'] == 'e': x2, y2 = feat['geometry']['coordinates'] start = router.findNode(y1, x1) end = router.findNode(y2, x2) status, route = router.doRoute( start, end) # Find the route - a list of OSM nodes if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) my_feature = Feature( geometry=LineString(tuple([i[::-1] for i in routeLatLons]))) feature_collection = FeatureCollection([my_feature]) # print(feature_collection) w.write('{}'.format(dumps(feature_collection, indent=4))) print('e', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) print('-' * 40) except Exception: pass finally: del router
def _task_runner(task): (src, dt, (node_time, routing_source, routing_destination)) = task logger.debug( f"Received message at {dt} from {src} <node_time={node_time}, " f"routing_source={routing_source}, " f"routing_destination={routing_destination}>") start_timer = time.perf_counter() router = Router("car") start = router.findNode(routing_source[0], routing_source[1]) end = router.findNode(routing_destination[0], routing_destination[1]) status, route = router.doRoute(start, end) if status == "success": route_coords = [router.nodeLatLon(x) for x in route] encoded_route = (0, _format_route(route_coords)) elif status == "no_route": encoded_route = (1, None) elif status == "gave_up": encoded_route = (2, None) else: logger.error(f"Unknown result '{status}'") encoded_route = (3, None) end_timer = time.perf_counter() duration = end_timer - start_timer encoded_route_len = 0 if encoded_route[1] is None else len( encoded_route[1]) logger.debug( f"Job {task} took {duration} seconds with status {status} route length = {encoded_route_len}" ) return (src, encoded_route, duration)
def post_list(request): posts = Post.objects.filter('published_date') ret_code = 'none' timing = '' routeLatLons = list() routeLatLonsAdd = list() #center_phi = (56.8874 + 56.8843) * 0.5 #center_lambda = (35.8652 + 35.8819) * 0.5 bound_min_phi = 56.8874 bound_max_phi = 56.8843 bound_min_la = 35.8652 bound_max_la = 35.8819 token = get_token() if request.method == 'POST': form = NameForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): bound_min_phi = form.cleaned_data['begin_phi'] bound_max_phi = form.cleaned_data['end_phi'] transport = form.cleaned_data['wheel_val'] ar_time_h = form.cleaned_data['arrival_time_hour'] ar_time_m = form.cleaned_data['arrival_time_minutes'] scl_time_h = form.cleaned_data['sclad_time_hour'] scl_time_m = form.cleaned_data['sclad_time_minutes'] print('before') print(ar_time_h, ar_time_m) print('scl_time_h', scl_time_h) ar_time_h, ar_time_m = add_delay(ar_time_h, ar_time_m, scl_time_h, scl_time_m) print('after') print(ar_time_h, ar_time_m) router = Router(transport) if bound_min_phi > bound_max_phi: temp = bound_min_phi bound_min_phi = bound_max_phi bound_max_phi = temp bound_min_la = form.cleaned_data['begin_lambda'] bound_max_la = form.cleaned_data['end_lambda'] if bound_min_la > bound_max_la: temp = bound_min_la bound_min_la = bound_max_la bound_max_la = temp start = router.findNode(form.cleaned_data['begin_phi'], form.cleaned_data['begin_lambda']) end = router.findNode(form.cleaned_data['end_phi'], form.cleaned_data['end_lambda']) med = router.findNode(form.cleaned_data['med_phi'], form.cleaned_data['med_lambda']) start_time = time.time() status, route = router.doRoute(start, med) sum_length = 0 time_str_1 = '' if status == 'success': # Get actual route coordinates routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) temp_phi = 0 temp_la = 0 for point in routeLatLons: if point == routeLatLons[0]: temp_phi = point[0] temp_la = point[1] else: slat = radians(temp_phi) slon = radians(temp_la) elat = radians(point[0]) elon = radians(point[1]) dist = 6371.01 * acos( sin(slat) * sin(elat) + cos(slat) * cos(elat) * cos(slon - elon)) sum_length = sum_length + dist temp_phi = point[0] temp_la = point[1] if point[0] > bound_max_phi: bound_max_phi = point[0] if point[0] < bound_min_phi: bound_min_phi = point[0] if point[1] > bound_max_la: bound_max_la = point[1] if point[1] < bound_min_la: bound_min_la = point[1] #ret_code = 'success' #ret_code = '1-й маршрут построен, ' + 'время в пути ' + "{0:.2f}".format(sum_length / speed_list[transport]) + ' ч, ' ret_code = 'Результаты расчетов: время в пути до склада ' time_str_1 = hours_to_time_str(sum_length / speed_list[transport]) ret_code = ret_code + time_str_1 else: if ret_code == 'none': ret_code = 'Результаты расчетов: маршрут до склада отсутствует, ' else: ret_code = 'Результаты расчетов: маршрут до склада не построен, ' status, route = router.doRoute(med, end) sum_length2 = 0 time_str_2 = '' if status == 'success': # Get actual route coordinates routeLatLonsAdd = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) temp_phi = 0 temp_la = 0 for point in routeLatLonsAdd: if point == routeLatLonsAdd[0]: temp_phi = point[0] temp_la = point[1] else: slat = radians(temp_phi) slon = radians(temp_la) elat = radians(point[0]) elon = radians(point[1]) dist = 6371.01 * acos( sin(slat) * sin(elat) + cos(slat) * cos(elat) * cos(slon - elon)) sum_length2 = sum_length2 + dist temp_phi = point[0] temp_la = point[1] if point[0] > bound_max_phi: bound_max_phi = point[0] if point[0] < bound_min_phi: bound_min_phi = point[0] if point[1] > bound_max_la: bound_max_la = point[1] if point[1] < bound_min_la: bound_min_la = point[1] #ret_code = 'success' ret_code = ret_code + '; время в пути до точки встречи ' time_str_2 = hours_to_time_str(sum_length2 / speed_list[transport]) ret_code = ret_code + time_str_2 else: if ret_code == 'none': ret_code = 'маршрут до точки встречи отсутствует, ' else: ret_code = 'маршрут до точки встречи не построен, ' ret_code = ret_code + '; общая