コード例 #1
def demo(KSolver, mtx, **kwargs):

    hdr_fmt = '%10s  %6s  %8s  %8s  %8s'
    hdr = hdr_fmt % ('Name', 'Matvec', 'Resid0', 'Resid', 'Error')
    fmt = '%10s  %6d  %8.2e  %8.2e  %8.2e'

    AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(mtx)
    A = Op(AA)

    n = A.shape[0]
    e = np.ones(n)
    rhs = A*e

    if 'logger' in kwargs:
        logger = kwargs.pop('logger')

    ks = KSolver(A, reltol=1.0e-8, logger=logger)
    ks.solve(rhs, guess=1+np.arange(n, dtype=np.float), matvec_max=2*n,

    err = np.linalg.norm(ks.bestSolution-e)/sqrt(n)

    print hdr
    print '-' * len(hdr)
    print fmt % (ks.acronym, ks.nMatvec, ks.residNorm0, ks.residNorm, err)
コード例 #2
ファイル: demo_pycfs_factors.py プロジェクト: b45ch1/nlpy
def pycfs_fact(ProblemList, bigp=500):
    import os

    if len(ProblemList) == 0:

    header = '%-12s  %-6s  %-6s  %-7s  %-6s  %-6s  %-8s  %-10s  %-3s' % (
        'Name', 'n', 'nnz(A)', 'nnz(L)', 'den(A)', 'den(L)', 'shift', 'mem',
    lhead = len(header)
    print header
    print '-' * lhead
    fmt = '%-12s  %-6d  %-6d  %-7d  %-6.2f  %-6.2f  %-8g  %-10d  %-3d'

    for problem in ProblemList:

        A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(problem)
        (m, n) = A.shape
        if m != n: break
        (aval, arow, acol) = A.find()

        prob = os.path.basename(problem)
        if prob[-4:] == '.mtx': prob = prob[:-4]

        P = pycfs.PycfsContext(A, mem=bigp)
        L = P.fetch()  # Retrieve Cholesky factor
        nnzA = A.nnz
        nnzL = L.nnz
        densityA = 100.0 * nnzA / (n * (n + 1) / 2)
        densityL = 100.0 * nnzL / (n * (n + 1) / 2)
        shift = P.shift
        memory_available = n * bigp
        p_nnz = (nnzL - nnzA) / n
        (lval, lrow, lcol) = L.find()

        print fmt % (prob, n, nnzA, nnzL, densityA, densityL, shift,
                     memory_available, p_nnz)

            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from pyorder.tools.spy import FastSpy
            # Plot sparsity patterns
            left = plt.subplot(121)
            right = plt.subplot(122)
            FastSpy(m, n, arow, acol, ax=left)
            FastSpy(m, n, lrow, lcol, ax=right)
            sys.stderr.write('Not plotting sparsity patterns.')
            sys.stderr.write(' Did you install Matplotlib?\n')

    print '-' * lhead
    return None
コード例 #3
ファイル: demo_pycfs_factors.py プロジェクト: joeywen/nlpy
def pycfs_fact(ProblemList, bigp=500):
    import os

    if len(ProblemList) == 0:

    header = '%-12s  %-6s  %-6s  %-7s  %-6s  %-6s  %-8s  %-10s  %-3s' % ('Name', 'n', 'nnz(A)', 'nnz(L)', 'den(A)', 'den(L)', 'shift', 'mem', 'p*')
    lhead = len(header)
    print header
    print '-' * lhead
    fmt = '%-12s  %-6d  %-6d  %-7d  %-6.2f  %-6.2f  %-8g  %-10d  %-3d'

    for problem in ProblemList:

        A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(problem)
        (m, n) = A.shape
        if m != n: break
        (aval,arow,acol) = A.find()

        prob = os.path.basename(problem)
        if prob[-4:] == '.mtx': prob = prob[:-4]

