def request_pass(depth: int) -> str: pass1 = getpass(prompt=format_with_depth(depth, "Enter password: "******"Enter password again: ")) if pass1 != pass2: print_on_depth(depth, "Password doesn't match.") exit(-1) return pass1
def install(): depth = 0 print_on_depth(depth, "Starting installation run") data = gather_info(depth + 1) install_all(depth + 1, data) fix_git_settings(depth + 1, data) init_dirs_and_config(depth, data) prep_system(depth, data)
def abs_copy(depth: int, src: str, dest: str): if os.path.exists(dest): if confirm(depth, "A file exists at %s continue and backup?\n" % dest): shutil.copy(dest, dest + ".bak.cfg") shutil.copy(src, dest) else: print_on_depth(depth, "Skipped copy of %s to %s" % (src, dest)) else: shutil.copy(src, dest)
def copy_corresponding(depth: int, dest_root, cfg, data: InstallData): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cfg): cor = str(root).replace( data.system_data.append_to_config_location("/"), "") dest = dest_root + cor if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest, mode=0o700, exist_ok=True) for f in files: src = os.path.join(root, f) dst = os.path.join(dest, f) abs_copy(depth, src, dst) print_on_depth(depth, "Copied %s")
def install_yay(depth: int): print_on_depth(depth, "Installing Yay") tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() cur = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp) run_cmd(depth, "git clone").get_or_throw() print_on_depth(depth, "Successfully cloned") os.chdir(os.path.join(tmp, "yay")) run_cmd(depth, "makepkg -si --noconfirm").get_or_throw() print_on_depth(depth, "Successfully installed") print_on_depth(depth, "Cleaning up dirs") shutil.rmtree(tmp) os.chdir(cur) print_on_depth(depth, "Success")
def prep_env(): depth = 0 print_on_depth(depth, "Prepping env as chroot") opts = UserOpts.prompt_for_opts(depth + 1) print_on_depth(depth, "Creating user %s" % opts.user_name) run_cmd(depth, "useradd %s" % opts.user_name) hostname = "/etc/hostname" create_with_content(depth, hostname, [opts.host_name]) hosts = "/etc/hosts" create_with_content(depth, hosts, [" localhost", "::1 localhost"]) append_lines_to_end("/etc/locale.gen", ["en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8"]) create_with_content(depth, "/etc/locale.conf", ["LANG=en_US.UTF-8"]) run_cmd(depth, "locale-gen").get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Stockholm /etc/localtime" ).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Stockholm").get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "hwclock --systohc --utc").get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "useradd -m %s" % opts.user_name).get_or_throw() append_lines_to_end("/etc/sudoers", ["%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" % opts.user_name]) run_cmd(depth, "systemctl --now enable systemd-networkd systemd-resolved iwd" ).or_print_err() run_cmd(depth, "systemctl --now enable dhcpcd").or_print_err() tmpl = ToTmpl(template_path="/opts.tmpl", props=opts.__dict__).to_tmpl_fmt() save = "/home/setup/arch_config/opts" with open(save, "w+") as f: f.write(tmpl) print_on_depth(depth, "Done prepping env, saved opts to %s" % save) print_on_depth(depth, "Remember to run: passwd %s" % opts.user_name)
def copy_dirs(depth: int, data: InstallData): for d in USER_COPY_DIRS: dest = data.system_data.append_to_base("/") cfg = data.system_data.append_to_config_location(d) if not os.path.exists(dest): mkdir(depth, dest, username=data.user_opts.user_name) copy_corresponding(depth, dest, cfg, data) print_on_depth(depth, "Copied contents of dir %s" % d) for d in SYS_DIRS: dest = d cfg = data.system_data.append_to_config_location(d) if not os.path.exists(dest): mkdir(depth, dest) copy_corresponding( depth, dest, cfg, data) # TODO: Fix bug where it tries to copy to /etcetc print_on_depth(depth, "Copied contents of dir %s" % d)
def prep_system(depth: int, data: InstallData): if data.user_opts.programming: run_cmd(depth, "rustup toolchain install stable").or_print_err() # Start services print_on_depth(depth, "Enabling services now") run_cmd(depth, "sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth").or_print_err() run_cmd(depth, "sudo systemctl enable --now cronie").or_print_err() run_cmd(depth, "sudo systemctl enable --now dhcpcd").or_print_err() run_cmd(depth, "sudo systemctl enable --now ntpd").or_print_err() run_cmd(depth, "sudo pulseaudio -D").or_print_err() # Set bluetooth agent on print_on_depth(depth, "Setting up default BT agent") run_cmd(depth, "sudo bluetoothctl -- default-agent").or_print_err() run_cmd(depth, "sudo bluetoothctl -- power on").or_print_err() update_bt_conf() print(depth, "Successfully prepped system")
def fix_git_settings(depth: int, data: InstallData): print_on_depth(depth, "Configuring git and generating keys.") run_cmd(depth, "git config --global %s" % run_cmd(depth, "git config --global %s" % data.user_opts.user_name).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "git config --global pull.rebase true").get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "git config --global push.default current").get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "git config --global rerere.enabled true").get_or_throw() rsa = data.system_data.append_to_base("/.ssh/id_rsa") if not os.path.exists(rsa): print_on_depth(depth, "Creating SSH key") run_cmd(depth, "ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C %s" % run_cmd(depth, "ssh-add %s" % rsa).get_or_throw() print_on_depth( depth, "Add the key from ~/.ssh/id_rsa to github to finish git install") else: print_on_depth(depth, "Skipping key generation as it already exists.") print_on_depth(depth, "Success.")