длина маршрута ' + "{0:.2f}".format( sum_length + sum_length2) + ' км' ret_code = ret_code + ', время движения ' + hours_to_time_str( (sum_length + sum_length2) / speed_list[transport]) #ret_code = ret_code + ' ( ' + time_str_1 + ' до склада, ' + time_str_2 + ' до точки встречи)' ret_code = ret_code + time_to_start_str( (sum_length + sum_length2) / speed_list[transport], ar_time_h, ar_time_m) timing = 'Время выполнения расчётов: ' + "{0:.2f}".format( time.time() - start_time) + ' сек ' elif request.method == 'GET': form = NameForm() ret_code = 'Введите данные' else: form = NameForm() ret_code = 'Неправильный http-запрос' return render(request, 'blog/post_list.html', {'ret_code': ret_code, \ 'form': form, 'route': routeLatLons, 'routeAdd': routeLatLonsAdd,\ 'bound_min_phi': bound_min_phi - 0.001,\ 'bound_max_phi': bound_max_phi + 0.001, \ 'bound_min_la': bound_min_la - 0.001,\ 'bound_max_la': bound_max_la + 0.001, \ 'timing': timing, \ 'mapbox_access_token':token })
class Shaper(object): def __init__(self, enabled): self.enabled = enabled self.api = overpass.API() self.router = None self.transport = None self.stops = {} self.trips = {} self.osmStops = {} self.failed = {} self.file = open("output/shapes.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\r\n") self.file.write("shape_id,shape_pt_sequence,shape_dist_traveled,shape_pt_lat,shape_pt_lon\n") self._loadStops() def _loadStops(self): features = self.api.Get("node[public_transport=stop_position][network=\"ZTM Warszawa\"]")["features"] for i in features: try: self.osmStops[str(i["properties"]["ref"])] = i["id"] except KeyError: continue def nextRoute(self, short_name, transport): self.trips.clear() if transport == "0": transport = "tram" elif transport == "3": transport = "bus" elif transport == "2": transport = "train" else: raise ValueError("Invalid transport type {} for Shaper".format(transport)) if not self.enabled: self.router = None elif short_name == "WKD": warn("Shape creation is not available for WKD line") self.router = None elif transport != self.transport: temp_xml = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) if transport == "train": request = requests.get(_RAIL_FILE) elif transport == "tram": request = requests.get(_TRAM_FILE) else: request = requests.get(_BUS_FILE) temp_xml.write(request.content) self.router = Router(transport, temp_xml.close() self.transport = transport def get(self, trip_id, stops): pattern_id = trip_id.split("/")[0] + "/" + trip_id.split("/")[1] if pattern_id in self.trips: return self.trips[pattern_id] elif not self.router: return None pt_seq = 0 dist = 0.0 distances = {} for x in range(1, len(stops)): # Find nodes start_stop, end_stop = stops[x-1], stops[x] start_lat, start_lon = map(float, self.stops[start_stop]) end_lat, end_lon = map(float, self.stops[end_stop]) try: assert self.transport in ["tram", "bus"] start = self.osmStops[start_stop] assert start in except (AssertionError, KeyError): start =, start_lon) try: assert self.transport in ["tram", "bus"] end = self.osmStops[end_stop] assert end in except (AssertionError, KeyError): end =, end_lon) # Do route # SafetyCheck - start and end nodes have to be defined if start and end: try: with limit_time(10): status, route = self.router.doRoute(start, end) except Timeout: status, route = "timeout", [] route_points = list(map(self.router.nodeLatLon, route)) dist_ratio = _totalDistance(route_points) / _distance([start_lat, start_lon], [end_lat, end_lon]) # SafetyCheck - route has to have at least 2 nodes if status == "success" and len(route_points) <= 1: status = "to_few_nodes_(%d)" % len(route) # SafetyCheck - route can't be unbelivabely long than straight line between stops # Except for stops in same stop group elif stops[x-1][:4] == stops[x][:4] and dist_ratio > _OVERRIDE_RATIO.get(start_stop + "-" + end_stop, 7): status = "route_too_long_in_group_ratio:%s" % round(dist_ratio, 2) elif stops[x-1][:4] != stops[x][:4] and dist_ratio > _OVERRIDE_RATIO.get(start_stop + "-" + end_stop, 3.5): status = "route_too_long_ratio:%s" % round(dist_ratio, 2) # Apply rdp algorithm route_points = rdp(route_points, epsilon=_RDP_EPSILON) else: start, end = "n/d", "n/d" status = "no_nodes_found" if status != "success": route_points = [[start_lat, start_lon], [end_lat, end_lon]] if self.failed.get(start_stop + "-" + end_stop, True): self.failed[start_stop + "-" + end_stop] = False print("Shaper: Error between stops '%s' (%s) - '%s' (%s): %s " % (start_stop, start, end_stop, end, status)) if x == 1: # See below, except when it's the very first stop of a trip distances[1] = str(dist) self.file.write(",".join([pattern_id, str(pt_seq), str(dist), str(route_points[0][0]), str(route_points[0][1])]) + "\n") for y in range(1, len(route_points)): # Don't write the first point, as it is the same as previous stop pair last point pt_seq += 1 dist += _distance(route_points[y-1], route_points[y]) self.file.write(",".join([pattern_id, str(pt_seq), str(dist), str(route_points[y][0]), str(route_points[y][1])]) + "\n") distances[x + 1] = str(dist) self.trips[pattern_id] = distances return distances
