def _draw_playhead(self, painter): """ Draw a line and 2 triangles to denote the current position being viewed :param painter: ,''QPainter'' """ px = self.map_stamp_to_x(self.playhead.to_sec()) pw, ph = self._playhead_pointer_size # Line painter.setPen(QPen(self._playhead_color)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(self._playhead_color)) painter.drawLine(px, self._history_top - 1, px, self._history_bottom + 2) # Upper triangle py = self._history_top - ph painter.drawPolygon( QPolygonF([ QPointF(px, py + ph), QPointF(px + pw, py), QPointF(px - pw, py) ])) # Lower triangle py = self._history_bottom + 1 painter.drawPolygon( QPolygonF([ QPointF(px, py), QPointF(px + pw, py + ph), QPointF(px - pw, py + ph) ])) painter.setBrush(self._default_brush) painter.setPen(self._default_pen)
def c(msg): if not (msg.header.frame_id == '/map' or msg.header.frame_id == ''): try: self._tf.waitForTransform(msg.header.frame_id, '/map', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(10)) points_stamped = [] for pt in msg.polygon.points: ps = PointStamped() ps.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id ps.point.x = pt.x ps.point.y = pt.y points_stamped.append(ps) trans_pts = [self._tf.transformPoint('/map', pt).point for pt in points_stamped] except tf.Exception: rospy.logerr("TF Error") trans_pts = [] else: trans_pts = [pt for pt in msg.polygon.points] if len(trans_pts) > 0: pts = [QPointF(pt.x / self.resolution, pt.y / self.resolution) for pt in trans_pts] close = trans_pts[0] pts.append(QPointF(close.x / self.resolution, close.y / self.resolution)) poly.path = QPolygonF(pts) self.polygon_changed.emit(name)
def paint(self, painter, option, widget): painter.setFont(self._time_font) painter.fillRect(0, 0, SandtrayItem.length * SandtrayItem.scale, SandtrayItem.width * SandtrayItem.scale, painter.background()) for color, polys in self._zones.items(): painter.setPen(QPen(color, 2)) for poly in polys: painter.drawPolygon(QPolygonF(poly)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(self._fg_color)) painter.setPen(QPen(self._border_color, 1)) painter.drawRect(0, 0, SandtrayItem.length * SandtrayItem.scale, SandtrayItem.width * SandtrayItem.scale) for label, pos in self._items.items(): x, y = pos[0] * SandtrayItem.scale, pos[1] * SandtrayItem.scale painter.drawText(x - 10, y - 10, label) if "cube" in label: painter.setBrush(QBrush(self._cube_color)) painter.drawRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10) else: painter.setBrush(QBrush(self._item_color)) painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), 10, 10)
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(QMapAnnotation, self).__init__() self._parent = parent self.destroyed.connect(self.close) self._load_ui() self._scene = self.map_view._scene self._viz_markers_pose = None self._viz_marker_items = {} self._viz_marker_items["annotations"] = [] self._viz_marker_items["new_annotations"] = [] self._viz_marker_polygon = QPolygonF( [QPointF(-4, 4), QPointF(-4, -4), QPointF(12, 0)]) self._callback = {} self._callback['save_annotation'] = None self._callback['load_world'] = None self._callback['add_annotation'] = None self._wc = None self._init_events() self._drawing_objects = {} self._init_variables_for_drawing() self._init_variableS_for_list()
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(QSlamWidget, self).__init__() self._parent = parent self._slam_widget_interface = None self._load_ui() self._init_events() self.destroyed.connect(self.close) self._scene = self.map_view._scene self._robot_pose = None self._robot_pose_item = None self._robot_polygon = QPolygonF( [QPointF(-4, 4), QPointF(-4, -4), QPointF(12, 0)]) self._scan = None self._scan_items = [] self._callback = {} self._callback['save_map'] = None
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) #painter.begin(self) # puts the arrow in the middle painter.translate(self.width() / 2, self.height() / 2) painter.rotate(self.angleRobo + self.angleVel) line = QLineF(0, 0, self.width() / 2 - 3, 0) headSize = min(self.width() / 20, 4) points = QPolygonF() points.append(QPointF(self.width() / 2 - headSize * 2, headSize)) points.append(QPointF(self.width() / 2 - headSize * 2, -headSize)) points.append(QPointF(self.width() / 2 - 3, 0)) pen = QPen(self.color, 2) painter.setPen(pen) brush = QBrush(self.color) painter.setBrush(brush) painter.drawLine(line) painter.drawConvexPolygon(points)
