コード例 #1
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/pysme
def check_trace_preservation(supop_builder, supop_setup):
    """Make sure that the identity component of the density operator doesn't

    :param supop_builder:   Function that constructs a superoperator matrix
                            given the output from supop_setup.
    :param supop_setup:     Function that takes a coupling op and basis (minus
                            identity) as arguments and returns the arguments
                            needed for supop_builder to construct the
                            appropriate matrix.

    for dim in range(2, 3 + 1):
        for row in range(dim):
            for col in range(dim):
                # Couple using all the different Gell-Mann matrices
                c_op = gm.gellmann(row + 1, col + 1, dim)
                kwargs = supop_setup(c_op, basis(dim)[:-1])
                D_matrix = supop_builder(**kwargs)
                for entry in D_matrix[-1]:
                    assert_almost_equal(0, entry, 7)

    for dim in range(2, 3 + 1):
        # Couple using random matrices
        rand_c_op = np.random.randn(dim, dim) + 1.j * np.random.randn(dim, dim)
        kwargs = supop_setup(rand_c_op, basis(dim)[:-1])
        D_matrix = sb.diffusion_op(**kwargs)
        for entry in D_matrix[-1]:
            assert_almost_equal(0, entry, 7)
コード例 #2
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: CQuIC/pysme
def check_trace_preservation(supop_builder, supop_setup):
    """Make sure that the identity component of the density operator doesn't

    :param supop_builder:   Function that constructs a superoperator matrix
                            given the output from supop_setup.
    :param supop_setup:     Function that takes a coupling op and basis (minus
                            identity) as arguments and returns the arguments
                            needed for supop_builder to construct the
                            appropriate matrix.

    for dim in range(2, 3 + 1):
        for row in range(dim):
            for col in range(dim):
                # Couple using all the different Gell-Mann matrices
                c_op = gm.gellmann(row + 1, col + 1, dim)
                kwargs = supop_setup(c_op, basis(dim)[:-1])
                D_matrix = supop_builder(**kwargs)
                for entry in D_matrix[-1]:
                    assert_almost_equal(0, entry, 7)

    for dim in range(2, 3 + 1):
        # Couple using random matrices
        rand_c_op = np.random.randn(dim, dim) + 1.j*np.random.randn(dim, dim)
        kwargs = supop_setup(rand_c_op, basis(dim)[:-1])
        D_matrix = sb.diffusion_op(**kwargs)
        for entry in D_matrix[-1]:
            assert_almost_equal(0, entry, 7)
コード例 #3
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: eliegenois/pysme
def basis(n):
    """Return an orthogonal basis for n-by-n operators, with the identity in the
    last position.


    return [gm.gellmann(j, k, n) for j in range(1, n + 1) for k in
            range(1, n + 1)]
コード例 #4
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: CQuIC/pysme
def basis(n):
    """Return an orthogonal basis for n-by-n operators, with the identity in the
    last position.


    return [gm.gellmann(j, k, n) for j in range(1, n + 1) for k in
            range(1, n + 1)]
コード例 #5
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/pysme
def test_gellmann():
    for d in range(1, 5 + 1):
        matrices = [[gm.gellmann(j, k, d) for k in range(1, d + 1)]
                    for j in range(1, d + 1)]
        for j in range(1, d + 1):
            for k in range(1, d + 1):
                check_hermitian(matrices[j - 1][k - 1])
                if j != d or k != d:
                    check_traceless(matrices[j - 1][k - 1])
                    check_norm(matrices[j - 1][k - 1], np.sqrt(2))
                    check_norm(matrices[j - 1][k - 1], np.sqrt(d))
                for jj in range(1, d + 1):
                    for kk in range(1, d + 1):
                        if jj != j or kk != k:
                            check_orthogonal(matrices[j - 1][k - 1],
                                             matrices[jj - 1][kk - 1])
コード例 #6
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: CQuIC/pysme
def test_gellmann():
    for d in range(1, 5 + 1):
        matrices = [ [ gm.gellmann(j, k, d) for k in range(1, d + 1) ] for j in
            range(1, d + 1) ]
        for j in range(1, d + 1):
            for k in range(1, d + 1):
                check_hermitian(matrices[j - 1][k - 1])
                if j != d or k != d:
                    check_traceless(matrices[j - 1][k - 1])
                    check_norm(matrices[j - 1][k - 1], np.sqrt(2))
                    check_norm(matrices[j - 1][k - 1], np.sqrt(d))
                for jj in range(1, d + 1):
                    for kk in range(1, d + 1):
                        if jj != j or kk != k:
                            check_orthogonal(matrices[j - 1][k - 1],
                                matrices[jj - 1][kk - 1])
コード例 #7
ファイル: gramschmidt.py プロジェクト: CQuIC/pysme
def orthonormalize(A):
    """Return an orthonormal basis in which `A` has a sparse representation.
    `A` will have support only on the first three elements. The first element
    is guaranteed to be proportional to the identity. This basis is
    constructed using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.