def generate_route_main(ap_id, ts1, ts2, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, transport_mode, current_route): start_time = # start time ''' lat2 = 26.65317 lon2 = 128.090794 lat1 = 26.66539 lon1 = 128.103902 ''' #print ap_id,ts1, ts2, lat1,lon1, lat2, lon2, transport_mode, current_route arr_generated_rows = [] router = None if (osm_data_source != ''): router = Router(transport_mode, osm_data_source) # use local osm data else: router = Router(transport_mode) # use osm data from Internet start = None end = None try: start = router.findNode(lat1, lon1) # Find start and end nodes end = router.findNode(lat2, lon2) except: print('cannot resolve start/end OSM node:', current_route) return [] status = None route = None try: #result, route = router.doRoute(node1, node2) status, route = router.doRoute( start, end) # Find the route - a list of OSM nodes except: print('XML parse error:', current_route) return [] # ill formated osm gives errors like Unclosed Token Error is raised by the XML ETree parser, not by pyroutelib. n_points = len(route) ts_interval = (ts2 - ts1) / (n_points - 1) if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) # Get actual route coordinates counter = 0 for (lat, lon) in routeLatLons: ts = ts1 + ts_interval * counter #node = data.rnodes[node_id] print_line = ("%s,%f,%f,%s" % (ap_id, lat, lon, ts)) counter += 1 arr_generated_rows.insert(0, { 'ap_id': ap_id, 'timestamp': ts, 'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lon }) print("points count:", counter) else: print(("\t (%s)" % status), current_route, ' Skipping...', end="") msg = '\n %s %f,%f,%s,%f,%f,%s,--%s--' % (current_route, lat1, lon1, ts1, lat2, lon2, ts2, status) log_error(msg) #log the time and memory consumed for current transaction current_memory_mb = get_memory_usage() end_time = time_taken = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() time_msg = '\n' + current_route + ',' + str( len(arr_generated_rows)) + ',' + status + ',' + str( current_memory_mb) + ',' + str(time_taken) + ',' + str( start_time) + ',' + str(end_time) #print (current_memory_mb, time_msg) log_error(msg=time_msg, log_file="log_txn_time.txt") return arr_generated_rows # number of points got
from pyroutelib3 import Router import folium import webbrowser # creation de la carte latD, lonD=48.58626, 7.75246 # Depart : pont du Theatre latA, lonA=48.58167, 7.75048 # Arrivee : Cathedrale c = folium.Map(location = [(latA+latD)/2, (lonA+lonD)/2], zoom_start=17) #carte centree # position depart et arrivee folium.Marker((latD, lonD),popup = "Depart", icon=folium.Icon( color = 'green', icon ='home')).add_to(c) folium.Marker((latA,lonA),popup = "Arrivee", icon=folium.Icon( color = 'blue', icon = 'eye-open')).add_to(c) # itineraire "optimal" apec pyroutelib3 router = Router("foot") # cycle, foot, horse, tram, train , car depart = router.findNode(latD, lonD) arrivee = router.findNode(latA, lonA) status, route = router.doRoute(depart, arrivee) if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) folium.PolyLine(routeLatLons, color="red", weight=2.5, opacity=1).add_to(c) # sauvegarde et affichage de la carte'cartev0.42.html')'cartev0.42.html')
class GetRoutInfo(object): def __init__(self, localFile): # pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['motorway'] = 20 pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['trunk'] = 10 pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['primary'] = 1 pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['secondary'] = 1 pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['tertiary'] = 1 pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['unclassified'] = 1 pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['residential'] = 0.5 pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['track'] = 0 pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['service'] = 0 if localFile: self.router = Router("car", localFile) else: self.router = Router("car") """ This methode is setting the weights for the used router Check out the follwoing web page for further details # """ def setRouteweights(self, motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary, unclassified, residential, track, service): pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['motorway'] = motorway pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['trunk'] = trunk pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['primary'] = primary pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['secondary'] = secondary pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['tertiary'] = tertiary pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['unclassified'] = unclassified pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['residential'] = residential pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['track'] = track pyroutelib3.TYPES["car"]['weights']['service'] = service """ This methode findes a route between two points defined by coordinates """ def routeF(self, p1Lag, p1Long, p2Lag, p2Long): self.s = (p1Lag, p1Long) self.e = (p2Lag, p2Long) start = self.router.findNode(self.s[0], self.s[1]) end = self.router.findNode(self.e[0], self.e[1]) self.filesName = "{}_{}".format(start, end) routeFile = self.filesName + "_route.json" #if file already available load it if os.path.isfile(routeFile): with open(routeFile, 'r') as f: (self.route, self.routeLatLons) = json.load(f) #self.routeLatLons = list(map(self.router.nodeLatLon, self.route)) #if no file is available calcualte route and store it else: status, self.route = self.router.doRoute(start, end) if status == 'success': self.routeLatLons = list( map(self.router.nodeLatLon, self.route)) # Get actual route coordinates with open(routeFile, 'w') as f: json.dump([self.route, self.routeLatLons], f) else: raise Exception( "could not find a route from two points p1: ({}) p2: ({}). Status:{}" .format(start, end, status)) """ This methode prints the route into a map """ def printRoute(self, dpi, width): tilemapbase.start_logging() tilemapbase.init(create=True) t = tilemapbase.tiles.build_OSM() if self.s[0] < self.e[0]: south = self.s[0] north = self.e[0] else: south = self.e[0] north = self.s[0] if self.s[1] < self.e[1]: east = self.s[1] west = self.e[1] else: east = self.e[1] west = self.s[1] degree_range = 0.1 extent = tilemapbase.Extent.from_lonlat(east - degree_range, west + degree_range, south - degree_range, north + degree_range) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=dpi) plotter = tilemapbase.Plotter(extent, t, width=width) plotter.plot(ax, t) for i in self.routeLatLons: x, y = tilemapbase.project(i[1], i[0]) ax.scatter(x, y, marker=".", color="black", linewidth=2) """ This methode is used to find ways onto which the nodes are placed This is done via Overpass API Due to the fact a node can be a member of several ways a simple algorithi is used which search for the correct way. """ def getWay(self): # -> To see node in #[out:json];node(34817889);way(bn);out; #-> what we are doing with request. wayfile = self.filesName + "_way.json" if os.path.isfile(wayfile): with open(wayfile, 'r') as f: self.way = json.load(f) else: data = [] overpass_url = "" for i in self.route: overpass_query = """ [out:json]; (node({}); way(bn); ); out center; """.format(i) while True: try: response = requests.get( overpass_url, params={'data': overpass_query}) data.append(response.json()) break except: print("error {}".format(i)) #set_trace() with open(wayfile + "temp.json", 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) #remove not needed information elements = [] for i in range(0, len(data)): elements.append(data[i]['elements']) #filter ways a bit ways = [] for i in elements: ways.append([]) for j in i: if j['type'] == 'way': if 'tags' in j: if 'highway' in j['tags']: if j['tags']['highway'] != 'footway' \ and j['tags']['highway'] != 'raceway' \ and j['tags']['highway'] != 'bridleway' \ and j['tags']['highway'] != 'steps' \ and j['tags']['highway'] != 'path' \ and j['tags']['highway'] != 'service': ways[-1].append(j) #algorithm to detect correct way out of multible ways of singel point #initail point way = [] for i in range(0, len(ways[0])): for j in range(0, len(ways[1])): if ways[0][i]['id'] == ways[1][j]['id']: way.append(ways[0][i]) break #following points cnt = 0 for i in range(1, len(ways)): if cnt > 1: #set_trace() print("{} duplicate found".format(cnt)) for i in range(0, cnt - 1): del (way[-1]) #raise Exception("can't detect correct way point!") cnt = 0 for j in range(0, len(ways[i])): for k in range(0, len(ways[i - 1])): if ways[i][j]['id'] == ways[i - 1][k]['id']: way.append(ways[i][j]) cnt += 1 self.way = way with open(wayfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.way, f) """ This methode is used to extract the maxspeed data for the ways. If no maxspeed is specifired a assumption depending on the road classification is met """ def getMaxSpeed(self): speed = [] for i in self.way: if 'maxspeed' in i['tags'] and i['tags']['maxspeed'] != 'signals': speed.append(int(i['tags']['maxspeed'])) else: if i['tags']['highway'] == 'motorway': if 'tunnel' in i['tags'] and i['tags']['tunnel'] == 'yes': speed.append(100) else: speed.append(130) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'motorway_link': speed.append(100) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'trunk': speed.append(100) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'trunk_link': speed.append(100) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'primary': speed.append(100) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'primary_link': speed.append(80) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'secondary': speed.append(100) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'secondary_link': speed.append(80) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'tertiary': speed.append(70) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'tertiary_link': speed.append(50) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'unclassified': speed.append(70) elif i['tags']['highway'] == 'residential': speed.append(50) else: raise Exception( "can't find max speed of route:{}".format(i)) self.maxSpeed = speed """ This methode is used to create a list of distances between each node """ def getDist(self): # list of distance between nodes self.distance = [] #for i in range(0, len(self.routeLatLons) - 1): # self.distance.append(self.router.distance(self.routeLatLons[i], self.routeLatLons[i + 1])) for i in range(0, len(self.way) - 1): self.distance.append( self.router.distance([ self.way[i]['center']['lat'], self.way[i]['center']['lon'] ], [ self.way[i + 1]['center']['lat'], self.way[i + 1]['center']['lon'] ]))
def gpp2lpp(velocity, current_lat, current_lon, light, ALL_STOP): # Initialize--------------------------------------------------------------- global Out_of_speed global Out_of_accel global Out_of_curvature global Warning_obstacle global MAX_LEFT_WIDTH global MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH global show_animation matplotlib.use('TkAgg') location = './' Directory = os.listdir(location) # 경로에 있는 모든 파일들을 불러온다 channel_num = find_channel(2) # For Sending information to Control System Channel = setUpChannel(channel_num) Coordination = [] stop_line = [] HD_LIST = [] # HD Map 정보가 담겨져 있는 csv 파일을 가져온다 for name in Directory: file_name = name.split('.') if len(file_name) > 1: if file_name[1] == 'csv': HD_LIST.append(name) for name in HD_LIST: with open(name, 'r', encoding='UTF8') as f: # Necessary---------------------------------------------- if name == "A2_LINK.csv": # 이 파일은 HD Map의 모든 노드 데이터들이 있는 파일이다. (필수 데이터) all_data = csv.reader(f) coord = [] for line in all_data: if not line == []: temp = [float(x) for x in line] coord.append(temp) Coordination = np.array(coord) # Necessary---------------------------------------------- # OPTIONS------------------------------------------------- elif name == "A2_STOP.csv": # 이 파일은 HD Map의 Stop Line 데이터들이 있는 파일이다. (옵션 데이터) all_data = csv.reader(f) tt = [] for line in all_data: if not line == []: temp = [float(x) for x in line] tt.append(temp) stop_line = np.array(tt) # OPTIONS------------------------------------------------- router = Router("car", "A2_LINK_OUT.osm") # HD Map이 있는 모든 데이터들을 가져온다. 