def _create_vehicle_item(self, color, mav_id, vehicle_type): if vehicle_type == MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR: # draw cross item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(QPolygonF([ QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(-3, -3), QPointF(3, 3), QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(-3, 3), QPointF(3, -3), QPointF(0, 0), ])) elif vehicle_type == MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING: # draw circle item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-3, -3, 6, 6) else: # draw square item = QGraphicsRectItem(-3, -3, 6, 6) item.setBrush(self._brushes[color]) item.setPen(self._pens[color]) item.setToolTip('%s #%d (%s)' % (color, mav_id, vehicle_type)) return item
def cb(msg): if not self._map: return if not (msg.header.frame_id == self.frame_id or msg.header.frame_id == ''): try: self._tf.waitForTransform(msg.header.frame_id, self.frame_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(10)) points_stamped = [] for pt in msg.polygon.points: ps = PointStamped() ps.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id ps.point.x = pt.x ps.point.y = pt.y points_stamped.append(ps) trans_pts = [] for pt in points_stamped: point = self._tf.transformPoint(self.frame_id, pt).point trans_pts.append((point.x, point.y)) except tf.Exception: rospy.logerr("TF Error") trans_pts = [] else: trans_pts = [(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in msg.polygon.points] if len(trans_pts) > 0: trans_pts.append(trans_pts[0]) pts = [QPointF(*self.point_map_to_qt(pt)) for pt in trans_pts] poly.path = QPolygonF(pts) self.polygon_changed.emit(name)
def __init__(self, spline, label, label_center, from_node, to_node, parent=None, **kwargs): super(EdgeItem, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs) self._edge_pen_width = kwargs.get('edge_pen_width', self.EDGE_PEN_WIDTH) self.from_node = from_node self.from_node.add_outgoing_edge(self) self.to_node = to_node self.to_node.add_incoming_edge(self) self._brush = QBrush(self._color) self._label_pen = QPen() self._label_pen.setColor(self._color) self._label_pen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) self._label_pen.setWidthF(self._label_pen_width) self._edge_pen = QPen() self._edge_pen.setColor(self._color) self._edge_pen.setWidthF(self._edge_pen_width) self._sibling_edges = set() self._label = None if label is not None: self._label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(label) font = self._label.font() font.setPointSize(8) self._label.setFont(font) label_rect = self._label.boundingRect() label_rect.moveCenter(label_center) self._label.setPos(label_rect.x(), label_rect.y()) # spline specification according to coordinates = spline.split(' ') # extract optional end_point end_point = None if coordinates[0].startswith('e,'): parts = coordinates.pop(0)[2:].split(',') end_point = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) # extract optional start_point if coordinates[0].startswith('s,'): parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') # first point parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') point = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) path = QPainterPath(point) while len(coordinates) > 2: # extract triple of points for a cubic spline parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') point1 = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') point2 = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') point3 = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) path.cubicTo(point1, point2, point3) self._arrow = None if end_point is not None: # draw arrow self._arrow = QGraphicsPolygonItem() polygon = QPolygonF() polygon.append(point3) offset = QPointF(end_point - point3) corner1 = QPointF(-offset.y(), offset.x()) * 0.35 corner2 = QPointF(offset.y(), -offset.x()) * 0.35 polygon.append(point3 + corner1) polygon.append(end_point) polygon.append(point3 + corner2) self._arrow.setPolygon(polygon) self._path = QGraphicsPathItem() self._path.setPath(path) self.addToGroup(self._path) self._brush.setColor(self._color) self._edge_pen.setColor(self._color) self._label_pen.setColor(self._color) self._path.setPen(self._edge_pen) if self._arrow is not None: self._arrow.setBrush(self._brush) self._arrow.setPen(self._edge_pen) if self._label is not None: self._label.setBrush(self._brush) self._label.setPen(self._label_pen)
