コード例 #1
ファイル: score.py プロジェクト: mvanevic/PyTom
def peakCoef(self, volume, reference, mask=None):
    peakCoef: Determines the coefficient of the scoring function.
    @param volume: A volume.
    @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param reference: A reference.
    @type reference: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @return: The highest coefficient determined.
    @author: Thomas Hrabe, FF
    from pytom_volume import peak
    from pytom.tools.maths import euclidianDistance
    from pytom.basic.correlation import subPixelPeak

    if mask is None:
        resFunction = self.scoringFunction(volume, reference)
        resFunction = self.scoringFunction(volume, reference, mask)

    # change FF: 07.01.2020
    #centerX = resFunction.sizeX()//2 -1
    #centerY = resFunction.sizeY()//2 -1
    #centerZ = resFunction.sizeZ()//2 -1

    pcoarse = peak(resFunction)

    p = subPixelPeak(scoreVolume=resFunction, coordinates=pcoarse)
    #p = subPixelPeak(scoreVolume=resFunction, coordinates=[centerX,centerY,centerZ])

    #if euclidianDistance([centerX,centerY,centerZ],p[1]) <= 1.4142135623730951:
    #    c = p[0]

    return p[0]
コード例 #2
ファイル: imageStructures.py プロジェクト: mvanevic/PyTom
    def exMaxAlign(self, niter=10, mask=None):
        expectation maximization alignment of imageStack

        @param niter: number of iterations
        @type niter: L{int}
        @param mask: mask applied to average before alignment
        @type mask: L{pytom_volume.vol}
        @author: FF
        from pytom.basic.correlation import nXcf, subPixelPeak
        from pytom_volume import peak

        for iexMax in range(0, niter):
            if self.verbose:
                print("Starting Ex-Max iteration " + str(iexMax + 1) + " of " +
            meanX = 0.
            meanY = 0.
            #Max - step
            # Ex-step
            for ii in range(0, len(self.images)):
                ccf = nXcf(volume=self.images[ii].data,
                pos = peak(ccf)
                peakinfo = subPixelPeak(scoreVolume=ccf,
                peakval = peakinfo[0]
                pos = peakinfo[1]
                self.images[ii].shiftX = float(pos[0] - self.dimX)
                self.images[ii].shiftY = float(pos[1] - self.dimY)
                meanX = meanX + self.images[ii].shiftX
                meanY = meanY + self.images[ii].shiftY
            # set mean shifts to 0
            meanX = meanX / len(self.images)
            meanY = meanY / len(self.images)
            for ii in range(0, len(self.images)):
                self.images[ii].shiftX = self.images[ii].shiftX - meanX
                self.images[ii].shiftY = self.images[ii].shiftY - meanY
コード例 #3
def bestAlignmentGPU(particleList, rotations, plan, isSphere=True):
    bestAlignment: Determines best alignment of particle relative to the reference
    @param particle: A particle
    @type particle: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param reference: A reference
    @type reference: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param referenceWeighting: Fourier weighting of the reference (sum of wedges for instance)
    @type referenceWeighting: L{pytom.basic.structures.vol}
    @param wedgeInfo: What does the wedge look alike?
    @type wedgeInfo: L{pytom.basic.structures.Wedge}
    @param rotations: All rotations to be scanned
    @type rotations: L{pytom.angles.AngleObject}
    @param scoreObject:
    @type scoreObject: L{pytom.score.score.Score}
    @param mask: real-space mask for correlation function
    @type mask: L{pytom.basic.structures.Particle}
    @param preprocessing: Class storing preprocessing of particle and reference such as bandpass
    @type preprocessing: L{pytom.alignment.preprocessing.Preprocessing}
    @param progressBar: Display progress bar of alignment. False by default.
    @param binning: binning factor - e.g. binning=2 reduces size by FACTOR of 2
    @type binning: int or float
    @param bestPeak: Initialise best peak with old values.
    @param verbose: Print out infos. Writes CC volume to disk!!! Default is False
    @return: Returns the best rotation for particle and the corresponding scoring result.
    @author: Thomas Hrabe
    from pytom.gpu.tools import add_particle_to_sum
    from pytom.gpu.prepare_plans import prepare_glocal_plan
    from pytom.gpu.correlation import subPixelPeak, find_coords_max_ccmap
    from pytom.gpu.filter import filter, applyWedge
    from pytom.gpu.preprocessing import applyPreprocessing
    from pytom.gpu.transformations import resize, resizeFourier, rotate
    import numpy as np

