コード例 #1
    def parseSOSmsg(self):
        while True:
                msg = self.queue.get(True, 10)
                pkt = msg['data']

                data = pysos.unpack('<BbB', pkt)
                temp = float(data[1])
                # Moving average
                alpha = 0.8
                if data[0] == 2 and data[2] == 200:
                    self.Chorssi[0] = self.Chorssi[0] * (1 -
                                                         alpha) + alpha * temp
                elif data[0] == 3 and data[2] == 200:
                    self.Chorssi[1] = self.Chorssi[1] * (1 -
                                                         alpha) + alpha * temp
                elif data[0] == 7 and data[2] == 200:
                    self.Chorssi[2] = self.Chorssi[2] * (1 -
                                                         alpha) + alpha * temp
                elif data[0] == 8 and data[2] == 200:
                    self.Chorssi[3] = self.Chorssi[3] * (1 -
                                                         alpha) + alpha * temp

                elif data[0] == 2 and data[2] == 201:
                    self.Kimrssi[0] = self.Kimrssi[0] * (1 -
                                                         alpha) + alpha * temp
                    self.Kimcount[0] = self.Kimcount[0] + 1
                elif data[0] == 3 and data[2] == 201:
                    self.Kimrssi[1] = self.Kimrssi[1] * (1 -
                                                         alpha) + alpha * temp
                    self.Kimcount[1] = self.Kimcount[1] + 1
                elif data[0] == 7 and data[2] == 201:
                    self.Kimrssi[2] = self.Kimrssi[2] * (1 -
                                                         alpha) + alpha * temp
                    self.Kimcount[2] = self.Kimcount[2] + 1
                elif data[0] == 8 and data[2] == 201:
                    self.Kimrssi[3] = self.Kimrssi[3] * (1 -
                                                         alpha) + alpha * temp
                    self.Kimcount[3] = self.Kimcount[3] + 1
                #	pass
                    data = pysos.unpack('<B', pkt[0])
            #		print data
            #		print pkt[1:]
コード例 #2
ファイル: take_data_reciever.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBB", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
	state[node_id] = 0
	oldstate[node_id] = 0

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    # it is recommended that you send all error messages to stderr since the test suite will be checking that output
    # to determine if any tests failed
    if (node_state == START_DATA):
	print "initialization began correctly"
    if (node_state == 0):
	state[node_id] = data
    if (node_state == 155):
	print >> sys.stderr, "a message was freed to early, or not recieved correctly on count %d" %data
    if (node_state == 255):
	print "the message was transfered correctly on count %d" %data
    if (node_state == 1 and state[node_id] != data):
	print >> sys.stderr, " a message was lost somewhere on node %d before count %d" %(node_id,data)
    if (node_state == FINAL_DATA):
	print "finalization worked correctly"
コード例 #3
ファイル: hw_test.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBB", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
	state[node_id] = 0
	oldstate[node_id] = 0

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    if (node_state == START_DATA):
	print "initialization began correctly"
    elif (node_state == FINAL_DATA):
	print "finalization worked correctly"
    elif (node_state != data):
	print >> sys.std.err, "error, sys_hw_type returns %d while  HW_TYPE is %d" %(data, node_state)
コード例 #4
ファイル: photo_temp_test.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, accelid, value) = pysos.unpack("<BBH", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
	state[node_id] = 0
	oldstate[node_id] = 0

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the driver is working
    accelid -= 1
    if abs(value-centroid[accelid]) > 100:
        print >> sys.stderr, "the value is to far out of range for sensorid %d, the value is %d" %(accelid+1, value)
	print >> sys.stderr, "if the enviroment is not changing, then this is an error"
        print "the value is acceptedable, for sensorid %d, the value is %d" %(accelid+1, value)
コード例 #5
def sht11_humidity(msg):
    # Note that pysos.unpack returns a tuple.  The comma after the lval
    # notes that we want to unpack the singleton tuple.
    humidity, = pysos.unpack('<H', msg['data'])
    cal_hum = -4 + 0.0405 * humidity + -2.8 * 10**(-6) * (humidity ** 2)
    print("Node %d has humidity %f" % (msg['saddr'], cal_hum))
コード例 #6
ファイル: mag_test.py プロジェクト: shyamalschandra/sos-2x
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, accelid, value) = pysos.unpack("<BBH", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
        state[node_id] = 0
        oldstate[node_id] = 0

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the driver is working
    accelid -= 6

    if abs(value - centroid[accelid]) > 100:
        print >> sys.stderr, "the value is to far out of range for magid %d, the value is %d" % (
            accelid + 6, value)
        print >> sys.stderr, "if the mote is not moving, then this is an error"
        print "the value is acceptable, for magid %d, the value is %d" % (
            accelid + 6, value)
コード例 #7
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, accelid, value) = pysos.unpack("<BBH", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
	state[node_id] = 0
	oldstate[node_id] = 0

    print accelid
    print value
    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the driver is working
    g = (value-512)/1024.0*3000/333.0
    if abs(g)>0.8:
	if g > 0:
	    state[node_id] = accelid
	    state[node_id] = 7-accelid
    if oldstate[node_id] != state[node_id]:
	print "For Node %d	Side %d is up"%(node_id, state[node_id],)
	oldstate[node_id] = state[node_id]
コード例 #8
ファイル: interpreter.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def result_handler(msg):
    (sid, qid, num_remaining, sensor, value) = pysos.unpack('<BHHBH', msg['data'])

    print "node id %d" %sid
    print "QueryId %d" %qid
    print "SensorId %d" %sensor
    print "Value %d" %value
コード例 #9
ファイル: reciever_test.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    # unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBB", msg["data"])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
        state[node_id] = 0
        oldstate[node_id] = 0

        # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
        # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    if node_state == START_DATA:
        print "initialization began correctly"
    if node_state == ORDER_FAIL:
        print >> sys.stderr, "messages sent out of order for node %d on count %d" % (node_id, data)
    if node_state == ORDER_GOOD:
        print "messages sent in order for node %d on count %d" % (node_id, data)
    if node_state == 0:
        state[node_id] = data
    if node_state == 1 and state[node_id] != data:
        print >> sys.stderr, " a message was lost somewhere"
    if node_state == FINAL_DATA:
        print "finalization worked correctly"
コード例 #10
def sht11_temperature(msg):
    # Note that pysos.unpack returns a tuple.  The comma after the lval
    # notes that we want to unpack the singleton tuple.
    temperature, = pysos.unpack('<H', msg['data'])
    cal_temp = -39.60 + 0.01 * temperature 
    print("Node %d has temperature %f" % (msg['saddr'], cal_temp))
コード例 #11
ファイル: realloc.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    # print "message recieved"

    # unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBB", msg["data"])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
        state[node_id] = 0
        oldstate[node_id] = 0

        # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
        # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    if node_state == START_DATA:
        print "initialization began correctly"
        state[node_id] = 0
    if node_state == 0 and data == 200:
        state[node_id] = 1
    if node_state == 0 and data == 255:
        if state[node_id] != 1:
            print >> sys.stderr, "something has gone wrong and is out of order on node %d" % node_id
        state[node_id] = 0
    if node_state == 155:
        print >> sys.stderr, "realloc failed to correctly copy the %dth value" % data
    if node_state == FINAL_DATA:
        print "finalization worked correctly"
コード例 #12
ファイル: change_owner_end.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBB", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
	state[node_id] = 0
	oldstate[node_id] = 0

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    if (node_state == START_DATA):
	print "initialization began correctly"
    if (node_state == 0):
	state[node_id] = data
    if (node_state == 101):
	rmmod_cmd = ['sos_tool.exe', '--rmmod=%d' %data]

	srv.post_net(129, 129, MSG_MOD_REMOVED, 0, '', 0, 0)
    if (node_state == 1 and state[node_id] != data):
	print >> sys.stderr, " a message was lost somewhere on node %d before count %d" %(node_id,data)
    if (node_state == 155):
	print >> sys.stderr, "an error occured with the transfered memory"
    if (node_state == FINAL_DATA):
	print "finalization worked correctly"
コード例 #13
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    #print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBB", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
        state[node_id] = 0
        oldstate[node_id] = 0

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    if (node_state == START_DATA):
        print "initialization began correctly"
        state[node_id] = 0
    if (node_state == 0 and data == 200):
        state[node_id] = 1
    if (node_state == 0 and data == 255):
        if (state[node_id] != 1):
            print >> sys.stderr, "something has gone wrong and is out of order on node %d" % node_id
        state[node_id] = 0
    if (node_state == 155):
        print >> sys.stderr, "realloc failed to correctly copy the %dth value" % data
    if (node_state == FINAL_DATA):
        print "finalization worked correctly"
コード例 #14
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBB", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
        state[node_id] = 0
        oldstate[node_id] = 0

