コード例 #1
	def _getSubmissionJobs(self, maxsample):
		# Get list of submittable jobs
		readyList = self.jobDB.getJobs(ClassSelector(JobClass.READY))
		retryOK = readyList
		defaultJob = Job()
		if self._job_retries >= 0:
			retryOK = lfilter(lambda x: self.jobDB.get(x, defaultJob).attempt - 1 < self._job_retries, readyList)
		modOK = lfilter(self._task.canSubmit, readyList)
		jobList = set.intersection(set(retryOK), set(modOK))

		if self._showBlocker and readyList and not jobList: # No submission but ready jobs
			err = []
			err += utils.QM((len(retryOK) > 0) and (len(modOK) == 0), [], ['have hit their maximum number of retries'])
			err += utils.QM((len(retryOK) == 0) and (len(modOK) > 0), [], ['are vetoed by the task module'])
			self._log_user_time.warning('All remaining jobs %s!', str.join(utils.QM(retryOK or modOK, ' or ', ' and '), err))
		self._showBlocker = not (len(readyList) > 0 and len(jobList) == 0)

		# Determine number of jobs to submit
		submit = len(jobList)
		if self._njobs_inqueue > 0:
			submit = min(submit, self._njobs_inqueue - self.jobDB.getJobsN(ClassSelector(JobClass.ATWMS)))
		if self._njobs_inflight > 0:
			submit = min(submit, self._njobs_inflight - self.jobDB.getJobsN(ClassSelector(JobClass.PROCESSING)))
		if self._continuous and (maxsample > 0):
			submit = min(submit, maxsample)
		submit = max(submit, 0)

		if self._do_shuffle:
			return self._sample(jobList, submit)
		return sorted(jobList)[:submit]
コード例 #2
	def getSubmissionJobs(self, maxsample, static = {'showBlocker': True}):
		# Get list of submittable jobs
		readyList = self.jobDB.getJobs(ClassSelector(JobClass.READY))
		retryOK = readyList
		defaultJob = Job()
		if self.maxRetry >= 0:
			retryOK = filter(lambda x: self.jobDB.get(x, defaultJob).attempt - 1 < self.maxRetry, readyList)
		modOK = filter(self._task.canSubmit, readyList)
		jobList = set.intersection(set(retryOK), set(modOK))

		if static['showBlocker'] and len(readyList) > 0 and len(jobList) == 0: # No submission but ready jobs
			err = []
			err += utils.QM(len(retryOK) > 0 and len(modOK) == 0, [], ['have hit their maximum number of retries'])
			err += utils.QM(len(retryOK) == 0 and len(modOK) > 0, [], ['are vetoed by the task module'])
			utils.vprint('All remaining jobs %s!' % str.join(utils.QM(retryOK or modOK, ' or ', ' and '), err), -1, True)
		static['showBlocker'] = not (len(readyList) > 0 and len(jobList) == 0)

		# Determine number of jobs to submit
		submit = len(jobList)
		if self.inQueue > 0:
			submit = min(submit, self.inQueue - self.jobDB.getJobsN(ClassSelector(JobClass.ATWMS)))
		if self.inFlight > 0:
			submit = min(submit, self.inFlight - self.jobDB.getJobsN(ClassSelector(JobClass.PROCESSING)))
		if self.continuous:
			submit = min(submit, maxsample)
		submit = max(submit, 0)

		if self.doShuffle:
			return self.sample(jobList, submit)
			return sorted(jobList)[:submit]
コード例 #3
    def _getSubmissionJobs(self, maxsample):
        # Get list of submittable jobs
        readyList = self.jobDB.getJobs(ClassSelector(JobClass.READY))
        retryOK = readyList
        defaultJob = Job()
        if self._job_retries >= 0:
            retryOK = lfilter(
                lambda x: self.jobDB.get(x, defaultJob).attempt - 1 < self.
                _job_retries, readyList)
        modOK = lfilter(self._task.canSubmit, readyList)
        jobList = set.intersection(set(retryOK), set(modOK))

        if self._showBlocker and readyList and not jobList:  # No submission but ready jobs
            err = []
            err += utils.QM((len(retryOK) > 0) and (len(modOK) == 0), [],
                            ['have hit their maximum number of retries'])
            err += utils.QM((len(retryOK) == 0) and (len(modOK) > 0), [],
                            ['are vetoed by the task module'])
                'All remaining jobs %s!',
                str.join(utils.QM(retryOK or modOK, ' or ', ' and '), err))
        self._showBlocker = not (len(readyList) > 0 and len(jobList) == 0)