    binningType = 'Fourier'  # or 'Fourier'

    bestPeakList = []

    for pid, particle in particleList:

        centerCoordinates = np.array([size//2 for size in plan.shape], dtype=np.int32)

        # create buffer volume for transformed particle
        applyWedge(particle)  # apply wedge to itself
        applyPreprocessing(particle, taper=np.float32(shape[0] / 10.) )  # filter particle to some resolution

        bestPeak = [-1000, [0,0,0], [0,0,0]]

        for n, currentRotation in enumerate(rotations):
            if not isSphere:
                meanUnderMask(particle, plan.mask, plan.p)
                stdUnderMask(particle, plan.mask, plan.p, plan.meanV)

            rotateWedge(plan.reference, currentRotation, plan.wedge, plan.mask, centerCoordinates)
            applyPreprocessing(plan.simulatedVol, bypassFlag=True)

            # weight particle

            rotateWeight(plan.reference, plan.referenceWeighting, currentRotation)
            filterParticle(particle, weight(weightingRotated), plan.particleCopy)

            cross_correlation(plan.particleCopy, plan.simulatedVol, plan.ccc_map)

            peakCoordinates = find_coords_max_ccmap(plan.ccc_map)

            # with subPixelPeak
            [peakValue, peakPosition] = subPixelPeak(plan.ccc_map, coordinates=peakCoordinates, cropsize=10)

            # determine shift relative to center
            shiftX = (peakPosition[0] - centerX)
            shiftY = (peakPosition[1] - centerY)
            shiftZ = (peakPosition[2] - centerZ)

            newPeak = (peakValue, currentRotation, (shiftX, shiftY, shiftZ))

            if bestPeak[0] < newPeak[0]:
                bestPeak = newPeak

        if pid % 2 == 0:
            add_particle_to_sum(particle, bestPeak[1][::-1]*-1, plan.evenSum)
            add_particle_to_sum(particle, bestPeak[1][::-1]*-1, plan.oddSum)


    return bestPeakList
コード例 #4
def bestAlignment(particle, reference, referenceWeighting, wedgeInfo, rotations,
         scoreObject=0, mask=None, preprocessing=None, progressBar=False, binning=1,
         bestPeak=None, verbose=False):
    bestAlignment: Determines best alignment of particle relative to the reference
    @param particle: A particle
    @type particle: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param reference: A reference
    @type reference: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param referenceWeighting: Fourier weighting of the reference (sum of wedges for instance)
    @type referenceWeighting: L{pytom.basic.structures.vol}
    @param wedgeInfo: What does the wedge look alike?
    @type wedgeInfo: L{pytom.basic.structures.Wedge}
    @param rotations: All rotations to be scanned
    @type rotations: L{pytom.angles.AngleObject}
    @param scoreObject: 
    @type scoreObject: L{pytom.score.score.Score}
    @param mask: real-space mask for correlation function
    @type mask: L{pytom.basic.structures.Particle}
    @param preprocessing: Class storing preprocessing of particle and reference such as bandpass
    @type preprocessing: L{pytom.alignment.preprocessing.Preprocessing}
    @param progressBar: Display progress bar of alignment. False by default.
    @param binning: binning factor - e.g. binning=2 reduces size by FACTOR of 2
    @type binning: int or float
    @param bestPeak: Initialise best peak with old values.   
    @param verbose: Print out infos. Writes CC volume to disk!!! Default is False  
    @return: Returns the best rotation for particle and the corresponding scoring result.
    @author: Thomas Hrabe
    from pytom.basic.correlation import subPixelPeak, subPixelPeakParabolic
    from pytom.alignment.structures import Peak
    from pytom_volume import peak, vol, vol_comp
    from pytom.basic.filter import filter,rotateWeighting
    from pytom.basic.structures import Rotation, Shift, Particle, Mask
    from pytom.angles.angle import AngleObject
    from pytom.alignment.preprocessing import Preprocessing
    from pytom.basic.transformations import resize, resizeFourier
    binningType = 'Fourier' # or 'Fourier'

