コード例 #1
 def eeccsd(self, nroots=1):
     cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
     log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
     size = self.nee()
     nroots = min(nroots,size)
     self._eeconv, self.eee, evecs = eig(self.eeccsd_matvec, size=size, nroots=nroots, 
     if self._eeconv:
         logger.info(self, 'EE-CCSD converged')
         logger.info(self, 'EE-CCSD not converge')
     for n in range(nroots):
         logger.info(self, 'root %d E(EE-CCSD) = %.16g', n, self.eee.real[n])
     log.timer('EE-CCSD', *cput0)
     return self.eee.real[:nroots], evecs
コード例 #2
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Determine Hamiltonian Function
 def Hx(x):
     x_reshape = np.reshape(x,guessShape)
     tmp1 = einsum('ijk,nqks->ijnqs',LHBlock,x_reshape) # Could be 'ijk,mpir->jkmpr'
     tmp2 = einsum('jlmn,ijnqs->ilmqs',W[2],tmp1)
     tmp3 = einsum('lopq,ilmqs->imops',W[2],tmp2)
     finalVec = einsum('ros,imops->mpir',RHBlock,tmp3)
     return -finalVec.ravel()
 def precond(dx,e,x0):
     return dx
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Solve Eigenproblem
 u,v = eig(Hx,initGuess,precond) # PH - Add tolerance here?
 E = -u/nBond
 print('\tEnergy from Optimization = {}'.format(E))
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Reshape result into state
 psi = np.reshape(v,(d,d,a[0],a[0])) # s_l s_(l+1) a_(l-1) a_(l+1)
 psi = np.transpose(psi,(2,0,1,3)) # a_(l-1) s_l a_(l+1) s_(l+1)
 psi = np.reshape(psi,(a[0]*d,a[0]*d))
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Canonicalize state
 U,S,V = np.linalg.svd(psi)
 A = np.reshape(U,(a[0],d,-1))
 A = A[:,:,:a[1]]
 A = np.swapaxes(A,0,1)
 B = np.reshape(V,(-1,d,a[0]))
 B = B[:a[1],:,:]
コード例 #3
def runEigenSolver(H):
    # PH - Do for left eigenvec
    u, v = eig(H[0], H[1], H[2])
    return -u, v
コード例 #4
        F = einsum('bxc,abcy->xya', np.conj(wfn_rs), tmp_sum2)

        # Create Function to give Hx
        def opt_fun(x):
            x_reshape = np.reshape(x, wfn_ls.shape)
            in_sum1 = einsum('ijk,lmk->ijlm', F, x_reshape)
            in_sum2 = einsum('njol,ijlm->noim', W[2], in_sum1)
            fin_sum = einsum('pnm,noim->opi', LHBlock, in_sum2)
            return -np.reshape(fin_sum, -1)

        def precond(dx, e, x0):
            return dx

        # Solve Eigenvalue Problem w/ Davidson Algorithm
        init_guess = np.reshape(wfn_ls, -1)
        u, v = eig(opt_fun, init_guess, precond, tol=tol)
        E = u / nBond
        print('\tEnergy at Left Site = {}'.format(E))
        wfn_ls = np.reshape(v, wfn_ls.shape)
        # Push Gauge to right site------------------------------------------------
        (n1, n2, n3) = wfn_ls.shape
        M_reshape = np.reshape(wfn_ls, (n1 * n2, n3))
        (U, s, V) = np.linalg.svd(M_reshape, full_matrices=False)
        wfn_ls = np.reshape(U, (n1, n2, n3))
        wfn_rs = einsum('i,ij,kjl->kil', s, V, wfn_rs)
        # Calculate Inner f Block
        tmp_sum1 = einsum('jlp,ijk->iklp', LHBlock, np.conj(wfn_ls))
        tmp_sum2 = einsum('lmin,iklp->kmnp', W[2], tmp_sum1)
        F = einsum('npq,kmnp->kmq', wfn_ls, tmp_sum2)

