def bandCF(volume, reference, band=[0, 100]): """ bandCF: @param volume: The volume @param reference: The reference @param band: [a,b] - specify the lower and upper end of band. [0,1] if not set. @return: First parameter - The correlation of the two volumes in the specified ring. Second parameter - The bandpass filter used. @rtype: List - [L{pytom_volume.vol},L{pytom_freqweight.weight}] @author: Thomas Hrabe @todo: does not work yet -> test is disabled """ if gpu: import cupy as xp else: import numpy as xp import pytom_volume from math import sqrt from pytom.basic import fourier from pytom.basic.filter import bandpassFilter from pytom.basic.correlation import nXcf vf = bandpassFilter(volume, band[0], band[1], fourierOnly=True) rf = bandpassFilter(reference, band[0], band[1], vf[1], fourierOnly=True) v = pytom_volume.reducedToFull(vf[0]) r = pytom_volume.reducedToFull(rf[0]) absV = pytom_volume.abs(v) absR = pytom_volume.abs(r) pytom_volume.power(absV, 2) pytom_volume.power(absR, 2) sumV = abs(pytom_volume.sum(absV)) sumR = abs(pytom_volume.sum(absR)) if sumV == 0: sumV = 1 if sumR == 0: sumR = 1 pytom_volume.conjugate(rf[0]) fresult = vf[0] * rf[0] #transform back to real space result = fourier.ifft(fresult) fourier.iftshift(result) result.shiftscale(0, 1 / float(sqrt(sumV * sumR))) return [result, vf[1]]
def bandpass(self, lowfreq, hifreq, smooth=0., bpf=None): """ bandpass filter image @param lowfreq: lowest frequency of filter (=hi-pass) @type lowfreq: L{float} @param hifreq: highest frequency of filter (=low-pass) @type hifreq: L{float} @param smooth: smoothing @type smooth: L{float} @param bpf: bandpass filter object @return: bandpass filter object @rtype: L{pytom.basic.structures.BandPassFilter} """ from pytom.basic.filter import bandpassFilter res = bandpassFilter(, lowestFrequency=lowfreq, highestFrequency=hifreq, bpf=None, smooth=smooth, fourierOnly=False) = res[0] bpf = res[1] return bpf
def bandpass_in_nyquist(self, lowfreq, hifreq, smooth=0., bpf=None): """ bandpass filter image with frequencies specified in Nyquist @param lowfreq: lowest frequency of filter in Nyquist (=hi-pass) @param hifreq: highest frequency of filter in Nyquist (=low-pass) @param smooth: smoothing in Nyquist @param bpf: bandpass filter object @return: bandpass filter object @rtype: L{pytom.basic.structures.BandPassFilter} """ from pytom.basic.filter import bandpassFilter res = bandpassFilter(, lowestFrequency=lowfreq * self.dims[0] / 2., highestFrequency=hifreq * self.dims[0] / 2., bpf=None, smooth=smooth * self.dims[0] / 2., fourierOnly=False) = res[0] bpf = res[1] return bpf
def calculateCorrelationVector(particle, particleList, mask, particleIndex, applyWedge=True, binningFactor=0, lowestFrequency=0, highestFrequency=1): """ calculateCorrelationVector: @param particle: the current particle @param particleList: all the other particles @param mask: corellation under a mask @param applyWedge: Apply constrained correlation? True by default. Set to false for rotation classification for instance. @param binningFactor: Binning of data when read. Default is 0 (larger values according to libtomc notation) @param lowestFrequency: Lowest frequency for bandpass @param highestFrequency: Highest frequency for bandpass """ from pytom.basic.structures import Particle, ParticleList, Mask from pytom.cluster.correlationMatrixStructures import CorrelationVector from pytom_volume import vol, rotate, shift from pytom.basic.filter import bandpassFilter, filter assert particle.__class__ == Particle assert particleList.__class__ == ParticleList assert mask.__class__ == Mask or mask.__class__ == str from pytom.score.score import FLCFScore from import read as readBuffer from pytom_volume import read if mask.