コード例 #1
ファイル: cholesky.py プロジェクト: pedersor/pyscf
def cholesky_mos(mo_coeff):
    Calculates localized orbitals through a pivoted Cholesky factorization
    of the density matrix.

        mo_coeff: block of MO coefficients to be localized
        the localized MOs
    assert(mo_coeff.ndim == 2)
    nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape

    # Factorization of a density matrix-like quantity.
    D = np.dot(mo_coeff, mo_coeff.T)
    L, piv, rank = pivoted_cholesky(D, lower=True)
    if rank < nmo:
        raise RuntimeError('rank of matrix lower than the number of orbitals')
    # Permute L back to the original order of the AOs.
    # Superfluous columns are cropped out.
    P = np.zeros((nao, nao))
    P[piv, np.arange(nao)] = 1
    mo_loc = np.dot(P, L[:, :nmo])

    return mo_loc
コード例 #2
def partial_cholesky_orth_(S, canthr=1e-7, cholthr=1e-9):
    '''Partial Cholesky orthogonalization for curing overcompleteness.


    Susi Lehtola, Curing basis set overcompleteness with pivoted
    Cholesky decompositions, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 241102 (2019),

    Susi Lehtola, Accurate reproduction of strongly repulsive
    interatomic potentials, Phys. Rev. A 101, 032504 (2020),
    # Ensure the basis functions are normalized
    normlz = numpy.power(numpy.diag(S), -0.5)
    Snorm = numpy.dot(numpy.diag(normlz), numpy.dot(S, numpy.diag(normlz)))

    # Sort the basis functions according to the Gershgorin circle
    # theorem so that the Cholesky routine is well-initialized
    odS = numpy.abs(Snorm)
    numpy.fill_diagonal(odS, 0.0)
    odSs = numpy.sum(odS, axis=0)
    sortidx = numpy.argsort(odSs)

    # Run the pivoted Cholesky decomposition
    Ssort = Snorm[numpy.ix_(sortidx, sortidx)].copy()
    c, piv, r_c = pivoted_cholesky(Ssort, tol=cholthr)
    # The functions we're going to use are given by the pivot as
    idx = sortidx[piv[:r_c]]

    # Get the (un-normalized) sub-basis
    Ssub = S[numpy.ix_(idx, idx)].copy()
    # Orthogonalize sub-basis
    Xsub = canonical_orth_(Ssub, thr=canthr)

    # Full X
    X = numpy.zeros((S.shape[0], Xsub.shape[1]))
    X[idx, :] = Xsub

    return X