        # Create Function to give Hx
コード例 #5
ファイル: iMPS_comparison.py プロジェクト: philliphelms/iMPS
     x_reshape = np.reshape(x,wfn1_ls.shape)
     in_sum1 = einsum('ijk,lmk->ijlm',F1,x_reshape)
     in_sum2 = einsum('njol,ijlm->noim',W1[2],in_sum1)
     fin_sum = einsum('pnm,noim->opi',LHBlock1,in_sum2)
     return -np.reshape(fin_sum,-1)
 def opt_fun2(x):
     x_reshape = np.reshape(x,wfn2_ls.shape)
     in_sum1 = einsum('ijk,lmk->ijlm',F2,x_reshape)
     in_sum2 = einsum('njol,ijlm->noim',W2[2],in_sum1)
     fin_sum = einsum('pnm,noim->opi',LHBlock2,in_sum2)
     return -np.reshape(fin_sum,-1)
 def precond(dx,e,x0):
     return dx
 # Solve Eigenvalue Problem w/ Davidson Algorithm
 init_guess1 = np.reshape(wfn1_ls,-1)
 u1,v1 = eig(opt_fun1,init_guess1,precond,tol=tol)
 E1 = u1/nBond
 init_guess2 = np.reshape(wfn2_ls,-1)
 u2,v2 = eig(opt_fun2,init_guess2,precond,tol=tol)
 E2 = u2/nBond
 if verbose > 1:
     print('\tEnergy at Left Site = {},{},{},{}'.format(E1,E2,(E2-E1)/(2.*ds),J_TDL))
 wfn1_ls = np.reshape(v1,wfn1_ls.shape)
 wfn2_ls = np.reshape(v2,wfn2_ls.shape)
 # Push Gauge to right site------------------------------------------------
 (n1,n2,n3) = wfn1_ls.shape
 M1_reshape = np.reshape(wfn1_ls,(n1*n2,n3))
 (U1,s1,V1) = np.linalg.svd(M1_reshape,full_matrices=False)
 wfn1_ls = np.reshape(U1,(n1,n2,n3))
 wfn1_rs = einsum('i,ij,kjl->kil',s1,V1,wfn1_rs)
 (n1,n2,n3) = wfn2_ls.shape
コード例 #6
    def Hlx(x):
        x_reshape = np.reshape(x, guessShape)
        tmp1 = einsum('ijk,nqks->ijnqs', LHBlockl,
                      x_reshape)  # Could be 'ijk,mpir->jkmpr'
        tmp2 = einsum('jlmn,ijnqs->ilmqs', Wl[2], tmp1)
        tmp3 = einsum('lopq,ilmqs->imops', Wl[2], tmp2)
        finalVec = einsum('ros,imops->mpir', RHBlockl, tmp3)
        return -finalVec.ravel()

    def precond(dx, e, x0):
        return dx

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Solve Eigenproblem
    u, v = eig(Hx, initGuess, precond)  # PH - Add tolerance here?
    E = -u / nBond
    # Left
    ul, vl = eig(Hlx, initGuessl, precond)  # PH - Add tolerance here?
    El = -u / nBond
    # PH - Figure out normalization
    v = v / np.sum(v)
    vl = vl / (np.dot(vl, v))
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Reshape result into state
    psi = np.reshape(v, (d, d, a[0], a[0]))  # s_l s_(l+1) a_(l-1) a_(l+1)
    psi = np.transpose(psi, (2, 0, 1, 3))  # a_(l-1) s_l a_(l+1) s_(l+1)
    psi = np.reshape(psi, (a[0] * d, a[0] * d))
    # Left
    lpsi = np.reshape(vl, (d, d, a[0], a[0]))  # s_l s_(l+1) a_(l-1) a_(l+1)
    lpsi = np.transpose(lpsi, (2, 0, 1, 3))  # a_(l-1) s_l a_(l+1) s_(l+1)
コード例 #7
ファイル: iMPS_tasep.py プロジェクト: philliphelms/iMPS
    wfn_rs = np.pad(B, ((0, a[1] - n3), (0, 0), (0, a[0] - n1)), 'constant')
    wfn2 = np.einsum('ijk,klm->ijlm', wfn_ls, wfn_rs)
    mps_shape = wfn2.shape

    def dot_flat(x):
        return np.reshape(
            dot_twosite(LHBlock, RHBlock, W[2], W[2], x.reshape(mps_shape)),

    def precond(dx, e, x0):
        return dx

    energy, wfn0 = eig(dot_flat, wfn2.ravel(), precond)
    wfn0 = wfn0.reshape((a[-1] * d, a[-1] * d))
    # Do SVD of the unit cell
    a.append(min(maxBondDim, a[-1] * d))
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(wfn0, full_matrices=True)
    U = np.reshape(U, (a[-2], d, -1))
    V = np.reshape(V, (-1, d, a[-2]))
    U = U[:, :, :a[-1]]
    S = S[:a[-1]]
    V = V[:a[-1], :, :]
    A = U
    B = V
    LBlock = np.einsum('il,ijk,ljm->km', LBlock, A[-1], A[-1].conj())
    RBlock = np.einsum('ijk,ljm,km->il', B[-1], B[-1].conj(), RBlock)
    LnormBlock = np.einsum('i,ijk->k', LnormBlock, A[-1])
コード例 #8
    def eaccsd(self, nroots=1, koopmans=False, guess=None, partition=None):
        '''Calculate (N+1)-electron charged excitations via EA-EOM-CCSD.