def __init__(self, highlight_level, spline, label_center, label, from_node, to_node, parent=None, penwidth=1, edge_color=None, style='solid'): super(EdgeItem, self).__init__(highlight_level, parent) self.from_node = from_node self.from_node.add_outgoing_edge(self) self.to_node = to_node self.to_node.add_incoming_edge(self) self._default_edge_color = self._COLOR_BLACK if edge_color is not None: self._default_edge_color = edge_color self._default_text_color = self._COLOR_BLACK self._default_color = self._COLOR_BLACK self._text_brush = QBrush(self._default_color) self._shape_brush = QBrush(self._default_color) if style in ['dashed', 'dotted']: self._shape_brush = QBrush(Qt.transparent) self._label_pen = QPen() self._label_pen.setColor(self._default_text_color) self._label_pen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) self._edge_pen = QPen(self._label_pen) self._edge_pen.setWidth(penwidth) self._edge_pen.setColor(self._default_edge_color) self._edge_pen.setStyle(self._qt_pen_styles.get(style, Qt.SolidLine)) self._sibling_edges = set() self._label = None if label is not None: self._label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(label) label_rect = self._label.boundingRect() label_rect.moveCenter(label_center) self._label.setPos(label_rect.x(), label_rect.y()) self._label.hoverEnterEvent = self._handle_hoverEnterEvent self._label.hoverLeaveEvent = self._handle_hoverLeaveEvent self._label.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) # spline specification according to coordinates = spline.split(' ') # extract optional end_point end_point = None if (coordinates[0].startswith('e,')): parts = coordinates.pop(0)[2:].split(',') end_point = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) # extract optional start_point if (coordinates[0].startswith('s,')): parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') # first point parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') point = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) path = QPainterPath(point) while len(coordinates) > 2: # extract triple of points for a cubic spline parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') point1 = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') point2 = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) parts = coordinates.pop(0).split(',') point3 = QPointF(float(parts[0]), -float(parts[1])) path.cubicTo(point1, point2, point3) self._arrow = None if end_point is not None: # draw arrow self._arrow = QGraphicsPolygonItem() polygon = QPolygonF() polygon.append(point3) offset = QPointF(end_point - point3) corner1 = QPointF(-offset.y(), offset.x()) * 0.35 corner2 = QPointF(offset.y(), -offset.x()) * 0.35 polygon.append(point3 + corner1) polygon.append(end_point) polygon.append(point3 + corner2) self._arrow.setPolygon(polygon) self._arrow.hoverEnterEvent = self._handle_hoverEnterEvent self._arrow.hoverLeaveEvent = self._handle_hoverLeaveEvent self._arrow.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self._path = QGraphicsPathItem() self._path.setPath(path) self.addToGroup(self._path) self.set_node_color() self.set_label_color()
def create(shape, bounding_box): ShapeFactory.message = None graphics_item = None if shape in ('box', 'rect', 'rectangle'): graphics_item = QGraphicsRoundRectItem(bounding_box) elif shape in ('ellipse', 'point'): graphics_item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(bounding_box) elif shape == 'diamond': points = QPolygonF([QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() / 2), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() / 2, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() / 2), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() / 2, bounding_box.y())]) graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(points) elif shape == 'parallelogram': points = QPolygonF([QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 1/6, bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 5/6, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height()), QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height())]) graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(points) elif shape == 'cds': points = QPolygonF([QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 5/6, bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() / 2), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 