        P = pycfs.PycfsContext(A, mem=bigp)
        L = P.fetch()  # Retrieve Cholesky factor
        nnzA = A.nnz
        nnzL = L.nnz
        densityA = 100.0 * nnzA/(n*(n+1)/2)
        densityL = 100.0 * nnzL/(n*(n+1)/2)
        shift = P.shift
        memory_available = n*bigp
        p_nnz = (nnzL-nnzA)/n
        (lval,lrow,lcol) = L.find()

        print fmt % (prob, n, nnzA, nnzL, densityA, densityL, shift, memory_available, p_nnz)

            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from pyorder.tools.spy import FastSpy
            # Plot sparsity patterns
            left = plt.subplot(121)
            right = plt.subplot(122)
            sys.stderr.write('Not plotting sparsity patterns.')
            sys.stderr.write(' Did you install Matplotlib and pyorder?\n')

    print '-' * lhead
    return None
コード例 #4
ファイル: demo_pygltr.py プロジェクト: b45ch1/nlpy
def ReadMatrix(fname):
    Read matrix from file fname in MatrixMarket format.
    Alternatively, could read from Ampl nl file.
    Returns a pointer to the matrix, or None if an error occured.
    H = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(fname)
    (n, m) = H.shape
    if n != m:
        sys.stderr.write('Hessian matrix must be square')
        return None
    if not H.issym:
        sys.stderr.write('Hessian matrix must be symmetric')
        return None
    return H
コード例 #5
def ReadMatrix(fname):
    Read matrix from file fname in MatrixMarket format.
    Alternatively, could read from Ampl nl file.
    Returns a pointer to the matrix, or None if an error occured.
    H = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(fname)
    (n, m) = H.shape
    if n != m:
        sys.stderr.write('Hessian matrix must be square')
        return None
    if not H.issym:
        sys.stderr.write('Hessian matrix must be symmetric')
        return None
    return H
コード例 #6
ファイル: demo_sqd.py プロジェクト: b45ch1/nlpy
    from nlpy.linalg.pyma57 import PyMa57Context as LBLContext
    from nlpy.linalg.pyma27 import PyMa27Context as LBLContext

from pysparse import spmatrix
import numpy as np
from nlpy.tools.timing import cputime
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    sys.stderr.write('Please supply two positive definite matrices as input')
    sys.stderr.write(' in MatrixMarket format.\n')

# Create symmetric quasi-definite matrix K
A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[1])
C = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[2])

nA = A.shape[0]
nC = C.shape[0]
K = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nA + nC, A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA,nC))
K[:nA,:nA] = A
K[nA:,nA:] = C
idx = np.arange(min(nA,nC), dtype=np.int)
K.put(1, nA+idx, idx)

# Create right-hand side rhs=K*e
e = np.ones(nA+nC)
rhs = np.empty(nA+nC)
コード例 #7
ファイル: bmark.py プロジェクト: dromanov/pykrylov
    def __call__(self, y, **kwargs):
        "Return the result of applying preconditioner to y"
        return y/self.diag

if __name__ == '__main__':

    hdr_fmt = '%10s  %6s  %8s  %8s  %8s'
    hdr = hdr_fmt % ('Name', 'Matvec', 'Resid0', 'Resid', 'Error')
    fmt = '%10s  %6d  %8.2e  %8.2e  %8.2e'
    print hdr
    print '-' * len(hdr)

    #AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx('mcca.mtx')
    AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx('jpwh_991.mtx')
    A = sp(matrix=AA)

