コード例 #1
def test_rigid_transform_local_to_world_when_rotation_is_180_deg_and_position_is_non_zero(
    R = angle_to_rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(180.))
    t = np.array([3.5, -4.])
    p_local = np.array([1., 2.])

    assert assert_array_equal(rigid_transform_local_to_world(R, t, p_local),
                              np.array([2.5, -6.])) is None
コード例 #2
def test_rigid_transform_local_to_world_when_rotation_is_zero_and_position_is_non_zero(
    R = angle_to_rotation_matrix(0)
    t = np.array([3.5, -4.])
    p_local = np.array([1., 2.])

    assert assert_array_equal(rigid_transform_local_to_world(R, t, p_local),
                              np.array([4.5, -2.])) is None
コード例 #3
    def inv_observe_range_bearing(X_r, p_local_polar):
        Simulate inverse range-bearing sensor reading of a landmark in world coordinates

        :param X_r: robot pose (true)
        :param p_local_polar: (range, bearing) polar coordinate position of a landmark in local ref frame
        :return: estimated position of landmark in rectangular coordinates (world ref frame)

        t = X_r[:2]
        alpha = X_r[2]

        R = transforms.angle_to_rotation_matrix(alpha)
        return transforms.rigid_transform_local_to_world(
            R, t, transforms.polar_to_rect(p_local_polar))
コード例 #4
    def observe_range_bearing(X_r, p_world_rect):
        Simulate a range-bearing sensor reading of a landmark in world coordinates

        :param X_r: robot pose (true)
        :param p_world_rect: (x, y) rectangular coordinate position of a landmark in world ref frame
        :return: range-bearing (polar coordinate) measurement of a landmark (local ref frame)

        t = X_r[:2]
        alpha = X_r[2]

        R = transforms.angle_to_rotation_matrix(alpha)
        return transforms.rect_to_polar(
            transforms.rigid_transform_world_to_local(R, t, p_world_rect))
コード例 #5
def move(r, u, n):
    Move robot using control input and perturbation

    :param r: current robot pose in world ref frame [x; y; alpha]
    :param u: control signal in local ref frame [d_x; d_alpha]
    :param n: perturbation to control input in local ref frame [d_x; d_y; d_alpha]
    :return: new robot pose in world ref frame [x; y; alpha]

    # current pose in world ref frame
    x, y, alpha = r

    # control signal in local ref frame
    d_x_local_u, d_alpha_local_u = u
    d_x_local_n, d_alpha_local_n = n
    d_x_local = d_x_local_u + d_x_local_n
    d_p_local = np.array([d_x_local, 0])
    d_alpha_local = d_alpha_local_u + d_alpha_local_n

    # # convert control input position + noise to world reference frame
    # d_x_local = u[0] + n[0]
    # d_y_local = u[1] + n[1]
    # d_alpha = u[2] + n[2]

    alpha_new = alpha + d_alpha_local
    R_new = angle_to_rotation_matrix(alpha_new)

    # move to new position
    d_x_world, d_y_world = np.dot(R_new, d_p_local)

    # d_x_world, d_y_world = rigid_transform_local_to_world(angle_to_rotation_matrix(alpha + d_alpha_local),
    #                                                       [d_x_local, 0],
    #                                                       [0, 0])

    r_new = np.array([x + d_x_world, y + d_y_world, alpha_new])
    # r_new = [d_x_world, d_y_world, alpha + d_alpha]

    return r_new
コード例 #6
def test_angle_to_rotation_matrix_if_angle_is_180_deg():
    assert assert_array_almost_equal(
        np.array([[-1, 0], [0, -1.]])) is None
コード例 #7
def test_angle_to_rotation_matrix_if_angle_is_zero():
    assert assert_array_equal(angle_to_rotation_matrix(0),
                              np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1.]])) is None