コード例 #1
ファイル: no061.py プロジェクト: dhermes/project-euler
def main(verbose=False):
    COLORS = ['\033[98m',
              '\033[98m']  # Loops back to beginning
    ENDC = '\033[0m'

    path = successful_path()
    result = [[path[i][0] + path[i + 1][0], path[i + 1][1]]
              for i in range(5)]
    result.append([path[-1][0] + path[0][0], path[0][1]])
    result = [elt + [reverse_polygonal_number(elt[1], int(elt[0]))]
              for elt in result]
    display = ""
    for i, entry in enumerate(result):
        value, sides, number = entry
        left = str(value)[:2]
        right = str(value)[-2:]
        colored_val = "".join([COLORS[i], left, ENDC,
                               COLORS[i + 1], right, ENDC])
        display += "\nP_(%s,%s) = %s" % (sides, number, colored_val)
    if verbose:
        return "%s.%s" % (sum(int(match[0]) for match in result), display)
        return sum(int(match[0]) for match in result)
コード例 #2
ファイル: no042.py プロジェクト: mireq/project-euler
def num_triangle():
    # Assumes file is "A","ABILITIY","ABLE",...
    words = get_data(42).strip('"').split('","')
    vals = [word_to_value(word) for word in words]
    triangle_hash = {}
    count = 0
    for val in vals:
        if reverse_polygonal_number(3, val, triangle_hash) != -1:
            count += 1
    return count
コード例 #3
ファイル: no044.py プロジェクト: mireq/project-euler
def main(verbose=False):
    # Not only finds the minimum, but also checks to make sure
    # it is the smallest. Since P_j - P_k >= P_j - P_(j-1) = 3j - 2
    # If 3j - 2 > D, then P_j - P_k > D, and we not longer need to
    # check the minimum
    pair = [1, 2]
    D = -1
    while D == -1 or 3*pair[1] - 2 <= D:
        vals = [polygonal_number(5, val) for val in pair]
        difference = abs(vals[0] - vals[1])
        if D != -1 and difference > D:
            # since increment decreases the first argument, if
            # we go past the difference, we can stop checking
            # [k, j] for a fixed j, and we just bypass
            # by incrementing j
            last = pair[1]
            pair = [last, last + 1]
            if reverse_polygonal_number(5, difference) != -1:
                if reverse_polygonal_number(5, sum(vals)) != -1:
                    if D == -1 or difference < D:
                        D = difference
            pair = increment_pair(pair)
    return D