コード例 #1
def _compute_norm_sign_scaling_factor(c_cam, alphas, x_world, y, weight, eps=1e-9):
    """ Given a solution, adjusts the scale and flip
        c_cam: control points in camera coordinates
        alphas: barycentric coordinates of the points
        x_world: Batch of 3-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 3)`.
        y: Batch of 2-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 2)`.
        weights: Batch of non-negative weights of
            shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
        eps: epsilon to threshold negative `z` values
    # position of reference points in camera coordinates
    x_cam = torch.matmul(alphas, c_cam)

    x_cam = x_cam * (1.0 - 2.0 * (oputil.wmean(x_cam[..., 2:], weight) < 0).float())
    if torch.any(x_cam[..., 2:] < -eps):
        neg_rate = oputil.wmean((x_cam[..., 2:] < 0).float(), weight, dim=(0, 1)).item()
        warnings.warn("\nEPnP: %2.2f%% points have z<0." % (neg_rate * 100.0))

    R, T, s = points_alignment.corresponding_points_alignment(
        x_world, x_cam, weight, estimate_scale=True
    s = s.clamp(eps)
    x_cam = x_cam / s[:, None, None]
    T = T / s[:, None]
    x_w_rotated = torch.matmul(x_world, R) + T[:, None, :]
    err_2d = _reproj_error(x_w_rotated, y, weight)
    err_3d = _algebraic_error(x_w_rotated, x_cam, weight)

    return EpnpSolution(x_cam, R, T, err_2d, err_3d)
コード例 #2
    def test_wmean(self):
        device = torch.device("cuda:0")
        n_points = 20

        x = torch.rand(n_points, 3, device=device)
        weight = torch.rand(n_points, device=device)
        x_np = x.cpu().data.numpy()
        weight_np = weight.cpu().data.numpy()

        # test unweighted
        mean = oputil.wmean(x, keepdim=False)
        mean_gt = np.average(x_np, axis=-2)
        self.assertClose(mean.cpu().data.numpy(), mean_gt)

        # test weighted
        mean = oputil.wmean(x, weight=weight, keepdim=False)
        mean_gt = np.average(x_np, axis=-2, weights=weight_np)
        self.assertClose(mean.cpu().data.numpy(), mean_gt)

        # test keepdim
        mean = oputil.wmean(x, weight=weight, keepdim=True)
        self.assertClose(mean[0].cpu().data.numpy(), mean_gt)

        # test binary weigths
        mean = oputil.wmean(x, weight=weight > 0.5, keepdim=False)
        mean_gt = np.average(x_np, axis=-2, weights=weight_np > 0.5)
        self.assertClose(mean.cpu().data.numpy(), mean_gt)

        # test broadcasting
        x = torch.rand(10, n_points, 3, device=device)
        x_np = x.cpu().data.numpy()
        mean = oputil.wmean(x, weight=weight, keepdim=False)
        mean_gt = np.average(x_np, axis=-2, weights=weight_np)
        self.assertClose(mean.cpu().data.numpy(), mean_gt)

        weight = weight[None, None, :].repeat(3, 1, 1)
        mean = oputil.wmean(x, weight=weight, keepdim=False)
        self.assertClose(mean[0].cpu().data.numpy(), mean_gt)

        # test failing broadcasting
        weight = torch.rand(x.shape[0], device=device)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            oputil.wmean(x, weight=weight, keepdim=False)
        self.assertTrue("weights are not compatible" in str(context.exception))

        # test dim
        weight = torch.rand(x.shape[0], n_points, device=device)
        weight_np = np.tile(
            weight[:, :, None].cpu().data.numpy(),
            (1, 1, x_np.shape[-1]),
        mean = oputil.wmean(x, dim=0, weight=weight, keepdim=False)
        mean_gt = np.average(x_np, axis=0, weights=weight_np)
        self.assertClose(mean.cpu().data.numpy(), mean_gt)

        # test dim tuple
        mean = oputil.wmean(x, dim=(0, 1), weight=weight, keepdim=False)
        mean_gt = np.average(x_np, axis=(0, 1), weights=weight_np)
        self.assertClose(mean.cpu().data.numpy(), mean_gt)
コード例 #3
def _define_control_points(x, weight, storage_opts=None):
    Returns control points that define barycentric coordinates
        x: Batch of 3-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 3)`.
        weight: Batch of non-negative weights of
            shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
        storage_opts: dict of keyword arguments to the tensor constructor.
    storage_opts = storage_opts or {}
    x_mean = oputil.wmean(x, weight)
    x_std = oputil.wmean((x - x_mean)**2, weight)**0.5
    c_world = F.pad(torch.eye(3, **storage_opts), (0, 0, 0, 1),
                    value=0.0).expand_as(x[:, :4, :])
    return c_world * x_std + x_mean
コード例 #4
def _algebraic_error(x_w_rotated, x_cam, weight):
    """Computes the residual of Umeyama in 3D.
        x_w_rotated: The given 3D points rotated with the predicted camera.
        x_cam: the lifted 2D points y
        weight: Batch of non-negative weights of
            shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
        Optionally weighted MSE of difference between x_w_rotated and x_cam.
    dist = ((x_w_rotated - x_cam)**2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
    return oputil.wmean(dist, weight)[:, 0, 0]
コード例 #5
def _reproj_error(y_hat, y, weight, eps=1e-9):
    """Projects estimated 3D points and computes the reprojection error
        y_hat: a batch of predicted 2D points in homogeneous coordinates
        y: a batch of ground-truth 2D points
        weight: Batch of non-negative weights of
            shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
        Optionally weighted RMSE of difference between y and y_hat.
    y_hat = y_hat / torch.clamp(y_hat[..., 2:], eps)
    dist = ((y - y_hat[..., :2])**2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)**0.5
    return oputil.wmean(dist, weight)[:, 0, 0]
コード例 #6
def corresponding_points_alignment(
    X: Union[torch.Tensor, Pointclouds],
    Y: Union[torch.Tensor, Pointclouds],
    weights: Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor], None] = None,
    estimate_scale: bool = False,
    allow_reflection: bool = False,
    eps: float = 1e-8,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    Finds a similarity transformation (rotation `R`, translation `T`
    and optionally scale `s`)  between two given sets of corresponding
    `d`-dimensional points `X` and `Y` such that:

    `s[i] X[i] R[i] + T[i] = Y[i]`,

    for all batch indexes `i` in the least squares sense.

    The algorithm is also known as Umeyama [1].

        X: Batch of `d`-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_point, d)`
            or a `Pointclouds` object.
        Y: Batch of `d`-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_point, d)`
            or a `Pointclouds` object.
        weights: Batch of non-negative weights of
            shape `(minibatch, num_point)` or list of `minibatch` 1-dimensional
            tensors that may have different shapes; in that case, the length of
            i-th tensor should be equal to the number of points in X_i and Y_i.
            Passing `None` means uniform weights.
        estimate_scale: If `True`, also estimates a scaling component `s`
            of the transformation. Otherwise assumes an identity
            scale and returns a tensor of ones.
        allow_reflection: If `True`, allows the algorithm to return `R`
            which is orthonormal but has determinant==-1.
        eps: A scalar for clamping to avoid dividing by zero. Active for the
            code that estimates the output scale `s`.

        3-element tuple containing
        - **R**: Batch of orthonormal matrices of shape `(minibatch, d, d)`.
        - **T**: Batch of translations of shape `(minibatch, d)`.
        - **s**: batch of scaling factors of shape `(minibatch, )`.

        [1] Shinji Umeyama: Least-Suqares Estimation of
        Transformation Parameters Between Two Point Patterns

    # make sure we convert input Pointclouds structures to tensors
    Xt, num_points = _convert_point_cloud_to_tensor(X)
    Yt, num_points_Y = _convert_point_cloud_to_tensor(Y)

    if (Xt.shape != Yt.shape) or (num_points != num_points_Y).any():
        raise ValueError("Point sets X and Y have to have the same \
            number of batches, points and dimensions.")
    if weights is not None:
        if isinstance(weights, list):
            if any(np != w.shape[0] for np, w in zip(num_points, weights)):
                raise ValueError("number of weights should equal to the " +
                                 "number of points in the point cloud.")
            weights = [w[..., None] for w in weights]
            weights = strutil.list_to_padded(weights)[..., 0]

        if Xt.shape[:2] != weights.shape:
            raise ValueError(
                "weights should have the same first two dimensions as X.")

    b, n, dim = Xt.shape

    if (num_points < Xt.shape[1]).any() or (num_points < Yt.shape[1]).any():
        # in case we got Pointclouds as input, mask the unused entries in Xc, Yc
        mask = (torch.arange(n, dtype=torch.int64, device=Xt.device)[None] <
                num_points[:, None]).type_as(Xt)
        weights = mask if weights is None else mask * weights.type_as(Xt)

    # compute the centroids of the point sets
    Xmu = oputil.wmean(Xt, weights, eps=eps)
    Ymu = oputil.wmean(Yt, weights, eps=eps)

    # mean-center the point sets
    Xc = Xt - Xmu
    Yc = Yt - Ymu

    total_weight = torch.clamp(num_points, 1)
    # special handling for heterogeneous point clouds and/or input weights
    if weights is not None:
        Xc *= weights[:, :, None]
        Yc *= weights[:, :, None]
        total_weight = torch.clamp(weights.sum(1), eps)

    if (num_points < (dim + 1)).any():
            "The size of one of the point clouds is <= dim+1. " +
            "corresponding_points_alignment can't return a unique solution.")

    # compute the covariance XYcov between the point sets Xc, Yc
    XYcov = torch.bmm(Xc.transpose(2, 1), Yc)
    XYcov = XYcov / total_weight[:, None, None]

    # decompose the covariance matrix XYcov
    U, S, V = torch.svd(XYcov)

    # identity matrix used for fixing reflections
    E = torch.eye(dim, dtype=XYcov.dtype,
                  device=XYcov.device)[None].repeat(b, 1, 1)

    if not allow_reflection:
        # reflection test:
        #   checks whether the estimated rotation has det==1,
        #   if not, finds the nearest rotation s.t. det==1 by
        #   flipping the sign of the last singular vector U
        R_test = torch.bmm(U, V.transpose(2, 1))
        E[:, -1, -1] = torch.det(R_test)

    # find the rotation matrix by composing U and V again
    R = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(U, E), V.transpose(2, 1))

    if estimate_scale:
        # estimate the scaling component of the transformation
        trace_ES = (torch.diagonal(E, dim1=1, dim2=2) * S).sum(1)
        Xcov = (Xc * Xc).sum((1, 2)) / total_weight

        # the scaling component
        s = trace_ES / torch.clamp(Xcov, eps)

        # translation component
        T = Ymu[:, 0, :] - s[:, None] * torch.bmm(Xmu, R)[:, 0, :]
        # translation component
        T = Ymu[:, 0, :] - torch.bmm(Xmu, R)[:, 0, :]

        # unit scaling since we do not estimate scale
        s = T.new_ones(b)

    return R, T, s