コード例 #1
def main():
    # Initialize MPI and find out number of local particles
    comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    size = comm.Get_size()

    # number of particles per array
    numMyPoints = 1 << 10
    numGlobalPoints = size * numMyPoints

    avg_vol = 1.0 / numGlobalPoints
    dx = numpy.power(avg_vol, 1.0 / dim)
    mass = avg_vol
    hdx = 1.3

    if numGlobalPoints % size != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Run with 2^n num procs!")

    # everybody creates two particle arrays with numMyPoints
    x1 = random.random(numMyPoints)
    y1 = random.random(numMyPoints)
    z1 = random.random(numMyPoints)
    h1 = numpy.ones_like(x1) * hdx * dx
    rho1 = numpy.zeros_like(x1)

    x2 = random.random(numMyPoints)
    y2 = random.random(numMyPoints)
    z2 = random.random(numMyPoints)
    h2 = numpy.ones_like(x2) * hdx * dx
    rho2 = numpy.zeros_like(x2)

    # z1[:] = 1.0
    # z2[:] = 0.5

    # local particle arrays
    pa1 = get_particle_array_wcsph(x=x1, y=y1, h=h1, rho=rho1, z=z1)
    pa2 = get_particle_array_wcsph(x=x2, y=y2, h=h2, rho=rho2, z=z2)

    # gather the data on root
    X1 = numpy.zeros(numGlobalPoints)
    Y1 = numpy.zeros(numGlobalPoints)
    Z1 = numpy.zeros(numGlobalPoints)
    H1 = numpy.ones_like(X1) * hdx * dx
    RHO1 = numpy.zeros_like(X1)

    gathers = (numpy.ones(size) * numMyPoints, None)

    comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[x1, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[X1, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
    comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[y1, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[Y1, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
    comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[z1, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[Z1, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
    comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[rho1, mpi.DOUBLE],
                 recvbuf=[RHO1, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])

    X2 = numpy.zeros(numGlobalPoints)
    Y2 = numpy.zeros(numGlobalPoints)
    Z2 = numpy.zeros(numGlobalPoints)
    H2 = numpy.ones_like(X2) * hdx * dx
    RHO2 = numpy.zeros_like(X2)

    comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[x2, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[X2, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
    comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[y2, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[Y2, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
    comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[z2, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[Z2, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
    comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[rho2, mpi.DOUBLE],
                 recvbuf=[RHO2, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])

    # create the particle arrays and PM
    PA1 = get_particle_array_wcsph(x=X1, y=Y1, z=Z1, h=H1, rho=RHO1)
    PA2 = get_particle_array_wcsph(x=X2, y=Y2, z=Z2, h=H2, rho=RHO2)

    # create the parallel manager
    PARTICLES = [PA1, PA2]
    PM = ZoltanParallelManagerGeometric(dim=dim,

    # create the local NNPS object with all the particles
    Nnps = BoxSortNNPS(dim=dim, particles=PARTICLES)

    # only root computes summation density
    if rank == 0:
        assert numpy.allclose(PA1.rho, 0)
        sd_evaluate(Nnps, PM, mass, src_index=1, dst_index=0)
        sd_evaluate(Nnps, PM, mass, src_index=0, dst_index=0)
        RHO1 = PA1.rho

        assert numpy.allclose(PA2.rho, 0)
        sd_evaluate(Nnps, PM, mass, src_index=0, dst_index=1)
        sd_evaluate(Nnps, PM, mass, src_index=1, dst_index=1)
        RHO2 = PA2.rho

    # wait for the root...

    # create the local particle arrays
    particles = [pa1, pa2]

    # create the local nnps object and parallel manager
    pm = ZoltanParallelManagerGeometric(dim=dim,
    nnps = BoxSortNNPS(dim=dim, particles=particles)

    # set the Zoltan parameters (Optional)
    pz = pm.pz
    pz.Zoltan_Set_Param("DEBUG_LEVEL", "0")

    # Update the parallel manager (distribute particles)

    # update the local nnps

    # Compute summation density individually on each processor
    sd_evaluate(nnps, pm, mass, src_index=0, dst_index=1)
    sd_evaluate(nnps, pm, mass, src_index=1, dst_index=1)

    sd_evaluate(nnps, pm, mass, src_index=0, dst_index=0)
    sd_evaluate(nnps, pm, mass, src_index=1, dst_index=0)

