コード例 #1
def key_event(window, key, scancode, action, mode):
    global eye

    if action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_RIGHT:
        rot = 5
        rot = mat3.create_from_axis_rotation(vec3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), np.radians(rot))
        eye = rot.dot(eye)
    elif action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_LEFT:
        rot = -5
        rot = mat3.create_from_axis_rotation(vec3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), np.radians(rot))
        eye = rot.dot(eye)

    if action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_UP:
        rot = 5
        right = np.cross(center - eye, up)
        rot = mat3.create_from_axis_rotation(vec3(right), np.radians(rot))
        eye = rot.dot(eye)
    elif action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_DOWN:
        rot = -5
        right = np.cross(center - eye, up)
        rot = mat3.create_from_axis_rotation(vec3(right), np.radians(rot))
        eye = rot.dot(eye)

    if action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_S:
        eye = 1.01 * eye
    elif action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_W:
        eye = 0.99 * eye

    if action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_SPACE:
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: bogdanteleaga/TSBK07
def initCamera():
    eye = vec3([200, 200, 200], dtype='f')
    target = vec3([0, 0, 0], dtype='f')
    up = vec3([0, 1, 0], dtype='f')

    viewMatrix = lookAt(eye, target, up)

    return eye, viewMatrix
コード例 #3
def colorRay(ray: Ray, world: Shape, depth: int) -> vec3:
    rec = HitRecord()
    if world.hit(ray, 0.001, MAXFLOAT, rec):
        scattered = Ray(vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
        attenuation = vec3()
        if depth < 50 and rec.material.scatter(ray, rec, attenuation,
            return attenuation * colorRay(scattered, world, depth + 1)
            return vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    return blueBlend(ray)
コード例 #4
ファイル: planet.py プロジェクト: bogdanteleaga/TSBK07
 def __init__(self, name=None, position=None, texImg=None, specTexImg=None,
              normalMap=None, radius=None, mass=None, spin=None, shininess=None,
              ka=None, kd=None, ks=None, program=None):
     GameObject.__init__(self, name=name, position=position, texImg=texImg,
                         specTexImg=specTexImg, normalMap=None,
                         shininess=shininess, ka=ka, kd=kd, ks=ks,
     self.velocity = vec3([0,0,0])
     self.radius = radius
     self.mass = mass
     self.spin = spin
     self.rot = 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: bogdanteleaga/TSBK07
def getNewViewMatrixAndEye(window, animation_speed, dt, position, width=1920.0, height=1080.0):
    Kind of global function. 
    Mainly handles camera which behaves as an FPS camera.
    Additionally it had some input handling added to it(see animation_speed).
    global horizontalAngle, verticalAngle
    global oldx, oldy, first

    if first:
        oldx, oldy = glfw.GetCursorPos(window)
        first = False

    dt = dt * 1000

    # Get mouse position
    x, y = glfw.GetCursorPos(window)

    # Reset mouse position for next frame
    #glfw.SetCursorPos(window, width/2.0, height/2.0);

    # Compute new orientation
    horizontalAngle += mouseSpeed * dt * float(oldx - x);
    verticalAngle   += mouseSpeed * dt * float(oldy - y);

    oldx = x
    oldy = y

    # Direction : Spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates conversion
    direction = vec3([
        math.cos(verticalAngle) * math.sin(horizontalAngle), 
        math.cos(verticalAngle) * math.cos(horizontalAngle)
    ], dtype='f')

    # Right vector
    right = vec3([
        math.sin(horizontalAngle - math.pi/2.0),
        math.cos(horizontalAngle - math.pi/2.0)
    ], dtype='f')

    # Up vector
    up = right ^ direction

    # Move forward
    if glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_UP) == glfw.PRESS or glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_W) == glfw.PRESS:
        position += direction * dt * speed

    # Move backward
    if glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_DOWN) == glfw.PRESS or glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_S) == glfw.PRESS:
        position -= direction * dt * speed

    # Strafe right
    if glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_RIGHT) == glfw.PRESS or glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_D) == glfw.PRESS:
        position += right * dt * speed

