def execute(conn: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: # Ensure that for all transactions in block position 0, all outputs for those transactions # have the IS_COINBASE flag. conn.execute("UPDATE TransactionOutputs " f"SET flags=flags|{TransactionOutputFlag.IS_COINBASE} " "WHERE tx_hash in (SELECT tx_hash FROM Transactions WHERE block_position = 0)") date_updated = int(time.time()) conn.execute("UPDATE WalletData SET value=?, date_updated=? WHERE key=?", [json.dumps(MIGRATION),date_updated,"migration"])
def execute(conn: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS WalletEvents (" "event_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "event_type INTEGER NOT NULL," "event_flags INTEGER NOT NULL," "account_id INTEGER," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY(account_id) REFERENCES Accounts (account_id)" ")") date_updated = int(time.time()) conn.execute("UPDATE WalletData SET value=?, date_updated=? WHERE key=?", [json.dumps(MIGRATION), date_updated, "migration"]) # Inject seed backup reminders for every existing account (can actually only be one for now). account_rows = list(conn.execute("SELECT * FROM Accounts")) wallet_event_id = 1 for account_row in account_rows: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO WalletEvents (event_id, event_type, event_flags, " "account_id, date_created, date_updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (wallet_event_id, WalletEventType.SEED_BACKUP_REMINDER, WalletEventFlag.UNREAD | WalletEventFlag.FEATURED, account_row[0], date_updated, date_updated)) wallet_event_id += 1 if wallet_event_id > 1: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO WalletData (key, value, date_created, date_updated) VALUES " "(?, ?, ?, ?)", ("next_wallet_event_id", json.dumps(wallet_event_id), date_updated, date_updated))
def _get_migration(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> int: cursor = db.execute("SELECT value FROM WalletData WHERE key='migration'") row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: raise DatabaseMigrationError( "wallet database migration metadata not present") return json.loads(row[0])
def _ensure_journal_mode(self, connection: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: with self._lock: cursor = connection.execute(f"PRAGMA journal_mode;") journal_mode = cursor.fetchone()[0] if journal_mode.upper() == self.JOURNAL_MODE.value: return self._logger.debug( "Switching database from journal mode %s to journal mode %s", journal_mode.upper(), self.JOURNAL_MODE.value) time_start = time.time() attempt = 1 delay = 0.05 while True: try: cursor = connection.execute( f"PRAGMA journal_mode={self.JOURNAL_MODE.value};") except sqlite3.OperationalError: time_delta = time.time() - time_start if time_delta < 10.0: delay = min(delay, max(0.05, 10.0 - time_delta)) time.sleep(delay) self._logger.warning( "Database %s pragma attempt %d at %ds", self.JOURNAL_MODE.value, attempt, time_delta) delay *= 2 attempt += 1 continue raise else: journal_mode = cursor.fetchone()[0] if journal_mode.upper() != self.JOURNAL_MODE.value: self._logger.error( "Database unable to switch from journal mode %s to journal mode %s", self.JOURNAL_MODE.value, journal_mode.upper()) return break self._logger.debug("Database now in journal mode %s", self.JOURNAL_MODE.value)
def execute(conn: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: conn.execute("CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS AccountTransactions (account_id, tx_hash) AS " "SELECT DISTINCT KI.account_id, TD.tx_hash FROM TransactionDeltas TD " "INNER JOIN KeyInstances KI USING(keyinstance_id)") # Switch the state constants over from a value to flags. conn.execute("UPDATE PaymentRequests SET state=8 WHERE state=3") conn.execute("UPDATE PaymentRequests SET state=4 WHERE state=2") conn.execute("UPDATE PaymentRequests SET state=2 WHERE state=1") conn.execute("UPDATE PaymentRequests SET state=1 WHERE state=0") date_updated = int(time.time()) conn.execute("UPDATE WalletData SET value=?, date_updated=? WHERE key=?", [json.dumps(MIGRATION),date_updated,"migration"])
def execute(conn: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Invoices (" "invoice_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "account_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "tx_hash BLOB DEFAULT NULL," "payment_uri TEXT NOT NULL," "description TEXT NULL," "invoice_flags INTEGER NOT NULL," "value INTEGER NOT NULL," "invoice_data BLOB NOT NULL," "date_expires INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES Accounts (account_id)," "FOREIGN KEY (tx_hash) REFERENCES Transactions (tx_hash)" ")") # The unique constraint is also required for any upsert operation to work. # But really we added it to prevent people from making duplicate invoices. conn.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " "idx_Invoices_unique ON Invoices(payment_uri)") date_updated = int(time.time()) conn.execute("UPDATE WalletData SET value=?, date_updated=? WHERE key=?", [json.dumps(MIGRATION), date_updated, "migration"])