__class__ == str: mask = read(mask, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(binningFactor), int(binningFactor), int(binningFactor)) else: mask = read(mask.getFilename(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(binningFactor), int(binningFactor), int(binningFactor)) #sc = nxcfScore() sc = FLCFScore() correlationVector = CorrelationVector(particle, particleList, particleIndex) particleRotation = particle.getRotation() particleShift = particle.getShift() particleShifted = None otherParticleShifted = None particleRotated = None otherParticleRotated = None bandpassFilterObject = None for particleIndex in range(len(particleList)): otherParticle = particleList[particleIndex] #read from disk particleVolume = read(particle.getFilename(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(binningFactor), int(binningFactor), int(binningFactor)) #otherParticleVolume = read(otherParticle.getFilename(),binningX=binningFactor,binningY=binningFactor,binningZ=binningFactor) otherParticleVolume = read(otherParticle.getFilename(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(binningFactor), int(binningFactor), int(binningFactor)) #initialise memory for buffer volumes if not particleRotated: particleRotated = vol(particleVolume.sizeX(), particleVolume.sizeY(), particleVolume.sizeZ()) otherParticleRotated = vol(particleVolume.sizeX(), particleVolume.sizeY(), particleVolume.sizeZ()) particleShifted = vol(particleVolume.sizeX(), particleVolume.sizeY(), particleVolume.sizeZ()) otherParticleShifted = vol(particleVolume.sizeX(), particleVolume.sizeY(), particleVolume.sizeZ()) #get settings rotationOtherParticle = otherParticle.getRotation() otherParticleShift = otherParticle.getShift() #apply shift determined if particleShift.getX() != 0 or particleShift.getY( ) != 0 or particleShift.getZ() != 0: shift(particleVolume, particleShifted, -particleShift[0], -particleShift[1], -particleShift[2]) else: particleShifted = particleVolume if otherParticleShift.getX() != 0 or otherParticleShift.getY( ) != 0 or otherParticleShift.getZ() != 0: shift(otherParticleVolume, otherParticleShifted, -otherParticleShift[0], -otherParticleShift[1], -otherParticleShift[2]) else: otherParticleShifted = otherParticleVolume #apply rotation determined if particleRotation.getZ1() != 0 or particleRotation.getX( ) != 0 or particleRotation.getZ2() != 0: rotate(otherParticleShifted, otherParticleRotated, -particleRotation.getZ2(), -particleRotation.getZ1(), -particleRotation.getX()) otherParticleRotated = otherParticleRotated * mask else: otherParticleRotated = otherParticleVolume if rotationOtherParticle.getZ1() != 0 or rotationOtherParticle.getX( ) != 0 or rotationOtherParticle.getZ2() != 0: rotate(particleShifted, particleRotated, -rotationOtherParticle.getZ2(), -rotationOtherParticle.getZ1(), -rotationOtherParticle.getX()) particleRotated = particleRotated * mask else: particleRotated = particleVolume applyWedge = particleRotation.getZ1() != 0 or particleRotation.getX( ) != 0 or particleRotation.getZ2() != 0 applyWedge = applyWedge or rotationOtherParticle.getZ1( ) != 0 or rotationOtherParticle.getX( ) != 0 or rotationOtherParticle.getZ2() != 0 #apply cross wedge if applyWedge: particleWedge = particle.getWedge() otherParticleWedge = otherParticle.getWedge() particleWedge.setRotation(particleRotation) otherParticleWedge.setRotation(rotationOtherParticle) particleVolume = otherParticleWedge.apply(particleRotated) otherParticleVolume = particleWedge.apply(otherParticleRotated) #apply bandpass if 0 <= lowestFrequency < 1 and 0 < highestFrequency <= 1: if not bandpassFilterObject: bandpassString = str(lowestFrequency) + ':' + str( highestFrequency) + ';' r = bandpassFilter(particleVolume, bandpassString) particleVolume = r[0] bandpassFilterObject = r[1] #print 'calculateCorrelationVector : Init bandpass' else: r = list(filter(particleVolume, bandpassFilterObject)) particleVolume = r[0] #print 'calculateCorrelationVector : existing bandpass' r = list(filter(otherParticleVolume, bandpassFilterObject)) otherParticleVolume = r[0] #particleVolume.write('p.em') #otherParticleVolume.write('op.em') #assert False #apply scoring here value = sc.scoringCoefficient(otherParticleVolume, particleVolume, mask) if value != value: print( 'Error during calculation of correlationMatrix! Check files written to disk (error_part.em,error_otherPart.em). ABORTING!' ) print(particle.getFilename(), otherParticle.getFilename()) particleVolume.write('error_part.em') otherParticleVolume.write('error_otherPart.em') assert False correlationVector.append(value) return correlationVector
