def test_emit_shorter_than_limit(self): handler = SyslogHandler() handler.maximum_length = 500 handler.overflow = SyslogHandler.OVERFLOW_BEHAVIOR_FRAGMENT handler.formatter = Formatter( 'foo_file: %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') record = LogRecord( name='bar_service', level=WARNING, pathname='/path/to/', lineno=122, msg='This is a fairly short message', args=(), exc_info=None, ) with mock.patch.object(handler, '_send') as mock_send: handler.emit(record) priority = '<{:d}>'.format( handler.encodePriority(handler.facility, handler.mapPriority( record.levelname)), ).encode('utf-8') mock_send.assert_called_once_with([ priority + b'foo_file: bar_service WARNING This is a fairly short message\000', ])
def test_emit_longer_than_limit_truncate_unicode_at_boundary(self): # b'\xf0\x9f\x98\xb1' = u'\U0001f631' = shocked face with hands to cheeks handler = SyslogHandler() handler.maximum_length = 100 handler.overflow = SyslogHandler.OVERFLOW_BEHAVIOR_TRUNCATE handler.formatter = Formatter('foo_file: %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') handler.ident = '5678' record = LogRecord( name='bar_service', level=WARNING, pathname='/path/to/', lineno=122, msg='This is a much longer message that is going to exceed the \U0001f631 maximum byte count and will ' 'need truncating', args=(), exc_info=None, ) with mock.patch.object(handler, '_send') as mock_send: handler.emit(record) priority = '<{:d}>'.format( handler.encodePriority(handler.facility, handler.mapPriority(record.levelname)), ).encode('utf-8') expected1 = ( priority + b'5678foo_file: bar_service WARNING This is a much longer message that is going to exceed the \000' ) assert len(expected1) == 97 mock_send.assert_called_once_with([ expected1, ])
def test_emit_longer_than_limit_fragment_unicode_at_boundary(self): # b'\xf0\x9f\x98\xb1' = u'\U0001f631' = shocked face with hands to cheeks handler = SyslogHandler() handler.maximum_length = 100 handler.overflow = SyslogHandler.OVERFLOW_BEHAVIOR_FRAGMENT handler.formatter = Formatter( 'foo_file: %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') record = LogRecord( name='bar_service', level=WARNING, pathname='/path/to/', lineno=122, msg= 'This is a much longer message that yes is going to \U0001f631 exceed the maximum byte count and will ' 'need truncating', args=(), exc_info=None, ) with mock.patch.object(handler, '_send') as mock_send: handler.emit(record) priority = '<{:d}>'.format( handler.encodePriority(handler.facility, handler.mapPriority( record.levelname)), # type: ignore ).encode('utf-8') expected1 = ( priority + b"foo_file: bar_service WARNING This is a much longer message that yes is going to ... (cont'd)\000" ) assert len(expected1) == 98 expected2 = ( priority + b"foo_file: bar_service WARNING (cont'd #2) ...\xf0\x9f\x98\xb1 exceed the maximum byte count and" b"... (cont'd)\000") assert len(expected2) == 100 expected3 = ( priority + b"foo_file: bar_service WARNING (cont'd #3) ... will need truncating\000" ) assert len(expected3) < 100 mock_send.assert_called_once_with([ expected1, expected2, expected3, ])