コード例 #1
web_to_db.protocol = "MySQL"
web_to_db.dstPort = 3306
# this is a BAD way of defining a data object, here for a demo on how it
# will appear on the sample report. Use Data objects.
web_to_db.data = "MySQL insert statement, all literals"
web_to_db.note = (
    "Web server inserts user comments\ninto it's SQL query and stores them in the DB."

comment_retrieved = Data("Web server retrieves comments from DB",
db_to_web = Dataflow(db, web, "Retrieve comments")
db_to_web.protocol = "MySQL"
db_to_web.dstPort = 80
db_to_web.data = comment_retrieved
db_to_web.responseTo = web_to_db

comment_to_show = Data("Web server shows comments to the end user",
web_to_user = Dataflow(web, user, "Show comments (*)")
web_to_user.protocol = "HTTP"
web_to_user.data = comment_to_show
web_to_user.responseTo = user_to_web

clear_op = Data("Serverless function clears DB",
my_lambda_to_db = Dataflow(my_lambda, db,
                           "Serverless function periodically cleans DB")
my_lambda_to_db.protocol = "MySQL"
my_lambda_to_db.dstPort = 3306
my_lambda_to_db.data = clear_op
コード例 #2
customer_client_to_merchant_web = Dataflow(
    customer_client, merchant_web,
    "Customer Client sends order intent, including order amount (*)")
customer_client_to_merchant_web.protocol = "HTTPS"
customer_client_to_merchant_web.dstPort = 443

merchant_web_to_stripe_api = Dataflow(
    merchant_web, stripe_api,
    "Merchant sends order information inc amount and currency (*)")
merchant_web_to_stripe_api.data = 'POST /v1/payment_intents'

stripe_api_to_merchant_web = Dataflow(
    stripe_api, merchant_web, "Return PaymentIntent to the Merchant (*)")
stripe_api_to_merchant_web.data = 'Response'
stripe_api_to_merchant_web.responseTo = merchant_web_to_stripe_api

merchant_web_to_customer_client = Dataflow(
    merchant_web, customer_client,
    "Return PaymentIntent to the Customer Client (*)")
merchant_web_to_customer_client.data = 'merchant_secret'
merchant_web_to_customer_client.responseTo = customer_client_to_merchant_web

customer_to_customer_client = Dataflow(
    customer, customer_client,
    "Customer provides card details and finalizes payment (*)")

customer_client_to_stripe_api = Dataflow(
    customer_client, stripe_api,
    "Customer Client sends stripe.confirmCardPayment() (*)")
customer_client_to_stripe_api.data = "client_secret and card details"