    # Create diagonal preconditioner
    dp = DiagonalPrec(A)

    n = A.shape[0]
    e = np.ones(n)
    rhs = A*e

    for KSolver in [CGS, TFQMR, BiCGSTAB]:
        ks = KSolver( lambda v: A*v,
                      #precon = dp,
                      reltol = 1.0e-8
コード例 #8
from numpy import *
import sys
from pysparse import jdsym, spmatrix, itsolvers, precon
matfiles = sys.argv[1:5]
target_value = eval(sys.argv[3])
eigenval_num = eval(sys.argv[4])
jdtol = eval(sys.argv[5])
max_iter = eval(sys.argv[6])
mat_left = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(matfiles[0])
mat_right = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(matfiles[1])
shape = mat_left.shape
T = mat_left.copy()
T.shift(-target_value, mat_right)
K = precon.ssor(T.to_sss(), 1.0, 1) # K is preconditioner.
A = mat_left.to_sss()
M = mat_right.to_sss()
k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, itall = jdsym.jdsym(A, M, K, eigenval_num, target_value, jdtol, max_iter, itsolvers.minres)
NEIG = len(lmbd)
#for lam in lmbd:
#    print "value:", lam
eivecfile = open("eivecs.dat", "w")
N = len(Q[:,0])
print >> eivecfile, N
print >> eivecfile, NEIG
for ieig in range(len(lmbd)):
    eivec = Q[:,ieig]
    print >> eivecfile, lmbd[ieig] # printing eigenvalue
    for val in eivec:              # printing eigenvector
        print >> eivecfile, val
コード例 #9
import math
import Numeric
import pysparse.spmatrix
from pysparse import spmatrix, itsolvers, jdsym, precon, superlu

test = 1

if test == 1:
    # Test: compare K=eye with K=None
    #   results are not the same, ritz-value in 2nd iterations differ

    path = '/local/home/geus/matrices'
    A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(path + 'edge6x3x5_A.mtx')
    M = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(path + 'edge6x3x5_B.mtx')
    n = A.shape[0]
    sigma = 25.0

    I = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        I[i,i] = 1.0
    Keye = precon.jacobi(I)
    k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, it_inner = jdsym.jdsym(A.to_sss(), M.to_sss(), None, 5, sigma, 1e-10, 15, itsolvers.qmrs,
                                                jmin=5, jmax=10, eps_tr=1e-4, toldecay=2.0, linitmax=200, clvl=1, strategy=1)

    k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, it_inner  = jdsym.jdsym(A.to_sss(), M.to_sss(), Keye, 5, sigma, 1e-10, 15, itsolvers.qmrs,
                                                 jmin=5, jmax=10, eps_tr=1e-4, toldecay=2.0, linitmax=200, clvl=1, strategy=1)

elif test == 2:
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: MTG/freesound
    def association_matrix_to_similarity_matrix(self,

        if self.verbose:
            print "Loading association matrix and tag names, ids files..."
            M = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(RECOMMENDATION_TMP_DATA_DIR + dataset + "_ASSOCIATION_MATRIX.mtx")
            resource_ids = load(RECOMMENDATION_TMP_DATA_DIR + dataset + "_RESOURCE_IDS.npy")
            tag_names = load(RECOMMENDATION_TMP_DATA_DIR + dataset + "_TAG_NAMES.npy")
        except Exception:
            raise Exception("Error loading association matrix and tag names, ids data")

        if metric not in ['cosine', 'binary', 'coocurrence', 'jaccard']:
            raise Exception("Wrong similarity metric specified")

        if self.verbose:
            print "Computing similarity matrix from a resource subset of the whole association matrix..."
        # Get index of resources to train (usable index for M)
        resource_id_positions = where(in1d(resource_ids, training_set, assume_unique=True))[0]

        # Matrix multiplication (only taking in account resources in training set and ALL tags)
        MM = spmatrix.dot(M[resource_id_positions, :], M[resource_id_positions, :])

        # Get similarity matrix
        sim_matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(MM.shape[0],MM.shape[0])
        non_zero_index = MM.keys()
        for index in non_zero_index:
            if metric == 'cosine':
                sim_matrix[index[0], index[1]] = MM[index[0], index[1]] * (1 / (sqrt(MM[index[0], index[0]]) * sqrt(MM[index[1], index[1]])))
            elif metric == 'coocurrence':
                sim_matrix[index[0], index[1]] = MM[index[0], index[1]]
            elif metric == 'binary':
                sim_matrix[index[0], index[1]] = MM[index[0], index[1]]/MM[index[0], index[1]]
            elif metric == 'jaccard':
                sim_matrix[index[0], index[1]] = MM[index[0], index[1]] * (1 / (MM[index[0], index[0]] + MM[index[1], index[1]] - MM[index[0], index[1]]))

