コード例 #1
    def _fetch_online_data(self):
        ''' Return list of GCMD standard keywords
            self.url and self.categories must be set
        response = openURL(self.url)
        gcmd_list = []
        _read_revision(response.readline(), gcmd_list)
        _check_categories(response.readline(), self.categories)
        for line in response.readlines():
            _read_line(line, gcmd_list, self.categories)

        return gcmd_list
コード例 #2
    def _fetch_online_data(self):
        # Note the version number... Would probably be better to make it always
        # take the last version..
        u1 = openURL(self.url)
        dom = parse(u1)
        # should only contain the standard_name_table:
        node = dom.childNodes[0]

        cf_list = []
        for entry in node.getElementsByTagName('entry'):
            standard_name = entry.attributes['id'].value
            units = ''
            if entry.getElementsByTagName(
                units = entry.getElementsByTagName(
            grib = ''
            if entry.getElementsByTagName('grib')[0].childNodes:
                grib = entry.getElementsByTagName(
            amip = ''
            if entry.getElementsByTagName('amip')[0].childNodes:
                amip = entry.getElementsByTagName(
            if entry.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].childNodes:
                descr = entry.getElementsByTagName(
            stdname = {
                    'standard_name': standard_name,
                    'canonical_units': units,
                    'grib': grib,
                    'amip': amip,
                    'description': descr
        return cf_list
コード例 #3
 def _fetch_online_data(self):
     ''' Return list of Well Known Variables from Nansat        '''
     response = openURL(self.url)
     return yaml.load(response.read())