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    if (node_state == START_DATA):
        print "initialization began correctly"
    if (node_state == 0):
        state[node_id] = data
    if (node_state == 1 and state[node_id] != data):
        print >> sys.stderr, " a message was lost somewhere on node %d before count %d" % (
            node_id, data)
    if (node_state == FINAL_DATA):
        print "finalization worked correctly"
コード例 #15
ファイル: interpreter.py プロジェクト: shyamalschandra/sos-2x
def result_handler(msg):
    (sid, qid, num_remaining, sensor,
     value) = pysos.unpack('<BHHBH', msg['data'])

    print "node id %d" % sid
    print "QueryId %d" % qid
    print "SensorId %d" % sensor
    print "Value %d" % value
コード例 #16
ファイル: SpotRssi.py プロジェクト: nesl/splt
	def parseSOSmsg(self):
		while True:
				msg = self.queue.get(True,10)
				pkt = msg['data']

				data = pysos.unpack('<BbB',pkt)
				temp = float(data[1])
# Moving average
                                alpha = 0.8
                                if data[0] == 2 and data[2] == 200:
                                        self.Chorssi[0] = self.Chorssi[0]*(1-alpha)+alpha*temp
                                elif data[0] == 3 and data[2] == 200:
                                        self.Chorssi[1] = self.Chorssi[1]*(1-alpha)+alpha*temp
                                elif data[0] == 7 and data[2] == 200:
                                        self.Chorssi[2] = self.Chorssi[2]*(1-alpha)+alpha*temp
                                elif data[0] == 8 and data[2] == 200:
                                        self.Chorssi[3] = self.Chorssi[3]*(1-alpha)+alpha*temp

                                elif data[0] == 2 and data[2] == 201:
                                        self.Kimrssi[0] = self.Kimrssi[0]*(1-alpha)+alpha*temp
					self.Kimcount[0] = self.Kimcount[0]+1
                                elif data[0] == 3 and data[2] == 201:
                                        self.Kimrssi[1] = self.Kimrssi[1]*(1-alpha)+alpha*temp
					self.Kimcount[1] = self.Kimcount[1]+1
                                elif data[0] == 7 and data[2] == 201:
                                        self.Kimrssi[2] = self.Kimrssi[2]*(1-alpha)+alpha*temp
					self.Kimcount[2] = self.Kimcount[2]+1
                                elif data[0] == 8 and data[2] == 201:
                                        self.Kimrssi[3] = self.Kimrssi[3]*(1-alpha)+alpha*temp
					self.Kimcount[3] = self.Kimcount[3]+1
			#	pass
					data = pysos.unpack('<B',pkt[0])
			#		print data
			#		print pkt[1:]
コード例 #17
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBH", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
	state[node_id] = []

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    if (node_state == START_DATA):
	print "initialization began correctly"
    elif (node_state == FINAL_DATA):
	print "finalization worked correctly"
	if len(state[node_id]) < 100:
	    expected = 100/66.0
	    counts = []
	    for i in range(66):
	    for num in state[node_id]:
		counts[num / 1000] += 1
	    avg_count = 0.0
	    for count in counts:
		avg_count += count / 66.0

	    print "the average count is : %f, it should be %f" %(avg_count, expected)
	    if abs(expected - avg_count) > 2:
		print sys.stderr, "this is less than random"
	    state[node_id] = []
コード例 #18
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, accelid, value) = pysos.unpack("<BBH", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
        state[node_id] = 0
        oldstate[node_id] = 0

    print accelid
    print (1.223 * 1024 / value), "volts"
コード例 #19
ファイル: accel_test.py プロジェクト: shyamalschandra/sos-2x
def accel_test(msg):
    """ Small example of accelerometer usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state