    A : numpy.array
        The operator to be represented sparsely.

    list of numpy.array
        A basis in which `A` is represented sparsely.


    d = max(A.shape) # Code won't currently work unless A is square.
    G = [ [ gm.gellmann(j, k, d) for k in range(1, d + 1) ] for j in
        range(1, d + 1) ]
    ordering = list(product(range(1, d + 1), range(1, d + 1)))
    hermitian = (A + A.conj().T)/2
    antiherm = (A - A.conj().T)/2.j
    hermitian_comps = [np.trace(np.dot(hermitian, G[j - 1][k - 1]))/np.sqrt(2)
                       if j != d or k!= d else
                       np.trace(np.dot(hermitian, G[j - 1][k - 1]))/np.sqrt(d)
                       for j, k in ordering]
    antiherm_comps = [np.trace(np.dot(antiherm, G[j - 1][k - 1]))/np.sqrt(2)
                      if j != d or k!= d else
                      np.trace(np.dot(antiherm, G[j - 1][k - 1]))/np.sqrt(d)
                      for j, k in ordering]

    # Identify the Gell-Mann matrices that have the most support on the
    # Hermitian and anti-Hermitian parts of A (other than identity) so that they
    # can be discarded prior to Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.
    max_comps = [max(abs(herm_comp), abs(anti_comp)) if j != d or k != d else 0
                 for herm_comp, anti_comp, (j, k)
                 in zip(hermitian_comps, antiherm_comps, ordering)]

    # Ensure the identity is the first element in this list.
    ordered_max_comps = [list(enumerate(max_comps))[-1]] + \
        sorted(list(enumerate(max_comps))[0:-1], key=lambda elem: elem[1])

    discarded_indices = [ordered_max_comps[-1][0], ordered_max_comps[-2][0]]

    other_vectors = [ [ 0 if n != idx else 1 for n in range(d**2) ] for idx in
        range(d**2) if not idx in discarded_indices ]

    vector_set = np.array([other_vectors[-1], hermitian_comps, antiherm_comps] +

    basis, R = np.linalg.qr(vector_set)
    basis = np.dot(basis, np.diag([1 if elem >= 0 else -1
                                   for elem in np.diag(R)]))
    basis = basis.T

    G_new = [sum([G[j-1][k-1]*coeff/np.sqrt(2) if j != d or k!= d
                  else G[j-1][k-1]*coeff/np.sqrt(d) for coeff, (j, k)
                  in zip(vect, ordering)]) for vect in basis]

    A_coeffs = [
        np.trace(np.dot(G_new[0], A)),
        np.trace(np.dot(G_new[1], A)),
        np.trace(np.dot(G_new[2], A)),

    A_recon = A_coeffs[0]*G_new[0] + A_coeffs[1]*G_new[1] + A_coeffs[2]*G_new[2]

    return G_new
コード例 #8
def orthonormalize(A):
    """Return an orthonormal basis in which `A` has a sparse representation.

    `A` will have support only on the first three elements. The first element
    is guaranteed to be proportional to the identity. This basis is
    constructed using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.

    A : numpy.array
        The operator to be represented sparsely.

    list of numpy.array
        A basis in which `A` is represented sparsely.


    d = max(A.shape)  # Code won't currently work unless A is square.
    G = [[gm.gellmann(j, k, d) for k in range(1, d + 1)]
         for j in range(1, d + 1)]
    ordering = list(product(range(1, d + 1), range(1, d + 1)))
    hermitian = (A + A.conj().T) / 2
    antiherm = (A - A.conj().T) / 2.j
    hermitian_comps = [
        np.trace(np.dot(hermitian, G[j - 1][k - 1])) / np.sqrt(2)
        if j != d or k != d else np.trace(np.dot(hermitian, G[j - 1][k - 1])) /
        np.sqrt(d) for j, k in ordering
    antiherm_comps = [
        np.trace(np.dot(antiherm, G[j - 1][k - 1])) / np.sqrt(2) if j != d
        or k != d else np.trace(np.dot(antiherm, G[j - 1][k - 1])) / np.sqrt(d)
        for j, k in ordering

    # Identify the Gell-Mann matrices that have the most support on the
    # Hermitian and anti-Hermitian parts of A (other than identity) so that they
    # can be discarded prior to Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.
    max_comps = [
        max(abs(herm_comp), abs(anti_comp)) if j != d or k != d else 0
        for herm_comp, anti_comp, (
            j, k) in zip(hermitian_comps, antiherm_comps, ordering)

    # Ensure the identity is the first element in this list.
    ordered_max_comps = [list(enumerate(max_comps))[-1]] + \
        sorted(list(enumerate(max_comps))[0:-1], key=lambda elem: elem[1])

    discarded_indices = [ordered_max_comps[-1][0], ordered_max_comps[-2][0]]

    other_vectors = [[0 if n != idx else 1 for n in range(d**2)]
                     for idx in range(d**2) if not idx in discarded_indices]

    vector_set = np.array(
        [other_vectors[-1], hermitian_comps, antiherm_comps] +

    basis, R = np.linalg.qr(vector_set)
    basis = np.dot(basis,
                   np.diag([1 if elem >= 0 else -1 for elem in np.diag(R)]))
    basis = basis.T

    G_new = [
            G[j - 1][k - 1] * coeff /
            np.sqrt(2) if j != d or k != d else G[j - 1][k - 1] * coeff /
            np.sqrt(d) for coeff, (j, k) in zip(vect, ordering)
        ]) for vect in basis

    A_coeffs = [
        np.trace(np.dot(G_new[0], A)),
        np.trace(np.dot(G_new[1], A)),
        np.trace(np.dot(G_new[2], A)),

    A_recon = A_coeffs[0] * G_new[0] + A_coeffs[1] * G_new[1] + A_coeffs[
        2] * G_new[2]

    return G_new