    # gather the density and global ids
    rho1 = pa1.rho
    tmp = comm.gather(rho1)
    if rank == 0:
        global_rho1 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_rho1.size == numGlobalPoints)

    rho2 = pa2.rho
    tmp = comm.gather(rho2)
    if rank == 0:
        global_rho2 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_rho2.size == numGlobalPoints)

    # gather global x1 and y1
    x1 = pa1.x
    tmp = comm.gather(x1)
    if rank == 0:
        global_x1 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_x1.size == numGlobalPoints)

    y1 = pa1.y
    tmp = comm.gather(y1)
    if rank == 0:
        global_y1 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_y1.size == numGlobalPoints)

    z1 = pa1.z
    tmp = comm.gather(z1)
    if rank == 0:
        global_z1 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_z1.size == numGlobalPoints)

    # gather global x2 and y2
    x2 = pa2.x
    tmp = comm.gather(x2)
    if rank == 0:
        global_x2 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_x2.size == numGlobalPoints)

    y2 = pa2.y
    tmp = comm.gather(y2)
    if rank == 0:
        global_y2 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_y2.size == numGlobalPoints)

    z2 = pa2.z
    tmp = comm.gather(z2)
    if rank == 0:
        global_z2 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_z2.size == numGlobalPoints)

    # gather global indices
    gid1 = pa1.gid
    tmp = comm.gather(gid1)
    if rank == 0:
        global_gid1 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_gid1.size == numGlobalPoints)

    gid2 = pa2.gid
    tmp = comm.gather(gid2)
    if rank == 0:
        global_gid2 = numpy.concatenate(tmp)
        assert (global_gid2.size == numGlobalPoints)

    # check rho1
    if rank == 0:
        # make sure the arrays are of the same size
        assert (global_x1.size == X1.size)
        assert (global_y1.size == Y1.size)
        assert (global_z1.size == Z1.size)

        for i in range(numGlobalPoints):

            # make sure we're chacking the right point
            assert abs(global_x1[i] - X1[global_gid1[i]]) < 1e-14
            assert abs(global_y1[i] - Y1[global_gid1[i]]) < 1e-14
            assert abs(global_z1[i] - Z1[global_gid1[i]]) < 1e-14

            diff = abs(global_rho1[i] - RHO1[global_gid1[i]])
            condition = diff < 1e-14
            assert condition, "diff = %g" % (diff)

    # check rho2
    if rank == 0:
        # make sure the arrays are of the same size
        assert (global_x2.size == X2.size)
        assert (global_y2.size == Y2.size)
        assert (global_z2.size == Z2.size)

        for i in range(numGlobalPoints):

            # make sure we're chacking the right point
            assert abs(global_x2[i] - X2[global_gid2[i]]) < 1e-14
            assert abs(global_y2[i] - Y2[global_gid2[i]]) < 1e-14
            assert abs(global_z2[i] - Z2[global_gid2[i]]) < 1e-14

            diff = abs(global_rho2[i] - RHO2[global_gid2[i]])
            condition = diff < 1e-14
            assert condition, "diff = %g" % (diff)

    if rank == 0:
        print("Summation density test: OK")
コード例 #2
comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[x2, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[X2, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[y2, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[Y2, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[z2, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[Z2, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])
comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[rho2, mpi.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[RHO2, gathers, mpi.DOUBLE])

# create the particle arrays and PM
PA1 = get_particle_array_wcsph(x=X1, y=Y1, z=Z1, h=H1, rho=RHO1)
PA2 = get_particle_array_wcsph(x=X2, y=Y2, z=Z2, h=H2, rho=RHO2)

# create the parallel manager
PM = ZoltanParallelManagerGeometric(dim=dim, particles=PARTICLES, comm=comm)

# create the local NNPS object with all the particles
Nnps = BoxSortNNPS(dim=dim, particles=PARTICLES)

# only root computes summation density
if rank == 0:
    assert numpy.allclose(PA1.rho, 0)
    sd_evaluate(Nnps, PM, mass, src_index=1, dst_index=0)
    sd_evaluate(Nnps, PM, mass, src_index=0, dst_index=0)
    RHO1 = PA1.rho

    assert numpy.allclose(PA2.rho, 0)
    sd_evaluate(Nnps, PM, mass, src_index=0, dst_index=1)
    sd_evaluate(Nnps, PM, mass, src_index=1, dst_index=1)
    RHO2 = PA2.rho

# wait for the root...