    assert isinstance(rotations, AngleObject), "bestAlignment: rotations must be " \
    currentRotation = rotations.nextRotation()
    if currentRotation == [None,None,None]:
        raise Exception('bestAlignment: No rotations are sampled! Something is wrong with input rotations')

    assert particle.__class__ == vol, "particle not of type vol"
    assert reference.__class__ == vol, "reference not of type vol"
    assert (referenceWeighting.__class__ == vol or referenceWeighting.__class__ == str), \
        "referenceWeighting not volume or str"
    if mask:
        assert mask.__class__ == Mask, "Mask not of type Mask"
        m = mask.getVolume()

    if scoreObject == 0 or not scoreObject:
        from pytom.score.score import xcfScore
        scoreObject = xcfScore()
    # fix binning
    if binning == 0:
        binning = 1
    if binning != 1:
        particleUnbinned = vol(particle.sizeX(), particle.sizeY(), particle.sizeZ())
        particle = resize(volume=particle, factor=1./binning, interpolation=binningType)
        if type(particle) == tuple:
            particle = particle[0]
        referenceUnbinned = vol(reference.sizeX(), reference.sizeY(), reference.sizeZ())
        reference = resize(volume=reference, factor=1./binning, interpolation=binningType)
        if type(reference) == tuple:
            reference = reference[0]
        if mask:
            m = resize(volume=m, factor=1./binning, interpolation='Spline')
        if not referenceWeighting.__class__ == str:
            referenceWeightingUnbinned = vol_comp(referenceWeighting.sizeX(), referenceWeighting.sizeY(),
            if binning != 1:
                referenceWeighting = resizeFourier(fvol=referenceWeighting, factor=1./binning)
    centerX, centerY, centerZ = int(particle.sizeX()/2), int(particle.sizeY()/2), int(particle.sizeZ()/2)

    # create buffer volume for transformed particle 
    particleCopy = vol(particle.sizeX(),particle.sizeY(),particle.sizeZ())
    particle = wedgeInfo.apply(particle) #apply wedge to itself
    if preprocessing is None:
        preprocessing = Preprocessing()
    preprocessing.setTaper( taper=particle.sizeX()/10.)
    particle = preprocessing.apply(volume=particle, bypassFlag=True)  # filter particle to some resolution
    # compute standard veviation volume really only if needed
    if mask and (scoreObject._type=='FLCFScore'):
        from pytom_volume import sum
        from pytom.basic.correlation import meanUnderMask, stdUnderMask
        p = sum(m)
        meanV = meanUnderMask(particle, m, p)
        stdV = stdUnderMask(particle, m, p, meanV)
        meanV = None
        stdV = None

