コード例 #1
ファイル: eval_loc.py プロジェクト: liyi14/sixd_toolkit
    print('Target count:       {:d}'.format(tars))
    print('TP count:           {:d}'.format(tps))
    print('Total recall:       {:.4f}'.format(total_recall))
    print('Mean object recall: {:.4f}'.format(mean_obj_recall))
    print('Mean scene recall:  {:.4f}'.format(mean_scene_recall))
    # print('Object recalls:     {}'.format(str(obj_recalls)))
    # print('Scene recalls:      {}'.format(str(scene_recalls)))

    # Evaluation signature
    eval_sign = ''
    if error_type in ['add', 'adi']:
        eval_sign = 'thf=' + str(error_thresh_fact[error_type])
        eval_sign = 'th=' + str(error_thresh[error_type])

    # Save scores
    print('Saving scores...')
    scores_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
    inout.save_yaml(scores_path, scores)

    # Save matches
    print('Saving matches...')
    matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
    inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches)

コード例 #2
            # provided for the SIXD Challenge 2017.
            rgb = cv2.resize(rgb, par['cam']['im_size'], interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
            #rgb = scipy.misc.imresize(rgb, par['cam']['im_size'][::-1], 'bicubic')

            # Save the rendered images
            inout.save_im(out_rgb_mpath.format(obj_id, im_id), rgb)
            inout.save_depth(out_depth_mpath.format(obj_id, im_id), depth)

            # Get 2D bounding box of the object model at the ground truth pose
            ys, xs = np.nonzero(depth > 0)
            obj_bb = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, par['cam']['im_size'])

            obj_info[im_id] = {
                'cam_K': par['cam']['K'].flatten().tolist(),
                'view_level': int(views_level[view_id]),
                #'sphere_radius': float(radius)

            obj_gt[im_id] = [{
                'cam_R_m2c': view['R'].flatten().tolist(),
                'cam_t_m2c': view['t'].flatten().tolist(),
                'obj_bb': [int(x) for x in obj_bb],
                'obj_id': int(obj_id)

            im_id += 1

    # Save metadata
    inout.save_yaml(out_obj_info_path.format(obj_id), obj_info)
    inout.save_yaml(out_obj_gt_path.format(obj_id), obj_gt)
コード例 #3
ファイル: calc_gt_stats.py プロジェクト: liyi14/sixd_toolkit
                vis = 0.5 * depth_im_vis + 0.5 * visib_gt_vis
                vis[vis > 1] = 1
                vis_path = vis_mpath.format(dataset, delta, data_id, im_id,
                inout.save_im(vis_path, vis)

                # Mask of depth differences below delta
                # mask_below_delta_vis = np.dstack([mask_below_delta,
                #                                   zero_ch, zero_ch])
                # vis_delta = 0.5 * depth_im_vis + 0.5 * mask_below_delta_vis
                # vis_delta[vis_delta > 1] = 1
                # vis_delta_path = vis_delta_mpath.format(
                #     dataset, delta, data_id, im_id, gt_id, delta)
                # inout.save_im(vis_delta_path, vis_delta)

    res_path = dp[gt_stats_mpath_key].format(data_id, delta)
    inout.save_yaml(res_path, gt_stats)

# visib_to_below_delta_fracs = sorted(visib_to_below_delta_fracs,
#                                     key=lambda x: x['frac'], reverse=True)
# for i in range(200):
#     e = visib_to_below_delta_fracs[i]
#     print('{}: data_id: {}, im_id: {}, gt_id: {}, frac: {}'.format(
#         i, e['data_id'], e['im_id'], e['gt_id'], e['frac']
#     ))
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.plot([e['frac'] for e in visib_to_below_delta_fracs])
# plt.show()
コード例 #4
ファイル: eval_loc.py プロジェクト: 18721258653/test
def main():
    # Paths to pose errors (calculated using eval_calc_errors.py)
    top_level_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(

    dataset = 'hinterstoisser'
    # dataset = 'tless'
    # dataset = 'tudlight'
    # dataset = 'rutgers'
    # dataset = 'tejani'
    # dataset = 'doumanoglou'
    # dataset = 'toyotalight'

    error_bpath = pjoin(top_level_path, 'eval')
    error_paths = [
        pjoin(error_bpath, 'patch-linemod_' + dataset),
        # pjoin(error_bpath, 'hodan-iros15_tless_primesense'),

    error_dir = 'error=vsd_ntop=1_delta=15_tau=20_cost=step'
    for i in range(len(error_paths)):
        error_paths[i] = os.path.join(error_paths[i], error_dir)