5/6, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height()), QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height())]) graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(points) elif shape == 'rarrow': points = QPolygonF([QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 4/6, bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 4/6, bounding_box.y() - bounding_box.height() * 2/6), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() / 2), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 4/6, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() * 8/6), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 4/6, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height()), QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height())]) graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(points) elif shape == 'larrow': points = QPolygonF([QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 2/6, bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 2/6, bounding_box.y() - bounding_box.height() * 2/6), QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() / 2), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 2/6, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() * 8/6), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 2/6, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.y())]) graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(points) elif shape == 'record': graphics_item = QGraphicsRectItem(bounding_box) elif shape == 'hexagon': points = QPolygonF([QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 1/5, bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 4/5, bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() / 2), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 4/5, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() * 1/5, bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height()), QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() / 2)]) graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(points) elif shape == 'triangle': points = QPolygonF([QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width() / 2, bounding_box.y()), QPointF(bounding_box.x() + bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() * 3/4), QPointF(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y() + bounding_box.height() * 3/4)]) graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(points) elif shape == 'circle': diameter = min(bounding_box.width(), bounding_box.height()) graphics_item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(bounding_box.x(), bounding_box.y(), diameter, diameter) else: graphics_item = QGraphicsRectItem(bounding_box) ShapeFactory.message = "WARNING: %s is unknown shape, box used instead" % shape return graphics_item
def addGraph(self, graph_str): graph = graph_str.splitlines() header = graph[0].split() if header[0] != 'graph': raise Exception('wrong graph format', 'header is: ' + graph[0]) self.scale_factor = 100.0 self.width = float(header[2]) self.height = float(header[3]) print "QGraphicsScene size:", self.width, self.height self.scene = GraphScene( QRectF(0, 0, self.scX(self.width), self.scY(self.height))) for l in graph: items = l.split() if len(items) == 0: continue elif items[0] == 'stop': break elif items[0] == 'node': #node CImp 16.472 5.25 0.86659 0.5 CImp filled ellipse lightblue lightblue if len(items) != 11: raise Exception('wrong number of items in line', 'line is: ' + l) name = items[6] if name == "\"\"": name = "" w = self.scX(items[4]) h = self.scY(items[5]) x = self.tfX(items[2]) y = self.tfY(items[3]) self.nodes[name] = self.scene.addEllipse( x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h) self.nodes[name].setData(0, name) text_item = self.scene.addSimpleText(name) br = text_item.boundingRect() text_item.setPos(x - br.width() / 2, y - br.height() / 2) elif items[0] == 'edge': # without label: # edge CImp Ts 4 16.068 5.159 15.143 4.9826 12.876 4.5503 11.87 4.3583 solid black # # with label: # edge b_stSplit TorsoVelAggregate 7 7.5051 6.3954 7.7054 6.3043 7.9532 6.1899 8.1728 6.0833 8.4432 5.9522 8.7407 5.8012 8.9885 5.6735 aa 8.6798 5.9792 solid black line_len = int(items[3]) label_text = None label_pos = None if (line_len * 2 + 6) == len(items): # no label pass elif (line_len * 2 + 9) == len(items): # edge with label label_text = items[4 + line_len * 2] label_pos = QPointF(self.tfX(items[4 + line_len * 2 + 1]), self.tfY(items[4 + line_len * 2 + 2])) else: raise Exception( 