설명 참조 # Initialize--------------------------------------------------------------- # 차량의 위도 및 경도를 받았을 때 while문을 나온다 while True: if current_lat.value > 0 and current_lon.value > 0: lat = current_lat.value lon = current_lon.value break # Start ----------------------------------------------------------------- start = router.findNode(lat, lon) # 나의 좌표 end = router.findNode(37.1111111, 126.11111111) # 목표 지점 좌표 status, route = router.doRoute(start, end) # Find the route - a list of OSM nodes (Global Path Planning) if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) # Get actual route coordinates routeLatLons = np.array(routeLatLons) # Essential (Change list) result_path = [] for latlon in routeLatLons: result_path.append([float(latlon[0]), float(latlon[1])]) result_path = np.array(result_path) # plotting Coordination------------------------------------------ option plt.title("Global Path Planning") plt.plot(Coordination[:, 1], Coordination[:, 0], '*b', label="HD Map") plt.plot(result_path[:, 1], result_path[:, 0], '--r', linewidth=3, label='Generated Path Trajectory') plt.plot(result_path[0, 1], result_path[0, 0], 'Xm', markersize=10, label="Start Point") plt.plot(result_path[-1, 1], result_path[-1, 0], 'Xg', markersize=10, label="End Point") plt.plot(stop_line[:, 1], stop_line[:, 0], 'ok', markersize=5, label="Stop Lines") plt.legend() # plotting Coordination------------------------------------------ option center = sum(Coordination) / len(Coordination) # Calculate ENU Center For Convert other LLH Data to ENU # Create all lane------------------------- option ENU_all = [] for llh in Coordination: e, n, u = pm.geodetic2enu(llh[0], llh[1], llh[2], center[0], center[1], center[2]) ENU_all.append([e, n]) ENU_all = np.array(ENU_all) # ------------------------------------------ option # Create enu pqosition of the GPP result temp_result = [] for llh in result_path: e, n, u = pm.geodetic2enu(llh[0], llh[1], center[2], center[0], center[1], center[2]) temp_result.append([e, n]) result_path = np.array(temp_result) # Create Stop Line by me traffic_all = [] for llh in stop_line: e, n, u = pm.geodetic2enu(llh[0], llh[1], llh[2], center[0], center[1], center[2]) traffic_all.append([e, n]) traffic_all = np.array(traffic_all) # This is Local Path Planning---------------------------------- dx, dy, dyaw, dk, s = get_course(result_path[:, 0], result_path[:, 1]) # X, Y Yaw, Curvature, Index # Initial Parameters ------------------------------------ # For LPP c_d = 0.0 # current lateral position [m] c_d_d = 0.0 # current lateral speed [m/s] c_d_dd = 0.0 # current lateral acceleration [m/s] # s0 = 0.0 # current course position area = 50.0 # animation area length [m] # For LPP # For Comparing heading = 0 time = 0.0 toggle = False temp_light = 0 # For Comparing # ---------------------------------------------- lists_dict = {} for index, lists in enumerate(result_path): lists_dict[index] = lists start_time = # For Compare Times obstacle = [[0, 0], [1, 1]] #example Obstacle # LOCAL PATH PLANNING Start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! while True: if ALL_STOP.value == 1: # IF all stop toggle on, All Codes Stop break # Change my Coordinate to ENU comp_x, comp_y, comp_z = pm.geodetic2enu(current_lat.value, current_lon.value, center[2], center[0], center[1], center[2]) # Compare my Coordination-------------------------- temp_dict = {} for key, value in lists_dict.items(): point_position = np.hypot(value[0] - comp_x, value[1] - comp_y) temp_dict[key] = point_position POINT = min(temp_dict.keys(), key=lambda k: temp_dict[k]) s0 = s.s[POINT] # For Car's left right light---------------------- # 차선 바꾸고 나서 가고 있는데 장애물 회피해야 됨, 그러면 이거 if Warning_obstacle == True: temp_light = 0 # 깜빡이 처리============================================================ end_time = SEC = (end_time - start_time).seconds # Second if SEC > 3: # 만약 3초 동안 깜빡이 없으면 toggle = False if temp_light == 0: # 이전에 켜진 깜박이가 없거나, 옆으로 갔다가 다시 돌아올 때 # 정밀지도 상에서 헤딩에 따라 피하고 난 다음 위치 선정 -> 헤딩이 일정 구간 안에 있으면 왼쪽 or 오른쪽 if heading > 150 and heading < 250: # 왼쪽으로 피함 MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = -LARGE MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = 1 elif heading > 300 or heading < 50: # 오른쪽으로 피함 MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = -1 MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = LARGE elif temp_light < 0: # 오른쪽으로만 계속 주행할 수 있도록 설정 MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = -LARGE * abs(temp_light) MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = -SHORTE * abs(temp_light) elif temp_light > 0: # 왼쪽으로만 계속 주행할 수 있도록 설정 MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = SHORTE * abs(temp_light) MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = LARGE * abs(temp_light) if light.value == -1: # 오른쪽 신호를 받았을 때 start_time = if toggle == False: # 한번만 실행되게 만드는것 idx = np.abs(np.array(dx) - path.x[-1]).argmin() # 맨 앞의 LPP Position 값이 전체 구역에서 몇번째 index 가지고 있는지 추출 (X) idy = np.abs(np.array(dy) - path.y[-1]).argmin() # 맨 앞의 LPP Position 값이 전체 구역에서 몇번째 index 가지고 있는지 추출 (Y) obstacle.append([dx[idx], dy[idy]]) # 자리 이동할 수 있도록 하나의 장애물을 위에 추가 temp_light += light.value # 만약 오른쪽 신호를 받고 그 쪽으로 갔는데, 또 오른쪽 신호를 받으면 피할 ROI를 더 증가하도록 하기 위한 것 toggle = True # 한번 신호 받으면 그 다음 이 if 문으로 안 들어 오게 하는 toggle if temp_light == 0: MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = -SHORTE MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = SHORTE elif temp_light < 0: MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = LARGE * temp_light # 오른쪽으로 피함 MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = SHORTE * temp_light else: MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = SHORTE * temp_light # 왼쪽으로 피함 MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = LARGE * temp_light if light.value == 1: # 왼쪽 신호를 받았을 때 start_time = if toggle == False: idx = np.abs(np.array(dx) - path.x[-1]).argmin() # 맨 앞의 LPP Position 값이 전체 구역에서 몇번째 index 가지고 있는지 추출 (X) idy = np.abs(np.array(dy) - path.y[-1]).argmin() # 맨 앞의 LPP Position 값이 전체 구역에서 몇번째 index 가지고 있는지 추출 (Y) obstacle.append([dx[idx], dy[idy]]) # 자리 이동할 수 있도록 하나의 장애물을 위에 추가 temp_light += light.value toggle = True # 한번 신호 받으면 그 다음 이 if 문으로 안 들어 오게 하는 toggle if temp_light == 0: MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = -SHORTE MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = SHORTE elif temp_light < 0: MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = LARGE * temp_light # 오른쪽으로 피함 MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = SHORTE * temp_light else: MAX_LEFT_WIDTH = SHORTE * temp_light # 왼쪽으로 피함 MAX_RIGHT_WIDTH = LARGE * temp_light # 깜빡이 처리============================================================ # For Car's left right light---------------------- obstacle = np.array(obstacle) # Relate Coordination path = frenet_optimal_planning(s, s0, velocity.value, c_d, c_d_d, c_d_dd, obstacle) c_d = path.d[1] c_d_d = path.d_d[1] c_d_dd = path.d_dd[1] time = time + DT heading = math.atan2(path.x[1] - path.x[0], path.y[1] - path.y[0]) * 180 / math.pi + 180 # 현재 값과 다음 값의 방향을 비교해서 Heading값 추출하기 # update my coordination --------------------------------- # stop line 찾는 법은 간단하게 코사인 유사도 거리 방법 및 유클라디안 거리 검출 사용함==================== INDEXS = {} point = np.array([path.x[0], path.y[0]]) last_point = np.array([path.x[int(len(path.x) / 2)], path.y[int(len(path.y) / 2)]]) comp_heading = math.atan2(last_point[0] - point[0], last_point[1] - point[1]) * 180 / math.pi + 180 for i in range(len(traffic_all)): comp = np.array(traffic_all[i]) point_position = np.array(comp - point) # Heading -----------> heading_traffic = math.atan2(point_position[0], point_position[1]) * 180 / math.pi + 180 point_pos = np.sqrt((point_position[0] ** 2) + (point_position[1] ** 2)) # L2 norm vector -> 유클라디안 거리 검출임 if abs(abs(heading_traffic) - abs(comp_heading)) < 10: # 대충 Cosine 유사도 거리 검출임 INDEXS[i] = point_pos if len(INDEXS) > 0: POINT = min(INDEXS.keys(), key=lambda k: INDEXS[k]) else: POINT = 0 stop_lat, stop_lon, stop_h = pm.enu2geodetic(traffic_all[POINT][0], traffic_all[POINT][1], center[2], center[0], center[1], center[2]) # stop line 찾는 법은 간단하게 코사인 유사도 거리 방법 및 유클라디안 거리 검출 사용함==================== # Find next Coordination based on Lookahead===================================================================== lookahead = velocity.value * 0.2 + 4.5 num = 0 for i in range(len(path.x)): distance = np.hypot(path.x[i] - path.x[0], path.y[i] - path.y[0]) dists = distance - lookahead if dists > 0: num = i break # ENU to LLH next_lat, next_lon, next_alt = pm.enu2geodetic(path.x[num], path.y[num], center[2], center[0], center[1], center[2]) # Find next Coordination based on Lookahead===================================================================== # tx버퍼 클리어 구문 # 실제 실험할 때 키는 구문 (제어 프로세스에 송신)============================== canlib.IOControl(Channel).flush_tx_buffer() Wave_Path_Next_Lat_sig.Wave_Path_Next_Lat.phys = round(float(next_lat), 8) Channel.write(Wave_Path_Next_Lat_sig._frame) Wave_Path_Next_Long_sig.Wave_Path_Next_Long.phys = round(float(next_lon), 7) Channel.write(Wave_Path_Next_Long_sig._frame) Wave_Path_Next_Alt_Yaw_sig.Wave_Path_Next_Alt.phys = round(float(next_alt), 2) Channel.write(Wave_Path_Next_Alt_Yaw_sig._frame) Wave_StopLine_Lat_sig.Wave_StopLine_Lat.phys = float(stop_lat) Channel.write(Wave_StopLine_Lat_sig._frame) Wave_StopLine_Long_sig.Wave_StopLine_Long.phys = float(stop_lon) Channel.write(Wave_StopLine_Long_sig._frame) # 실제 실험할 때 키는 구문 (제어 프로세스에 송신)============================== # Warning Alert================================= if Out_of_speed == True: print("[Speed] -> Out of the Max") Out_of_speed = False if Out_of_accel == True: print("[Accel] -> Out of the Max") Out_of_accel = False if Out_of_curvature == True: print("[Curvature] -> Out of the Max") Out_of_curvature = False if Warning_obstacle == True: print("[WARNING] -> Obstacle") Warning_obstacle = False # Warning Alert================================= # 자동차 제동 거리 공식 break_distance = round(0.0005 * math.pow(velocity.value * 3.6, 2) + 0.2 * (velocity * 3.6), 3) comp_end = np.hypot(path.x[1] - dx[-1], path.y[1] - dy[-1]) # 자동차 제동 거리와 비교해서 다달으면 모든 코드 break if comp_end <= break_distance: print("Goal!") ALL_STOP.value = 1 break if show_animation: plt.cla() # for stopping simulation with the esc key. plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect( 'key_release_event', lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None]) # line of the world plt.plot(ENU_all[:, 0], ENU_all[:, 1], '*b') # line of the GPP plt.plot(dx, dy, '--k', linewidth=3) if len(obstacle) > 0: plt.plot(obstacle[:, 0], obstacle[:, 1], "or", markersize=6) # line of the LPP plt.plot(path.x[1:], path.y[1:], "-og", linewidth=2) plot_car(path.x[1], path.y[1], radian) plt.plot(traffic_all[:, 0], traffic_all[:, 1], '*y') plt.plot(traffic_all[POINT][0], traffic_all[POINT][1], 'Xm', markersize=10) # ROI plt.xlim(path.x[1] - area, path.x[1] + area) plt.ylim(path.y[1] - area, path.y[1] + area) text = "Time: " + str(round(time, 2)) + " / Velocity: " + str(round(velocity * 3.6, 2)) + "km/h" plt.title(text) plt.grid(True) plt.pause(0.0001) print("Finish") else: print("Position not found. Tray again...") print("GPP=LPP FINISH")
