コード例 #1
def test_nugget(pgp, n):
    Author: S.B
    This test compare the issue with an accumulation point for several toolboxes.
    # defining test function

    test_func = test_functions.f08

    Afterwards this test works with the same loaded data for each library

    x_train = [((-1) ** n) / n for n in range(1, n)]
    y_train = [test_func(x) for x in x_train]

    x_new = x_train[-1]

    # Reshaping the data according to library configuration

    # print(len(x_train))
    # print(len(y_train))
    train_data = pd.DataFrame({'x': x_train, 'z_train': y_train, 'z_test' : y_train})


    # Specifying the Mean Function

    m = mean.Mean()

    # Constructing the Kernel

    k = kernel.Kernel()

    kernel_dict_input = {}
    kernel_dict_input['Matern'] = {'lengthscale': 1, 'order': 2.5, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}

    # Construction of the regression model
    pgp.optimize(param_opt='MLE', itr=10)
    #print('pgp model : {}'.format(pgp.model))
    print('Hello world')
    # Making predictions
    _, sqrt_z_postvar_zero = pgp.predict(pd.DataFrame({'x': [0.0], 'z_test': [0.0]}))

    z_postvar_zero = sqrt_z_postvar_zero**2
    var_zero = pgp.evaluate_ker(np.array([[0]]), np.array([[0]]))
    var_last_point = pgp.evaluate_ker(np.array([[x_new]]), np.array([[x_new]]))
    cov_zero_last_point = pgp.evaluate_ker(np.array([[x_new]]), np.array([[0]]))

    upper_bound = var_zero  + var_last_point - 2 * cov_zero_last_point
    print('post_var' , z_postvar_zero[0])
    print('upper_bound' , upper_bound[0,0])
    print(z_postvar_zero[0] <= upper_bound[0,0] )
コード例 #2
def test02(pgp):
    Author: S.B
    Description: The following code implements Gaussian Process regression and
    compares the prediction accuracies of different python libraries for a given
    test function

    # defining test function

    test_func, x_min, x_max = test_functions.f03, test_functions.func_domain[3][0], test_functions.func_domain[3][1]

    # generate data

    train_data, test_data = make_data(1, test_func, [x_min, x_max])

    Afterwards this test works with the same loaded data for each library

    # Reshaping the data according to library configuration


    # Constructing the Kernel

    kernel_dict_input = {}
    #kernel_dict_input['Matern'] = {'lengthscale': 1, 'order': 1.5, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}
    kernel_dict_input['RBF'] = {'lengthscale': 1, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)', 'scale': 1}
    #kernel_dict_input['RatQd'] = {'lengthscale': 1 , 'power': 1.5, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}
    k = kernel.Kernel()

    pgp.set_kernel (k)

    # Specifying the Mean Function

    m = mean.Mean()
    pgp.set_mean (m)

    # Construction of the regression model

    pgp.optimize(param_opt='MLE', itr=10)

    # Making predictions

    z_postmean, z_postvar = pgp.predict(test_data)

    # Plotting the predictions

    plot(test_data, train_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)

    # Computing accuracy

    accuracy(test_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)
コード例 #3
#    'Orientation8', 'Orientation9', 'Orientation10', 'Orientation11',
#    'Orientation12', 'Orientation13', 'Orientation14', 'Orientation15',
#    'Orientation16', 'Orientation17', 'Orientation18', 'Orientation19',
#    'Orientation20', 'Orientation21', 'Orientation22']
# outputs = ['2F_4N', '1T_5N', 'MAC_1F', 'MAC_2F', 'MAC_1T', 'DELTA_1F_2N',
#    'DELTA_1F_3N', 'DELTA_2F_4N', 'DELTA_1T_5N', 'DELTA_TBC_7_8',
#    'S11_pli1', 'S11_pli2', 'S11_pli3', 'S11_pli42', 'S11_pli43',
#    'S11_pli44', 'Contrainte_max', 'TBC_7_8', 'DELTA_dcalage_70SOL_100',
#    'DELTA_dcalage_RLSOL_100', 'dcalage_RLSOL_87', 'dcalage_RLSOL_100',
#    'dcalage_70SOL_87', 'dcalage_70SOL_100']

predictors = ['x0', 'x1']
outputs = ['f']

