コード例 #1
ファイル: sph.py プロジェクト: rvexiau/pyscf
def cart2spinor(l):
    '''Cartesian to spinor for angular moment l'''
    from pyscf import gto
    return gto.cart2spinor_l(l)
コード例 #2
def so_by_shell(mol, shls, ecpatm_id, ecpbas):
    i/2 <Pauli_matrix dot l U(r)>
    ish, jsh = shls

    li = mol.bas_angular(ish)
    npi = mol.bas_nprim(ish)
    nci = mol.bas_nctr(ish)
    ai = mol.bas_exp(ish)
    ci = mol._libcint_ctr_coeff(ish)
    icart = (li + 1) * (li + 2) // 2

    lj = mol.bas_angular(jsh)
    npj = mol.bas_nprim(jsh)
    ncj = mol.bas_nctr(jsh)
    aj = mol.bas_exp(jsh)
    cj = mol._libcint_ctr_coeff(jsh)
    jcart = (lj + 1) * (lj + 2) // 2

    rc = mol.atom_coord(ecpatm_id)
    rcb = rc - mol.bas_coord(jsh)
    r_cb = numpy.linalg.norm(rcb)
    rca = rc - mol.bas_coord(ish)
    r_ca = numpy.linalg.norm(rca)
    #rs, ws = radi.treutler(99)
    rs, ws = radi.gauss_chebyshev(99)

    i_fac_cache = cache_fac(li, rca)
    j_fac_cache = cache_fac(lj, rcb)

    g1 = numpy.zeros((nci, ncj, 3, icart, jcart), dtype=numpy.complex128)
    for lc in range(5):  # up to g function
        ecpbasi = ecpbas[ecpbas[:, ANG_OF] == lc]
        if len(ecpbasi) == 0:
        ur = rad_part(mol, ecpbasi, rs) * ws
        idx = abs(ur) > 1e-80
        rur = numpy.array(
            [ur[idx] * rs[idx]**lab for lab in range(li + lj + 1)])

        fi = facs_rad(mol, ish, lc, r_ca, rs)[:, :, idx].copy()
        fj = facs_rad(mol, jsh, lc, r_cb, rs)[:, :, idx].copy()
        angi = facs_ang(type2_ang_part(li, lc, -rca), li, lc, i_fac_cache)
        angj = facs_ang(type2_ang_part(lj, lc, -rcb), lj, lc, j_fac_cache)

        # Note the factor 2/(2l+1) in JCP 82 2664 is not multiplied here
        # because the ECP parameter has been scaled by 2/(2l+1) in CRENBL
        jmm = angular_moment_matrix(lc)

        for ic in range(nci):
            for jc in range(ncj):
                rad_all = numpy.einsum('pr,ir,jr->pij', rur, fi[ic], fj[jc])

                for i1 in range(li + 1):
                    for j1 in range(lj + 1):
                        g1[ic, jc] += numpy.einsum('pq,imp,jnq,lmn->lij',
                                                   rad_all[i1 + j1], angi[i1],
                                                   angj[j1], jmm)

    g1 *= (numpy.pi * 4)**2
    gspinor = numpy.empty((nci, ncj, li * 4 + 2, lj * 4 + 2),
    for ic in range(nci):
        for jc in range(ncj):
            ui = numpy.asarray(gto.cart2spinor_l(li))
            uj = numpy.asarray(gto.cart2spinor_l(lj))
            s = lib.PauliMatrices * .5j
            gspinor[ic, jc] = numpy.einsum('sxy,spq,xpi,yqj->ij', s, g1[ic,
                                           ui.conj(), uj)
    return gspinor.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(nci * (li * 4 + 2), -1)