def find_route(names: list, pos: (float, float), transport_type: str): """ creates a file with distance matrix among chosen places :param names: names of the places you want to visit :param pos: your position at the moment (starting point) :param transport_type: obvious :return: None """ global after_dot, routes, places_number_name, places_name_coor, name_in, city places_number_name[1] = 'curr_pos' for i in range(1, len(names) + 1): places_number_name[i + 1] = names[i - 1] places_name_coor['curr_pos'] = pos data = pd.read_csv(city + ".csv") all_names = data['Название'] all_lon = data['Долгота'] all_lat = data['Широта'] wh = list() types = [ 'Памятники', 'Дома и дворцы', 'Башни и ворота', 'Современные здания', 'Московское центральное кольцо (МЦК)' ] for name in names: places_name_coor[name] = (all_lon[pd.Index(all_names).get_loc( name.replace(',', '+++'))], all_lat[pd.Index(all_names).get_loc( name.replace(',', '+++'))]) file_m = open(name_in, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') file_m.write(str(len(names) + 1) + '\n') router = Router(transport_type) # , 'static/Moscow_test.osm') key = 0 for name_start in places_name_coor.keys(): if name_start != 'curr_pos': idx = pd.Index(all_names).get_loc(name_start.replace(',', '+++')) type = data['Тип Постройки'][pd.Index(all_names).get_loc( name_start.replace(',', '+++'))] week = [ data['Mon'][idx], data['Tue'][idx], data['Wed'][idx], data['Thu'][idx], data['Fri'][idx], data['Sat'][idx], data['Sun'][idx] ] for d in week: if d != 'None': wh.append(' 1 ') elif type not in types: wh.append('-1 ') else: wh.append(' 1 ') wh.append('\n') to_write = str() start = router.findNode(places_name_coor[name_start][0], places_name_coor[name_start][1]) for name_end in places_name_coor.keys(): key += 1 end = router.findNode(places_name_coor[name_end][0], places_name_coor[name_end][1]) status, route = router.doRoute(start, end) if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) routes[key] = routeLatLons sum_ = 0 for i in range(len(routeLatLons) - 1): sum_ += router.distance(routeLatLons[i], routeLatLons[i + 1]) sum_ *= after_dot to_write += ' ' + str(sum_)[:str(sum_).index('.')] + ' ' elif status == 'no_route': routes[key] = route to_write += '-1 ' to_write = to_write.rstrip() file_m.write(to_write + '\n') for i in wh: file_m.write(i) file_m.close()
from pyroutelib3 import Router import sys # Ici, à l'aide du constructeur (Router), on initialise un objet de type router # Lors de l'instantiation, on lui spécifie via le paramètre "car" que l'on souhaite se déplacer en voiture. # Mode de transport disponibles: car, cycle, foot, horse, tram, train router = Router("car") # On utilise la méthode findNode de l'objet router afin de récupérer le node le plus proche du couple latitude longitude spécifié # pour comprendre et pour trouver lat et lon debutTrajet = router.findNode(50.198153, 3.220213) finTrajet = router.findNode(50.17601, 3.22928) # debutTrajet et finTrajet sont deux "Nodes" (=noeuds de navigation) #Nous allonrs maintenant demander à l'objet router de trouver un ensemble de nodes à partir afin d'arriver du node de début au node de fin. status, listeNodes = router.doRoute(debutTrajet, finTrajet) print("Statut du calcul de l'itinéraire: ", status) if status != 'success': print(" Fin du programme. Revoyez vos coordonnées GPS") sys.exit(1) print() print() print("Voici les nodes à suivre: ") print() print() print(listeNodes) # Pourquoi je vois des nombres ? Réponse ici: # Pour openstreetmap un node est un point dans l'espace et possède un id unique permettant de le reconnaitre.
from pyroutelib3 import Router # Import the router router = Router("car") # Initialise it print("Finding") start = router.findNode(51.53495526869262, -0.20454431828209635) # Find start and end nodes end = router.findNode(51.5305246465236, -0.18548599498011692) status, route = router.doRoute(start, end) # Find the route - a list of OSM nodes if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) # Get actual route coordinates print(routeLatLons)
def get_distance_between_two_addresses(self, first_address, second_address): # check address in db query_first = == first_address) query_second = == second_address) if query_first.exists() and query_second.exists(): query_distance = DistanceBetweenAddress.address_id == query_first.get().id, DistanceBetweenAddress.next_address_id == query_second.get().id) if query_distance.exists(): return query_distance.get().distance router = Router(self.calculate_method) # Initialise it coord_s_t = time.time() first_lat, first_lng = (query_first.get().lat, query_first.get().lng) if query_first.exists() else \ self.get_coordinates_from_yandex(first_address) second_lat, second_lng = (query_second.get().lat, query_second.get().lng) if query_second.exists() else \ self.get_coordinates_from_yandex(second_address) coord_e_t = time.time() start = router.findNode(first_lng, first_lat) # Find start and end nodes end = router.findNode(second_lng, second_lat) rout_s_t = time.time() status, route = router.doRoute( start, end) # Find the route - a list of OSM nodes route_e_t = time.time() if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router.nodeLatLon, route)) # Get actual route coordinates total_distance = 0 # calculate total distance from route coordinates for index in range(1, len(routeLatLons)): total_distance += geopy.distance.vincenty( routeLatLons[index - 1], routeLatLons[index]).km else: total_distance = 0 # это случается, когда 2 точки с одинаковым адресом, надо перепроверить print(f'{route}') first = query_first.get().id if query_first.exists( ) else Address.create(name=first_address, lat=first_lat, lng=first_lng) second = query_second.get().id if query_second.exists( ) else Address.create( name=second_address, lat=second_lat, lng=second_lng) DistanceBetweenAddress.bulk_create([ DistanceBetweenAddress(address_id=first, next_address_id=second, distance=total_distance), DistanceBetweenAddress(address_id=second, next_address_id=first, distance=total_distance) ]) print(f'COORDINATES TIME = {coord_e_t - coord_s_t} sec') print(f'ROUTE TIME = {route_e_t - rout_s_t} sec') print(total_distance, 'Total distance ==============================') return total_distance