models = [
    ('constant_mean_plugin_matern_5_2', mean.Mean().construct('Constant'),
     kernel.Kernel().construct({'Matern': {
         'lengthscale': 1,
         'order': 2.5
    ('approx_ord_krig_matern_5_2', mean.Mean().construct('Zero'),
     kernel.Kernel().construct({'Matern': {
         'lengthscale': 1,
         'order': 2.5
     }}) + kernel.Kernel().construct({'Const': {
         'constant': 1000
    ('zero_mean_matern_3_2', mean.Mean().construct('Zero'),
     kernel.Kernel().construct({'Matern': {
         'lengthscale': 1,
         'order': 1.5
コード例 #4
def test_simulate(pgp, n):
    Author: S.B
    Description: The following code implements Gaussian Process regression and
    generates boxplots of accuracy measures. (in multivariate setup)
    pmrmse_dict = {}
    emrmse_dict = {}
    time_dict = {}
    for i in range(1,n+1):
        print('set seed : ',i)
        # defining the random surface
        def test_bed_1(x, y):
            def generate_coeff():
                R1 = float(np.random.uniform (low = 0, high = 0.5, size = 1))
                S1 = float(np.random.uniform (low = 0, high = 0.5, size = 1))
                R2 = float(np.random.uniform (low = 0.5, high = 1, size = 1))
                S2 = float(np.random.uniform (low = 0.5, high = 1, size = 1))
                A = float(np.random.uniform (low = 0, high = 0.05, size = 1))
                Z = float(np.random.uniform (low = 0.25, high = 1, size = 1))
                return R1,S1,R2,S2,A,Z
            R1,S1,R2,S2,A,Z = generate_coeff()
            return (x**3/3-(R1+S1)*x**2/2+(R1*S1)*x+y**3/3-(R2+S2)*y**2/2+(R2*S2)*y+A*math.sin(2*math.pi*x*y/Z))
        def test_bed_2(x, y):
            def generate_coeff_2():
                    A1 = float(np.random.uniform (low = 20, high = 35, size = 1))
                    A2 = float(np.random.uniform (low = 20, high = 35, size = 1))
                    B1 = float(np.random.uniform (low = 0.5, high = 0.9, size = 1))
                    B2 = float(np.random.uniform (low = 0.5, high = 0.9, size = 1))
                    C = 10
                    return A1,A2,B1,B2,C
            A1,A2,B1,B2,C = generate_coeff_2()
            return (C*(math.sin(A1*(abs(x-0.5)-B1)**4)*math.cos(2*abs(x-0.5)-B1)+((abs(x-0.5)-B1)/2))*(math.sin(A2*(abs(y-0.5)-B2)**4)*math.cos(2*abs(y-0.5)-B2)+((abs(y-0.5)-B2)/2)))
        def test_bed_2(*x):
            size = len(x)
            def generate_coeff_2():
                    A = (np.random.uniform (low = 20, high = 35, size = size))
                    B = (np.random.uniform (low = 0.5, high = 0.9, size = size))
                    C = 10
                    return A,B,C
            A,B,C = generate_coeff_2()
            ans = 1
            for j in range(0,len(x)):
                ans = ans*(math.sin(A[j]*(abs(x[j]-0.5)-B[j])**4)*math.cos(2*abs(x[j]-0.5)-B[j])+((abs(x[j]-0.5)-B[j])/2))
            return ans*C
        # defining test function
        start = time.time()
        test_func, x_1_min, x_1_max, x_2_min, x_2_max, x_3_min, x_3_max  = test_bed_2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1
        # generate data
        input_dim = 3
        x_train, z_train, x_test, z_test = make_data(input_dim, test_func, [x_1_min, x_1_max], [x_2_min, x_2_max], [x_3_min, x_3_max])
        Afterwards this test works with the same loaded data for each library
        # Reshaping the data according to library configuration
        pgp.load_mult_data(x_train, z_train)
        # Constructing the Kernel
        kernel_dict_input = {}
        #kernel_dict_input1 = {}
        #kernel_dict_input['Matern'] = {'lengthscale': [2,3], 'order': 1.5, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}
        kernel_dict_input['RBF'] = {'lengthscale': [1,1,1], 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)', 'scale': 1}
        #kernel_dict_input['RatQd'] = {'lengthscale': 1 , 'power': 1.5, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}
        #kernel_dict_input1['Const'] = {'constant': 1}
        k = kernel.Kernel()
        #k1 = kernel.Kernel()
        pgp.set_kernel (k, ard = True)
        Set ard = True for different lenghscale for different dimensions
        # Specifying the Mean Function
        m = mean.Mean()
        pgp.set_mean (m)
        # Construction of the regression model
        pgp.optimize(param_opt='MLE', itr=10)
        # Making predictions
        z_postmean, z_postvar = pgp.predict_mult(x_test)
        # Plotting the predictions
        #plot(test_data, train_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)
        # Computing accuracy
        test_data = pd.DataFrame()
        test_data["z_test"] = z_test
        accuracy(test_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)
        emrmse_dict[i] = emrmse(test_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)
        pmrmse_dict[i] = pmrmse(z_postvar)
        # Contour plots
        #contour(x_test, z_test, z_postmean, test_func)
        end = time.time()
        time_dict[i] = end-start
    return emrmse_dict, pmrmse_dict, time_dict
コード例 #5
def test_multivar(pgp):
    Author: S.B
    Description: The following code implements Gaussian Process regression and
    compares the prediction accuracies of different python libraries for a given
    test function

