コード例 #1
ファイル: test_histogram.py プロジェクト: mfkiwl/pystella
def test_histogram(ctx_factory, grid_shape, proc_shape, dtype, num_bins,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    if np.dtype(dtype) in (np.dtype("float64"), np.dtype("complex128")):
        max_rtol, avg_rtol = 1e-10, 1e-11
        max_rtol, avg_rtol = 5e-4, 5e-5

    from pymbolic import var
    _fx = ps.Field("fx")
    histograms = {
        "count": (var("abs")(_fx) * num_bins, 1),
        "squared": (var("abs")(_fx) * num_bins, _fx**2),
    hist = ps.Histogrammer(mpi, histograms, num_bins, dtype, rank_shape=rank_shape)

    rng = clr.ThreefryGenerator(ctx, seed=12321)
    fx = rng.uniform(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    fx_h = fx.get()

    result = hist(queue, fx=fx)

    res = result["count"]
    assert np.sum(res.astype("int64")) == np.product(grid_shape), \
        f"Count histogram doesn't sum to grid_size ({np.sum(res)})"

    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, num_bins+1).astype(dtype)
    weights = np.ones_like(fx_h)
    np_res = np.histogram(fx_h, bins=bins, weights=weights)[0]
    np_res = mpi.allreduce(np_res)

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(res, np_res)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"Histogrammer inaccurate for grid_shape={grid_shape}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    res = result["squared"]
    np_res = np.histogram(fx_h, bins=bins, weights=fx_h**2)[0]
    np_res = mpi.allreduce(np_res)

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(res, np_res)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"Histogrammer with weights inaccurate for grid_shape={grid_shape}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: hist(queue, fx=fx))
        print(f"histogram took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}, {dtype=}")
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_field.py プロジェクト: zachjweiner/pystella
def test_sympy_interop(proc_shape):
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test field only on one rank")

    from pystella.field.sympy import pymbolic_to_sympy, sympy_to_pymbolic
    import sympy as sym

    f = ps.Field("f", offset="h")
    g = ps.Field("g", offset="h")

    expr = f[0]**2 * g + 2 * g[1] * f
    sympy_expr = pymbolic_to_sympy(expr)
    new_expr = sympy_to_pymbolic(sympy_expr)
    sympy_expr_2 = pymbolic_to_sympy(new_expr)
    assert sym.simplify(sympy_expr - sympy_expr_2) == 0, \
        "sympy <-> pymbolic conversion not invertible"

    expr = f + shift_fields(f, (1, 2, 3))
    sympy_expr = pymbolic_to_sympy(expr)
    new_expr = sympy_to_pymbolic(sympy_expr)
    sympy_expr_2 = pymbolic_to_sympy(new_expr)
    assert sym.simplify(sympy_expr - sympy_expr_2) == 0, \
        "sympy <-> pymbolic conversion not invertible with shifted indices"

    # from pymbolic.functions import fabs, exp, exmp1
    fabs = parse("math.fabs")
    exp = parse("math.exp")
    expm1 = parse("math.expm1")
    x = sym.Symbol("x")

    expr = sym.Abs(x)
    assert sympy_to_pymbolic(expr) == fabs(var("x"))

    expr = sym.exp(x)
    assert sympy_to_pymbolic(expr) == exp(var("x"))

    expr = sym.Function("expm1")(x)  # pylint: disable=E1102
    assert sympy_to_pymbolic(expr) == expm1(var("x"))

    expr = sym.Function("aaa")(x)  # pylint: disable=E1102
    from pymbolic.primitives import Call, Variable
    assert sympy_to_pymbolic(expr) == Call(Variable("aaa"), (Variable("x"), ))
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_field.py プロジェクト: zachjweiner/pystella
def test_field_diff(proc_shape):
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test field only on one rank")

    from pystella import diff

    y = ps.Field("y")
    assert diff(y, y) == 1
    assert diff(y[0], y[0]) == 1
    assert diff(y[0], y[1]) == 0

    y = ps.DynamicField("y")
    assert diff(y, y) == 1
    assert diff(y[0], y[0]) == 1
    assert diff(y[0], y[1]) == 0

    import pymbolic.primitives as pp
    assert diff(y**3, y, "t") == pp.Product((3, 2, y, y.d(0)))
    assert diff(y**3, "t", y) == pp.Product((3, y.d(0), 2, y))

