コード例 #1
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import os
import inspect
import pytest_helper
import set_package_attribute

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #pytest_helper.init(set_package=True) # Finds no tests when this is set!
    import sys
    pytest_helper.script_run(self_test="test_in_package_subdir", pyargs=True)

from package_dir.package_subdir import subdir_dummy_module

def test_running_test_in_package_subdir():
    assert True

コード例 #2
import pytest_helper

# Regular program code goes here.

testing_var = "foo"

# Test running below, but only when the module is invoked as a script.

if __name__ == "__main__":  # This guard conditional is optional.
    pytest_helper.script_run(self_test=True, pytest_args="-v")

pytest_helper.autoimport()  # Do some basic imports automatically.

def my_setup():  # Could be a pytest fixture instead of a regular function.
    setup_var = "bar"
        clear=True)  # Copies setup_var to the module's global namespace.

def test_var_values():
    assert testing_var == "foo"  # Set in the regular code above.
    assert setup_var == "bar"  # Read from the global namespace.
    test_dict = {}
    with raises(KeyError):  # Pytest function raises was autoimported.
コード例 #3


from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import pytest_helper

testing_var = "foo"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pytest_helper.script_run(self_test=True, pytest_args="-v")


def test_config_values():
    assert testing_var == "foo"
    with raises(NameError):
        clear_locals_from_globals() # This is on the autoimport skip list in ini file.

コード例 #4
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import os
import inspect
import pytest_helper
import set_package_attribute

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #pytest_helper.init(set_package=True) # Finds no tests when this is set!
    import sys
    pytest_helper.script_run(self_test="test_in_package_subdir", pyargs=True)

from package_dir.package_subdir import subdir_dummy_module


def test_running_test_in_package_subdir():
    assert True
コード例 #5
ファイル: in_same_dir.py プロジェクト: abarker/pytest-helper
import os
import inspect
import pytest_helper

# This import *needs* the init with the set_package above in order to work.
# Would NOT be needed, though, with script_run run from top of the file
# as recommended instead of after the import.
from . import dummy_module

# This line is all this module really does; obviously a real, non-test module
# would do more.
test_string = "in_same_dir"

## Run tests.

# Below imports both work, but commented out to not confound tests.
#import package_dir.test_in_same_dir
#from . import test_in_same_dir

pytest_helper.script_run("test_in_same_dir", pytest_args="-v", exit=False)
pytest_helper.script_run("test_in_same_dir.py", pytest_args="-v", exit=False)

# This sys.path call is needed to find the package root.
コード例 #6
ファイル: in_child_dir.py プロジェクト: abarker/pytest-helper
## Run tests.

# Everything below can optionally be placed in an "if __name__ == '__main__'"
# conditional.  The call to script_run can optionally be placed near the top
# of the file, to avoid running the module initialization twice (for modules
# where that really matters).

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get this file's absolute dir path to test passing absolute pathnames in calls
    # to pytest_helper.
    this_files_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(lambda: 0)))
    path_to_second_test = os.path.join(this_files_dir, "test/test_second_in_child.py")

    # Use both relative and absolute pathnames in specifying the test file paths.
    # Also include the full directory in the list to check that that works.
        testfile_paths=["test/test_in_child_dir.py", path_to_second_test, "test"], pytest_args="-v", exit=False

    # Try running as a package module.  Note it can start at package_subdir.
    # Doesn't need the path modification.
    # pytest_helper.sys_path("..")
    pytest_helper.script_run(testfile_paths="package_subdir.test_in_package_subdir", pytest_args="-v", pyargs=True)

# Import works fine here; only called when imported.
from .dummy_module import test_string as dummy_test_string
コード例 #7
ファイル: in_same_dir.py プロジェクト: abarker/pytest-helper
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import os
import inspect
import pytest_helper

# This import *needs* the init with the set_package above in order to work.
# Would NOT be needed, though, with script_run run from top of the file 
# as recommended instead of after the import.
from . import dummy_module

# This line is all this module really does; obviously a real, non-test module
# would do more.
test_string = "in_same_dir"

## Run tests.

# Below imports both work, but commented out to not confound tests.
#import package_dir.test_in_same_dir
#from . import test_in_same_dir

pytest_helper.script_run("test_in_same_dir", pytest_args="-v", exit=False)
pytest_helper.script_run("test_in_same_dir.py", pytest_args="-v", exit=False)

# This sys.path call is needed to find the package root.
pytest_helper.script_run("package_dir.test_in_same_dir", pytest_args="-v", pyargs=True)

コード例 #8
# This line is all this module really does; obviously a real, non-test module
# would do more.
test_string = "in_child_dir"

#import set_package_attribute # Test setting the package attribute for scripts.
from . import subdir_dummy_module # Works! now this doesn't give an error.
from .. import dummy_module # Works! now this doesn't give an error.

import sys
sys.exit(0) # TODO currently only testing relative imports...

## Run tests.

# Everything below can optionally be placed in an "if __name__ == '__main__'"
# conditional.  The call to script_run can optionally be placed near the top
# of the file, to avoid running the module initialization twice (for modules
# where that really matters).