        # Clean out similarity matrix (clean tags that are not used)
        tag_positions = []
        for i in range(0, sim_matrix.shape[0]):
            if sim_matrix[i, i] != 0.0:

        # Transform sparse similarity matrix to npy format
        sim_matrix_npy = mtx2npy(sim_matrix[tag_positions,tag_positions])
        tag_names_sim_matrix = tag_names[tag_positions]

        if save_sim:
            if not is_general_recommender:
                # Save sim
                path = RECOMMENDATION_TMP_DATA_DIR + dataset + "_%s_SIMILARITY_MATRIX_" % out_name_prefix + metric + "_SUBSET.npy"
                if self.verbose:
                    print "Saving to " + path + "..."
                save(path, sim_matrix_npy)

                # Save tag names
                path = RECOMMENDATION_TMP_DATA_DIR + dataset + "_%s_SIMILARITY_MATRIX_" % out_name_prefix + metric + "_SUBSET_TAG_NAMES.npy"
                if self.verbose:
                    print "Saving to " + path + "..."
                save(path, tag_names_sim_matrix)
                # Save sim
                path = RECOMMENDATION_TMP_DATA_DIR + dataset + "_SIMILARITY_MATRIX_" + metric + ".npy"
                if self.verbose:
                    print "Saving to " + path + "..."
                save(path, sim_matrix_npy)

                # Save tag names
                path = RECOMMENDATION_TMP_DATA_DIR + dataset + "_SIMILARITY_MATRIX_" + metric + "_TAG_NAMES.npy"
                if self.verbose:
                    print "Saving to " + path + "..."
                save(path, tag_names_sim_matrix)

        return {'SIMILARITY_MATRIX': sim_matrix_npy, 'TAG_NAMES': tag_names_sim_matrix}
コード例 #11
ファイル: demo_sils.py プロジェクト: b45ch1/nlpy
    (x, r, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig) = SolveSystem(A, rhs)
    exact = numpy.arange(5, dtype = 'd') + 1
    relres = norms.norm2(x - exact) / norms.norm2(exact)
    sys.stdout.write(res_fmt % ('Spec sheet',relres,nr,nr1,t_an,t_sl,neig))

    # Solve example with Hilbert matrix
    n = 10
    H = Hilbert(n)
    e = numpy.ones(n, 'd')
    rhs = numpy.empty(n, 'd')
    H.matvec(e, rhs)
    (x, r, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig) = SolveSystem(H, rhs)
    relres = norms.norm2(x - e) / norms.norm2(e)
    sys.stdout.write(res_fmt % ('Hilbert', relres, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig))

    # Process matrices given on the command line
    for matrix in matrices:
        M = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(matrix)
        (m,n) = M.shape
        if m != n: break
        e = numpy.ones(n, 'd')
        rhs = numpy.empty(n, 'd')
        M.matvec(e, rhs)
        (x, r, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig) = SolveSystem(M, rhs)
        relres = norms.norm2(x - e) / norms.norm2(e)
        probname = os.path.basename(matrix)
        if probname[-4:] == '.mtx': probname = probname[:-4]
        sys.stdout.write(res_fmt % (probname,relres,nr,nr1,t_an,t_sl,neig))
    sys.stderr.write('-' * lhead + '\n')
コード例 #12
 def loadMatrix(filename):
     return spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(filename)
コード例 #13
printMatrix(spmatrix.matrixmultiply(O, O))
printMatrix(spmatrix.matrixmultiply(Os, O))

print 'Dot product'
printMatrix(spmatrix.dot(I, A))

print 'Matrix export'
A[:4,:4].export_mtx('A.mtx', 3)
As[:4,:4].export_mtx('As.mtx', 3)