    for i, x in enumerate(["t", "x", "y", "z"]):
        assert diff(y, x) == y.d(i)
        assert diff(y[1, 3], x) == y.d(1, 3, i)
        assert diff(y[1]**2, x) == 2 * y[1] * y.d(1, i)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_field.py プロジェクト: zachjweiner/pystella
def test_field(proc_shape):
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test field only on one rank")

    y = ps.Field("y", offset="h")
    result = ps.index_fields(y)
    assert result == parse("y[i + h, j + h, k + h]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", offset="h", indices=("a", "b", "c"))
    result = ps.index_fields(y)
    assert result == parse("y[a + h, b + h, c + h]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", ignore_prepends=True)
    result = ps.index_fields(y, prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y[4, 5]", ignore_prepends=True)
    result = ps.index_fields(y, prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[4, 5, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", ignore_prepends=True)
    result = ps.index_fields(y[2, 3], prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[2, 3, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y[4, 5]", ignore_prepends=True)
    result = ps.index_fields(y[2, 3], prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[2, 3, 4, 5, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", ignore_prepends=False)
    result = ps.index_fields(y, prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[0, 1, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y[4, 5]", ignore_prepends=False)
    result = ps.index_fields(y, prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[0, 1, 4, 5, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", ignore_prepends=False)
    result = ps.index_fields(y[2, 3], prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[0, 1, 2, 3, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y[4, 5]", ignore_prepends=False)
    result = ps.index_fields(y[2, 3], prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", offset=("hx", "hy", "hz"))
    result = ps.index_fields(shift_fields(y, (1, 2, 3)))
    assert result == parse("y[i + hx + 1, j + hy + 2, k + hz + 3]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", offset=("hx", var("hy"), "hz"))
    result = ps.index_fields(shift_fields(y, (1, 2, var("a"))))
    assert result == parse("y[i + hx + 1, j + hy + 2, k + hz + a]"), result
コード例 #5
def test_step(ctx_factory, proc_shape, dtype, Stepper):
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test step only on one rank")

    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    from pystella.step import LowStorageRKStepper
    is_low_storage = LowStorageRKStepper in Stepper.__bases__

    rank_shape = (1, 1, 8)
    init_vals = np.linspace(1, 3, 8)
    if is_low_storage:
        y = cla.zeros(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
        y[0, 0, :] = init_vals
        y0 = y.copy()
        num_copies = Stepper.num_copies
        y = cla.zeros(queue, (num_copies, ) + rank_shape, dtype)
        y[0, 0, 0, :] = init_vals
        y0 = y[0].copy()

    dtlist = [.1, .05, .025]

    for n in [-1., -2., -3., -4.]:
        max_errs = {}
        for dt in dtlist:

            def sol(y0, t):
                return ((-1 + n) * (-t + y0**(1 - n) / (-1 + n)))**(1 /
                                                                    (1 - n))

            _y = ps.Field("y")
            rhs_dict = {_y: _y**n}

            stepper = Stepper(rhs_dict,

            if is_low_storage:
                y[0, 0, :] = init_vals
                y[0, 0, 0, :] = init_vals

            t = 0
            errs = []
            while t < .1:
                for s in range(stepper.num_stages):
                    stepper(s, queue=queue, y=y, filter_args=True)
                t += dt

                if is_low_storage:
                    errs.append(cla.max(clm.fabs(1. - sol(y0, t) / y)).get())
                        cla.max(clm.fabs(1. - sol(y0, t) / y[0])).get())

            max_errs[dt] = np.max(errs)

        order = stepper.expected_order
        print(f"{order=}, {n=}")
            max_errs[a] / max_errs[b] for a, b in zip(dtlist[:-1], dtlist[1:])

        order = stepper.expected_order
        rtol = dtlist[-1]**order if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-1
        assert list(max_errs.values())[-1] < rtol, \
            f"Stepper solution inaccurate for {n=}"

        for a, b in zip(dtlist[:-1], dtlist[1:]):
            assert max_errs[a] / max_errs[b] > .9 * (a/b)**order, \
                f"Stepper convergence failing for {n=}"
コード例 #6
def test_low_storage_edge_codegen_and_tmp_alloc(ctx_factory,
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test step only on one rank")