    # Strafe left
    if glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_LEFT) == glfw.PRESS or glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_A) == glfw.PRESS:
        position -= right * dt * speed
    if glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_Q) == glfw.PRESS or glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_ESCAPE) == glfw.PRESS:
    if glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_J) == glfw.PRESS:
        animation_speed += 100
    if glfw.GetKey(window, glfw.KEY_K) == glfw.PRESS:
        animation_speed -= 100

    # Camera matrix
    viewMatrix = lookAt(position, position + direction, up)

    return horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, position, direction, right, up, viewMatrix, animation_speed
コード例 #6
ファイル: geometry.py プロジェクト: bogdanteleaga/TSBK07
def generateTangents(vertexPos, textureCoords, indexData):
    Generate tangents for normal mapping.
    Currently only works with indexData.
    tangents = [0 for i in vertexPos]
    # For each triangle
    for i in range(0, len(indexData), 3):
        v0 = vec3([
            vertexPos[indexData[i] * 3],
            vertexPos[indexData[i] * 3 + 1],
            vertexPos[indexData[i] * 3 + 2]
        v1 = vec3([
            vertexPos[indexData[i + 1] * 3],
            vertexPos[indexData[i + 1] * 3 + 1],
            vertexPos[indexData[i + 1] * 3 + 2]
        v2 = vec3([
            vertexPos[indexData[i + 2] * 3],
            vertexPos[indexData[i + 2] * 3 + 1],
            vertexPos[indexData[i + 2] * 3 + 2]

        edge1 = v1 - v0
        edge2 = v2 - v0

        dU1 = - (textureCoords[indexData[i + 1] * 2] -
                textureCoords[indexData[i] * 2])
        dV1 = - (textureCoords[indexData[i + 1] * 2 + 1] -
                textureCoords[indexData[i] * 2 + 1])

        dU2 = - (textureCoords[indexData[i + 2] * 2] -
                textureCoords[indexData[i] * 2])
        dV2 = - (textureCoords[indexData[i + 2] * 2 + 1] -
                textureCoords[indexData[i] * 2 + 1])

        f = 1.0 / (dU1 * dV2 - dU2 * dV1)

        tangent = f * (dV2 * edge1 - dV1 * edge2)

        tangents[indexData[i] * 3] += tangent[0]
        tangents[indexData[i] * 3 + 1] += tangent[1]
        tangents[indexData[i] * 3 + 2] += tangent[2]

        tangents[indexData[i + 1] * 3] += tangent[0]
        tangents[indexData[i + 1] * 3 + 1] += tangent[1]
        tangents[indexData[i + 1] * 3 + 2] += tangent[2]

        tangents[indexData[i + 2] * 3] += tangent[0]
        tangents[indexData[i + 2] * 3 + 1] += tangent[1]
        tangents[indexData[i + 2] * 3 + 2] += tangent[2]

    outTangents = [0 for i in tangents]
    # Normalize tangents
    for i in range(0, len(tangents), 3):
        x = float(tangents[i])
        y = float(tangents[i + 1])
        z = float(tangents[i + 2])

        if x == y == z == 0:
            outTangents[i] = 0.0
            outTangents[i + 1] = 0.0
            outTangents[i + 2] = 1.0
            length = math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)
            outTangents[i] = x / length
            outTangents[i + 1] = y / length
            outTangents[i + 2] = z / length

    return outTangents
コード例 #7
def randomInUnitSphere():
    while True:
        p = 2.0 * vec3([random(), random(), random()]) - vec3([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        if p.squared_length < 1.0:
            return p
コード例 #8
def paintWorld():
    ppmDrawer = PpmDrawer("graduation.ppm", nx, ny)

    lookFrom = vec3([3.0, 3.0, 2.0])
    lookAt = vec3([0.0, 0.0, -1.0])
    vUp = vec3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    distToFocus = (lookFrom - lookAt).length
    aperture = 2.0
    camera = Camera(lookFrom, lookAt, vUp, 90.0 / 4.0,
                    float(nx) / float(ny), aperture, distToFocus)

    points = []

    # world = ShapeList()
    # world.append(Sphere(vec3([-R, 0.0, -1.0]),
    #                     R,
    #                     Lambertian(vec3([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]))))
    # world.append(Sphere(vec3([R, 0.0, -1.0]),
    #                     R,
    #                     Lambertian(vec3([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]))))