    # Other paths
    # Mask of path to the input file with calculated errors
    errors_mpath = pjoin('{error_path}', 'errors_{scene_id:02d}.yml')

    # Mask of path to the output file with established matches and calculated scores
    matches_mpath = pjoin('{error_path}', 'matches_{eval_sign}.yml')
    scores_mpath = pjoin('{error_path}', 'scores_{eval_sign}.yml')

    # Parameters
    use_image_subset = True  # Whether to use the specified subset of images
    require_all_errors = True  # Whether to break if some errors are missing
    visib_gt_min = 0.1  # Minimum visible surface fraction of valid GT pose
    visib_delta = 15  # [mm]

    # Threshold of correctness
    error_thresh = {
        'vsd': 0.3,
        'cou': 0.5,
        'te': 5.0,  # [cm]
        're': 5.0  # [deg]

    # Factor k; threshold of correctness = k * d, where d is the object diameter
    error_thresh_fact = {'add': 0.1, 'adi': 0.1}

    # Evaluation
    for error_path in error_paths:

        # Parse info about the errors from the folder names
        error_sign = os.path.basename(error_path)
        error_type = error_sign.split('_')[0].split('=')[1]
        n_top = int(error_sign.split('_')[1].split('=')[1])
        res_sign = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(error_path)).split('_')
        method = res_sign[0]
        dataset = res_sign[1]
        test_type = res_sign[2] if len(res_sign) > 3 else ''

        # Evaluation signature
        if error_type in ['add', 'adi']:
            eval_sign = 'thf=' + str(error_thresh_fact[error_type])
            eval_sign = 'th=' + str(error_thresh[error_type])
        eval_sign += '_min-visib=' + str(visib_gt_min)

        print('--- Processing: {}, {}, {}'.format(method, dataset, error_type))

        # Load dataset parameters
        dp = get_dataset_params(dataset, test_type=test_type)
        obj_ids = range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1)
        scene_ids = range(1, dp['scene_count'] + 1)

        # Subset of images to be considered
        if use_image_subset:
            im_ids_sets = inout.load_yaml(dp['test_set_fpath'])
            im_ids_sets = None

        # Set threshold of correctness (might be different for each object)
        error_threshs = {}
        if error_type in ['add', 'adi']:

            # Relative to object diameter
            models_info = inout.load_yaml(dp['models_info_path'])
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                obj_diameter = models_info[obj_id]['diameter']
                error_threshs[obj_id] = error_thresh_fact[error_type] *\
            # The same threshold for all objects
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                error_threshs[obj_id] = error_thresh[error_type]

        # Go through the test scenes and match estimated poses to GT poses
        matches = []  # Stores info about the matching estimate for each GT
        for scene_id in scene_ids:

            # Load GT poses
            gts = inout.load_gt(dp['scene_gt_mpath'].format(scene_id))

            # Load statistics (e.g. visibility fraction) of the GT poses
            gt_stats_path = dp['scene_gt_stats_mpath'].format(
                scene_id, visib_delta)
            gt_stats = inout.load_yaml(gt_stats_path)

            # Keep the GT poses and their stats only for the selected images
            if im_ids_sets is not None:
                im_ids = im_ids_sets[scene_id]
                gts = {im_id: gts[im_id] for im_id in im_ids}
                gt_stats = {im_id: gt_stats[im_id] for im_id in im_ids}

            # Load pre-calculated errors of the pose estimates
            scene_errs_path = errors_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,

            if os.path.isfile(scene_errs_path):
                errs = inout.load_errors(scene_errs_path)

                matches += match_poses(gts, gt_stats, errs, scene_id,
                                       visib_gt_min, error_threshs, n_top)

            elif require_all_errors:
                raise IOError(
                    '{} is missing, but errors for all scenes are required'
                    ' (require_all_results = True).'.format(scene_errs_path))

        # Calculate the performance scores
        # Split the dataset of Hinterstoisser to the original LINEMOD dataset
        # and the Occlusion dataset by TUD (i.e. the extended GT for scene #2)
        if dataset == 'hinterstoisser':

            print('-- LINEMOD dataset')
            eval_sign_lm = 'linemod_' + eval_sign
            matches_lm = [m for m in matches if m['scene_id'] == m['obj_id']]
            scores_lm = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches_lm, n_top)