class RoutingUsage: def __init__(self,Mode): self.router = Router(Mode) # Initialise it def node(self,lat,longit): return [lat,longit] def getRouteMultiple(self,nodesNew): queueNodesNewRight = [] for index in range(0,len(nodesNew)-1): nodeStart = nodesNew[index] nodeEnd = nodesNew[index+1] route = self.getTheRouteBetweenTwoNodes(nodeStart[0],nodeStart[1],nodeEnd[0],nodeEnd[1]) if len(route[0]) == 0 and route[1] > 0: return None queueNodesNewRight.append(route) return queueNodesNewRight def arrangeNodesDependsOnLength(self,nodes): for nodeStartIndex in range(0,len(nodes)-1): lastDistance = self.router.distance(nodes[nodeStartIndex],nodes[nodeStartIndex+1]) for nodeNowIndex in range(nodeStartIndex+1,len(nodes)): theReturnedNodeWhichisNearst=nodes[nodeStartIndex+1] nowLength = self.router.distance(nodes[nodeStartIndex],nodes[nodeNowIndex]) #print(nowLength) theReturnedNodeIndex = nodeStartIndex if nowLength < lastDistance : theReturnedNodeWhichisNearst = nodes[nodeNowIndex] theReturnedNodeIndex = nodeNowIndex lastDistance = self.router.distance(nodes[nodeStartIndex],nodes[nodeNowIndex]) ReserveNode = nodes[nodeStartIndex+1] nodes[nodeStartIndex+1] = nodes[theReturnedNodeIndex] nodes[theReturnedNodeIndex] = ReserveNode #print("length: %f"%lastDistance) return nodes def getTheRouteBetweenTwoNodes(self,lat1,long1,lat2,long2): start = self.router.findNode(lat1,long1) # Find start and end nodes end = self.router.findNode(lat2,long2) ## print("start : %s, Lat: %s, Lon: %s "% (start,lat1,long1)) ## print("end : %s, Lat: %s, Lon: %s "% (end,lat2,long2)) status, route = self.router.doRoute(start, end) # Find the route - a list of OSM nodes if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(self.router.nodeLatLon, route)) # Get actual route coordinates # list the lat/long queueNodes = [] sumPath = 0 l = len(route) for index, obj in enumerate(route): thisElement = route[index] newDistance = 0 if index < l-1 : nextElement = route[index+1] thisElementD = [self.router.nodeLatLon(thisElement)[0],self.router.nodeLatLon(thisElement)[1]] nextElementD = [self.router.nodeLatLon(nextElement)[0],self.router.nodeLatLon(nextElement)[1]] newDistance = self.router.distance(nextElementD,thisElementD) sumPath = sumPath + newDistance elif index == l -1: nextElement = route[index-1] typeData = self.router.getNodeWay(thisElement,nextElement) #get width Depends on the Category width = self.router.getRouteWidth(typeData["tag"]["highway"]) #get width Depends on the way lanes numbers NumberOfLanes = typeData["tag"].get("lanes") #Const Lanes Width it will be 3 meter laneWidth = 3/12742/6*1.1 #Meter if NumberOfLanes != None: width = int(NumberOfLanes)*laneWidth #get width Depends on the way width widthUnCalibrated = typeData["tag"].get("width") if widthUnCalibrated != None: width = float(widthUnCalibrated)/12742/6*1.1 nodeNow=self.router.nodeLatLon(thisElement) nodeNext=self.router.nodeLatLon(nextElement) queueNodes.append([route[index], nodeNow[0],nodeNow[1],width]) if newDistance > 0.009: newNodesBetween = self.router.getNumberOfNodesBetweenThose(7, nodeNow,nodeNext) for nodeBet in newNodesBetween: queueNodes.append([str(index)+str(nodeBet[0])+"975", nodeBet[1],nodeBet[2],width]) #/////////////////////////////////////////////////Shift the Nodes queueNodesNewRight = [] for index, obj in enumerate(queueNodes): lV = len(queueNodes) if index < lV-1 : nextElement = [queueNodes[index+1][1],queueNodes[index+1][2]] nextElementId = queueNodes[index+1][0] thisElement = [queueNodes[index][1],queueNodes[index][2]] thisElementId = queueNodes[index][0] newDistance = self.router.distance(thisElement,nextElement) elif index == lV -1: nextElement = [queueNodes[index][1],queueNodes[index][2]] thisElement = [queueNodes[index][1],queueNodes[index][2]] newNode = self.router.getLatLongWithNewWidth(queueNodes[index][3],newDistance, thisElement,nextElement) queueNodesNewRight.append([queueNodes[index][0], newNode[0],newNode[1],queueNodes[index][3]]) return [queueNodesNewRight,sumPath] else: node1=self.node(lat1,long1) node2=self.node(lat2,long2) return [[],self.router.distance(node1,node2)]
router_car = Router(transport="car", localfile="map") #%% stations_features = pd.read_csv('stations_location.csv') routes = [] for i in range(stations_features.shape[0]): for j in range(stations_features.shape[0]): if i != j: start = stations_features['latitud'].iloc[i], stations_features['longitud'].iloc[i]) end = stations_features['latitud'].iloc[j], stations_features['longitud'].iloc[j]) status, route = router_cycle.doRoute(start, end) print(i, '_', j, '_cycle_', status) if status == 'success': routeLatLons = list(map(router_cycle.nodeLatLon, route)) routeLatLons = [list(reversed(x)) for x in routeLatLons] routes.append([ stations_features['numero_estacion'].iloc[i], stations_features['numero_estacion'].iloc[j], routeLatLons ]) else: start = stations_features['latitud'].iloc[i], stations_features['longitud'].iloc[i]) end = stations_features['latitud'].iloc[j],