コード例 #1
    def parse_URL(cls, URL_IN="", return_type_IN=URL_PARSE_RETURN_DOMAIN, *args, **kwargs):

        # return reference
        value_OUT = ""

        # declare variables
        network_helper = None

        # make network helper instance
        network_helper = Network_Helper()

        # see what we've been asked to return
        if return_type_IN == cls.URL_PARSE_RETURN_PATH:

            # path  (everything after the domain, including query string, etc.,
            #    not just the path).
            value_OUT = network_helper.parse_URL(URL_IN, Network_Helper.URL_PARSE_RETURN_ALL_AFTER_DOMAIN)


            # domain
            value_OUT = network_helper.parse_URL(URL_IN, Network_Helper.URL_PARSE_RETURN_TRIMMED_DOMAIN)

        # -- END check to see what we return. --#

        return value_OUT
コード例 #2
    def parse_and_store_URL(self, URL_IN="", is_redirect_IN=False, *args, **kwargs):

        Accepts a URL.  Parses it, places the components in nested django fields.
           Returns the trimmed domain name.

        # return reference
        value_OUT = ""

        # declare variables
        network_helper = None
        trimmed_domain = ""
        path = ""
        protocol = ""
        params = ""
        query_string = ""
        domain_path = ""

        # make network helper instance
        network_helper = Network_Helper()

        # Got a URL?
        if (URL_IN) and (URL_IN != None) and (URL_IN != ""):

            # yes - use call to get domain to parse URL.
            trimmed_domain = network_helper.parse_URL(URL_IN, Network_Helper.URL_PARSE_RETURN_TRIMMED_DOMAIN)

            # get path (everything after the domain, not just the path).
            path = network_helper.parse_URL(
                URL_IN, Network_Helper.URL_PARSE_RETURN_ALL_AFTER_DOMAIN, use_last_parse_result=True

            # get parse result for the rest.
            parse_result = network_helper.latest_parse_result

            # protocol
            protocol = parse_result.scheme

            # is this a redirect URL?
            if is_redirect_IN == True:

                # redirect - store in redirect fields.
                self.redirect_domain_name = trimmed_domain
                self.redirect_domain_path = path
                self.redirect_full_url = URL_IN
                self.redirect_protocol = protocol


                # not redirect - store in redirect fields.
                self.domain_name = trimmed_domain
                self.domain_path = path
                self.full_url = URL_IN
                self.protocol = protocol

            # -- END check to see where we store the values. --#

            # return trimmed domain.
            value_OUT = trimmed_domain


            # domain
            value_OUT = ""

        # -- END check to see what we return. --#

        return value_OUT