    # defining test function

    test_func, x_1_min, x_1_max, x_2_min, x_2_max  = test_functions.branin, test_functions.func_domain_2d['branin'][0][0], test_functions.func_domain_2d['branin'][0][1],test_functions.func_domain_2d['branin'][1][0], test_functions.func_domain_2d['branin'][1][1]

    # generate data
    input_dim = 2
    x_train, z_train, x_test, z_test = make_data(input_dim, test_func, [x_1_min, x_1_max], [x_2_min, x_2_max])

    Afterwards this test works with the same loaded data for each library

    # Reshaping the data according to library configuration

    pgp.load_mult_data(x_train, z_train)

    # Constructing the Kernel

    kernel_dict_input = {}
    #kernel_dict_input1 = {}
    #kernel_dict_input['Matern'] = {'lengthscale': [2,3], 'order': 1.5, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}
    kernel_dict_input['RBF'] = {'lengthscale': [1,1] , 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)', 'scale': 1}
    #kernel_dict_input['RatQd'] = {'lengthscale': 1 , 'power': 1.5, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}
    #kernel_dict_input1['Const'] = {'constant': 1}
    k = kernel.Kernel()
    #k1 = kernel.Kernel()
    pgp.set_kernel (k, ard = True)
    Set ard = True for different lenghscale for different dimensions
    # Specifying the Mean Function

    m = mean.Mean()
    pgp.set_mean (m)

    # Construction of the regression model

    pgp.optimize(param_opt='MLE', itr=10)
    # Making predictions

    z_postmean, z_postvar = pgp.predict_mult(x_test)

    # Plotting the predictions

    #plot(test_data, train_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)

    # Computing accuracy
    test_data = pd.DataFrame()
    test_data["z_test"] = z_test
    accuracy(test_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)
    # Contour plots
    contour(x_test, z_test, z_postmean, test_func)
コード例 #6
def test_zero_accumulation(pgp, n_start, n_stop, n_test, eps, noise, n_restart):
    Author: S.B
    This test compare the issue with an accumulation point for several toolboxes.
    # defining test function

    test_func = test_functions.f08

    Afterwards this test works with the same loaded data for each library

    x_train = [((-1) ** n) / n for n in range(1, n_start)]
    y_train = [test_func(x) for x in x_train]

    x_test = np.linspace(-1,20, n_test)
    y_test = [test_func(x) for x in x_test]

    n_zero_var = []
    krig_error = []
    one_loess = []
    two_loess = []
    x_new = x_train[-1]
    y_new = y_train[-1]
    times = []
    non_zero_var_means = []

    t = time.time()

    for k in range(n_start, n_stop + 1):
        print("Number points : {}".format(k))
        old_t = t
        t = time.time()
        print("Time elapsed : {}".format(t - old_t))
        times.append(t - old_t)

        old_x_new = x_new
        x_new = ((-1) ** k) / k

        old_y_new = y_new
        y_new = test_func(x_new)

        # Reshaping the data according to library configuration
        # print(len(x_train))
        # print(len(y_train))
        train_data = pd.DataFrame({'x': x_train, 'z_train': y_train, 'z_test' : y_train})
        test_data = pd.DataFrame({'x': x_test, 'z_test': y_test})


        # Specifying the Mean Function

        m = mean.Mean()
        pgp.set_mean (m)

        # Constructing the Kernel

        kernel_dict_input = {}
        kernel_dict_input['Matern'] = {'lengthscale': 1, 'order': 2.5}
        #kernel_dict_input['RBF'] = {'lengthscale': 1, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}

        k1 = kernel.Kernel()

        k2 = kernel.Kernel()
        k2.construct({'Const':{'constant' : 1000}})
        pgp.set_kernel (k1 + k2)

        # Construction of the regression model
            pgp.init_model(noise = noise)
            pgp.optimize(param_opt = 'MLE', itr = n_restart)
            print('pgp model : {}'.format(pgp.model))
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as err:
            print("Error : {}".format(err))
            one_loess.append((y_new) ** 2)
            two_loess.append((y_new - x_new * (old_y_new - y_new) / (old_x_new - x_new)) ** 2)

        # Making predictions

        z_postmean_test, sqrt_z_postvar_test = pgp.predict(test_data)
        z_postvar_test = sqrt_z_postvar_test**2

        n_zero_var.append((z_postvar_test <= eps).sum())
        non_zero_var_means.append((z_postvar_test[z_postvar_test > eps]).mean())

        z_postmean_zero, _ = pgp.predict(pd.DataFrame({'x': [0.0], 'z_test': [0.0]}))
        krig_error.append((z_postmean_zero) ** 2)
        one_loess.append((y_new) ** 2)
        two_loess.append((y_new - x_new * (old_y_new - y_new) / (old_x_new - x_new)) ** 2)
        # Plotting the predictions

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(range(n_start, n_stop + 1), n_zero_var, 'k:', label=r'Number of null variances')

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.semilogy(range(n_start, n_stop + 1), krig_error, 'k:', label=r'Error in zero')
    plt.semilogy(range(n_start, n_stop + 1), one_loess, 'r-', label=r'1NN in zero')
    plt.semilogy(range(n_start, n_stop + 1), two_loess, 'b-', label=r'2NN regression in zero')

    plot(test_data, train_data, z_postmean_test, z_postvar_test)
コード例 #7
def test01(pgp):
    Author: S.B
    Description: The following code implements Gaussian Process regression using
    a perticular python libraries for a given test function
    ############################ defining test function #############################

    test_func, x_min, x_max = test_functions.f01, test_functions.func_domain[1][0], test_functions.func_domain[1][1]

    train_data, test_data = make_data(1,test_func, [x_min, x_max])

    ############################## Initializing the test ############################

    ################################## load data ####################################


    ########################### Constructing the Kernel #############################

    # with pre specified inputs

    kernel_dict_input = {}
    #kernel_dict_input['Matern'] = {'lengthscale': 1, 'order': 1.5, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}
    kernel_dict_input['RBF'] = {'lengthscale': 1, 'lengthscale_bounds': '(1e-5, 1e5)'}

    k = kernel.Kernel()
    pgp.set_kernel (k)

    # with user inputs

    k1 = kernel.Kernel()

    #k2 = kernel.Kernel()

    #k3 = kernel.Kernel()

    #k = kernel.CompoundKernel('+',kernel.CompoundKernel('*',kernel.CompoundKernel(o = k1.show()),kernel.CompoundKernel(o = k2.show())),kernel.CompoundKernel(o = k3.show()))
    #k = (k1 * k2) + k3

    pgp.set_kernel (k1)

    ######################## Specifying the Mean Function ###########################

    # with pre specified inputs
    m = mean.Mean()
    pgp.set_mean (m)

    # with user inputs
    m = mean.Mean()
    pgp.set_mean (m)
    ##################### Construction of the regression model ######################

    pgp.optimize(param_opt='MLE', itr=10)
    ############################## Making predictions ###############################

    z_postmean, z_postvar = pgp.predict (test_data)

    ########################## Plotting the predictions #############################

    plot (test_data, train_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)

    ############################# Computing accuracy ################################

    accuracy(test_data, z_postmean, z_postvar)