'wrong number of items in line', 'should be: ' + str(line_len * 2 + 6) + " or " + str(line_len * 2 + 9) + ', line is: ' + l) line = [] for i in range(line_len): line.append((self.tfX(items[4 + i * 2]), self.tfY(items[5 + i * 2]))) control_points_idx = 1 path = QPainterPath(QPointF(line[0][0], line[0][1])) while True: q1 = line[control_points_idx] q2 = line[control_points_idx + 1] p2 = line[control_points_idx + 2] path.cubicTo(q1[0], q1[1], q2[0], q2[1], p2[0], p2[1]) control_points_idx = control_points_idx + 3 if control_points_idx >= len(line): break edge = self.scene.addPath(path) edge.setData(0, (items[1], items[2])) self.edges.append(edge) end_p = QPointF(line[-1][0], line[-1][1]) p0 = end_p - QPointF(line[-2][0], line[-2][1]) p0_norm = math.sqrt(p0.x() * p0.x() + p0.y() * p0.y()) p0 = p0 / p0_norm p0 = p0 * self.scale_factor * 0.15 p1 = QPointF(p0.y(), -p0.x()) * 0.25 p2 = -p1 poly = QPolygonF() poly.append(p0 + end_p) poly.append(p1 + end_p) poly.append(p2 + end_p) poly.append(p0 + end_p) # poly_path = QPainterPath() # poly_path.addPolygon(poly) # painter = QPainter() self.scene.addPolygon(poly) if label_text and label_pos: if label_text[0] == "\"": label_text = label_text[1:] if label_text[-1] == "\"": label_text = label_text[:-1] label_text = label_text.replace("\\n", "\n") label_item = self.scene.addSimpleText(label_text) br = label_item.boundingRect() label_item.setPos(label_pos.x() - br.width() / 2, label_pos.y() - br.height() / 2)
def __init__(self, highlight_level, bounding_box, label, shape, color=None, parent=None, label_pos=None, tooltip=None): super(NodeItem, self).__init__(highlight_level, parent) self._default_color = self._COLOR_BLACK if color is None else color self._brush = QBrush(self._default_color) self._label_pen = QPen() self._label_pen.setColor(self._default_color) self._label_pen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) self._ellipse_pen = QPen(self._label_pen) self._ellipse_pen.setWidth(1) self._incoming_edges = set() self._outgoing_edges = set() if shape == 'box': self._graphics_item = QGraphicsRectItem(bounding_box) # Since we don't have unique GraphicsItems other than Ellipse and Rect, # Using Polygon to draw the following using bounding_box elif shape == 'octagon': rect = bounding_box.getRect() octagon_polygon = QPolygonF([QPointF(rect[0], rect[1] + 3 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0], rect[1] + 7 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0] + 3 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + rect[3]), QPointF(rect[0] + 7 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + rect[3]), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + 7 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + 3 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0] + 7 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1]), QPointF(rect[0] + 3 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1])]) self._graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(octagon_polygon) elif shape == 'doubleoctagon': rect = bounding_box.getRect() inner_fold = 3.0 octagon_polygon = QPolygonF([QPointF(rect[0], rect[1] + 3 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0], rect[1] + 7 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0] + 3 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + rect[3]), QPointF(rect[0] + 7 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + rect[3]), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + 7 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + 3 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0] + 7 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1]), QPointF(rect[0] + 3 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1]), # inner QPointF(rect[0], rect[1] + 3 * rect[3] / 10), QPointF(rect[0] + inner_fold, rect[1] + 3 * rect[3] / 10 + inner_fold / 2), QPointF(rect[0] + inner_fold, rect[1] + 7 * rect[3] / 10 - inner_fold / 2), QPointF(rect[0] + 3 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + rect[3] - inner_fold), QPointF(rect[0] + 7 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + rect[3] - inner_fold), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2] - inner_fold, rect[1] + 7 * rect[3] / 10 - inner_fold / 2), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2] - inner_fold, rect[1] + 3 * rect[3] / 10 + inner_fold / 2), QPointF(rect[0] + 7 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + inner_fold), QPointF(rect[0] + 3 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + inner_fold), QPointF(rect[0] + inner_fold, rect[1] + 3 * rect[3] / 10 + inner_fold / 2) ]) self._graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(octagon_polygon) elif shape == 'note': rect = bounding_box.getRect() note_polygon = QPolygonF([QPointF(rect[0] + 9 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1]), QPointF(rect[0], rect[1]), QPointF(rect[0], rect[1] + rect[3]), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3]), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3] / 5), QPointF(rect[0] + 9 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1] + rect[3] / 5), QPointF(rect[0] + 9 * rect[2] / 10, rect[1]), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3] / 5), QPointF(rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3] / 5)]) self._graphics_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(note_polygon) else: self._graphics_item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(bounding_box) self.addToGroup(self._graphics_item) self._label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(label) label_rect = self._label.boundingRect() if label_pos is None: label_rect.moveCenter( else: label_rect.moveCenter(label_pos) self._label.setPos(label_rect.x(), label_rect.y()) self.addToGroup(self._label) if tooltip is not None: self.setToolTip(tooltip) self.set_node_color() self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.hovershape = None
def _draw_referee(self, painter): # レフェリーの情報を描画する PLACE_RADIUS = 0.15 # meters AVOID_LENGTH = 0.5 # meter if self._decoded_referee is None: return ball_pose = self._ball_info.pose # ボールプレースメントの進入禁止エリアと設置位置を描画 if self._decoded_referee.referee_text == "OUR_BALL_PLACEMENT" \ or self._decoded_referee.referee_text == "THEIR_BALL_PLACEMENT": replacement_pose = self._decoded_referee.placement_position # 進入禁止エリアを描画 # Reference: Rule 8.2.3 angle_ball_to_target = tool.get_angle(ball_pose, replacement_pose) dist_ball_to_target = tool.distance_2_poses( ball_pose, replacement_pose) trans_BtoT = tool.Trans(ball_pose, angle_ball_to_target) # 進入禁止エリア長方形の角の座標を取得 avoid_upper_left = trans_BtoT.inverted_transform( Pose2D(0, AVOID_LENGTH, 0)) avoid_lower_left = trans_BtoT.inverted_transform( Pose2D(0, -AVOID_LENGTH, 0)) avoid_upper_right = trans_BtoT.inverted_transform( Pose2D(dist_ball_to_target, AVOID_LENGTH, 0)) avoid_lower_right = trans_BtoT.inverted_transform( Pose2D(dist_ball_to_target, -AVOID_LENGTH, 0)) # 各座標を描画座標に変換 upper_left_point = self._convert_to_view(avoid_upper_left.x, avoid_upper_left.y) lower_left_point = self._convert_to_view(avoid_lower_left.x, avoid_lower_left.y) upper_right_point = self._convert_to_view(avoid_upper_right.x, avoid_upper_right.y) lower_right_point = self._convert_to_view(avoid_lower_right.x, avoid_lower_right.y) # ポリゴンに追加 polygon = QPolygonF() polygon.append(upper_left_point) polygon.append(upper_right_point) polygon.append(lower_right_point) polygon.append(lower_left_point) avoid_color = QColor( avoid_color.setAlphaF(0.3) painter.setPen(QPen(, 1)) painter.setBrush(avoid_color) painter.drawPolygon(polygon) replace_point = self._convert_to_view(replacement_pose.x, replacement_pose.y) ball_point = self._convert_to_view(ball_pose.x, ball_pose.y) size = AVOID_LENGTH * self._scale_field_to_view painter.drawEllipse(replace_point, size, size) painter.drawEllipse(ball_point, size, size) # ボール設置位置を描画 size = PLACE_RADIUS * self._scale_field_to_view place_color = QColor(Qt.white) place_color.setAlphaF(0.6) painter.setPen(QPen(, 2)) painter.setBrush(place_color) painter.drawEllipse(replace_point, size, size) # ボール進入禁止エリアを描画 if self._decoded_referee.keep_out_radius_from_ball != -1: point = self._convert_to_view(ball_pose.x, ball_pose.y) size = self._decoded_referee.keep_out_radius_from_ball * self._scale_field_to_view ball_color = copy.deepcopy(self._COLOR_BALL) keepout_color = QColor( keepout_color.setAlphaF(0.3) painter.setPen( painter.setBrush(keepout_color) painter.drawEllipse(point, size, size) # レフェリーテキストをカーソル周辺に表示する if self._decoded_referee.referee_text: # カーソル座標を取得 current_pos = self._convert_to_field(self._current_mouse_pos.x(), self._current_mouse_pos.y()) # 他のテキストと被らないように位置を微調整 current_point = self._convert_to_view(current_pos.x() + 0.1, current_pos.y() - 0.15) text = self._decoded_referee.referee_text painter.setPen( painter.drawText(current_point, text)