        # Determine number of jobs to submit
        submit = len(jobList)
        if self._njobs_inqueue > 0:
            submit = min(
                submit, self._njobs_inqueue -
        if self._njobs_inflight > 0:
            submit = min(
                submit, self._njobs_inflight -
        if self._chunks_enabled and (maxsample > 0):
            submit = min(submit, maxsample)
        submit = max(submit, 0)

        if self._do_shuffle:
            return self._sample(jobList, submit)
        return sorted(jobList)[:submit]
コード例 #4
def main():
    usage = '%s [OPTIONS] <config file / work directory>' % sys.argv[0]
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option('-G', '--globaltag', dest='globaltag', default='crab2_tag', help='Specify global tag')
    parser.add_option('-F', '--input', dest='inputFile', default=None,
                      help='Specify dbs input file to use instead of scanning job output')
#    parser.add_option('-k', '--key-select',      dest='dataset key select', default='',
#        help='Specify dataset keys to process')
    parser.add_option('-c', '--continue-migration', dest='continue_migration', default=False, action='store_true',
                      help='Continue an already started migration')

    ogDiscover = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Discovery options - ignored in case dbs input file is specified', '')
    ogDiscover.add_option('-n', '--name',        dest='dataset name pattern', default='',
        help='Specify dbs path name - Example: DataSet_@NICK@_@VAR@')
    ogDiscover.add_option('-T', '--datatype',    dest='datatype',      default=None,
        help='Supply dataset type in case cmssw report did not specify it - valid values: "mc" or "data"')
    ogDiscover.add_option('-m', '--merge',       dest='merge parents', default=False,  action='store_true',
        help='Merge output files from different parent blocks into a single block [Default: Keep boundaries]')
    ogDiscover.add_option('-j', '--jobhash',     dest='useJobHash',    default=False,  action='store_true',
        help='Use hash of all config files in job for dataset key calculation')
    ogDiscover.add_option('-u', '--unique-cfg',  dest='uniqueCfg',     default=False,  action='store_true',
        help='Circumvent edmConfigHash collisions so each dataset is stored with unique config information')
    ogDiscover.add_option('-P', '--parent',      dest='parent source', default='',
        help='Override parent information source - to bootstrap a reprocessing on local files')
    ogDiscover.add_option('-H', '--hash-keys',   dest='dataset hash keys', default='',
        help='Included additional variables in dataset hash calculation')

    ogDiscover2 = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Discovery options II - only available when config file is used', '')
    ogDiscover2.add_option('-J', '--job-selector',    dest='selected',      default=None,
        help='Specify dataset(s) to process')

    ogMode = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Processing mode', '')
    ogMode.add_option('-b', '--batch',           dest='batch',         default=False, action='store_true',
        help='Enable non-interactive batch mode [Default: Interactive mode]')
    ogMode.add_option('-d', '--discovery',       dest='discovery',     default=False, action='store_true',
        help='Enable discovery mode - just collect file information and exit')
    ogMode.add_option('',   '--tempdir',         dest='tmpDir',        default='',
        help='Override temp directory')
    ogMode.add_option('-i', '--no-import',       dest='doImport',      default=True,  action='store_false',
        help='Disable import of new datasets into target DBS instance - only temporary xml files are created, ' +
            'which can be added later via datasetDBSTool.py [Default: Import datasets]')

    ogInc = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Incremental adding of files to DBS', '')
    ogInc.add_option('-I', '--incremental',     dest='incremental',   default=False,  action='store_true',
        help='Skip import of existing files - Warning: this destroys coherent block structure!')
#	ogInc.add_option('-o', '--open-blocks',     dest='closeBlock',    default=True,   action='store_false',
#		help='Keep blocks open for addition of further files [Default: Close blocks]')

    ogInst = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'DBS instance handling', '')
    ogInst.add_option('-t', '--target-instance', dest='dbsTarget',
                      help='Specify target dbs instance url')
    ogInst.add_option('-s', '--source-instance', dest='dbsSource',
                      help='Specify source dbs instance url(s), where parent datasets are taken from')

    ogDbg = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Display options', '')
    ogDbg.add_option('-D', '--display-dataset', dest='display_data',  default=None,
        help='Display information associated with dataset key(s) (accepts "all")')
    ogDbg.add_option('-C', '--display-config',  dest='display_cfg',   default=None,
        help='Display information associated with config hash(es) (accepts "all")')
    ogDbg.add_option('-v', '--verbose',         dest='verbosity',     default=0, action='count',
        help='Increase verbosity')

    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    setattr(opts, 'include parent infos', True)
    setattr(opts, 'importLumi', True)
    setattr(opts, 'dataset hash keys', getattr(opts, 'dataset hash keys').replace(',', ' '))
    if opts.useJobHash:
        setattr(opts, 'dataset hash keys', getattr(opts, 'dataset hash keys') + ' CMSSW_CONFIG_JOBHASH')

    # 0) Get work directory, create dbs dump directory
    if len(args) != 1:
        utils.exitWithUsage(usage, 'Neither work directory nor config file specified!')
    if os.path.isdir(args[0]):
        opts.workDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(args[0]))
        opts.workDir = getConfig(configFile=args[0]).getWorkPath()
    if not opts.tmpDir:
        opts.tmpDir = os.path.join(opts.workDir, 'dbs')
    if not os.path.exists(opts.tmpDir):
    # Lock file in case several instances of this program are running
    mutex = FileMutex(os.path.join(opts.tmpDir, 'datasetDBSAdd.lock'))

    # 1) Get dataset information
    if opts.inputFile:
        provider = DataProvider.getInstance('ListProvider', getConfig(), opts.inputFile, None)
        config = getConfig(configDict = {'dataset': dict(parser.values.__dict__)})
        if opts.discovery:
            config.set('dataset name pattern', '@DS_KEY@')
        provider = DataProvider.getInstance('DBSInfoProvider', config, args[0], None)

    provider.saveState(os.path.join(opts.tmpDir, 'dbs.dat'))
    if opts.discovery:
    blocks = provider.getBlocks()

    # 2) Filter datasets
    if opts.incremental:
        # Query target DBS for all found datasets and perform dataset resync with "supposed" state
        dNames = set(map(lambda b: b[DataProvider.Dataset], blocks))
        dNames = filter(lambda ds: hasDataset(opts.dbsTarget, ds), dNames)
        config = getConfig(configDict = {None: {'dbs instance': opts.dbsTarget}})
        oldBlocks = reduce(operator.add, map(lambda ds: DBSApiv2(config, None, ds, None).getBlocks(), dNames), [])
        (blocksAdded, blocksMissing, blocksChanged) = DataProvider.resyncSources(oldBlocks, blocks)
        if len(blocksMissing) or len(blocksChanged):
            if not utils.getUserBool(' * WARNING: Block structure has changed! Continue?', False):
        # Search for blocks which were partially added and generate "pseudo"-blocks with left over files
        setOldBlocks = set(map(lambda x: x[DataProvider.BlockName], oldBlocks))
        setAddedBlocks = set(map(lambda x: x[DataProvider.BlockName], blocksAdded))
        blockCollision = set.intersection(setOldBlocks, setAddedBlocks)
        if blockCollision and opts.closeBlock: # Block are closed and contents have changed
            for block in blocksAdded:
                if block[DataProvider.BlockName] in blockCollision:
                    block[DataProvider.BlockName] = utils.strGuid(md5(str(time.time())).hexdigest())
        blocks = blocksAdded

    # 3) Display dataset properties
    if opts.display_data or opts.display_cfg:
        raise APIError('Not yet reimplemented')

    #set-up logging
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
    logger = logging.getLogger('dbs3-migration')

    #set-up dbs clients
    dbs3_target_client = DBS3LiteClient(url=opts.dbsTarget)
    dbs3_source_client = DBS3LiteClient(url=opts.dbsSource)

    dbs3_migration_queue = DBS3MigrationQueue()

    for blockDump in generateDBS3BlockDumps(opts, blocks):
        if not opts.continue_migration:
            ###initiate the dbs3 to dbs3 migration of parent blocks
            logger.debug('Checking parentage for block: %s' % blockDump['block']['block_name'])
            unique_parent_lfns = set((parent[u'parent_logical_file_name'] for parent in blockDump[u'file_parent_list']))
            unique_blocks = set((block['block_name'] for parent_lfn in unique_parent_lfns
                                 for block in dbs3_source_client.listBlocks(logical_file_name=parent_lfn)))
            for block_to_migrate in unique_blocks:
                if dbs3_target_client.listBlocks(block_name=block_to_migrate):
                    #block already at destination
                    logger.debug('Block %s is already at destination' % block_to_migrate)
                migration_task = MigrationTask(block_name=block_to_migrate,
                except AlreadyQueued as aq:

            dbs3_migration_queue.save_to_disk(os.path.join(opts.tmpDir, 'dbs3_migration.pkl'))
                dbs3_migration_queue = DBS3MigrationQueue.read_from_disk(os.path.join(opts.tmpDir,
            except IOError as io_err:
                msg = "Probably, there is no DBS 3 migration for this dataset ongoing, Dude!"
                logger.exception('%s\n%s' % (io_err.message, msg))

        #wait for all parent blocks migrated to dbs3

        #insert block into dbs3