    # world.append(Sphere(vec3([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]),
    #                     0.5,
    #                     Lambertian(vec3([0.1, 0.2, 0.5]))))
    # world.append(Sphere(vec3([0.0, -100.5, -1.0]),
    #                     100,
    #                     Lambertian(vec3([0.8, 0.8, 0.0]))))
    # world.append(Sphere(vec3([1.0, 0.0, -1.0]),
    #                     0.5,
    #                     Metal(vec3([0.8, 0.6, 0.2]), 0.3)))
    # world.append(Sphere(vec3([-1.0, 0.0, -1.0]),
    #                     0.5,
    #                     Dielectric(1.5)))
    # world.append(Sphere(vec3([-1.0, 0.0, -1.0]),
    #                     -0.45,
    #                     Dielectric(1.5)))

    world = graduation()

    count = 0
    last = 0

    for j in range(ny, 0, -1):
        for i in range(nx):

            new = int((count * 100) / (nx * ny))
            if last != new:
                print("Progress: " + str(last) + "%", end="\n")
                last = new
            count += 1

            col = vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            for s in range(ns):
                u = (i + random()) / nx
                v = (j + random()) / ny

                ray = camera.getRay(u, v)
                col += colorRay(ray, world, 0)

            col = col / ns


コード例 #9
def blueBlend(ray: Ray) -> vec3:
    t = 0.5 * (ray.direction.y + 1.0)
    return (1.0 - t) * vec3([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) + t * vec3([0.5, 0.7, 1.0])
コード例 #10
def graduation():
    world = ShapeList()
        Sphere(vec3([0.0, -1000.0, 0]), 1000.0,
               Lambertian(vec3([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]))))
    for a in range(-11, 11):
        for b in range(-11, 11):
            chooseMat = random()
            center = vec3([a + 0.9 * random(), 0.2, b + 0.9 * random()])
            if (center - vec3([4.0, 0.2, 0.0])).length > 0.9:
                if chooseMat < 0.8:  # Lambertian
                            center, 0.2,
                                    random() * random(),
                                    random() * random(),
                                    random() * random()
                elif chooseMat < 0.95:  # Metal
                            center, 0.2,
                                    [1 + random(), 1 + random(),
                                     1 + random()]), 0.5 * random())))
                else:  # Glass
                    world.append(Sphere(center, 0.2, Dielectric(1.5)))

    world.append(Sphere(vec3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), 1.0, Dielectric(1.5)))
        Sphere(vec3([-4.0, 1.0, 0.0]), 1.0, Lambertian(vec3([0.4, 0.2, 0.1]))))
        Sphere(vec3([4.0, 1.0, 0.0]), 1.0, Metal(vec3([0.7, 0.6, 0.5]), 0.0)))

    return world
コード例 #11
fs_tri = np.array([
    -1.0, -1.0,
     3.0, -1.0,
    -1.0,  3.0,
clear_vao = ctx.simple_vertex_array(clear_prog, ctx.buffer(fs_tri.astype('f4').tobytes()), 'V2F')

print(min_pos, max_pos, center)

model = np.identity(4)
eye = np.copy(center)
eye[2] -= 3*min_pos[2]
up = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
print(center, eye)
# eye = [ 0.0, 0.0, 120.0 ]
view = mat4.look_at(vec3(eye), vec3(center), vec3(up))
proj = mat4.perspective_projection(50, resolution[0]/resolution[1], 0.01, 1000.0)
mvp = proj * view * model
print("M"),   print(model)
print("V"),   print(view)
print("P"),   print(proj)
print("MVP"), print(mvp)

# prog['MVP'].value = tuple(mvp.flatten())


def key_event(window, key, scancode, action, mode):
    global eye

    if action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_RIGHT:
コード例 #12
ファイル: planet.py プロジェクト: bogdanteleaga/TSBK07
 def _setRandomStartingPoint(self):
     # Using angle will place the planets on different planes
     #angle = random.randint(0, 360)
     x = self.distance * math.cos(0)
     y = self.distance * math.sin(0)
     self.position = vec3([x, y, 0]) + self.parent.position