            See ipccd()
        cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
        log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
        size = self.nea()
        nroots = min(nroots,size)
        if partition:
            partition = partition.lower()
            assert partition in ['mp','full']
        self.ea_partition = partition
        if partition == 'full':
            self._eaccsd_diag_matrix2 = self.vector_to_amplitudes_ea(self.eaccsd_diag())[1]

        adiag = self.eaccsd_diag()
        user_guess = False
        if guess:
            user_guess = True
            assert len(guess) == nroots
            for g in guess:
                assert g.size == size
            guess = []
            if koopmans:
                for n in range(nroots):
                    g = np.zeros(size)
                    g[n] = 1.0
                idx = adiag.argsort()[:nroots]
                for i in idx:
                    g = np.zeros(size)
                    g[i] = 1.0

        def precond(r, e0, x0):
            return r/(e0-adiag+1e-12)

        if user_guess or koopmans:
            def pickeig(w, v, nr, x0):
                idx = np.argmax( np.abs(np.dot(np.array(guess).conj(),np.array(x0).T)), axis=1 )
                return w[idx].real, v[:,idx].real, idx
            eea, evecs = eig(self.eaccsd_matvec, guess, precond, pick=pickeig, nroots=nroots, verbose=7)
            eea, evecs = eig(self.eaccsd_matvec, guess, precond, nroots=nroots, verbose=7)

        self.eea = eea.real

        if nroots == 1:
            eea, evecs = [self.eea], [evecs]
        nvir = self.nmo - self.nocc
        for n, en, vn in zip(range(nroots), eea, evecs):
            logger.info(self, 'EA root %d E = %.16g  qpwt = %0.6g', 
                        n, en, np.linalg.norm(vn[:nvir])**2)
        log.timer('EA-CCSD', *cput0)
        if nroots == 1:
            return eea[0], evecs[0]
            return eea, evecs
コード例 #9
    def ipccsd(self, nroots=1, koopmans=False, guess=None, partition=None):
        '''Calculate (N-1)-electron charged excitations via IP-EOM-CCSD.

            nroots : int
                Number of roots (eigenvalues) requested
            partition : bool or str
                Use a matrix-partitioning for the doubles-doubles block.
                Can be None, 'mp' (Moller-Plesset, i.e. orbital energies on the diagonal),
                or 'full' (full diagonal elements).
            koopmans : bool
                Calculate Koopmans'-like (quasiparticle) excitations only, targeting via 
            guess : list of ndarray
                List of guess vectors to use for targeting via overlap.
        cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
        log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
        size = self.nip()
        nroots = min(nroots,size)
        if partition:
            partition = partition.lower()
            assert partition in ['mp','full']
        self.ip_partition = partition 
        if partition == 'full':
            self._ipccsd_diag_matrix2 = self.vector_to_amplitudes_ip(self.ipccsd_diag())[1]

        adiag = self.ipccsd_diag()
        user_guess = False
        if guess:
            user_guess = True
            assert len(guess) == nroots
            for g in guess:
                assert g.size == size
            guess = []
            if koopmans:
                for n in range(nroots):
                    g = np.zeros(size)
                    g[self.nocc-n-1] = 1.0
                idx = adiag.argsort()[:nroots]
                for i in idx:
                    g = np.zeros(size)
                    g[i] = 1.0

        def precond(r, e0, x0):
            return r/(e0-adiag+1e-12)

        if user_guess or koopmans:
            def pickeig(w, v, nr, x0):
                idx = np.argmax( np.abs(np.dot(np.array(guess).conj(),np.array(x0).T)), axis=1 )
                return w[idx].real, v[:,idx].real, idx
            eip, evecs = eig(self.ipccsd_matvec, guess, precond, pick=pickeig, nroots=nroots, verbose=7)
            eip, evecs = eig(self.ipccsd_matvec, guess, precond, nroots=nroots, verbose=7) 

        self.eip = eip.real

        if nroots == 1:
            eip, evecs = [self.eip], [evecs]
        for n, en, vn in zip(range(nroots), eip, evecs):
            logger.info(self, 'IP root %d E = %.16g  qpwt = %0.6g', 
                        n, en, np.linalg.norm(vn[:self.nocc])**2)
        log.timer('IP-CCSD', *cput0)
        if nroots == 1:
            return eip[0], evecs[0]
            return eip, evecs