    (nodeid, change_freq, packetid, accelid,
     value) = pysos.unpack("<BBHBH", msg['data'])

    if nodeid not in count.keys():
        count[nodeid] = packetid
        total[nodeid] = 0

        if (packetid % 1000 == 0):
            print "total packets lost for node %d after 1000 messages is %d" % (
                nodeid, total[nodeid])
            total[nodeid] = 0
        if (packetid - count[nodeid]) > 1:
            total[nodeid] = total[nodeid] + 1

        if (change_freq == 2):
            print "node %d changing frequency to 50hz" % nodeid
        elif (change_freq == 1):
            print "node %d changing frequency to 100hz" % nodeid

        count[nodeid] = packetid

        accelid -= 4

        if abs(value - centroid[accelid]) > 100:
            print >> sys.stderr, "the value is to far out of range for accel id %d, the value is %d" % (
                accelid + 4, value)
            print >> sys.stderr, "if the mote is not moving, then this is an error"
            print "the value is acceptedable, for accelid %d, the value is %d" % (
                accelid + 4, value)
コード例 #20
def generic_test(msg):
    """ Small example of test driver usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state

    print "message recieved"

    #unpack the values we are expecting, in this case it is a node id, the acclerometer id,
    # and a value from the sensor
    (node_id, node_state, data) = pysos.unpack("<BBB", msg['data'])

    if node_id not in state.keys():
        state[node_id] = 0
        oldstate[node_id] = 0

    # these are some simple calculations to test the sensor value we have gotten
    # this is the part which you need to fill in in order to verify that the function is working
    if (node_state == START_DATA):
        print "initialization began correctly"
    if (node_state == 0):
        state[node_id] = data
    if (node_state == 101):
        rmmod_cmd = ['sos_tool.exe', '--rmmod=%d' % data]

        srv.post_net(129, 129, MSG_MOD_REMOVED, 0, '', 0, 0)
    if (node_state == 1 and state[node_id] != data):
        print >> sys.stderr, " a message was lost somewhere on node %d before count %d" % (
            node_id, data)
    if (node_state == 155):
        print >> sys.stderr, "an error occured with the transfered memory"
    if (node_state == FINAL_DATA):
        print "finalization worked correctly"
コード例 #21
ファイル: accel_test.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def accel_test(msg):
    """ Small example of accelerometer usage. It simulates a virtual
    dice and shows which side of the dice is up.
    global oldstate
    global state


    (nodeid, change_freq, packetid, accelid, value) = pysos.unpack("<BBHBH", msg['data'])

    if nodeid not in count.keys():
	count[nodeid] = packetid
	total[nodeid] = 0

	if ( packetid % 1000 == 0):
	    print "total packets lost for node %d after 1000 messages is %d" %(nodeid, total[nodeid])
	    total[nodeid] = 0
        if (packetid - count[nodeid] ) > 1 :
	    total[nodeid] = total[nodeid] + 1

	if (change_freq == 2):
	    print "node %d changing frequency to 50hz" %nodeid
	elif (change_freq == 1):
	    print "node %d changing frequency to 100hz" %nodeid

	count[nodeid] = packetid
	accelid -= 4

	if abs(value-centroid[accelid]) > 100:
	    print >> sys.stderr, "the value is to far out of range for accel id %d, the value is %d" %(accelid+4, value)
	    print >> sys.stderr, "if the mote is not moving, then this is an error"
	    print "the value is acceptedable, for accelid %d, the value is %d" %(accelid+4, value)
コード例 #22
ファイル: tpsn_net.py プロジェクト: shyamalschandra/sos-2x
def func(msg):
    (addr, t1, t2) = pysos.unpack('<HLL', msg['data'])
    if addr == 0:
        print 50* "-"
    print "addr: ", addr, "time: ", t1, "refreshed: ", t2
コード例 #23
ファイル: rssitest.py プロジェクト: nesl/splt
import pysos

    srv = pysos.sossrv()
    print "Please run sos_server first"

while True:
        msg = srv.listen(type=36)
        pkt = msg[0]['data']
        addr = pysos.unpack('<b', pkt[0])
        print addr[0]
コード例 #24
ファイル: rssitest.py プロジェクト: nesl/splt
import pysos

  srv = pysos.sossrv()
  print "Please run sos_server first"

while True:
    msg = srv.listen(type=36)
    pkt = msg[0]['data']
    addr = pysos.unpack('<b',pkt[0])
    print addr[0]

コード例 #25
ファイル: tpsn_net.py プロジェクト: nesl/sos-2x
def func(msg):
    (addr, t1, t2) = pysos.unpack("<HLL", msg["data"])
    print "addr: ", addr, "time: ", t1, "refreshed: ", t2
    if addr == 1:
        print 50 * "-"