def execute(conn: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: date_created = int(time.time()) conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MasterKeys (" "masterkey_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "parent_masterkey_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "derivation_type INTEGER NOT NULL," "derivation_data BLOB NOT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY(parent_masterkey_id) REFERENCES MasterKeys (masterkey_id)" ")") conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Accounts (" "account_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "default_masterkey_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "default_script_type INTEGER NOT NULL," "account_name TEXT NOT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY(default_masterkey_id) REFERENCES MasterKeys (masterkey_id)" ")") conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS KeyInstances (" "keyinstance_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "account_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "masterkey_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "derivation_type INTEGER NOT NULL," "derivation_data BLOB NOT NULL," "script_type INTEGER NOT NULL," "flags INTEGER NOT NULL," "description TEXT DEFAULT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY(account_id) REFERENCES Accounts (account_id)" + "FOREIGN KEY(masterkey_id) REFERENCES MasterKeys (masterkey_id)" + ")") conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Transactions (" "tx_hash BLOB PRIMARY KEY," "tx_data BLOB DEFAULT NULL," "proof_data BLOB DEFAULT NULL," "block_height INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "block_position INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "fee_value INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "flags INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," "description TEXT DEFAULT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL" ")") conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TransactionOutputs (" "tx_hash BLOB NOT NULL," "tx_index INTEGER NOT NULL," "value INTEGER NOT NULL," "keyinstance_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "flags INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY (tx_hash) REFERENCES Transactions (tx_hash)," "FOREIGN KEY (keyinstance_id) REFERENCES KeyInstances (keyinstance_id)" ")") # The unique constraint is also required for any upsert operation to work. conn.execute( "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " "idx_TransactionOutputs_unique ON TransactionOutputs(tx_hash, tx_index)" ) conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TransactionDeltas (" "keyinstance_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "tx_hash BLOB NOT NULL," "value_delta INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY(tx_hash) REFERENCES Transactions (tx_hash)," "FOREIGN KEY(keyinstance_id) REFERENCES KeyInstances (keyinstance_id) " ")") # The unique constraint is also required for any upsert operation to work. conn.execute( "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_TransactionDeltas_unique " "ON TransactionDeltas(keyinstance_id, tx_hash)") conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS WalletData (" "key TEXT NOT NULL," "value TEXT NOT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL" ")") conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PaymentRequests (" "paymentrequest_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "keyinstance_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "state INTEGER NOT NULL," "description TEXT DEFAULT NULL," "expiration INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "value INTEGER DEFAULT NULL," "date_created INTEGER NOT NULL," "date_updated INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY(keyinstance_id) REFERENCES KeyInstances (keyinstance_id) " ")") # The unique constraint is also required for any upsert operation to work. conn.execute( "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_WalletData_unique ON WalletData(key)" ) conn.executemany( "INSERT INTO WalletData (key, value, date_created, date_updated) VALUES " "(?, ?, ?, ?)", [ ["migration", json.dumps(MIGRATION), date_created, date_created], ["next_masterkey_id", json.dumps(1), date_created, date_created], ["next_account_id", json.dumps(1), date_created, date_created], ["next_keyinstance_id", json.dumps(1), date_created, date_created], [ "next_paymentrequest_id", json.dumps(1), date_created, date_created ], ])