    while currentRotation != [None,None,None]:
        if mask:
            m = mask.getVolume(currentRotation)
            if binning != 1:
                m = resize(volume=m, factor=1./binning, interpolation='Spline')
            #update stdV if mask is not a sphere
            # compute standard deviation volume really only if needed
            if not mask.isSphere() and (scoreObject._type=='FLCFScore'):
                meanV   = meanUnderMask(particle, m, p)
                stdV    = stdUnderMask(particle, m, p, meanV)
            m = None
        simulatedVol = _rotateWedgeReference(reference, currentRotation, wedgeInfo, m, [centerX, centerY, centerZ])
        simulatedVol = preprocessing.apply(volume=simulatedVol, bypassFlag=True)
        #weight particle
        if not referenceWeighting.__class__ == str:
            from pytom_freqweight import weight
            weightingRotated = rotateWeighting(weighting=referenceWeighting, z1=currentRotation[0],
                                               z2=currentRotation[1], x=currentRotation[2], isReducedComplex=True,
                                               returnReducedComplex=True, binarize=False)
            r = list(filter(particleCopy, weight(weightingRotated)))
            particleCopy = r[0]
        scoringResult = scoreObject.score(particleCopy, simulatedVol, m, stdV)
        pk = peak(scoringResult)

        #with subPixelPeak
        [peakValue,peakPosition] = subPixelPeak(scoreVolume=scoringResult, coordinates=pk,
                                               interpolation='Quadratic', verbose=False)
        #[peakValue,peakPosition] = subPixelPeakParabolic(scoreVolume=scoringResult, coordinates=pk, verbose=False)

        # determine shift relative to center
        shiftX = (peakPosition[0] - centerX) * binning
        shiftY = (peakPosition[1] - centerY) * binning
        shiftZ = (peakPosition[2] - centerZ) * binning

        #NANs would fail this test.
        assert peakValue == peakValue, "peakValue seems to be NaN"
        newPeak = Peak(peakValue, Rotation(currentRotation), Shift(shiftX, shiftY, shiftZ))
        if verbose:
            print('Rotation: z1=%3.1f, z2=%3.1f, x=%3.1f; Dx=%2.2f, Dy=%2.2f, Dz=%2.2f, CC=%2.3f' % \
                  (currentRotation[0], currentRotation[1], currentRotation[2], shiftX, shiftY, shiftZ, peakValue))

        if bestPeak is None:
            bestPeak = newPeak
            if verbose:
        if bestPeak < newPeak:
            bestPeak = newPeak
            if verbose:

        currentRotation = rotations.nextRotation()
    # repeat ccf for binned sampling to get translation accurately
    if binning != 1:
        m = mask.getVolume(bestPeak.getRotation())
        centerX, centerY, centerZ = int(particleUnbinned.sizeX()/2), int(particleUnbinned.sizeY()/2), \
        simulatedVol = _rotateWedgeReference(referenceUnbinned, bestPeak.getRotation(), wedgeInfo, m,
                                             [centerX, centerY, centerZ])
        simulatedVol = preprocessing.apply(volume=simulatedVol, bypassFlag=True)
        if mask and scoreObject._type=='FLCFScore':
            p = sum(m)
            meanV = meanUnderMask(volume=particleUnbinned, mask=m, p=p)
            stdV  = stdUnderMask(volume=particleUnbinned, mask=m, p=p, meanV=meanV)
        scoringResult = scoreObject.score(particle=particleUnbinned, reference=simulatedVol, mask=m, stdV=stdV)
        pk = peak(scoringResult)
        [peakValue,peakPosition] = subPixelPeak(scoreVolume=scoringResult, coordinates=pk, interpolation='Quadratic',
        shiftX = (peakPosition[0] - centerX)
        shiftY = (peakPosition[1] - centerY)
        shiftZ = (peakPosition[2] - centerZ)
        bestPeak = Peak(peakValue, bestPeak.getRotation(), Shift(shiftX, shiftY, shiftZ))
    if verbose:
            print('BestAlignment: z1=%3.1f, z2=%3.1f, x=%3.1f; Dx=%2.2f, Dy=%2.2f, Dz=%2.2f, CC=%2.3f' % \
                  (bestPeak.getRotation()[0], bestPeak.getRotation()[1], bestPeak.getRotation()[2],
                   bestPeak.getShift()[0], bestPeak.getShift()[1], bestPeak.getShift()[2], bestPeak.getScoreValue()))
    return bestPeak