コード例 #1
    gp.plotly_location_mode = 'USA-states'
    gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
    gp.plotly_scope = 'usa'
    gp.plotly_projection = 'albers usa'
    gp.plotly_url = country_group + data_type.replace(' ', '-')
    gp.plotly_world_readable = False
    gp.title = title
    gp.units = 'Value'

    # do a map plot by US state
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type = 'choropleth', adapter = 'cufflinks', gp = gp)

#### uses CommonEconDataFactory to get more common forms of economic data and plot
if True:
    logger = LoggerManager.getLogger(__name__)

    cedf = CommonEconDataFactory()
    start_date = '01 Jan 2014'
    finish_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # select as appropriate!
    # cedf.g10_plot_gdp_cpi_une(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.usa_plot_une(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.world_plot_une(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.world_plot_cpi(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.europe_plot_une(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.g10_line_plot_cpi(start_date, finish_date)
    cedf.g10_line_plot_une(start_date, finish_date)
コード例 #2
    gp.plotly_location_mode = 'USA-states'
    gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
    gp.plotly_scope = 'usa'
    gp.plotly_projection = 'albers usa'
    gp.plotly_url = country_group + data_type.replace(' ', '-')
    gp.plotly_world_readable = False
    gp.title = title
    gp.units = 'Value'

    # do a map plot by US state
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type='choropleth', adapter='cufflinks', gp=gp)

#### uses CommonEconDataFactory to get more common forms of economic data and plot
if True:
    logger = LoggerManager.getLogger(__name__)

    cedf = CommonEconDataFactory()
    start_date = '01 Jan 2014'
    finish_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # select as appropriate!
    # cedf.g10_plot_gdp_cpi_une(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.usa_plot_une(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.world_plot_une(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.world_plot_cpi(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.europe_plot_une(start_date, finish_date)
    # cedf.g10_line_plot_cpi(start_date, finish_date)
    cedf.g10_line_plot_une(start_date, finish_date)