    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    from pystella import LowStorageRK54
    from pymbolic import parse

    rhs_dict = {
        parse("y[i, j, k]"): 1,
    stepper = LowStorageRK54(rhs_dict, dt=.1, halo_shape=0)
    y = cla.zeros(queue, (8, 8, 8), "complex128")
    tmp_arrays = stepper.get_tmp_arrays_like(y=y)
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].shape == y.shape
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].dtype == y.dtype
    stepper(0, queue=queue, y=y)
    tmp_for_check = stepper.tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"]
    stepper(1, queue=queue, y=y)
    assert tmp_for_check is stepper.tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"]

    rhs_dict = {
        parse("y"): 1,
    stepper = LowStorageRK54(rhs_dict,
                             args=[lp.GlobalArg("y", shape=tuple())],
    y = np.zeros(1)
    tmp_arrays = stepper.get_tmp_arrays_like(y=y)
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].shape == y.shape
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].dtype == y.dtype
    # kernel won't work
    # stepper(0, queue=queue, y=y)
    # tmp_for_check = stepper.tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"]
    # stepper(1, queue=queue, y=y)
    # assert tmp_for_check is stepper.tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"]

    rhs_dict = {
        ps.Field(parse("y[0, 0]"), shape=(2, 2)): 1,
        ps.Field(parse("y[0, 1]"), shape=(2, 2)): 1,
        ps.Field(parse("y[1, 0]"), shape=(2, 2)): 1,
        ps.Field(parse("y[1, 1]"), shape=(2, 2)): 1,
    stepper = LowStorageRK54(rhs_dict, dt=.1, halo_shape=0)
    y = cla.zeros(queue, (2, 2, 12, 12, 12), "float64")
    tmp_arrays = stepper.get_tmp_arrays_like(y=y)
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].shape == y.shape
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].dtype == y.dtype
    stepper(0, queue=queue, y=y)
    tmp_for_check = stepper.tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"]
    stepper(1, queue=queue, y=y)
    assert tmp_for_check is stepper.tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"]

    rhs_dict = {
        ps.Field("y", shape=(1, 2))[0, 1]: 1,
    stepper = LowStorageRK54(rhs_dict, dt=.1, halo_shape=0)
    y = cla.zeros(queue, (1, 2, 12, 12, 12), "float64")
    tmp_arrays = stepper.get_tmp_arrays_like(y=y)
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].shape == y.shape
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].dtype == y.dtype
    stepper(0, queue=queue, y=y)
    tmp_for_check = stepper.tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"]
    stepper(1, queue=queue, y=y)
    assert tmp_for_check is stepper.tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"]

    rhs_dict = {
        ps.Field("y"): 1,
        ps.Field("z"): 1,
    stepper = LowStorageRK54(rhs_dict, dt=.1, halo_shape=0)
    y = cla.zeros(queue, (12, 12, 12), "float64")
    z = cla.zeros(queue, (12, 12, 12), "complex128")
    tmp_arrays = stepper.get_tmp_arrays_like(y=y, z=z)
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].shape == y.shape
    assert tmp_arrays["_y_tmp"].dtype == y.dtype
    assert tmp_arrays["_z_tmp"].shape == z.shape
    assert tmp_arrays["_z_tmp"].dtype == z.dtype
コード例 #7
# create output function
if decomp.rank == 0:
    from pystella.output import OutputFile
    out = OutputFile(ctx=ctx, runfile=__file__)
    out = None
statistics = ps.FieldStatistics(decomp,
spectra = ps.PowerSpectra(decomp, fft, dk, volume)
projector = ps.Projector(fft, halo_shape, dk, dx)
hist = ps.FieldHistogrammer(decomp, 1000, dtype, rank_shape=rank_shape)

a_sq_rho = (3 * mpl**2 * ps.Field("hubble", indices=[])**2 / 8 / np.pi)
rho_dict = {ps.Field("rho"): scalar_sector.stress_tensor(0, 0) / a_sq_rho}
compute_rho = ps.ElementWiseMap(rho_dict,

def output(step_count, t, energy, expand, f, dfdt, lap_f, dfdx, hij, dhijdt,
    if step_count % 4 == 0:
        f_stats = statistics(f)

        if decomp.rank == 0: