コード例 #1
from python_libs.browser_proxy import BrowserProxy
from python_libs.bandwidth_manipulator import BandwidthManipulator

class Configuration:
    def __init__(self):
        self.capture_duration = 100
        self.increase_throughput_step_size = 60
        self.start_throughput = 800
        self.stop_throughput = 2000
        self.wait_after_page_load = 60
        self.wait_after_throughput_adjustment = 60

static_config = StaticConfig()
video_ids = Inventory().full_capture()

# define the ids we want to capture
config = Configuration()

# calculate length of capture for user
loop_count = (config.stop_throughput -
              config.start_throughput) / config.increase_throughput_step_size
video_count = len(video_ids)
loop_length = config.capture_duration + config.wait_after_throughput_adjustment
full_length = video_count * (config.wait_after_page_load +
                             loop_count * loop_length)
print("this capture will run for " +

# initialize the bandwidth
コード例 #2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sqlite3

from python_libs.config import StaticConfig, Inventory

config = StaticConfig()
inventory = Inventory()

# get sqlite connection
db_file_name = config.captures_dir + "/data.sqlite"
connection = sqlite3.connect(db_file_name)
cursor = connection.cursor()

cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT movie_id, bitrate FROM captures ORDER BY movie_id")
db_movies = cursor.fetchall()
total_body_sizes = {}
movie_counter = 0
last_movie_id = 0
x = []
y = []
sql = []
for db_movie in db_movies:
    movie_id = db_movie[0]
    if movie_id != last_movie_id:
        if last_movie_id != 0:
            cursor.execute(" INTERSECT ".join(sql))
            db_movies = cursor.fetchall()
            assert(len(db_movies) > 0)
            if len(db_movies) > 1:
                print("found bitrate collision for " + str(last_movie_id))
コード例 #3
# plots the average bandwidth used at specific points in time; else its 0

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sqlite3
import dateutil
import time

from python_libs.config import StaticConfig, Inventory


config = StaticConfig()
inventory = Inventory()

normalize_cache = None
normalize_cache_result = None

def get_adapted_time(current_point, normalize_point):
    global normalize_cache_result, normalize_cache

    if normalize_point is not normalize_cache:
        normalize_cache_result = convert_to_integer(normalize_point)
        normalize_cache = normalize_point

    return convert_to_integer(current_point) - normalize_cache_result

def convert_to_integer(date):
    my_date = dateutil.parser.parse(date)
    return int(time.mktime(my_date.timetuple()) * 1000 + my_date.microsecond / 1000)