def install_all(depth: int, data: InstallData) -> [str]: print_on_depth(depth, "Preparing packag install") to_install = base if bool(data.user_opts.xmonad): print_on_depth(depth, "Include xmonad deps") to_install += xmonad if bool(data.user_opts.programming): print_on_depth(depth, "Include programming deps") to_install += programming if bool(data.user_opts.nvidia): print_on_depth(depth, "Include nvidia drivers") to_install += nvidia else: print_on_depth(depth, "Exclude nvidia drivers") to_install += non_nvidia print_on_depth(depth, "Installing %s packages" % len(to_install)) for pkg in to_install: res = pacman_install(depth + 1, pkg) if not res.was_successful(): print_on_depth(depth, "Failed to install pkg: %s" % pkg) print_on_depth(depth, "Successfully installed pacman packages") if bool(data.user_opts.yay): install_yay(depth + 1) for pkg in yay: if confirm(depth + 1, "Install package %s with yay? " % pkg): yay_install(depth + 1, pkg).or_print_err()
def install(): depth = 0 print_on_depth(depth, "Starting install script") pw = request_pass(depth) # Add boot deps print_on_depth(depth, "Installing boot deps") run_cmd(depth, "pacman -S grub --noconfirm --needed") run_cmd(depth, "pacman -S efibootmgr --noconfirm --needed") run_cmd(depth, "pacman -S sudo --noconfirm --needed") run_cmd(depth, "pacman -S iwd --noconfirm --needed") run_cmd(depth, "pacman -S dhcpcd --noconfirm --needed") print_on_depth(depth, "Generating root keyfile...") root_key_file = "/root/croot.keyfile" if mkfile(depth, root_key_file): run_cmd( depth, "dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=%s iflag=fullblock" % root_key_file).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "chmod 000 %s" % root_key_file).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "cryptsetup -v luksAddKey %s %s" % (ROOT, root_key_file), piped_input=pw).get_or_throw() print_on_depth(depth, "Generating home keyfile...") home_key_dir = "/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d" mkdir(depth, home_key_dir, 644).get_or_throw() home_key_file = "%s/home.key" % home_key_dir if mkfile(depth, home_key_file): run_cmd( depth, "dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=%s iflag=fullblock" % home_key_file).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "chmod 000 %s" % home_key_file).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "cryptsetup -v luksAddKey %s %s" % (HOME, home_key_file), piped_input=pw).get_or_throw() print_on_depth(depth, "Generating swap keyfile...") swap_key_file = "%s/swap.key" % home_key_dir if mkfile(depth, swap_key_file): run_cmd( depth, "dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=%s iflag=fullblock" % home_key_file).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "chmod 000 %s" % swap_key_file).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "cryptsetup -v luksAddKey %s %s" % (SWAP, swap_key_file), piped_input=pw).get_or_throw() print_on_depth(depth, "Done generating keyfiles") print_on_depth(depth, "Fixing crypt conf") fix_conf(root_key_file, home_key_file, swap_key_file, get_lsblk(depth)) print_on_depth(depth, "Executing grub install") run_cmd( depth, "grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB --recheck" ).get_or_throw() run_cmd(depth, "grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck %s" % DISK).get_or_throw() print_on_depth(depth, "Executing mkinitcpio") run_cmd(depth, "mkinitcpio -P").get_or_throw() print_on_depth(depth, "Creating grub cfg") run_cmd(depth, "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg").get_or_throw() prep_env() run_cmd(depth, "mkdir /home/gramar") run_cmd(depth, "chown -R gramar /home/gramar") run_cmd(depth, "chgrp -R gramar /home/gramar") run_cmd(depth, "mv /home/setup/arch_config /home/gramar/code") run_cmd(depth, "chown -R gramar /home/gramar/code") run_cmd(depth, "chgrp -R gramar /home/gramar/code") print_on_depth( depth, "Done, enter root password then exit chroot, umount -a, reboot," " and run install/")
def create_dirs(depth: int, data: InstallData): for d in BASE: os.makedirs(data.system_data.append_to_base(d), mode=0o700, exist_ok=True) print_on_depth(depth, "Created dir: %s" % d)
def init_dirs_and_config(depth: int, data: InstallData): print_on_depth(depth, "Initialising dirs") create_dirs(depth, data) copy_user_files(depth, data) copy_dirs(depth, data)