# Get this file's absolute dir path to test passing absolute pathnames in calls
# to pytest_helper.
this_files_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(lambda:0)))
path_to_second_test = os.path.join(this_files_dir, "test/second_test.py")

# Use both relative and absolute pathnames in specifying the test file paths.
# Also include the full directory in the list to check that that works.
                         path_to_second_test, "test"], pytest_args="-v")

コード例 #9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

These are tests of `locals_to_globals` and older tests of the techniques used
in pytest helper.  There are also a couple of early experimental approaches.
Mostly stuff related to locals_to_globals and alternatives.


from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import sys

import pytest_helper


#from py.test import raises, fail, fixture, skip  # Done by autoimport.

def dummy_fun():
    pass  # just to test function objects

def set_up_test_copy_to_globals(request):
    """ """
    xx = 100
    x_str = "string in setup"
    monkey = 900
    df = dummy_fun
コード例 #10
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import pytest_helper

This is just here to test multiple files being specified.  It doesn't do
any tests that test_in_child_dir doesn't do (and it does fewer).


from in_sibling_dir import *

def test_basic_stuff():
    assert test_string == "in_sibling_dir"

def test_autoimports():
    teststr = "water"
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        raise KeyError
コード例 #11
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import pytest_helper
from pytest_helper import PytestHelperException, LocalsToGlobalsError
pytest_helper.init()  # Needed because of testing chdir call inserted below.

import os
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
os.chdir("..")  # Causes an error if pytest_helper.init() is not called above.

#pytest_helper.script_run("package_dir.test_in_same_dir", pytest_args="-v -s", pyargs=True)
pytest_helper.script_run(self_test=True, pytest_args="-v -s", pyargs=True)
#pytest_helper.script_run(self_test=True, pytest_args="-v -s")

# More efficient to put below two lines after script_run (won't run twice).
pytest_helper.sys_path(add_self=True)  # Needs to add own dir when run as test.

# The module to be tested is `in_same_dir`.
# The module imported below defines `test_string="in_same_dir"`.
from .in_same_dir import *

# Test restoring the system path.
with raises(ImportError):
    import test_in_child_dir  # This succeeds without the restore above.

os.chdir(old_cwd)  # Return to prev dir so as not to mess up later tests.
コード例 #12

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import os
import inspect
import pytest_helper

# This line is all this module really does; obviously a real, non-test module
# would do more.
test_string = "in_sibling_dir"

## Run tests.

# Everything below can optionally be placed in an "if __name__ == '__main__'"
# conditional.  The call to script_run can optionally be placed near the top
# of the file, to avoid running the module initialization twice (for modules
# where that really matters).

# Get this file's absolute dir path to test passing absolute pathnames in calls
# to pytest_helper.
this_files_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(lambda:0)))
path_to_second_test = os.path.join(this_files_dir, "../test/test_second_in_sibling.py")

# Use both relative and absolute pathnames in specifying the test file paths.
# Also include the full directory in the list to check that that works.
pytest_helper.script_run(testfile_paths=["../test", "../test/test_in_sibling_dir.py",
                         path_to_second_test, "../test"], pytest_args="-v")

コード例 #13
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pytest_helper
    pytest_helper.script_run("test_intro_example.py", pytest_args="-v")

コード例 #14
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import pytest_helper
from pytest_helper import PytestHelperException, LocalsToGlobalsError
pytest_helper.init() # Needed because of testing chdir call inserted below.

import os
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
os.chdir("..") # Causes an error if pytest_helper.init() is not called above.

#pytest_helper.script_run("package_dir.test_in_same_dir", pytest_args="-v -s", pyargs=True)
pytest_helper.script_run(self_test=True, pytest_args="-v -s", pyargs=True)
#pytest_helper.script_run(self_test=True, pytest_args="-v -s")

# More efficient to put below two lines after script_run (won't run twice).
pytest_helper.sys_path(add_self=True) # Needs to add own dir when run as test.

# The module to be tested is `in_same_dir`.
# The module imported below defines `test_string="in_same_dir"`.
from .in_same_dir import *

# Test restoring the system path.
with raises(ImportError):
    import test_in_child_dir # This succeeds without the restore above.
os.chdir(old_cwd) # Return to prev dir so as not to mess up later tests.
コード例 #15
# conditional.  The call to script_run can optionally be placed near the top
# of the file, to avoid running the module initialization twice (for modules
# where that really matters).

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get this file's absolute dir path to test passing absolute pathnames in calls
    # to pytest_helper.
    this_files_dir = os.path.dirname(
        os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(lambda: 0)))
    path_to_second_test = os.path.join(this_files_dir,

    # Use both relative and absolute pathnames in specifying the test file paths.
    # Also include the full directory in the list to check that that works.
        "test/test_in_child_dir.py", path_to_second_test, "test"

    # Try running as a package module.  Note it can start at package_subdir.
    # Doesn't need the path modification.

# Import works fine here; only called when imported.
from .dummy_module import test_string as dummy_test_string
コード例 #16
import pytest_helper

if __name__ == "__main__":  # This guard conditional is optional.
    pytest_helper.script_run(".", pytest_args="-v")