            # Save scores
            scores_lm_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_lm_path, scores_lm)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_lm)

            print('-- Occlusion dataset')
            eval_sign_occ = 'occlusion_' + eval_sign
            matches_occ = [m for m in matches if m['scene_id'] == 2]
            scene_ids_occ = [2]
            obj_ids_occ = [1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
            scores_occ = calc_scores(scene_ids_occ, obj_ids_occ, matches_occ,
            # Save scores
            scores_occ_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_occ_path, scores_occ)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_occ)
            scores = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches, n_top)

            # Save scores
            scores_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_path, scores)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches)

コード例 #5
ファイル: calc_gt_stats.py プロジェクト: eirikwha/6DPose
                vis = 0.5 * depth_im_vis + 0.5 * visib_gt_vis
                vis[vis > 1] = 1
                vis_path = vis_mpath.format(
                    dataset, delta, data_id, im_id, gt_id)
                inout.save_im(vis_path, vis)

                # Mask of depth differences below delta
                # mask_below_delta_vis = np.dstack([mask_below_delta,
                #                                   zero_ch, zero_ch])
                # vis_delta = 0.5 * depth_im_vis + 0.5 * mask_below_delta_vis
                # vis_delta[vis_delta > 1] = 1
                # vis_delta_path = vis_delta_mpath.format(
                #     dataset, delta, data_id, im_id, gt_id, delta)
                # inout.save_im(vis_delta_path, vis_delta)

    res_path = dp[gt_stats_mpath_key].format(data_id, delta)
    inout.save_yaml(res_path, gt_stats)

# visib_to_below_delta_fracs = sorted(visib_to_below_delta_fracs,
#                                     key=lambda x: x['frac'], reverse=True)
# for i in range(200):
#     e = visib_to_below_delta_fracs[i]
#     print('{}: data_id: {}, im_id: {}, gt_id: {}, frac: {}'.format(
#         i, e['data_id'], e['im_id'], e['gt_id'], e['frac']
#     ))
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.plot([e['frac'] for e in visib_to_below_delta_fracs])
# plt.show()
コード例 #6
ファイル: pysixdIO.py プロジェクト: eirikwha/6DPose
                rgb = cv2.resize(rgb, p['cam']['im_size'], interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
                # rgb = scipy.misc.imresize(rgb, par['cam']['im_size'][::-1], 'bicubic')

                # Save the rendered images
                inout.save_im(out_rgb_mpath.format(obj_id, im_id), rgb)
                inout.save_depth(out_depth_mpath.format(obj_id, im_id), depth)

                # Get 2D bounding box of the object model at the ground truth pose
                ys, xs = np.nonzero(depth > 0)
                obj_bb = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, p['cam']['im_size'])

                obj_info[im_id] = {
                    'cam_K': p['cam']['K'].flatten().tolist(),
                    'view_level': int(views_level[view_id]),
                    # 'sphere_radius': float(radius)

                obj_gt[im_id] = [{
                    'cam_R_m2c': view['R'].flatten().tolist(),
                    'cam_t_m2c': view['t'].flatten().tolist(),
                    'obj_bb': [int(x) for x in obj_bb],
                    'obj_id': int(obj_id)

                im_id += 1

        # Save metadata
        inout.save_yaml(out_obj_info_path.format(obj_id), obj_info)
        inout.save_yaml(out_obj_gt_path.format(obj_id), obj_gt)

print("end of line for break points")
コード例 #7
ファイル: eval_loc_origin.py プロジェクト: hz-ants/GDR-Net
def main():
    # Paths to pose errors (calculated using eval_calc_errors.py)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    error_bpath = "/path/to/eval/"
    error_paths = [
        pjoin(error_bpath, "hodan-iros15_hinterstoisser"),
        # pjoin(error_bpath, 'hodan-iros15_tless_primesense'),

    error_dir = "error:vsd_ntop:1_delta:15_tau:20_cost:step"
    for i in range(len(error_paths)):
        error_paths[i] = os.path.join(error_paths[i], error_dir)

    # Other paths
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Mask of path to the input file with calculated errors
    errors_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "errors_{scene_id:02d}.yml")

    # Mask of path to the output file with established matches and calculated scores
    matches_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "matches_{eval_sign}.yml")
    scores_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "scores_{eval_sign}.yml")

    # Parameters
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    use_image_subset = True  # Whether to use the specified subset of images
    require_all_errors = True  # Whether to break if some errors are missing
    visib_gt_min = 0.1  # Minimum visible surface fraction of valid GT pose
    visib_delta = 15  # [mm]

    # Threshold of correctness
    error_thresh = {
        "vsd": 0.3,
        "cou": 0.5,
        "te": 5.0,
        "re": 5.0
    }  # [cm]  # [deg]

    # Factor k; threshold of correctness = k * d, where d is the object diameter
    error_thresh_fact = {"add": 0.1, "adi": 0.1}

    # Evaluation
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for error_path in error_paths:

        # Parse info about the errors from the folder names
        error_sign = os.path.basename(error_path)
        error_type = error_sign.split("_")[0].split(":")[1]
        n_top = int(error_sign.split("_")[1].split(":")[1])
        res_sign = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(error_path)).split("_")
        method = res_sign[0]
        dataset = res_sign[1]
        test_type = res_sign[2] if len(res_sign) > 3 else ""

        # Evaluation signature
        if error_type in ["add", "adi"]:
            eval_sign = "thf:" + str(error_thresh_fact[error_type])
            eval_sign = "th:" + str(error_thresh[error_type])
        eval_sign += "_min-visib:" + str(visib_gt_min)

        print("--- Processing: {}, {}, {}".format(method, dataset, error_type))

        # Load dataset parameters
        dp = get_dataset_params(dataset, test_type=test_type)
        obj_ids = range(1, dp["obj_count"] + 1)
        scene_ids = range(1, dp["scene_count"] + 1)

        # Subset of images to be considered
        if use_image_subset:
            im_ids_sets = inout.load_yaml(dp["test_set_fpath"])
            im_ids_sets = None

        # Set threshold of correctness (might be different for each object)
        error_threshs = {}
        if error_type in ["add", "adi"]:

            # Relative to object diameter
            models_info = inout.load_yaml(dp["models_info_path"])
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                obj_diameter = models_info[obj_id]["diameter"]
                    obj_id] = error_thresh_fact[error_type] * obj_diameter
            # The same threshold for all objects
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                error_threshs[obj_id] = error_thresh[error_type]

        # Go through the test scenes and match estimated poses to GT poses
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        matches = []  # Stores info about the matching estimate for each GT
        for scene_id in scene_ids:

            # Load GT poses
            gts = inout.load_gt(dp["scene_gt_mpath"].format(scene_id))

            # Load statistics (e.g. visibility fraction) of the GT poses
            gt_stats_path = dp["scene_gt_stats_mpath"].format(
                scene_id, visib_delta)
            gt_stats = inout.load_yaml(gt_stats_path)

            # Keep the GT poses and their stats only for the selected images
            if im_ids_sets is not None:
                im_ids = im_ids_sets[scene_id]
                gts = {im_id: gts[im_id] for im_id in im_ids}
                gt_stats = {im_id: gt_stats[im_id] for im_id in im_ids}

            # Load pre-calculated errors of the pose estimates
            scene_errs_path = errors_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,

            if os.path.isfile(scene_errs_path):
                errs = inout.load_errors(scene_errs_path)

                matches += match_poses(gts, gt_stats, errs, scene_id,
                                       visib_gt_min, error_threshs, n_top)

            elif require_all_errors:
                raise IOError(
                    "{} is missing, but errors for all scenes are required"
                    " (require_all_results = True).".format(scene_errs_path))

        # Calculate the performance scores
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Split the dataset of Hinterstoisser to the original LINEMOD dataset
        # and the Occlusion dataset by TUD (i.e. the extended GT for scene #2)
        if dataset == "hinterstoisser":

            print("-- LINEMOD dataset")
            eval_sign_lm = "linemod_" + eval_sign
            matches_lm = [m for m in matches if m["scene_id"] == m["obj_id"]]
            scores_lm = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches_lm, n_top)

            # Save scores
            scores_lm_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_lm_path, scores_lm)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_lm)

            print("-- Occlusion dataset")
            eval_sign_occ = "occlusion_" + eval_sign
            matches_occ = [m for m in matches if m["scene_id"] == 2]
            scene_ids_occ = [2]
            obj_ids_occ = [1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
            scores_occ = calc_scores(scene_ids_occ, obj_ids_occ, matches_occ,
            # Save scores
            scores_occ_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_occ_path, scores_occ)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_occ)
            scores = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches, n_top)

            # Save scores
            scores_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_path, scores)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches)