def apply(self, volume, bypassFlag=False, downscale=1, particle=None): """ apply: Performs preprocessing of volume and reference @param volume: volume to be pre-processed @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol} @param bypassFlag: Set if only bandpassFilter needed. False otherwise and all routines will be processed. @param downscale: not used anymore @param particle: particle Volume to be subtracted from input volume @type particle: L{pytom_volume.vol} @return: Returns modified volume @author: Thomas Hrabe """ from pytom_volume import vol if self._bandpassOn: from pytom.basic.filter import bandpassFilter # if frequencies specified in Nyquist, 0.5 being highest # fixed wrong adjustment of frequencies upon binning - FF if self._highestFrequency < 1: highestFrequency = self._highestFrequency * volume.sizeX() lowestFrequency = self._lowestFrequency * volume.sizeX() else: highestFrequency = self._highestFrequency lowestFrequency = self._lowestFrequency v = bandpassFilter(volume=volume, lowestFrequency=lowestFrequency, highestFrequency=highestFrequency, bpf=0, smooth=self._bandpassSmooth) volume = v[0] if self._prerotateOn and (not bypassFlag): from pytom_volume import rotate rot = vol(volume.sizeX(), volume.sizeY(), volume.sizeZ()) rotation = self.prerotate rotate(volume, rot, rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2]) volume = rot if self._weightingOn and (not bypassFlag): from pytom_volume import read from pytom_freqweight import weight from pytom.basic.fourier import fft, ifft wedgeSum = read(self._weightingFile) fVolume = fft(volume) weighting = weight(wedgeSum) weighting.apply(fVolume) volume = ifft(fVolume) if self._substractParticle and particle.__class__ == vol: volume -= particle if self._taper > 0: from import volumesSameSize if self._taperMask is None or not volumesSameSize( volume, self._taperMask): from pytom.basic.functions import taper_edges volume, self._taperMask = taper_edges(volume, self._taper) else: volume = volume * self._taperMask return volume
def bandCC(volume,reference,band,verbose = False): """ bandCC: Determines the normalised correlation coefficient within a band @param volume: The volume @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol} @param reference: The reference @type reference: L{pytom_volume.vol} @param band: [a,b] - specify the lower and upper end of band. @return: First parameter - The correlation of the two volumes in the specified band. Second parameter - The bandpass filter used. @rtype: List - [float,L{pytom_freqweight.weight}] @author: Thomas Hrabe """ import pytom_volume from pytom.basic.filter import bandpassFilter from pytom.basic.correlation import xcf from math import sqrt if verbose: print('lowest freq : ', band[0],' highest freq' , band[1]) vf = bandpassFilter(volume,band[0],band[1],fourierOnly=True) rf = bandpassFilter(reference,band[0],band[1],vf[1],fourierOnly=True) ccVolume = pytom_volume.vol_comp(rf[0].sizeX(),rf[0].sizeY(),rf[0].sizeZ()) ccVolume.copyVolume(rf[0]) pytom_volume.conj_mult(ccVolume,vf[0]) cc = pytom_volume.sum(ccVolume) cc = cc.real v = vf[0] r = rf[0] absV = pytom_volume.abs(v) absR = pytom_volume.abs(r) pytom_volume.power(absV,2) pytom_volume.power(absR,2) sumV = pytom_volume.sum(absV) sumR = pytom_volume.sum(absR) sumV = abs(sumV) sumR = abs(sumR) if sumV == 0: sumV =1 if sumR == 0: sumR =1 cc = cc / (sqrt(sumV*sumR)) #numerical errors will be punished with nan if abs(cc) > 1.1 : cc = float('nan') return [cc,vf[1]];
if help is True: print(helper) sys.exit() if not filename or not target: print(helper) sys.exit() v = read(filename) if lowestFrequency: lowestFrequency = int(lowestFrequency) else: lowestFrequency = 0 if highestFrequency: highestFrequency = int(highestFrequency) else: highestFrequency = v.sizeX() / 2 if smooth: smooth = int(smooth) else: smooth = 0 r = bandpassFilter( v, str(lowestFrequency) + ':' + str(highestFrequency) + ';', None, smooth) r[0].write(target)