print open('A.mtx').read()
print open('As.mtx').read()

print 'Matrix import'

print 'Conversion to CSR'
print A[:4,:4]
print A[:4,:4].to_csr()
print As[:4,:4].to_csr()

print 'update_add_mask operations'
ind = Numeric.array([3, 4, 5, 6], 'i')
mask = Numeric.array([1, 1, 1, 1], 'i')
B = Numeric.ones((4,4), 'd')
Ac = A.copy()
Ac.update_add_mask(B, ind, ind, mask, mask)
A.update_add_mask_sym(B, ind, mask)
As.update_add_mask_sym(B, ind, mask)
コード例 #14
print L
print L.nnz


if 0:
    f = open(os.environ['HOME']+'/matrices/poi2d_300.mtx')
    t1 = time.clock()
    L = ll_mat_from_mtx(f)
    t_read = time.clock() - t1
    print 'time for reading matrix data from file: %.2f sec' % t_read

if 1:
    t1 = time.clock()
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(os.environ['HOME']+'/matrices/poi2d_300.mtx')
    t_read = time.clock() - t1
    print 'time for reading matrix data from file: %.2f sec' % t_read


L = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(os.environ['HOME']+'/matrices/node4x3x1_A.mtx')
print L.shape, L.nnz

A = L.to_sss()

class diag_prec:
    def __init__(self, A):
        self.shape = A.shape
        n = self.shape[0]
        self.dinv = Numeric.zeros(n, 'd')
コード例 #15
 def loadMatrix(filename):
     return spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(filename)
コード例 #16
ファイル: demo_pycfs.py プロジェクト: b45ch1/nlpy
def test_pycfs(ProblemList, plist=[0, 2, 5, 10], latex=False):

    if len(ProblemList) == 0:
    if latex:
        # For LaTeX output
        fmt = '%-12s & %-5s & %-6s & %-2s & %-4s & %-8s & %-4s & %-8s & %-6s & %-6s\\\\\n'
        fmt1 = '%-12s & %-5d & %-6d & '
        fmt2 = '%-2d & %-4d & %-8.1e & %-4d & %-8.1e & %-6.2f & %-6.2f\\\\\n'
        hline = '\\hline\n'
        skip = '&&&'
        # For ASCII output
        fmt = '%-12s %-5s %-6s %-2s %-4s %-8s %-4s %-8s %-6s %-6s\n'
        fmt1 = '%-12s %-5d %-6d '
        fmt2 = '%-2d %-4d %-8.1e %-4d %-8.1e %-6.2f %-6.2f\n'
        skip = ' ' * 26

    header = fmt % ('Name','Size','nnz','p','info','shift','iter','relResid','fact','solve')
    lhead = len(header)
    if not latex: hline = '-' * lhead + '\n'
    sys.stderr.write(hline + header + hline)

    time_list = {}        # Record timings
    iter_list = {}        # Record number of iterations

    for problem in ProblemList:

        A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(problem)
        (m, n) = A.shape
        if m != n: break

        prob = os.path.basename(problem)
        if prob[-4:] == '.mtx': prob = prob[:-4]

        # Right-hand side is Ae, as in Icfs.
        e = numpy.ones(n, 'd');
        b = numpy.ones(n, 'd');
        A.matvec(e, b)

        sys.stdout.write(fmt1 % (prob, n, A.nnz))
        advance = False

        # Call icfs and pcg
        tlist = []
        ilist = []
        for pval in plist:
            t0 = cputime()
            P = pycfs.PycfsContext(A, mem=pval)
            t_fact = cputime() - t0
            t_solve = P.tsolve
            tlist.append(t_fact + t_solve)

            if advance: sys.stdout.write(skip)
            sys.stdout.write(fmt2 % (pval, P.info, P.shift, P.iter, P.relres, t_fact, t_solve))
            advance = True
        time_list[prob] = tlist
        iter_list[prob] = ilist

    return (time_list,iter_list)