コード例 #1
	def get(self):
			You got your basic get method right here, but with a twist. 
			This method perfoms the intialization of the game state, creating the json objects that represent the game and
			json encoding them. It then renders them on the game template with jinja. 

		# get the player avatar image from the datastore 
		self.sessionId = self.request.get("sessionId")
		# use the gameModel to interact with the datastore
		newModel = DatastoreInteraction(self.sessionId)
		avatar = newModel.getAvatar()

		# set the right picture
		if(avatar == "character1"):
			self.thumbnailImage = "bettyThumb.png"
		elif(avatar == "character2"):
			self.thumbnailImage = "jasonThumb.png"
		elif(avatar == "character3"):
			self.thumbnailImage = "batRatThumb.png"
		elif(avatar == "character4"):
			self.thumbnailImage = "catLadyThumb.png"
		elif(avatar == "character5"):
			self.thumbnailImage = "lebowsCatThumb.png"
			self.thumbnailImage = "tommyCatThumb.png"

		# perform initial creation and encoding of JSON object
		newState = self.initEncode()

		# update the opcards and aicards in the hal object in the datastore
		halState = json.loads(newState)
		newModel = DatastoreInteraction(self.sessionId)
		newModel.updateAiCards(str(halState['playCard']), aiCards=str(halState['compCard']))

		self.render("game.html", oldState='null', newState=newState, thumbnailImage=self.thumbnailImage)